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CloudSeeder's Gravity Wheel on Fire

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  • #61
    @ redeagle:
    Haven't examined the pictures just yet but don't you imagine an old car graveyard might yield some bearings?

    That's a really good idea
    using the children's balls for the mold. I actually did that once. I used some little plastic warning cones to make concrete cones then spray painted them. Believe it or not the Quikcrete next to the smooth plastic put a glass-smooth surface on the Quikcrete, smooth as a brand new bowling ball.

    They were very dense & heavy as I recall, extremely smooth. You'd just need for the right mold material. Perhaps some Christmas tree balls would work. After the Quikcrete sets up just break the ball off it.
    Last edited by CloudSeeder; 03-29-2009, 09:01 PM.


    • #62
      When I make my first prototype I'll be using a few metal steelies (bearings). I won't be using full-size, just to see what it will do before committing myself to more expensive parts. I need to get some bendable tubing and a tubing bender. Unfortunately this will result in less-than-exact copies but I believe I can eyeball them close enough. What I have in mind right now is the device has only two sections opposite each other. I know this breaks my own rule of odd number of sections. It will be later this coming week before I can afford them.

      I would very much like to have transparent tubing so I can see what th hey is going on... Any ideas on transparent tubing? If not I'll just have to go with copper. It's bendable but also holds its shape once bent. If I could locate an old wino who used to make a living bending neon glass I'd be In Like Flint.

      I can find one with Google.
      Last edited by CloudSeeder; 03-29-2009, 09:27 PM.


      • #63
        By going with larger ball weights the slight differences in tubing shape will hopefully be less significant to whether it functions fully, it should still function. I'm pretty good with spatial stuff, and maybe I can make a container carriage to keep the outside dimensions of length & width nearly identical.


        • #64
          Finding old winos in Google is harder than I thought, but I found a company in Ohio and SC and wrote them if they can contribute to the Cause (and share the bowl of Gravy). I'm right in between their two facilities. We will see what tomorrow brings.


          • #65
            Ball Making Materials

            In addition to Post #61 in this thread => (filling plastic or Xmas tree decorative balls with Quikcrete) we should also not forget a product sold in automotive parts and Walmart stores. It's in a tube and called Liquid Metal. A lot of what we are attempting needs we fabricate our own device-specific solutions. That fellow on TV advertises his Bondo product you roll the two together and make a long-lasting durable super hard bonding material. It is probably on all Wal-Mart and K-Mart shelves by now.

            Paying out over a hunnert dollars per ball for bearings is a last resort answer during experimentation as the weight of the balls needs changing a LOT til we find what we need. THEN we can spring for balls of that weight.


            • #66
              Good ideas for materials. I might add fiberglass resin and lead shot as a good combination for casting heavy objects. I like your idea of using Christmas ornaments as molds.




              • #67
                Thanks Ted. I don't have experience with fiberglass but a fiberglass manufacturer in Ohio was moving to Mexico a few decades back and I had to go there to help them move, right? So there was these perfectly round heavy balls laying on the ground by the HUNDREDS. That was how they worked the fiberglass, first making it into balls. hahaha

                They gave me a bunch I thought the kids would like playing with them. They didn't; now I wish I had some. The idea for the tree ornaments, I actually had that a long time ago. Being on here, ideas bouncing off the walls helped me remember it.

                I'm getting real serious for filing corporation papers this next month. That might help me tap into some alternative energy money, grant money, or something with a few dollar signs in front of it, a Few Dollars More. Company credit that won't be my personal credit. I feel close enough now to warrant some legal standing.


                • #68
                  that mighty putty you are referring to is no more than epoxy putty. It has been is stores for years infact you can even get it steel filled in the pluming section as lowes. The regular stuff will be with the rest of the epoxies and super glues. But it's fairly light weight so unless you are mixing it with lead shot or bbs it's probably not worth the couple of bucks a stick.
                  interesting idea on mixing lead shot with resin. I personally can't stand the stuff. never can get the hardener to run out right and it starts hardening before you can get it all spread.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by redeagle View Post
                    that mighty putty you are referring to is no more than epoxy putty. It has been is stores for years infact you can even get it steel filled in the pluming section as lowes. The regular stuff will be with the rest of the epoxies and super glues. But it's fairly light weight so unless you are mixing it with lead shot or bbs it's probably not worth the couple of bucks a stick.
                    interesting idea on mixing lead shot with resin. I personally can't stand the stuff. never can get the hardener to run out right and it starts hardening before you can get it all spread.
                    I mix all kinds of stuff in resin. Bondo makes the resin I buy, and I've had good luck with it. I never use any fiberglass with it, so maybe that type of application effects the curing time differently. This resin has a working time of about 15 minutes, which is plenty for casting applications.



                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Ted Ewert View Post
                      I mix all kinds of stuff in resin. Bondo makes the resin I buy, and I've had good luck with it. I never use any fiberglass with it, so maybe that type of application effects the curing time differently. This resin has a working time of about 15 minutes, which is plenty for casting applications.

                      I wasn't using it for fiberglass either. I think i just had too much hardener in it so it set up quicker. I was experimenting with my hydrogen torch at that time and my gaskets were squeezing out when the pressure got up. I was trying to stiffen up the sides to keep them from shifting. But I can't stand the smell. A lot of times epoxy comes in a 1 to 1 mix as it has and extreem adhesive property


                      • #71
                        The NY Times had a very informative 2-page article today telling how they're mixing concrete now more like they did back in 1825, before they had Portland cement powder to add, which has to be produced they said. It said they have this one additive when added that makes pollution dissolve off the surface so it always stays white. And another of course helps keep the rain from seeping in and destroying it.


                        • #72
                          4/4/2009: about "Dance Partners" + Gravity Wheel Update

                          Dance Partners?

                          I'm in agreement with Johann Bessler when he said ratios are more important. Ratios define the relationships between the pendulum's "dance partners" we are trying to convince to dance for us. Michael Nunnerley's recently-proposed solution to the Gravity Wheel is a good example. He has (imh OPINION) made his device with 3 facets that need to be in a rather exact relationship i.e. partnership:

                          1a) the outer wheel's weight
                          1b) the weight of the weights
                          2) the cam trigger arrangement
                          3) load drain of attached generator apparatus

                          I do not believe the finished device has to be going
                          beyond 100% but it must nail 100% across all 3 combined into
                          a three-way complimentary synergy, emphasizing the needed equation.
                          So basically this is a multi-level struggle to get THREE KLUTZES TO DANCE TOGETHER
                          and I seriously doubt you will find anyone else on the "World Wide Web" telling us how that's done.

                          We fight this battle here, we win here. As it stands now on 4/4/2009 there are 4 (four) Gravity Wheel designs. In no particular order of importance there's my own in this thread. Apparently on the same day Mr. Nunnerley was posting his unique solution I was recalling a design I had had in 2008 but discarded for the one here. I took another look at it and realized it would likely work very well. Preceding both of us is the work done by Dr. Peter Lindemann being followed up by a number of other smart fellows. They are exhausting every idea imagineable to have a working Pendulum System on Peter's thread =>

                          It is becoming increasingly evident that one -or more likely all- of these Gravity Wheels will be operational in the near future. What does that mean?! It means full & complete Energy Independence not only for Americans but for every person on Planet Earth... to have an ON-SITE HOME-BASED DEVICE generating each person & family their own electric service supply. However, there's more. In the next few years scientists expect a massive increase in solar radiation. These waves of invisible energy are going to be intercepted throughout everyone's Main Power Grid powerlines and also cable Internet and take a very quick trip into most every computer system & electrical device on Earth plugged into said power grid according to many knowledgeable people.

                          Powerlines strung all over the planet, you see, will act as radio receiver antennae. The solution is standalone devices such as Gravity Wheels being somewhat shielded from all that being tucked in the hall closet or basement, especially if they are surrounded by what is called a "Faraday cage" (grounded wires). Main power grid dependence is simply a dinosaur technology whose time has come. This struggle is a fight to the death because should we fail the devastation to all electrical aspects of today's human societies may be seriously impeded or deleted: water filtration, sewage treatment, national defense, Washington DC politics and so on.

                          With such Gravity Power systems electric cars can be kept charged off of EARTH'S GRAVITY. If the expected invisible radiation terror comes we may find ourselves only able to drive out at nighttime to keep your car's electrical systems from being fried. If this should turn out to be much less a disaster as sometimes does happen, we will have altered course to a Better World and also a better future by having transmuted our systems away from both powerline dependence (that is rank with substantial "line losses" and carbonating the atmosphere) AND fossil fuel dependence (that is rank with multiple ecological and environmental negatives).

                          Gravity Wheel Energy is an energy of Peace. Peace toward the plants and animals and Peace towards one another, a rather holy endeavor in anyone's briefcase.


                          • #73
                            never stop experimenting, I have built a perfectly usable gravity powered water pump with 2 moving parts. see it here

                            ~ World's Greenest WATER PUMP ~

                            Now I have a suggestion for you on your moving mass design, think of using metal bars instead of metal balls, 2" diameter axle shaft is quite common and cheap and can be cut to any length (weight) you need. Additionally, you can arrange a permanent magnet to lift the bar somewhat on the up side of the rotation and stick it to a couple of the wheel spokes where it can then roll inward to the center to be deposited and reside until you pull it toward the outer rim on the down side with another magnet plus gravity. A bit of soft iron on the back side of the magnets will help them release the bar onto the spokes in the right position and reduce your drag. neodymium magnets are fabulously stong these days for very little relative cost.
                            When you pick up a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way...


                            • #74
                              @el-tigre: Thanks for that encouragement. We had 5 designs working theoretically already but now Michael Nunnerley has worked up yet another one using a Lever system to reverse the centrifugal back toward the hub (adding to the centripetal), I'm assuming to push a slip brake to turn it. He didn't say. So I think we're now up to 6 different Gravity Wheels, 7 if you add Dr. Lindemann's Mechanical Engine. Mine definitely use balls but Michael's might benefit from the cylinder shapes and maybe the magnet idea also.

                              You should do well with your pump... especially when the ocean level rises a few more inches, people overseas will find you very valuable to have around. Welcome aboard. I've noticed how the neodymium magnets are very low cost also!


                              • #75
                                Build a Better Mousetrap <> Gravity Wheel Update:

                                When I was young and the TV indoctrination system was being carried across everyone's doorstep the shows were upbeat, like Leave It to Beaver, My Friend Flicka, Roy Rogers & Dale Evans, Gene Autry the "singing cowboy". Walt Disney brought in Mighty Mouse that I really liked, even the singing part. It was nice hearing about a mouse coming to save the day.

                                All of it was to establish firmly in our 1950's pumpkin heads that we too could be the next Horatio Algier or Fuller Brush man who made it big (Rich deVoss in Michigan?), especially if we figured ways to make BETTER MOUSETRAPS. Gravity Wheels are a tough nut to crack mouse trap because the mousetrap is spinning, but it can be done.

                                You just have to imagine ahead a little instead of concentrating down on where the ball is now, looking ahead to where the wheel will be as it is on the fly in motion. On the surface it looks like a job for Superman or Mighty Mouse but it is not. I could have had mine built by now but there was a delay of funds held back by a government snafu (I filled out some forms incorrectly so it set me back $500.00 waiting for the monies to come next month).

                                Plus a check the Lincoln Financial Life Insurance company sent me for $1872.18 well, they claim their computer did the mistake. Technically the check was right; I just lack a lawyer. Their computer didn't make a mistake. They're just making "the computer" the fall guy. I still have the check. Sometimes it's tempting to cash it but if I did the Roanoke Virginia local newspaper might take pictures of me with handcuffs on like they did my friend Donnie Hudgins last year splashed all over the pages like he was an axe murderer.

                                I don't care for that. The Gravity Wheel has been waiting since 1712 to get built. It can wait a bit longer. My being in jail for daring to take on a computer glitch wouldn't speed it up. The other fellows on the Mechanical Engine thread are making some good progress, also without going to jail.

                                We do better thinking when we aren't locked up.

