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CloudSeeder's Gravity Wheel on Fire

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  • Gravity Wheel looks like a Stalker Robot from Star Wars!

    hehehe That last Gravity Wheel picture the wheel looks a bit like a Star Wars giant Stalker. Assuming everybody even remembers Star Wars.... =>

    Being delayed a bit [from finishing the necessary tweaking]. Have to make a trip out of town with the old 1978 Ford Maverick clunker gas hog => so I'm hooking up a water fizz generator... so that vacuum from the carburetor vacuum port draws in the H2O mist ~post-carburetion~ effectively converting over an internal combustion gasoline engine into also being a partial Steam Engine!

    I did that same conversion to a 1973 Monte Carlo with a big hard-to-start 350 and it would bounce at the touch of the ignition key after the conversion. In cold weather that engine would take one bounce to get the water mist to the cylinders and that was IT buddy ro! The mist inside the cylinder, when the spark plug explodes, the water mist is instantly changed to steam, a Volume expansion from 1:800, vastly increasing cylinder compression.

    So the carburetor can be turned down and much less pumping the accelerator pedal in the winter to start the car. Total cost $25. The steam cleans all carbon deposits off the piston heads and valve rod heads. hahaha You can't beat a hybrid gas~steam explosion.
    Last edited by CloudSeeder; 09-20-2010, 04:34 PM. Reason: last Gravity Wheel picture the wheel looks a bit like a Star Wars giant Stalker, + converting gas engine to partial steamer!


    • Hammer Cam, it still has a bug to work out (, = 30.30)


      The Hammer Cam still has a flaw so I called my higher-than-me IQ son to come over and look at it, and yep, he showed me real fast where it was. However, unbeknownst to him last night and yesterday I had already come up with a re-design that eliminates the flaw he saw.

      I've decided to slow my work pace down [to try and heal up some issues I have from earlier this year]. Enjoy watching the grass grow a little.


      • Something that defeats our gravity wheels, is us!

        @ALL: In my building of gravity wheels I keep having a tendency to make stroke lengths for the various actions to be too long a distance. The Hammer Cam design has something like 5 active movements per revolution and they have to take place in a small portion of that revolution, from about 11 PM to 4-5 AM.

        How many degrees is that? Sure isn't any 360. These actions cannot be made of long duration. The Hammer Cam has to move forward and also some upward at the rear end. This causes a pitch forward action that throws some extra Speed & Force into the other side (end).

        This accomplishes a weight shift also and does it without causing a negative (anti-spin) force to be generated as it is caused by the first actions of gravity as it is topping over 12 Noon... which first urging of gravity is by virtue of design being parlayed upwards into the full-fledged force-fall on the other end of the rod.

        It is a graduated upward spiral that is where the system picks up speed from.

        Sort of like cracking a whip or the Tilt-A-Whirl ride does a whip.

        The flagella or Borelli spirocheates comes to mind.

        On the other end, an angled rod of short length is to have a sliding weight that takes full advantage of "Whip Energy" by being angled away from the axle... so that as the spin begins is upward return up the left side the weight will slide in closer to the axle, just as Stealth's Leopold device also does.

        Last edited by CloudSeeder; 09-26-2010, 01:24 PM. Reason: The Hammer Cam has to move forward and also some upward at the rear end. This causes a pitch forward action!


        • Achieving "Punch Speed" through shorter stroke lengths & more of em:

          Originally posted by CloudSeeder View Post
          @ALL: In my building of gravity wheels I keep having a tendency to make stroke lengths for the various actions to be too long a distance. The Hammer Cam design has something like 5 active movements per revolution and they have to take place in a small portion of that revolution, from about 11 PM to 4-5 AM.

          How many degrees is that? Sure isn't any 360. These actions cannot be made of long duration. The Hammer Cam has to move forward and also some upward at the rear end. This causes a pitch forward action that throws some extra Speed & Force into the other side (end).

          This accomplishes a weight shift also and does it without causing a negative (anti-spin) force to be generated as it is caused by the first actions of gravity as it is topping over 12 Noon... which first urging of gravity is by virtue of design being parlayed upwards into the full-fledged force-fall on the other end of the rod.

          It is a graduated upward spiral that is where the system picks up speed from.

          Sort of like cracking a whip or the Tilt-A-Whirl ride does a whip.

          The flagella or Borelli spirocheates comes to mind.

          On the other end, an angled rod of short length is to have a sliding weight that takes full advantage of "Whip Energy" by being angled away from the axle... so that as the spin begins is upward return up the left side the weight will slide in closer to the axle, just as Stealth's Leopold device also does.

          All of which adds up to more punches coming faster, as they say in the boxing ring "a flurry of punches".

          The flurry of punches I'm lining up in the Hammer Cam starts with a slide at an upgrade angle, of the back end, but almost as soon as it has become in motion the extended arm on the other end will encounter a limiting roller [that prevents the arm moving too far up] roller that encourages the rod to keep on moving in its path! Then I may use an attached arm from the rod down to the main board frame!!! so that what that does is makes an upside down "overbite" pendulum, a force-swung pendulum where the rod's outward motion is being pulled down by the upside down pendulum arm to drop slamming fast across the Cam.

          It's kind of funny actually because after writing the above pgh I realized what this all is => my accident from 1989 where I was knocked away then pulled down when the freight landed across the back of my knees. Darn near wasted me too so it should work here.

          Why should it work?

          Well dang it gentlemen I'll tell ya why &

          as in fact I've mentioned in my posts before

          anyway =>

          #1 Speed equals Heavy Weights and

          #2 Speed does not have the negatives of heavy weights!

          So when a

          fast-moving arm is propelled to flop across a cam,

          there's yer answer.

          I have however been delayed from completing this build as I had to take the side track over reveal some extremely serious revelations, information I discovered this past week... concerning Adolph Hitler. You all perhaps might want to read my conclusions here => H-E-Double Popsicle Sticks, Tent Poles, Salt Shakers and a False Prophet - Page 117 - SignOnSanDiego Forums >>> They are very eye-opening as to how young Hitler was made into the man he became... and how others were involved in that.


          • Definition Gravity Wheel: Difference Engine!: just find the differences 10/13/2010


            Vortex Temperature Difference Engine

            helps solve Gravity Wheels!

            This past week I was looking at a temperature difference engine called the Vortex. The inventor(s) are set up in Ontario Canada. Their prototype supposedly works and can be made extremely much larger. By combining incoming air through angled vents + hotter air the Vortex makes a tornado. Somewhere in there they place an electrical generator. It can make electricity without a heat source but, if it has a heat source it multiplies the output power a great deal, but either way the system still works. Their website is Atmospheric Vortex Engine the pictures are awesome & explanations are very clear.

            Again, the Vortex System can pull heat from a source so it occurred to me it could draw heat from the Yellowstone caldera or from active volcanoes, which would prevent more skies filled with ash interfering with European air travelers. Or populated areas would gain protection by taming the volcanoes, using volcanoes and even equatorial ocean water heat. The Vortex system drawing its heat energy from earthquake prone California or the "Pacific Rim" tsunami zone would be quite a wonderful feather in mankind's cap to be able to tame earthquakes, volcanoes and hurricanes with one system.

            Taking heat from ocean surfaces could tremendously reduce hurricane strength.

            Stopping the Yellowstone caldera from blowing all over

            the Eastern U.S. seaboard states is a nice idea also.

            Then today it hit me that a gravity wheel is nothing more than a difference engine also. So everybody needs to check all your device's variables and group them as to #1 where the difference needs to begin and #2 where the difference needs to end and there ya go => #3 Gravity has been tamed also.

            It's a mind thing. When we call our systems a "gravity wheel" our brain balks at the awesomeness of the thought. But when you break it down to simply being a "Difference Engine" the gravity wheel becomes easily solved [minus the mind blowout]. Johann Bessler wasn't smarter than us he just found the Simple Truth about Gravity Wheels is a sliding weight and/or a weight shift.That's why witnesses stated they heard his wheel making a clunking sound. No big whoop.



            • 10-15-2010 <> Gravity Wheel Update <>

              Well, I'm down to the Hammer Cam and the 6-spoke wheel designs.

              They're both super designs but the total weight due to heavy metal bolts & nuts is still a limiter. I have made a few breakthroughs and have them yet to try. The sliding rod idea from the Hammer Cam is going to be used on the 6-spoke wheel tomorrow.

              I am very confident of it working because the spokes will be great to attach slender 1/2 inch rods on each side!, so a simple short bolt will suffice, keeping the total weight down this build. The 6-spoke should work because the frame is already built and it is super-balanced and low spin friction using the 1/2 inch aluminum sleeves.

              Got the thin metal rods from Lowe's, $2.50 apiece, not bad. Those sleeves from True Value Hardware are a bit steep. So the spokes will have all 6 spaces filled with sliding in-to-out weights is the plan. If these of my best designs still fail then I may call it quits this year. It isn't the designs, it's the materials. The Pelican design came the closest of all.



              • Gravity Wheel Solved as Intended => Mark: 10/20/2010

                About+a+month+and+a+half+ago+it+occurred+to+me+what+a+wonderfully+unique+and+symmetrical+number+was+coming++=>+10/20/2010+aka+what+I+saw+was+"holy+grail"+for+me.+I+had+a+number+of+days+beginning+two+weeks+ago+where+my+health+was+poor+and+I+had+to+rest+up+for+days+a+few+times+but,+I+didn't+let+it+get+me+down+either. So while I was laid up I would be rolling gravity wheels in my mind trying to find something I had missed these past 20 months of gravity wheel attempts.


                ...+which+has+little+significance+to+anyone+but+me...+you+see,+in+the+summer+of+2003+I+was+in+the+grips+of+Gout+when+I+figured+out+-+to+my+way+of+thinking+with+a+significant+blessing+of+Divine+help+showered+all+over+my+head++an+anointing+oil+-+how+to+correct+the+mistakes+made+by+Dr./Professor+Abraham+Hertzberg+in+1997+(of+NASA~Shuttle~System-building+fame)+that+hobbled+his+air+powered+car+engine+that+ran+on+compressed+nitrogen+at+the+time+of+his+tenured+professorship+at+the+University+of+Washington+of+Seattle.+After+3+days+of+pouring+sweat+(Gout+also+causing+perspiration)+over+his+and+his+U.+of+W. +(Washington)+student's+labors+their+1997+prototype+failed+air-powered+engine+I+suddenly+came+to+know+what+their+Washington+University+Team+Hertzberg+had+done+wrong!,+thereby+failing+to+get+this+world+off+of+crude+oil+powered+combustion+engines!

                The time on the clock that

                moonless pitch-black-outside Saturday morning was 3:30 AM.

                The way to make a powerful, electricity-generating Gravity Wheel is mine.

                I have decided not to release the final

                design til such time I come upon a method of getting PAID.

                My diabetic son, his wife & two sons are in need of financial help

                from me and I have debts to be paid, and maybe

                even have a restored life myself.


                Nothing I figured out had gone to waste, therefore no time was wasted. Imagine that. Well, if any of you fine co-workers has a good idea for how I could proceed so I can get on with helping $$$ my son and his family. This pie can feed more than just my family.

                I know you all want to see it

                and so I apologize for this necessary delay.

                Last edited by CloudSeeder; 10-22-2010, 02:21 PM. Reason: Gravity Wheel solved on October 20, 2010 this post of 10/22/2010 / the was met; Woodrow Riley, The CloudSeeder!


                • I hope no one gets sucked into your nonsense without seeing a working model that can do real work.


                  • What a joke

                    I have been following this thread for months now watching promise after promise be made that on such and such a date you will show us a real working gravity wheel. Every time that date came there was always another excuse. And there was always the same thing said " now I've really got it. I'll show you at such and such a date." I knew I was wasting my time reading your posts but at least it was entertaining. I guess the joke is on those of us silly enough to waste our time reading your posts. You and tutanka must be kin to each other. You and he both seem to get a lot of fun out of leading people on for months and months and never really showing anyone anything. Just so everyone that reads this will know I have a sense of humor just how much do you think you can get people to pay for your incredible machine?

                    Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                    • Before: showed models. This time that pattern was broken. Ford lightbulb!

                      I understand -and empathize- with both of your sentiments. Those times I set dates were not wasted because each time I set dates I was having pieces of the puzzle occur to me. The 10/20/2010 date that I set this last time was met. It was a surprise to me as much as anyone could have been surprised... because last week after having set the date I was laid up for 3 days and losing precious time, so I really thought this date was going to be like all the others.

                      You guys would like to see it and I understand that desire, but think about this. How many times did I set dates and show pictures of models? Many times. Alright, so this time I'm not showing a model.

                      I broke my pattern, and that's because it's the real deal.

                      It's a combination solution that incorporates most of the tricks I learned from all those previous "failures", except they were not failures because they each taught me a piece of the final solution that I have now. Unlike many who are in these forums I do not have a steady job. I have been on disability watching Life pass me by, my family members age and me unable to help them financially. One son got sudden leukemia and passed away in 2006 only 26 years old, leaving a wife and child I was unable to help financially. Then come to find out my oldest doesn't have a pancreas for reasons unknown and may not be around 5 more years. When he passes he will leave two grandsons that need old Granddad to step up to the plate.

                      These are all debts a Dad owes his sons that I have been unable to pay. Your desire to see the winning gravity wheel is one I hope to satisfy soon but I must first do something to better my financial situation. That's just how it has to be. 20 months of working on these gravity wheels and solving it should go towards helping my family.

                      Remember the "smack plates" in my very first post?! This one has them.
                      Remember the "Pelican" design I stated came extremely close to spinning?! This one does that too.
                      Remember the pendulums some members swear just have to be the answer [Peter]?! This one uses upside down pendulums.

                      You should not count me out so easily. It is not my intention to disappoint and I have not. Nor do I get jollies from abusing people who followed my writing and put a level of their trust and belief in me. I've already made some contacts today I hope will move things along rather quickly. I only asked them for 2 dollars per unit sold, a very paltry sum. If anyone in these forums reading this post knows of anyone willing to meet such a low price then they are welcome to have it, with an escrow sum to go along with the signature.



                      • Family comes first.

                        I do not know this tutanka you mention. I've been struggling along with health issues and have been very much out of contact with everybody here, much to my regret. I made a health tonic that is bar none the best in the world but I mixed it before the microwaved onion juice had cooled down. So the hot juice speeded up the good chemical reactions and produced a poison that destroyed my insides, broke down the kidneys. I haven't quite yet recovered from that.

                        The tonic went into overdrive and hurt me then I mixed up more fresh and it saved my life. But a lot of internal damage was done that still lingers on. And last year wasn't a cake walk either. Last summer 2009 for some ungodly reason my neck muscles decided to disappear. I worked on the gravity wheels with my head rested on my chest for two straight months.

                        I don't take kindly to being bad-mouthed. I've been in hell on earth to fix these wheels. I intend to help my family with the property of my mind.



                        • I'm sure this one is still in your head or on paper right? If you were able to get a working set up you would have posted it by now. I've never seen someone come up with more excuses, ramble on about his problems or post more non relevant rubish. You must actually believe your own BS. I'm not sure why I even look at your thread, must be because I get such a big chuckle out of it.

                          PS. It's not possible to live at all without a pancreas.


                          • @Mark:

                            You have a very insulting attitude but I can laugh at you too because I have the Goods, so I know one day you'll have to eat that excrement you just typed.


                            • I doubt it! Your a liar plain and simple. Living without a pancreas, what a lie!


                              • Originally posted by Mark View Post
                                I doubt it! Your a liar plain and simple. Living without a pancreas, what a lie!
                                Well, perhaps I misunderstood. But calling me a liar is a bit Manic overboard. Go do something more productive with your time.

