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Was Tesla first inventor of TPU principle ?

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  • Was Tesla first inventor of TPU principle ?

    "I have had a very successful year," he said with the enthusiasm of one a third of his years. "I have made two inventions, among the most important of my life. "When they are announced, one will be like the 100,000 trumpets of the Apocalypse. The other will be less sensational, but it, too, will be important. It will be like the shout with which Joseph's army brought down the walls of Jericho.
    "I am elated. The practical success of these inventions is almost achieved. I hope to be able to make them known within the next year."
    Invention Would Aid Steel Trade
    Dr. Tesla would not disclose the nature of these inventions in detail. He intimated that the more important of them had to do with molecular physics and that it would be of the utmost benefit to the steel industry.
    "When applied in certain ways," he said, "it will yield greatly improved products and obviate much waste."
    The other invention would result in a saving of energy, he said. It had nothing to do, he explained, with the problem on which he has long been working - the tapping of a tremendous and thus far unused source of energy. He has been working on that during the last year, he said, and has made great advances both in its practical application and in the theory underlying it. As to this new source of power, he said;
    "When the time is ripe I propose first to announce the scientific principles underlying it only. Later I shall show its practical application through the forms of power generating apparatus. If I succeed, the world will see machines against which the largest turbo-dynamos of today will be mere playthings."
    In response to questioning, Dr. Tesla said that one invention on which he had been working recently would permit the generation of all kinds of rays of almost unlimited intensities, and would afford a check on whether the present theories of atomic structure are true and workable or merely a fabric of the imagination.

    New York Times — July 10, 1932, p. 19, c. 1

    Asked about his startling new scientific discoveries, one of which concerns the "photographing of thought," which will, he maintains, bring about a tremendous social revolution, he said:
    "My first and most important discovery concerns the harnassing of a new source of power, hitherto unavailable, to be developed through fundamentally novel machines of my invention.
    "I am not yet prepared to dwell on the details of the project, for they must be checked before my findings can be formally announced. I have worked on the development of the underlying principles for many years. From the practical point of view of the engineer engaged in power development, the first investment will be relatively very great, but once a machine is installed it may be depended on to function indefinitely, and the cost of operation will be next to nothing.
    "My power generator will be of the simplest kind - just a big mass of steel, copper and aluminum, comprising a stationary and rotating part, peculiarly assembled. I am planning to develop electricity and transmit it to a distance by my alternating system now universally established. The direct current system could also be employed if the heretofore insuperable difficulties of insulating the transmission lines can be overcome.

    Kansas City Journal-Post — September 10, 1933

    Mr. Tesla said that one of these discoveries is a new way of transmitting energy, an entirely new principle nothing like wireless. The second has to do with a new method of housing cosmic rays, and the third concerns a problem which scientists and inventors have worked on for seventy-five years but which every one has given up as utterly impossible.

    New York Sun — July 9, 1935

    The second invention, which, he said, "will be considered absolutely impossible by any competent electrical engineer," was described by him as a new method and apparatus for producing direct current without a commutator, "something that has been considered impossible since the days of Faraday." "Incredible as it seems," he said, "I have found a solution for this old problem."

    New York Times — July 11, 1935 p. 23, c. 8

  • #2
    "Secondly, I am working to develop a new source of power. When I say a new source, I mean that I have turned for power to a source which no previous scientist has turned, to the best of my knowledge. The conception, the idea when it first burst upon me was a tremendous shock.
    "It will throw light on many puzzling phenomena of the cosmos, and may prove also of great industrial value, particularly in creating a new and virtually unlim*ited market for steel."
    Tesla said it will come from an entirely new and unsuspected source, and will be for all practical purposes constant day and night, and at all times of the year. The apparatus for capturing the energy and transforming it will partake both of mechanical and electrical features, and will be of ideal simplicity........

    Time — July 20, 1931, pp. 27, 28


    • #3
      And his statements are related to TPU in what way? I mean his descriptions can be applied to almost anything you can think of.


      • #4
        A good and baffling Q

        Ive been thinking about that "unlimited market for steel" comment for a long time now.

        It would most likely be taken as inferring an all-new application for steel.

        ...Using the unique magnetic properties of iron in a "new" way? Steel is nearly all iron, and actually has a higher iron content than what they commonly called "Iron" before steel was able to be cheaply produced and became dominant 30 years or so before he said this (with less carbon and impurities in steel). In fact in the steel making process, they have to inject more carbon back into it to get certain properties.

        ... A reason for using steel for applications that were before using other materials (such as copper, like in wire)?

        Or an all-new application related to power generation or transmission, that requires large amounts of steel? Like some giant "antenna" or collector array?

        Steel also has interesting crystalline properties.

        But...When he said this, there was a very bad Depression going on, and steel mills were closing or just barely running enough to keep the furnaces going. In those days, steel was THE leading indicator of an economy; and the entire basis for heavy manufacturing. Was he trying to get increased interest and investment money by using the "hot" topic of steel?

        I wish we could "channel" the master and get the answers from him!!


        • #5
          I believe Tesla made his discoveries of the atomic structure and functions before or in cooperation with Enrico Fermi. There are some writings which shows Tesla, Fermi and Ernetti met and worked at least on one project in the 1930's.

          If you take all the descriptions Tesla give above - and you read again with the word "Nuclear" in your mind, it is not so exotic. He is purely talking of nuclear powerstations - of which the first concept was develloped in 1934 by Enrico Fermi.

          I am not going to expand on this for personal reasons; but search for STEEL+URANIUM+MAGNETITE and read how/when/where/why they were/are used together.

          Today you find both of them still working hand in hand - TESLA and FERMI are units of measure often used in the same reference line with accelerators.
          Last edited by Aromaz; 03-02-2009, 03:42 PM.
          Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


          • #6
            It's been found that normal iron, which is isotope 56 can be converted into isotope 54, releasing a considerable amount of energy in the process. The conversion process which has been developed in France places an iron rod in a heavy magnetic field, then stimulates the nuclei to undergo beta voltaic decay, using a resonant NMR frequency from a second coil. A third coil then picks up the output, similar to Dr. Paul Brown's isotope battery, but with a different configuration.

            The Isotopic Electricity Generator | Free Energy | The Green Optimistic


            • #7
              All of the above still don't have anything to do with Tesla. Tesla also predicted a downfall of the copper industry because "aluminum has better properties". He missed that one. Not everything Tesla said can be taken at face value. He often spoke rubbish just to get attention. I discussed some of the facts with the Tesla's historians at Tesla Museum in Belgrade, the people working their whole careers on Tesla's writtings. They all agree that Tesla was prone to exaggeration and loved being in the center of attention. There are a lot of Tesla's misconceptions out there- for example did you know that he was a passionate gambler when he was younger and that there is a good reason he came to US without money? He is also portrayed as a benevolent proponent of matriarchal society- maybe in public because when one reads his letters to his sisters he was anything but patriarchal conservative man typical of that time. So, please don't pull Tesla into anything that has to do with energy.

              As for the TPU- the guy who developed it furthest on (Otto) came to my workshop several times and I had a chance of measuring TPU performance on some serious pieces of equipment. I was impressed with some aspects of the device itself because it's a complex, non-linear device whose behaviour is extremely hard to predict. I connected two very precise arbitrary waveform generators to some switchers I had lying around and I measured exact output waveforms and other relevant parameters. I must say that the device itself is and excercise in non-linear circuitry. It mixes three corelated radio frequencies used to produce inductive discharges and everything uses moebius coil configuration made not from copper, nor iron but an interesting, easily found alloy which I'm not at freedom to discuss (if Otto decide to share that one it's OK, it is his project after all). I never saw any COP>1 but the efficiency of the device was extremely high that I can tell you. He described how he killed a number of MOSFETs with inductive discharges (I gave him better suited MOSFETs and appropriate protection diodes) as well as the oscilloscope (which was grounded, that's why I insist on using ungrounded measurement equipment when dealing with anything "exotic"). I last saw him about half a year ago and he was getting some interesting results but again, it is very hard to ascertain the value of it because the resulting chaos of RF mixed signals at various phases and frequencies and combination of them with inductive discharges is one of a hell miasma of signals to unravel. Also, one must understand that ordinary lightbulb at those frequencies (we're talking of frequencies of 80-400 kHz) will behave differently than at 50Hz and one must take that into account before using it's brightness as a measure of power dissipated.

              Not a simple thing and a lot of things can be misrepresented if one doesn't excercise engineering and scientific caution.


              • #8
                Those statements are important :

                Mr. Tesla said that one of these discoveries is a new way of transmitting energy, an entirely new principle nothing like wireless. The second has to do with a new method of housing cosmic rays, and the third concerns a problem which scientists and inventors have worked on for seventy-five years but which every one has given up as utterly impossible.

                The second invention, which, he said, "will be considered absolutely impossible by any competent electrical engineer," was described by him as a new method and apparatus for producing direct current without a commutator, "something that has been considered impossible since the days of Faraday." "Incredible as it seems," he said, "I have found a solution for this old problem."

                It means Tesla was talking about theoretical problem noted around 1860, probably about induction or unipolar dynamo, which is coherent with his statement about missing commutator.It has also nothing to do with cosmic rays (at least not directly). And that device is using steel and can't work without it probably.

                Hmm...Quite a lot of information.

                What is considered impossible from 1860 ???

                The only thing I can think of is unipolar dynamo and impossibility to generate current in such dynamo by rotating magnet alone.Did Tesla solved that problem using STEEL molecular properties ? SEEMS SO


                • #9
                  DIRECT CURRENT without COMMUTATOR ? Is this possible ? Of course we are not considering ordinary battery.

                  It's significant fact that Tesla announced also in the same article his system of new wireless transmission of power which later become his death-ray , today known as particle beam ACCELERATOR.

                  Isn't that enough connection with TPU ?
                  Last edited by boguslaw; 03-02-2009, 07:47 PM. Reason: spell


                  • #10
                    He intimated that the more important of them had to do with molecular physics and that it would be of the utmost benefit to the steel industry.
                    "When applied in certain ways," he said, "it will yield greatly improved products and obviate much waste."
                    Focused Inductive Smelting.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                      Isn't that enough connection with TPU ?
                      I still fail to see what a device which basically a large non-linear RF mixer have to do with Tesla and his wireless transmission of energy? As I already said in one of my posts Tesla's wireless transmission of energy was but his single wire system which used ground instead of that single wire. I won't go into details since you're obviously stuck on TPU but Tesla himself said that at the trial and Russians were able to reproduce it (Strebkov, Zaev, Avramenko). It is even possible to use ionization trail of laser beam as a single wire conductor. There are reasons for not using frequencies over 20-30kHz that I already wrote about (TPU is using 80-400kHz, a way too high for wireless transmission).

                      As for the DC generator without commutator you might just be right on the unipolar dynamo- Tesla himself spoke about commutatorless DC generator on his trial (he just showed picture of it and didn't go into further details).


                      • #12
                        Reply to Boguslaw

                        Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                        DIRECT CURRENT without COMMUTATOR ? Is this possible ? Of course we are not considering ordinary battery.
                        Whatever the case, the TPU as constructed by Steve Mark does appear to pump out DC without a commutator or any other moving parts. As pictured below, it appears to be a steel ring (3" tall by 17" diameter in this instance) with a limited number of windings around it, since it certainly isn't fat. Inside, there are two toroids with copper windings. The yellow wrapped objects at the sides of the toroids are more difficult to identify, although it seems that this device would have to incorporate some capacitors in order to function. A closeup view of the interior is shown in the second picture, where it appears that the inner toroids are sitting on a heat sink. It is said that a considerable amount of heat is generated, along with over 800 volts DC at 4 or 5 amps. The unit was powering 10 100 watt light bulbs at the time, and seemed to do that easily. When placing your hand on the large ring, or picking that up, it is said that you feel a slow vibration, and also a gyroscopic effect. What could cause such a gyroscopic effect in the stationary ring, other than an energy flow, or accelleration of particles, in a circular orbit?

                        Last edited by rickoff; 03-03-2009, 02:36 AM.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by lighty View Post
                          I still fail to see what a device which basically a large non-linear RF mixer have to do with Tesla and his wireless transmission of energy? As I already said in one of my posts Tesla's wireless transmission of energy was but his single wire system which used ground instead of that single wire. I won't go into details since you're obviously stuck on TPU but Tesla himself said that at the trial and Russians were able to reproduce it (Strebkov, Zaev, Avramenko). It is even possible to use ionization trail of laser beam as a single wire conductor. There are reasons for not using frequencies over 20-30kHz that I already wrote about (TPU is using 80-400kHz, a way too high for wireless transmission).

                          As for the DC generator without commutator you might just be right on the unipolar dynamo- Tesla himself spoke about commutatorless DC generator on his trial (he just showed picture of it and didn't go into further details).
                          You are mixing two Tesla inventions. Wireless transmission from 1890 and beam particle accelerator from 1930. He announced the latter as being also new wireless power transmission in tiny stream of particles, but working only in straight line.
                          Last edited by boguslaw; 03-03-2009, 09:28 AM. Reason: spell


                          • #14
                            I'm well aware of both of his concepts but neither of them has anything to do with TPU. Didn't you read what I wrote- I had an opportunity to test a version of TPU being made by Otto on It is NOT Tesla's wireless transmission (since it uses ground as a single wire conductor) and it is NOT particle accelerator concept. It does have some extremely interesting properties but it has nothing to do with Tesla.


                            • #15
                              IMHO TPU is particle accelerator as unipolar Faraday dynamo also, but that's my personal opinion.

