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Panacea university - New look and message

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  • Panacea university - New look and message

    (refresh page)
    Thanks to the contributors, largely to ESA.
    Panacea University

    Ev and Milkovic courses coming soon.
    New Panacea converted farm production coming soon guys.


  • #2
    Panacea a great resource!

    Thanks Ash!

    Panacea contiues to be a developing resource for energy information.

    Keep up the excellent work
    "But ye shall receive power..."
    Acts 1:8


    • #3
      Very good job !

      Congratulations, adding the pictures for each subject was a great idea

      So many courses you are going to have now !!
      Hope many people come and join the research effort !!

      Thanks again guys



      • #4
        Its thanks to you guys we have a great open source community, therefore great site , we are lucky to have Aaron and Peter here doing their part also. We are going to build the Milkovic for the mew course, i got given a whole new bit off stuff to add to peter';s already great stuff covering it, this is a PM alternator for power extraction.

        Main thing is people can appreciate the energetic forum (listed on the site) as responsible collectively for one of the most fluent R and D groups on the net. Thanks for making great docs guys.



        • #5
          Keep up the good work .


          • #6
            Well done, a progress! Your work is very important, thank you!

            I still maintain you could put more effort into making the page easier to navigate by subsections links bigger and more easy to find.

            Btw what happened to They gave up?


            • #7
              thanks Ash!

              Awesome page Ash! Thanks for keeping us updated!
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #8
                @ Gauss,
                I think H2earth found investors and of course became quiet then ...

                Actually I have no idea what they are doing now, but as they were in the concept to find investors ... they might have succeed and now they are no more in open source concept
                They had a nice start, but short lifespan I hope they make a nice comeback one day



                • #9
                  Thx Aaron/Gauss we are proud to support the open source community .

                  Gauss, i spoke to David Wenbert last year and the last i heard he was heading towards Bio fuel and is taking a break from ZPE technology. I am, still talking to Dave Lawton about the Derlin(trying to find a source), i believe that's the last hope to get the cell working after 2 years of trying.



                  • #10
                    i spoke to david wenbert about 4 days ago, and he was telling that they are going to launch a new h2earth website. and yes something about biofuels.
                    Flickr photosets (My visits to the Nikola Tesla&Viktor Schauberger Museums, Steorn Waterways 2009 Orbo demonstration, Earthship Brighton, and also Walter Russell images)
                    My electronic music


                    • #11

                      OK, thanks for the info about H2Earth, too bad they dropped the WFC idea, maybe too technical and messy for them. I really believe few people can finish the WFC because it is a BIG and complicated project to make it perfect. I truly believe the Gray engine is a much easier project for the hobbyist, and less expensive....

                      If you have trouble with your cell I might be able to help you soon. It is all a matter of balance between L,C and R to get a good resonance frequency and then good mechanical precision and a good pulse generator and getting a scope to survey what happens. Digital LCR meter comes in handy..

                      The real VIC is not easy to wind, in fact I believe it is impossible unless you are a professional winder with a winding machine at disposal. The bobbin ferrite core is of utmost importance to get a high L that can support HF and get the transformer and the chokes working with mutual inductance coupling. A professional cell project demands a lot of patience to find all parts, alot of passion, some good professional friends and some money. That is why so few can finish it. The system is never better than the weakest part in it.

                      My tip is you start by calculating your LC serial circuit resonance frequency(should be between 1-40 kHz depending if you use mutual inductance coupling or not), then calculate how many pulses you will pulse per pulse train to achieve max 40 kV total voltage per pulse train(additive of all pulses, typical 20 pulses at 1 kV gives 20 kV total per train). Then try pulse your train one time per 3 seconds, increase the number of pulses if no results, check shorting and use super corona or equal to insulate the cylinders from eachother at sensitive points. Check your L and C values by a digital LCR meter and then calculate resonance.

                      Good luck!


                      • #12
                        Got a question.

                        Do you have a place or a step by step guide how to convert a car engine like that french tv news special. I believe he added hydroxy.

