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CloudSeeder's Gravity Wheel on Fire

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  • #16
    CloudSeeder. Why do you make a new post for every paragraph you type? This will make the thread unnecessarily big.


    • #17
      Must be a character flaw. How do I delete those last two posts if you could tell me that I would.


      • #18
        I still cant seem to understand how this can work. If the ball hits at the straight down point it will not be generating any force that will turn the wheel. The ball would have to strike before it gets to the lowest point. And then more energy would be needed to carry the ball back up the other side.


        • #19
          Originally posted by CloudSeeder View Post
          Must be a character flaw. How do I delete those last two posts if you could tell me that I would.
          Hit the "Edit" buton at the bottom right of your post. Then you can see a "delete" button.

          I recommend you edit the first post and paste the successive ones in there and then delete them.


          • #20
            The forces generated by the ball as it rounds the hub ~wherever that is determined needed~ do not exert a crippling negative force on the Gravity Wheel. The reason being that those forces are pulling against the axle which is locked in place. The one force that does matter is when the ball is plummeted into the smack plate at Down Bottom Center.

            That pushes the wheel one way and bounces the ball back (and inward toward the hub) which are BOTH desired effects. One motion yields two positives, and that dear sirs is exactly the kind of 200% Gain Physics you have to use to make the device work.

            And that is precisely why I can know the device will work.

            Mark, don't make this harder than it needs to be. Remember always in your mind the device is in motion from when it was first pushed off. The ball at the bottom is not generating start off energy but circular continuation energy. It is the force of the ball PLUS the momentum of the spinning wheel, not just the ball.


            • #21
              There is no requirement that the ball hit at the exact Bottom. Like any car engine can have its distributor set a bit before or after top dead center. Dead center is not a critical issue.

              It would be like Mark said though => better to hit before going into dead center.
              Last edited by CloudSeeder; 03-07-2009, 04:53 PM.


              • #22
                If the ball hits the "smack plate" and the smack plate is driven down (or to the right) applying force to the spoke it will generate force to spin the wheel. Is that correct?


                • #23
                  You got it brother. And the rebound effect pumping the ball back in toward the hub reduces ball weight drag on the wheel... as the ball gradually falls away into the golden ratio orbital loop for the next cycle.

                  I know the whole thing is made of solid parts but the wheel in motion is fluid. Think of the balls as being a ball of solid water, the wheel as if it's a stream, because it produces a stream of electricity from the generator.

                  Stream begets stream.


                  • #24
                    Last edited by CloudSeeder; 03-07-2009, 05:38 PM. Reason:


                    • #25
                      I Agree.

                      Under ideal conditions I would make better drawings, obtain loans to build my inventions, and not have been born with a split genetics from both sides that thoroughly messed up most all aspects of my life that would ever happen to me. I haven't lived an ideal life so I can't give you my inventions built and on a silver platter.

                      I agree that can cause anger and resentment to well up because some people want to insist that's the ONLY way to be an inventor. So far their answer has been to tell me to shut up and me being told to shut up started a LONG time before I posted here. I have a long history of inventing engines to place in the flowstreams of energy others have ignored (or just not been able to see).

                      In 1989 I designed a tentative system for getting electricity from lightning & another one from Gravity (not this one, another one). In 2000 I designed a completely alternative design for capturing Wind energy unlike rotating windmills, mine reciprocated back & forth. By using leverage my Wind Engine multiplied very low windspeeds for Power turning the generator mounted on its Base. Almost at the same time I designed a flying craft that by now should have everybody riding around in flying vehicles.

                      I applied for a loan from Wachovia and they turned it down on Credit History and my 15-year and counting monthly disability check, so all I have been able to do is WRITE ABOUT EM. In 2003 I fixed the failed "air-powered car" first built by Dr. Abraham Hertzberg in the mid-1990's. He had his class students at Washington's university build the prototype as he was far too old to do the work on his own.

                      I didn't have class students to build my stuff for me.

                      His mail truck prototype ran successfully in 1997 and was reported in the national News plus
                      ABC News specifically raised the flag of Victory over crude oil combustion engines. It was Dr. Hertzberg's Mission Accomplished spread all over the Nightly News... til other scientists began chirping & chipping away at some tradeoffs his engine made.

                      Other scientists killed Hertzberg's car engine.

                      The D.O.E. had given Hertzberg a $360,000.00 purse to build the car. They contacted him and demanded the leftover money be returned as and while ABC News quickly slinked away in shame for having backed his car to lick their wounds. I'm not drama queening here (previous poster's comment); I'm telling you what happened. The Energy people and the reporters and the national media all had a hornet's stinger stuck in their tongue & they all vowed to NEVER get taken for a ride like that again. My engine creates a blast of WIND not just air-powered.

                      So when I submitted my engine system of 2003 to the Department of Energy that Fall NO ONE WANTED TO HEAR IT. Even though my design had fixed Hertzberg's mistakes the D.O.E. had already declared it a failed technology and applied that slapped across my new design... that just happens to work. I set mine to inject the supercold compressed air into a waiting engine cylinder filled with superheated steam... which if I am not mistaken Boeing is now using in their new spaceplane.

                      Hertzberg had squandered the energy; I resurrected it with Power and Might.

                      1 1/2 years ago I read Nikolai Tesla's papers posted online. By nighttime I had figured out his personal-size vehicle antigravity system and also his wireless electrical transmission of vast amounts of electricity, plus I had designed a system to dovetail with it that would -and will- carry water inland turning the drought stricken areas of this world into great oasis. Power, and solved the drought, in one day.

                      So right now I know how to make two antigravity systems, Tesla's and my own, plus the flying vehicle I showed how to make in 2003, all sitting, and the same people who knifed Hertzberg -one of the great scientists of our time recently past- have had a field day taking me down.

                      I would therefore have to submit that the inventing system is seriously FLAWED that expects inventors to always come in nice neat packages from universities popping them out like Toastem Strawberry Pop Tarts and all kinds of people around to help them based on their having a college Degree. You can all continue crying foul in your soup ignoring my ideas but I have to tell you that in doing that you're missing great opportunities.

                      That being said, I agree it should not be anyone else's responsibility, just mine.
                      So let's sit back, pop a beer and watch the show I've been watching since 1989.
                      Maybe it will have great commercials as we all sit castrated up-to-our-eyeballs eunuchs.
                      I'm man enough to keep doing it; how bout you fellers?

                      It's good to have lots of company.

                      When Boeing and a few other people who have used my ideas since 1983 decide to come across with some piddling Royalty monies I earned I'll get up off the couch. I don't like people thinking I'm a eunuch.


                      • #26
                        Two separate different systems for blowing away incoming meteors & asteroids.

                        A way to cool the ocean surface to drain energy from hurricanes.

                        Plus it generates massive amounts of electricity.

                        Playground Invader

                        And yet I never said everybody else's inventions were not great too. I think everybody's ego went into Red Alert status of the new boy walking out onto their playground without a teacher's permission


                        • #27
                          Cross-discipline <> Quantum Problem Solving.

                          Stopped by bankers. hahahaha


                          • #28
                            Stopped by tax collectors and thieves. Remind you of anybody?

                            Think fast! This is a timed test.


                            • #29
                              Can you remade the picture and delete the unnecessary arrow and leave the only currenlty active moving indicator arrow?

                              Originally posted by CloudSeeder View Post
                              I have instructed people how to stop their own cancers => That's a shortcut to a 6-Page pdf you really should read because I discovered a number of "self-hyperbaric" methods that helps us physical beings raise fat metabolism + contributes to helping obese children gain control of their runaway health =>
                              Off topic reply:
                              There are some people recommend slow breathing up to 8 inhale a minute. When I study martial arts at high school I already implement it and it do stop flu drip in some minute. If I do it while running, I can run as fast as everybody else without run out of breath.

                              Making the air compressed in our lung also give me different reaction too. In Martial arts, you supposed to compressed the air by imagining it compressed at bellow belly button. Concentrate all the air and muscle to that area, don't forget to utilize butt muscle too or you might get hernia. Some say this will activate your chakra, might as well try it for other chakra point if it is but I never try.

                              The excercise help me do 5 karate punch a second back then, maybe only 3 per second now, I can feel lump of fat on my skin while punching LOL. It also change my speed perception and enable me to change to many palm posture on every punch at will. If I held my breath and concentrate it to bellow my belloy button during a sprint race, I can do an acceleration I can't possibly do without. I am slow sprinter before, but now accelerate past of my sprinting friend is an easy task.

                              In short, breathing is important, improving quality of our breathing can improve our body. When my family get sick I always recomend them to take a slower and longer breath before taking any medication. They usually get better by tomorrow without drinking any medicine.


                              • #30
                                As a matter of fact I am working on some improved pictures. Two days ago I devoted 7 hours or more to the project but I wasn't feeling good so I had to stop. I'll have the better pictures up some time in the future.

                                Reply to Off Topic comments:

                                Those are all very good points. Controlled breathing is not new, been around a LONG time just not so much in America. In U.S. we handed our bodily health over to "health professionals" and lost the tricks I brought back to light, to the General Public. So we are both right. Deep breathing was known before my writing about it but most everybody here forgot about it thinking their doctor would keep them well. I "brought it back" that way.

                                Swimming underwater presses the air we hold in our lungs => presses it out into the flesh, from the weight of the water over top us. For every 33 feet of water pressure equals 1 atmosphere, so swimming under 11 feet of water would be an extra 1/3 atmosphere plus the one of air above that. My contribution to people's health has more to do with raising the strength of their Immune System than enabling them to punch faster, but if they practiced the self-hyperbarics I showed how to do in they'll punch their way through Stress and life's challenges faster and more focused.

                                Think about the fish, under tons of water, think how ripped they are and healthy. You would think the weight of the water would impede blood circulation of the oxygen, and it probably does, but it is balanced out because the oxygen is being pressed out through their Lymph system. THAT is the new trick I brought to the table, that we can extra-oxygenate our body through our Lymph system in addition to our blood system. Of course since I didn't build it maybe I don't know it will work either, as other posters want to deny my findings.

                                I put my oxygen-increasing methods online around 2004. In 2006 a group started up in India using breathing to stop people from having clinical depression, but they had to embellish it and turn into a swami snake oil production. It isn't Snake Oil; it's the science of the human body. I hear they attracted over 6 million flollowers/devotees. I do NOT require people to "be my follower" or a "devotee".

                                I just tell people how to nutrition and faith their body into such a high level of health they can regain their body's ability to grow its OWN NEW STEM CELLS ON DEMAND. I'm still fighting cancer myself but with the tools I have to fight it with I keep in inactive and "in stasis".

                                It isn't a "Cure" like we think of cures -as being permanent fixes- but it does stop cancer.

                                Olympic weightlifters have been doing the oxygen pump ("self-hyperbarics") for a very long time, as they squat and press the air into their cheeks, but I never realized til 2004 what it was doing to their body. I always suspected that someone would be able to run further with less fatigue using my techniques but you're the first to verify it. I imagine the Native Americans in this country did the same thing when they would run after a deer all day long til they caught it without collapsing themselves.

                                Last year I came across some new information, that there's a bed cover we can purchase that brings Earth Energy from the ground to energize our body as we sleep. They are called Earth Beds and have their own website. They explain that one reason the animals are so incredibly strong is because they are standing directly in contact with the ground, so the energy from the Earth passes through them on its way in its cycle up into the clouds. They say it helps defeat disease.

                                So we wear shoes that separate us from the ground...
                                Last edited by CloudSeeder; 03-10-2009, 11:37 AM.

