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CloudSeeder's Gravity Wheel on Fire

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  • #47
    2D physics sandbox

    Phun - 2D physics sandbox - Home
    More complex than it first looks.

    WARNING.. I'm seeing some strange anomalies in the software.
    I had a 2 stage oscillator fall over and in a pile of mess on the ground,
    it twitched and bounced around like it was a bird shot out of the sky
    It would not stop moving after falling over .
    It's probably just operator error as always with software.

    Avoid frustration follow the Tutorials

    Last edited by Vortex; 03-18-2009, 08:16 AM. Reason: Added Warning: strange anomalies
    Remember to be kind to your mind ...
    Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


    • #48
      It run very slow on my computer . Working Model 2005 work better.


      • #49
        1993 <>

        The machine YouTube - G-Force Rotational machine is rotating very fast with a crispness of action that is much faster than mere falling or swinging pendulum action would cause (imho)... so the collective force turning the device is then enough to overcome -and continue to overcome- the natural desire of the device to wind down and come to a stop (inertia).

        I have not studied the device or its patents in any depth but the loud noise coming from it indicates a powerful energy is being observed capable of causing that much noise. A simple pendulum or half-passively falling object just would not generate that much noise. My own conclusion is that during the majority of the spin (for each individual piece) there is a storing of energy and at the proper time that stored energy (again, per piece) is being triggered for fast and noisy release. So it must be using a graduated cocking mechanism and a sudden firing mechanism.

        The cocking mechanism must be pulling the overall weight off one side otherwise the device would have to come to a stop... so there must be a sliding in effect where the side coming up the pieces slide toward the center while on the energy-releasing side a gear-release trigger engages and possibly YANKS a weight down.... possibly a stationary smack ball on the tip end of a lever that slides into a fulcrum point as the unit slides toward the hub, throwing the weighted end down with additional force instead of just penduluming or falling.

        Obviously a Levered magnification of force is in play. The repetitive striking taken as a combined Total is creating a similar effect as my weighted rim performs... Yeah, I can see his logic => a thousand sweat bee stings can still kill a large man. Speed plus multiple strikes, the lesson of Bruce Lee.

        On the upcoming side the reverse would happen where the unit would slide to the other side, setting it up on a per revolution basis. I believe I might could figure out this device; however, since it likely NEEDS to be this size to work not smaller it would not fit into a home closet... and even if it was put in a larger closet the noise would make the Home uninhabitable, so I lack incentive to pursue it... as my Gravity Wheel has the smaller closet size and is enclosed enough to prevent escape of so much noise... that it would not generate anyway if proper, less noise-generating materials are used.

        It is an interesting device. It would make farmers a great scarecrow and
        could have very important use for airports to keep varmints off the runways.
        If a better video was available focusing on the hub action we could likely see
        better what the inventor had done. Perhaps the patents show it.
        I'm thinking weighted slide-rods hinged on the outer end,
        held from freely sliding down til they reach the right point to do so, then hitting a trip trigger release.

        Since it appears to have been designed by Orientals, and bamboo stalks are extremely slick and also lightweight, I imagine he was using that, thereby keeping the inner weight of the device very limited. Something tells me the forces are being generated by a ball weight fulcrum-encountering lever sliding in toward the hub at precisely the proper time to strike, and then resets on the remainder of the cycle for the next and next strike, times how many there are, which appears to be numerous.

        It looks complicated to most people who look at it as one whole but were we to break it down it's a series-firing accumulation of same-working units all doing the same repetitive action per 360 degree revolution (i.e. it looks harder than it really is). I would suggest that its inventor purposely chose materials to make that much noise to help camouflage the simpleness of its action. (Think flak, sleight of hand, and shell games.)

        I think the inventor has actually captured the sweet spot where he had to add enough units to overcome by body count the upside Total Dead Weight on the Down Side. He had to make the device the size we see as it actually did not work when smaller, so he just kept adding more units and growing the device til it reached the size it is in the video, the size it had to be to work. In other words, whereas all of us are likely greatly pre-occupied with making our ideas lighter, the inventor must have found himself in the opposite position of having to add weight til it got large enough to work.

        hahahahahaha <> I prefer mine: Energetic Forum - View Single Post - CloudSeeder's Gravity Wheel on Fire; I may look at this one more closely later though because it is obvious he has used a hub-oriented lever and/or rolling cam (floating cam that stays stationary instead of turning with the hub, if that's possible) solution to raise the next & the next rod as it passes top dead center into the ready-to-fire position. At any rate this device shows -and proves- lever-propelled weights can overcome inertia. Had the inventor attached a home generator closer to the hub and showed it powering a small washing machine, dishwasher or vacuum cleaner... so now it has entered its own 300-year Bessler stretch depending on subsequent interested inventors to break it down and figure it out, and add the generator this time.

        I might would work on it but from what I have seen of other inventor's ideas here I believe it's within a number of theirs ability to recreate this device without much help from me. When the rods slide into their extended positions (left side) they must pull the weighted lever tip (perhaps a ball) in toward the hub on the up-coming side.
        Last edited by CloudSeeder; 03-19-2009, 12:55 PM.


        • #50
          Terms And Phrases I Have Always Avoided Using

          I have had other engine systems than the "Gravity Wheel" (this thread). Gravity Wheel is a new idea for me I first had in 1996, except then it wasn't a wheel but a spinning Figure 8 piece of plywood 3 layers of it together. I realized in 96 I wasn't up to the task of completing it so I set it to the side and forgot about it as I invented other engine systems.

          It was very much a surprise last year when I suddenly "saw" how to make it work as a wheel... but ONE THING I HAVE NEVER DONE is call any of my engines perpetual motion or "Free Energy". I have called a number of my systems "Perpetual Power" because unless and until they are turned off they will continue to run without combustion of any fuel. As for using the phrase Free Energy I have deliberately and purposely refrained from using it anywhere except here right now in denying it. Every mother's child is told from birth nothing in this world is ever free, so when anybody uses that phrase it's like taking a shovel to your own idea, or a Salem Massachusett's torch.

          None of us can overcome such as a widespread pervasive and thoroughly penetrated,
          accepted and inculcated brainwashing of the entire American Public since birth.

          But even if we did have engines running on air, or water, or air & water, or heated water and liquid cold air, or gravity, or harmonics, or echoing sound combining, while those forces are free any resulting devices & systems using them are not free, so a free engine -implied by using the phrase Free Energy- runs
          straight into a hangman's gallows because of the Mass Brainwashing everyone received.

          The brainwashing is true =>
          the engines from those energies are not free.
          They have to be designed & built and purchased.
          Anyone using those terms has defeated any chance they thought they had.
          As it turned out, my engines looked like them so much they got defeated anyway.

          So far. I came to this Energetics Forums hoping to correct that.
          I may have calculated poorly. The damning terms are being used here also.
          I would ask other posters to begin refraining from invoking them.
          Battery acid is better than Perp or Free.
          Last edited by CloudSeeder; 03-20-2009, 05:18 PM.


          • #51
            +Temperature +Moisture +Air =Climate Engine Wow 2003! Moon Gold Rush of 2009!

            A new thread caught my eye a few days ago => and it tells of a "new" engine that runs on air. It caught my eye because it also pulled in Moisture and Differences in temperature. An admission of difficulty is stated there in the following posts because anywhere a car/truck runs the moisture and temperature are fluctuating constantly, so the engine is an admitted failure til it jams in quite a lot of moisture & temperature control paraphenalia. My engine has all that included in the inner workings as it is a 100% closed system => Air Powered Car: Reversed Steam (Vacuum) Power~Collapsed by Minus-320 Cold Air = Instant Explosion Dual Synergy Creation-Time Engine of 2003 17 Billion Years Old .

            The one mentioned
            is a Temperature Engine + also a Moisture Engine, not just an Air-Powered Engine.
            Enginewow I designed in 2003 and called it a Climate Engine.
            (long link above)

            I made post #9 => after which a silly furor resulted, not over anything I posted but of all things Website Design and specifically a legal Meta Tag I used that is commonly used all over the Internet to refresh the page. This was nothing more than a diversionary tactic to keep people from reading my short post because I had used several new Energy terms the other posters must apparently not want people to start using =>

            1. Imitation Energy
            2. Physics Fuel

            A few YADA YADAS later I revealed a tactical maneuver I had used with the mighty CHEVRON OIL COMPANY which I happen to be right proud of, that last year I had contacted their crude oil headquarters and offered them much of my insights and information Chevron (and other oil companies also) could use to help them transition away from Crude Oil Money over to using my Physics Fuel engine systems without watching their hard-earned fortunes go belly up in the Pacific Ocean.

            They have not taken me up on my offer as yet but the offer stands. It isn't my job to destroy people's lives and incomes but to do as the Bible writer instructed to have kindness and compassion towards all men and their families. That includes not destroying their retirement incomes or burning down their family crests and fortunes. The Bible book of Revelation clearly assigns any such destruction to Jesus Christ at a later date that John called Armageddon. It is not my job to do.

            At the present time in world history it is said the value of the World Economy has dropped 45% and is still falling. In previous posts in this thread I've mentioned many of my other engine systems besides the Gravity Wheel... so while monetary wealth is dropping I would suggest we keep in mind that with my engines and others too, we now have an increased value that dwarfs mere money. This will become more clear in the next few years. What you have lost in 401k plans, stocks, bonds, Home Re-Sale Values that have plummeted... none of these losses begins to touch the gains I have made in my Energy discoveries.

            For instance: just a few months ago I wrote a pdf file. Here's the shortcut to it => In those two short pages I reveal how to set up a Moon-Based Solar Energy bounce to Earth that will bathe this planet in more raw Energy than it could ever use including an East-West North American suspended monorail system (on Page #2).... so now we find out the Russians, the Chinese, the Australians and the Japanese and Indians are all into developing advanced Space programs to reach the moon?

            Now you know WHY.
            The 2009 Moon Gold Rush is ON.
            CloudSeeder has caused it to rain energy
            from Earth's Moon.


            • #52
              Originally posted by CloudSeeder View Post

              ...They have not taken me up on my offer as yet...
              Imagine our shock.


              • #53
                Ted Ewert, the racist spouting bigot who made this comment (link to) =>


                • #54
                  Success Comes Sometimes Only When People are Ready

                  Thank you for the animal grease & leather history Dr. Lindemann Post #165 => . I imagine the Eskimos maybe were a little in on that also. One of those common knowledge things. I read through many of your links when I first came here and read your Mechanical Engine thread but I'm not much for memorizing where I read what to give you a set reference.

                  But I do recall reading that in the courtroom Dr. Bessler's servant help admitted to being in an adjacent room and turning a small wheel. Maybe that's true, maybe it isn't, but he would have still made a good machine if all it took was a little handcrank to "help" it past the "flat spots". It's possible that inventors since his time have inflated his accomplishment to being more than it was => standalone energy.

                  Almost every engine has flat spots and require a little "help" or some ingenoius "cheat", but if it gets the job done and humanity trucks down the road a bit better off it's still a success. I am thoroughly convinced that Johann Bessler's devices from his insights was still a great accomplishment. And while everybody says "lightning never strikes twice in the same place" (we all know it sometimes does) how much more miraculous does it get when it strikes twice at the SAME TIME? Thomas Newcomen put us into the Industrial Age by throwing cold water into a steam engine to make the piston return faster.

                  Johann Bessler, had he not made his unfortunate gaff of invoking "perpetual motion" would have done the same and double... but once it left his lips he was cornered into trying to back it up. Didn't most of us do that ourselves sometime in our life, try to get past a mistake rather than suck it in? So Bessler was normal; I still hold him in high honor. But whichever one of you figures how to breach the flat spots without anyone turning a crank on the side will step into the line I reckon.

                  As I recall the Tesla people in New Jersey include a bump-off motor to start their magnet-filled wheel. Using bump motors is not a disgrace any more than using a hand crank on a Model T Ford to avoid walking. Making a spontaneous engine better than that is rather an impossible goal. I know how to make a few, but after telling people about them they get to either laughing or ridiculing the very idea... People have been so thoroughly immersed in the idea stuff can't be done, even when it's in their face they might as well be natives standing on a beach unable to focus their eyes on ships too large for their brain to accept.

                  Links top of page:

                  Real Time Right Now Energy no Big Batteries Needed PDF List for 2008 Warnings for End Times AI Watchers Diet List
                  Last edited by CloudSeeder; 03-28-2009, 06:31 PM. Reason: Using bump motors is not a disgrace any more than using a hand crank on a Model T Ford to avoid walking.


                  • #55
                    my thoeory

                    I have been looking at a few different designs for the moving ball weight wheel. Here is a drawing of one that I have been thinking about. It uses eight odd shapped chambers a kick plate and return scoop. The yellow and green is just to differentiate between the extension and return paths of the ball weights.

                    THe central hub has a ramp to extend the down hill weight out earlier but still allows the weights to go over center as early as possible.
                    Attached Files


                    • #56
                      Very thoughtful, and pretty too. I'll mail you. The balls seem rather evenly balanced, with friction minimal as it is but still friction, you need to have a bit more imbalance. I wonder if you couldn't place a fulcrum somewhere along the underside that would allow the units to tip to the outside... and on the way up on the other side it would remain tipped down til it got up top, kinda like how a bricklayer's mud bucket does.

                      That way you would have two Actions in progress per revolution instead of depending solely on the ball. We need to get some Tilt-A-Whirl action going bad.


                      • #57
                        Just sharing a thought on the "size" aspect of these devices...

                        Larger diameter wheels have less rolling resistance (read that as rolling "friction") than smaller diameter wheels so when it is necessary for certain parts to roll along surfaces to position them, larger wheels and bearings will produce less friction than smaller ones. Add to this the higher inertia of larger wheels, and we can see why nearly all the "working" replications were of a large size.

                        The large size is necessary to add the inertia needed to keep the devices turning as well as to reduce the frictional losses. It's a balancing act requiring the stored/released inertia to provide more energy than the frictional losses. Large devices are the easiest way to do this.


                        • #58
                          Thanks everwiser, and nice name choice too. You must be really REALLY wise. I was thinking the same thing just this morning, a bigger wheel. I was also thinking the balls need to be lots larger but travel shorter distances... because let's face it, gravity doesn't really start out all that fast over such short distances, but add 200% Mass maybe a better whomp when it gets there, and it gets there faster because there is closer.


                          • #59
                            The optimum wheel size is based on gravitation acceleration 32 ft/sec^2. At 28 rm the ball is falling for somwhere between 1/2 to 1 second. At the end of one second the ball could potentially be travelling 32 feet per second. It is that force which we are aiming to capture on the way down. It has been shown in several posts that you must use a "kick plate" to convert the energy of the ball falling into rotation. If we use a scoop on the lifting side to bring the balls closer to the center as early as possible then we can conserve the angular momentum and let the balls help lift themselves. But that doesn't solve the inevitable balancing problem that is caused by counter rotational forces between balanced and over balanced portions.

                            I propose a three phase gravity motor conceptually drawn out on this page in the bottom picture. Rotation is counter clockwise.

                            At phase A the wheel has maximum potential. Phase B has some potential left. Phase C is just beyond the balance point and is exerting counter potential very similar to that of Phase B. So they net each other. If we utilize the available torque in Phase A to overcome the counter rotation in phase C then it will tip over and rotation can be sustained.

                            At least this works in theory. I don't have the physics programs to work out friction and the optimum size. Can't afford right now to just build a prototype.
                            But what i do know is that a 4 foot three phase gravity motor of this type can be made out of about 3or4-4'x8' sheets of 3/4 inch plywood depending on the width desired in the weight chambers. Also you can use barbell weights inside but you have to allow for more friction because the weights can tip against the sides. The best option is steel balls because they are precision made, durable, and stocked at McMaster-Carr and similar carriers. Be advised though they are expensive: $300 for a 4.5 inch ball. Barbell weights are much cheaper. or you can use some childrens' balls to make molds for concrete balls they would be heavy but you would lose durability compared to iron or steel.


                            • #60
                              Originally posted by CloudSeeder View Post
                              Thanks everwiser, and nice name choice too. You must be really REALLY wise.
                              Nah...Just still learning.

