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CloudSeeder's Gravity Wheel on Fire

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  • Well then maybe you should go back through and delete most of your posts then.
    Look at your own post #198
    Last edited by Mark; 06-05-2009, 02:20 PM.


    • Originally posted by Mark View Post
      Hey Guys

      After nearly 3.5 years of wrongful incarceration, primarily at Utah State Hospital, Mr. Pantone the inventor of GEET is now out and ready to move on, while also facilitating the international human rights organizations clean up a corrupt institution. A review of the GEET plasma reactor fuel efficiency technology and an article on him can be found here Paul Pantone of GEET released

      Good news!
      Perhaps someone could approach him and help set up a TEAM to bring forward what he started? Document results, start to understand what's going on and which temperature, and scale up!
      A good mind should not have to do all by him/herself. Some unfortunately want this though, making it hard to implement their invention in life.


      • Perhaps if Mr. Pantone had posted more religious stuff they wouldn't of so easily slapped him in a mental institution for 3 1/2 years. Right offhand I'd say he's been reading some of my posts about nutrition. Article said he was going to build his strength back with nutrition products.

        The article also quoted him as having said he thought his incarceration had been prophetic. Perhaps he'll come here and start a thread explaining that in detail for us. Inquiring minds wanna know. Except Mark.



        • No documentation could un-blind the judge's eyes nor Facts open his ears.

          CLOXXKI: someone could approach him and help set up a TEAM to bring forward what he started? Document results, start to understand what's going on and which temperature, and scale up!
          According to the article Mark provided, Pantone had already done all that stuff. He walked into the courtroom before the judge with all the documentation under his arm. He had experts from NASA saying his engine worked. He walked before the judge with a LAWYER and he should have walked from court a free man. I am inclined to agree with Mr. Pantone in a way, not that his incarceration was "prophetic" but that obviously a force intervened in the proper goings on, resulting in him being put away by a judge temporarily afflicted blind and deaf placing him in the clutches of doctors trying to medicate and cure him of his insanity.


          • I wonder if my postings "out here" didn't help Pantone get out... All he had to do was quote Post #198 to the judge and say See, he's free. Let me th' heck outta here!

            I may be responsible for getting Pantone out of jail.


            •'s widely accepted to be used for most every purpose. Yet, if a true messiah would come to earth, and announce him/herself to the world, surely a judge would call for a Pantone treatment.

              So, what has NASA done the past few years, knowing what Pantone has accomplished? Waiting for the next extra-ordinary claim to verify?
              Their shuttles already run on Hydrogen if I recall correctly, clean enough :-)


              • Combustion AND Propulsion systems need to die the death

                Combustion engines and also propulsion systems are antiquated. Using unbalanced wheels to make creeping advances through Outer Space is a joke. Sure, they all work, no one argues that. But given the distances needed to travel to reach other Star Systems they all need to be trashed and start over. There's magnetism and other ways to generate forces. Obama planning to waste $17,000,000,000.00 on a big rocket using propulsion is quite a laugh. There's too many ways to make fuelless propulsion systems. All propulsion does is lift its own gargantuan self off the ground.

                And a few astronauts. NASA is actually on topic because they point out what happens all the time that has held back new sources of energy => BUREAUCRACY. They get too large and ideas get hung up in the muffler and roasted. Every employees knows if they see the Messiah don't say anything. They might have to quit their job and come work for him.

                He had that effect a lot.


                • Slovenia re-visited:

                  The solution I offered a while back to the Slovenia wheel was a good one.

                  For anyone with an imagination.

                  1. The number of balls needs cut in half.
                  2. The hub diameter needs increased to keep balls from coming back to Zero.
                  3. The distance from the new hub out to rim diameter needs to be greatly increased.

                  4. And the smack plates they impact need to have a spring on their backside so the energy they receive from high speed projectile balls gets re-directed into pushing the wheel.

                  It's another Free Ball for anyone wants to work on it.


                  • Your wheel shown looks to be low speed. Now slacking going on, maybe tapping at best.
                    High speed might bring interesting ball paths. Rolling down and inward between 9-12:00, I don't see that happening too easily though. The fastert the wheel, the more the balls will look for the rim, where little difference seems to be made.
                    A pulsed wheel, might be interesting, to enhance ball path, and get some air time where convenient. An out of center flywheel of some kind?

                    High speed might allow for barriers with counterweights to affect ball paths. Especially preventing unwanted paths with great counter-torque.


                    • Smack plate system at the outer rim & a secondary pendulum system closer to the hub.

                      Increasing hub diameter would help it attain the higher speed. The balls would be launching off a higher platform. Works for Olympic divers... The weight of the rim is also important, for carrying the device through dead spots if it's designed correctly, but will slow a device down if not designed correctly.

                      All factors hopefully dovetail together into a synergy, so it isn't good to be hoping on any one factor to win the day but rather all of them each in its own incremental way to add up. That's what I was meaning when I posted on another thread this morning that what we need to do is put 2 different systems on the same axle, one being closer in to the hub that will provide a Positive strike at the time the main system has its negative rebound energy.

                      Like if you had my smack plate system out toward the outer rim and a secondary pendulum system closer to the hub.


                      • ALL gravity wheels are low speed relative to other motors. centrifrugal force is the speed robber. and to take advantage of gravitation acceleration they have to be huge which means more centrifrugal forces.


                        • Centrifugal force could be used to push a lever-fulcrum system. We just haven't done it. Centrifugal increases through the bottom 180 and is decreased passing across the top 180 so it does have modulation not a constant. If we were using the centrifugal more we might develop a higher speed.

                          Reversing centrifugal with a lever would add to centripetal. Of course whenever you add another system, all parts of that system brings its own additional centrifugal with it, plus adding to overall weight.

                          But if lightweight alloy was used, or a combined-air system, it has possibilities. One thing is always true though, Redeagle, that wherever there is an energy it can be used. So if it is working against us and we don't figure a way to nullify it, our bad.
                          Last edited by CloudSeeder; 06-06-2009, 07:23 PM.


                          • @Redeagle: I'm currently taking a look at using sliding fishing weights with holes down the center... as a way of having them push rods and push on an outer rim lever that also has a sliding weight. It's very promising. I started thinking about it just last night so it's interesting you brought the centrifugal subject up today.

                            When the sliding weight comes down toward bottom it pushes down using the centrifugal+gravity but when it circles around to the top the weight is pulling down, raising the weighted lever up for the next spin.

                            Great minds think alike I reckon. What I need to do right now is hand make a stirrup for the threaded rod, for the outer lever to have a pivot action (seesaw).
                            Last edited by CloudSeeder; 06-06-2009, 07:58 PM. Reason: sliding weight comes down toward bottom it pushes down using the centrifugal+gravity but when it circles around to the top th


                            • I built one similar to the Slovenia wheel last year. It had the same problems as others I have built before. If it were larger, it may have worked, but mine was 12'' in diameter. The steel balls I used also had no bounce when smacked either. If I had been using super balls, maybe I could have gotten some smack and bounce out of them. I have been designing a gravity system that shows great promise. I showed my cad design to an engineer today to get some feedback. He was very excited in that this was an ingenious way to harness gravity. I haven't had a chance to build it yet though. It is really very simple, but uses several different types of force to work. Good Luck. Stealth


                              • Okay. So you're saying the pool pump is above the level of the pool and the water falls down a pipe, and your spiral system is getting the extra work from the gravity-enhanced falling water?

                                Is that what you were saying or am I still in the dark?

