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Interesting articles on free energy, etc.

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  • Interesting articles on free energy, etc.

    Hi everyone,

    I just discovered a site with some interesting (older) texts on free energy, electromagnetic weapons, etc:

    Index of /~bilb/freenrg

    There are some papers by Alexandor Frolov on ZPE physics:
    Alexander Frolov ZPE physics

    A paper "A Longitudinal EM Force May Exist Due to Current Flow":

    And a text about a demonstration EM weapon:
    "The HPM demonstrator we built consisted of basically two sections. A so-called Marx generator, which produces a very brief, very high voltage, high current pulse, and a magnetron/antenna assembly, which converts the pulse current into an intense burst of microwave energy and then directs it towards a target."

    These appear to be interesting reads.

    -- Arend --

  • #2
    Coler Magnetstromapparat

    Hi all,

    Anyone ever heard of the Coler Magnetstromapparat?

    Coler Magnetstromapparat

    This is an interesting apparatus, because it appears to be the basis for the "Thule Triebwerk" powering German Flying Saucers during WW-II:


    "This group developed by 1939 a revolutionary electro-magnetic-gravitic engine which improved Hans Coler’s free energy machine into an energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaf band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo (a spherical tank of mercury) to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity and reduced mass. It was designated the Thule Triebwerk (Thrustwork, a.ka. Tachyonator-7 drive) and was to be installed into a Thule designed disc."


    • #3

      Hi lamare,

      Anyone ever heard of the Coler Magnetstromapparat?
      I am in the process of testing the first replication of Captain Hans Kohler, so far I have had little success with this replication. I will try to improve on the components as tests go along. Highest reading was 0.019V max and regular output of 0.010V.

      Here are pictures of my setup.

      Take care,

      Attached Files


      • #4
        NASA: Advanced Energetics for Aeronautical Applications

        NASA publishes 2 interesting volumes "Advanced Energetics for Aeronautical Applications":
        Volume 2:

        Volume 2 contains some very interesting chapters on ZPE:


        Chapter 4 handles specifically about free energy:

        Zero Point Energy Principles in the Similar Technologies of Nikola Tesla and E.V. Gray
        4.3.1 Dr. Peter Lindemann
        4.3.2 ZPE Principles Suggested in E.V. Gray's Technology
        4.3.3 The Energy Science of Dr. Nikola Tesla
        4.3.4 Dr. Lindemann's Definition of "The Electro-Radiant Event"
        4.3.5 Comparing E.V. Gray's Technology with that of Tesla
        4.3.6 Summary of Principles for Accessing ZPE


        • #5
          The Search for a New Energy Source by Dr. Gary L. Johnson

          200 pages. Chapter 6:

          6.1 Tesla 121
          6.2 Moray 126
          6.3 Newman 127
          6.4 Bearden 133
          6.5 Other Researchers 136


          • #6
            The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla


            48 pages

            Table of Contents

            Biography of Tesla............................................. .................................................. ...................4
            Tesla’s Vision .................................................. .................................................. .....................8
            Teslautomatons .................................................. .................................................. ............... 12
            Nikola Tesla: On Wings of Inspiration....................................... .............................................. 14
            Nikola Tesla and Mark Twain............................................. .................................................. .. 17
            Tesla and X-Rays.............................................. .................................................. ................... 19
            Tesla’s Death Ray: Science Fiction or Science Fact?............................................. .................... 21
            Tesla Effect .................................................. .................................................. ...................... 23
            The War of the Currents .................................................. .................................................. ... 26
            The Great Radio Controversy .................................................. .............................................. 28
            Wardenclyffe: Tesla’s Tower............................................. .................................................. .. 31
            Tesla’s Colorado Springs .................................................. .................................................. ... 33
            “The Egg of Columbus”......................................... .................................................. .............. 36
            Nikola Tesla: Magician or modern mystic?........................................... .................................. 38
            Tesla's Inventions .................................................. .................................................. ............. 40
            Nikola Tesla and Dinar Banknote .................................................. ......................................... 42
            Nikola Tesla and UFOs .................................................. .................................................. ...... 44


            • #7
              Excess Energy (XS NRGTM) conversion system utilizing autogenous Pulsed Abnormal Glow


              Excess Energy (XS NRGTM) conversion system utilizing autogenous Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge (aPAGD)

              Correa PN, Correa AN

              By producing sustainable pulsations in a cold-cathode vacuum tube, the (XS NRGTM) energy conversion system operates to generate electrical energy output well in excess of power input. After capture, the energy from the plasma reactor passes through the rectification circuit of the XS NRGTM System as DC output. An overall performance efficiency of 483% is reported in the data to be presented. The pulsations occur at a controlled frequency without the need for an external pulse forming circuit. The observed spontaneous auto-electronic emission occurs under conditions not anticipated by the Fowler-Nordheim paradigm, and appears to involve an anomalous cathode reaction force conforming to Aspden's Law of Electrodynamics, first enunciated by Dr. H. Aspden in 1969. High resolution metallographic results give evidence of the auto-electronic signature responsible for the anomalous PAGD (Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge) function we have identified.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Michelinho View Post
                I am in the process of testing the first replication of Captain Hans Kohler, so far I have had little success with this replication. I will try to improve on the components as tests go along. Highest reading was 0.019V max and regular output of 0.010V.

                Here are pictures of my setup.

                @Michel: it looks like there's more on the Coler project at:

                Hans Coler's "Magnetstromapparat" & "Stromzeuger" (British Intelligence Objectives SubCommittee Report #1043
                The Hans Coler Magnetstromapparat Device


                • #9
                  The work of Lehnert a.o.

                  These appear to be interesting reads on electomagnetic theory:


                  "An Extended Electromagnetic Theory

                  Extended formulations of electromagnetic theory in vacuo are presented , as being based on a nonzero electric field divergence and a nonzero electric conductivity. These two approaches introduce new features by which some of the so far unanswered questions in electromagnetic field theory may become settled, and the applications of the same theory be enlarged. Examples on this are given by the steady states of leptons and string configurations, and by plane and axisymmetric electromagnetic wave phenomena including photon
                  physics, also with astrophysical applications.

                  Keywords: photon mass; extended electromagnetic theory"


                  "A Revised Electromagnetic Theory with Fundamental Applications

                  Maxwell’s equations in the vacuum state have served as a guideline
                  and basis in the development of quantum electrodynamics (QED). As
                  pointed out by Feynman, however, there are important areas within
                  which conventional electromagnetic theory and its combination with
                  quantum mechanics does not provide fully adequate descriptions of
                  physical reality. These difficulties are not removed by and are not
                  directly associated with quantum mechanics. Instead electromagnetic
                  field theory is a far from completed area of research, and QED will
                  also become subject to the typical shortcomings of such a theory in its
                  conventional form. As a consequence, modified theories leading beyond
                  Maxwell’s equations have been elaborated by several authors. Among
                  these there is one approach which becomes the main subject of this treatise,
                  as well as of its relation to other concepts. The underlying ideas
                  originate from some speculations in the late 1960s, and a revised theory
                  has then been gradually developed. An effort is made here to collect
                  the various parts of the theory into one systematic entity.
                  The present approach is based on a vacuum state which can become
                  electrically polarized, such as to give rise to a local electric space
                  charge and a related nonzero electric field divergence. The latter can
                  as well be taken as a starting point of such a field theory. The condition
                  of Lorentz invariance then leads to an additional space-charge
                  current which appears along with the conventional displacement current.
                  Maxwell’s equations thus become a special case of the theory.
                  Relevant quantum conditions are imposed on the general solutions of
                  the field equations, to result in a first formulation of an extended quantum
                  electrodynamical (“EQED”) approach. The nonzero electric field
                  divergence introduces an additional degree of freedom, thereby giving
                  rise to new features which are illustrated by several fundamental applications,
                  such as those to steady electromagnetic states and additional
                  types of wave modes. These are represented by models of the electron,
                  neutrino and photon. They include solutions of so far not understood
                  problems, as represented by the radial force balance of the electron under
                  the influence of its self-charge, the point-charge-like character of the
                  electron and the requirement of its finite self-energy, the nonzero angular
                  momentum of the individual photon, and the wave-particle duality
                  and needle-radiation property of the latter."


                  • #10
                    Thank You For This Thread!!


                    I just found this thread today. Thanks for starting it. I'm expecially interested at this time in the means that were used to make Hans Kohler's converter power the flying disks of the 3rd Reich. I knew that the Van Der Graf Generators were utilized in conjunction with an improved design of the Kohler setup and that a sphere of mercury was also used, but I hadn't heard of the Marconi dynamo scenario being used. I would sure like to study this information further that you originally posted.

                    Would you be able to refer me to the web site that talks of this method? Thanks so much in advance!!

                    Also, Schuman did a lot of work with the Kohler Converter and improved a version of it into the SM Levitator. I have been unable to find any information reguarding specifics on the SM-Levitator. If you know of some available information on this advanced Schumann work, I'd like to know more about it also.

                    Thanks so much!!

                    Best Regards,


                    • #11
                      Found Link Lamare


                      I found the link to the information by Rob Arndt regarding the Coler converter, Van Der Graf Generators, and Marconi dynamo scenario. Thanks again for posting all this good information. If you have any idea where I could go to find more specific information on what changes were made to the modified Coler Converter used in the German flying disks, I'd appreciate that information too.

                      Best Regards,

