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CloudSeeder's Gravity Wheel on Fire

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  • #76
    Passover was this past Thursday-Friday. In my little branch shoot off the tree religious faith we celebrate that day, not Easter day, because Jesus had Passover before he instituted the new "celebration" he wanted remembered, sharing the bread and wine. I stopped celebrating "Easter" decades ago once I was told that. Since their calendar was different back then the day was Nisan 14. On our present calendar the day of the week changes each year. So this year so happens it fell on Thursday, making today the day Jesus was raised by his Father back to life. Otherwise today being Easter wouldn't have been on my agenda to be considering.

    All of this has an added importance ~that I wasn't "Easter Minded"~ because this afternoon I had a major insight into reworking my original Gravity Wheel that I released on March 06 2009. As I have mentioned several times, the first animation was just for showing the principles of orbits and the "smack plate" pushing of the wheel.

    But something most of you are likely unaware is that a few weeks ago I came to understand how to make even another Gravity Wheel besides the one fixed today. With these fantastic new insights today I have decided to set myself a goal, that in the coming month of May I will have built and have on display two very different Gravity Wheels running nonstop side by side. The 2nd one does not use the smack plate. That is my goal but, as goals sometimes go may only have one running. We will see. I have yet to line up some old friends who also have tools.

    Not in my name but in the Lord's name.
    This day this promise, April 12 2009.
    The goal is two.

    Woodrow Riley,
    aka CloudSeeder, Bringing the Spring rain,
    except today it was I who got rained on.



    • #77
      Big announcement coming tomorrow.


      • #78
        Popcorn Popping Gravity Wheel Announcement

        <> 2009 <>
        the year the popcorn popped real high:
        April 16 2009 Update

        Turns out after some inquiry to the insurance company that I can surrender the policy for a nice enough piece of change to pay for the parts needed to build the two Gravity Wheels.

        Streaming Video

        Turns out my homepage host can rent a server for $30-$50 a month, so instead of having to beg reporters to come take ONE SHOT (unless they decide a ball game is more important) I can put these Gravity Wheels constantly running around the Clock on their own Real-Time display. There will not be any charge or fees for viewing, no having to log in.

        Aiming For?

        The goal was for May but it could run into June so I'll be aiming for whichever day all this comes together. One thing is for certain, the summer of 2009 is going to be hot enough for a wienie roast without a fire.

        Humanity has been in Energy Darkness inhaling &
        eating combustion by-products long enough.
        It is time men took care of their family's
        energy needs in better fashion.
        It's our responsibility.

        Some Fill-In Information

        In the next few years the world's best scientists and astronomers tell us solar radiation is going to SPIKE. What that means is that every power line on every power pole -during daylight hours- is going to take some large energy hits. Those powerlines will act as receiving antennae carrying an electrical induction wave into everything plugged in both forward to homes and backward to generating plant turbines plus telephone-mount step-up transformers. A lot of our stuff could be wasted, short-circuited or melted circuits.

        Gravity Wheels inside the home or apartments generating our electricity ON-SITE, being electrically shielded, should allow us safe passage through those storms. We really do not have much of a choice => New nuclear plants take 2-3 years to build plus they still use powerlines. You could ride a stationary bike til your legs wore out so that's not an answer either. Solar cells would be fried... It appears the white-knuckle ride is coming. It's going to get interesting. Already we have all noticed how much brighter Earth's Moon has been, the brightest at any time in my life.

        That tells us the astronomers are probably correct.

        The Gravity Wheels I will be showing will likely not be turning a generator. I will be showing how they work and then more qualified people will have to do the difficult work of matching larger units to home generators. As for getting the generator output into the home electrical relays (circuit box) that is the easy part, for all you have to do is plug into an electrical outlet and that will energize the entire shared circuits of the home, a simple job for electricians.

        No further updates are planned til time to announce the link. You know, everybody has been thinking to themselves they just somehow KNEW somebody would do something. Unless somebody else has a better plan than gravity wheels it sort of looks like I'm maybe going to be he <> and there are others here working toward the same goal with different designs so the year 2009 will see this happen. But that is not exactly true either because there is a lot more to do than simply getting a wheel to spin from Gravity Energy.

        This is not by any means a one-man show.
        What ultimately happens is in God's capable hands.
        Last edited by CloudSeeder; 04-16-2009, 04:25 AM.


        • #79
          4/24/2009 Everything on Track for mid- to late May

          The plan for Streaming Video has been replaced with a new website instead. Streaming is more involved -and also expensive- than I thought. However, in some ways this will be better because the software we will be using supports multiple languages. Video demonstrations of two Gravity Wheels is planned initially, using the less complicated of my designs.

          Since this is a new technology it is very important to lead off with the easier designs, helping to bring people up to speed. They will show the processes involved much better. No since asking people to run with the wolves right out the starting gate.

          Woodrow Riley, update for 4/24/2009


          • #80
            Why Gravity Power is enough to power homes &amp; apartments:

            It's a shame to see the World suffering an energy shortage when there's so much Raw Power around. A lot of why people think Gravity and Lightning can't be used is because they grew up in a worldwide group of societies where everybody has accepted they cannot be used. Each of us is when we are born is like walking into the middle field of a polo match with horses thundering right at you and all you can do is start running the same way they're running hoping to escape.

            I've gotten tired of being on disability but, at the same time it has worked a Blessing on everybody else. If it had not been for my "accident" in 1989... it just kinda looks like a great blessing was brought. I seem to be filling a few holes in the pavement.

            I bought a house in Franklin County over 10 years ago. It had "old" 100 amp electric service right?; actually it might have been even less than 100-amp. So I had to shell out about $1500 to have a new circuit box, new wires from the pole strung, and a bunch of improved electrical outlets. When I was young in 1956 Gasoline only cost about $0.03/3 cents a gallon.

            So Americans enjoying all that cheap gasoline were swallowing all that Walter Cronkite drool telling about the "homes of the future" being all-electric and having so many appliances, so every home builder and architect started preparing for that future by installing 200-amp electric service. Eventually what happened of course is the World turned topsy-turvy Waffle House eggs-on-toast when the Arabs hit the world with an oil embargo in that all new US homes were designed to be energy gluttons!

            I'm no electrical engineer nor a master electrician but I do know that the home circuit box is the problem. All it does is route electricity around to every outlet in the house without providing any intelligent switching functions. The American home wall-mount electric circuit box still thinks crude oil is $3.00-$6.00 a Barrel. America's oil consumption could be cut by 70% within One Year's time if only two things were done without switching to

            any new Fantasia alternative~renewable~XYZ-Energy sources =>

            1. Authorize an add-on to today's circuit boxes that adds switching capability so that the refrigerator cannot run when the washing machine is already running, or the stove would use less electricity if the refrigerator was running, then when the fridge stopped running more power would then be diverted to the stove. And none of the big appliances would run when the 220-Volt Dryer was turned On. (You'd still have the microwave...)

            2. STOP the water heater from non-stop running! It can be very easily done just by adding a heat tape around the incoming hot water pipe and a sensor that turns the heat tape On when someone opens a spigot/faucet in the home. By doing that one trick home electrical usage could be drastically lowered to 70% immediately. Cole-Parmer online sells such high temperature heat tapes and they're only about $65. Neither of which is Rocket Science. U.S. Oil Consumption prompting this mass hysteria people are being made to feel is a pot of Fool's Gold. The energy crisis is then not about we don't have energy. It's about LACKING THE TOOLS to miser our way back to abundance.

            And the United States does NOT need 100 new nuclear power plants either... unless we just lap up the bragging rights of having more nuclear power plants than FRANCE {ugh}. On the other hand if we had hot water heaters acting as their own Pre-Heaters using the heat tape trick PLUS someone with the electrical design knowledge to make a new or add-on-to-the-old circuit box smart switchers half the coal-fired mercury-spewing power plants and all the mountaintop removal operations would be turned off and stopped in less than ONE YEAR'S TIME.

            A simple Gravity Wheel power source in the home -or a simple solar rooftop system and solar-heated water system- would reduce America's oil gluttony to a trickle stream. Global Warming if it exists would stop? Not unless the Chinese and India adopted the same program. This world, Planet Earth, is the same Paradise God created it. Crude oil has so many necessary-to-humanity uses that for us to be burning it up for electricity and locomotion of our vehicles should be and is a Crime Against Humanity.

            Burning crude oil violates the tenets of every Religion on Earth.


            • #81
              Hammer blow motor wheel

              Hi folks, this isnt totally related but i wonder what if this design could possibly reduce back reflection of mechanical source somewhat like the 2 stage lever device. It would use a belt like in steam engines to reverse the direction of the other wheel or gears and then hammers would be set up around the periphery of each wheel to interact and since the smaller wheel is faster it would impart momentum to the larger wheel similar to a higher voltage needed to start charging a battery. This idea may not add energy but if it prevented a load from slowing the system down that would be something worthwhile. Anyway your thoughts are welcome and heres a pic of the idea.
              Last edited by SkyWatcher; 07-13-2009, 04:19 AM.


              • #82
                Doesn't add energy?

                @SkyWatcher: I can see where your idea would have many uses, including upping the energy. In fact, I have used that idea -but not reversed- in one of my other inventions not on this site. Your smaller wheel is moving faster and INCREASED SPEED IMPARTS POWER much like Bruce Li discovered.

                My wheels don't have a use for this but those other guys on the thread "The Mechanical Engine" might find it interesting. They could use a smacker system for shoving the pendulums in closer towards the hub on the way back up to the top. Your little wheel instead of being outfitted with a paddle could have a cam section come around and knock the pendulum closer.

                Or it could be a straight belt drive w/out reversing and giving the Main Wheel a boost without moving the pendulums at all. Darn good idea if ya ask me but you need to take it over there and repeat the idea to them => Marxist, Inquorate, Michael Nunnerley or Ted Ewert might use it.

                What that would do IMHO is transfer some of the pendulum/hammer force from the down side over to helping-motor the left side. Energy transfer isn't "making energy" but it is moving energy from the Plus side to the Negative side. That has Value. In effect you've almost introduced an auxiliary engine of a sort.

                I would suggest not using belts though <> too much friction. A direct gear-to-gear to the Main Wheel axle (using a very large wheel-gear) with a smaller geared wheel to the outer rim would provide a double reverse of direction. Yeah boy, I like that. You're thinking outside the box. Michael ought to love you. He's the Cam Man.


                • #83
                  Hi cloudseeder, thanks for the reply and that you liked the idea. I had the thought while laying in bed yesterday and have for sometime thought about using hammer type blows to drive a wheel although not sure how it would work in reality because i have yet to build it or anything similar.
                  peace love light


                  • #84
                    @SkyWatcher: Just drop over to The Mechanical Engine and go back a lot of pages, 10 or more anyway, and start reading. Several of the guys there might like to have your insightful input. It's good to have you aboard this fantastic struggle. More oars makes the work light.

                    I've never built anything like this either. It's quite an experience. Thinking it and Building it is two different animals. Seeing it built and running in your Mind's eye is great but whew, putting into nuts & bolts and axles and roller bearings -that do a dance no one in the last 300 years has done- is very new to me.
                    Last edited by CloudSeeder; 04-28-2009, 03:33 AM.


                    • #85
                      To SkyWatcher again: If you come across anything I posted on The Mechanical Engine thread that you'd like to discuss further send me a private message.


                      • #86
                        @SkyWatcher: I much appreciated your ideas. Even though the other guys didn't appear to be very vocal I believe they enjoyed your ideas also. I've picked up the parts I need for mine and have begun assembling my tools from various long-unopened toolboxes. I hope to have a new website up where we can all put a video.

                        I'm hoping to have more there than just mine. The intention is to blitz the ball across the line.


                        • #87
                          Progress Update 5/08/2009 =&gt; 1998 Gravity Wheel by Slovenian engineer

                          This morning a page by a foreign inventor was showed me by Forum Member Stealth over on The Mechanical Engine thread. I posted a few ideas/altered drawings how it might could have worked better on Post #526 this page =>

                          My first Gravity Wheel at the beginning of this thread has also undergone some alterations, but before I work on it I came up with an even better wheel. I am working on it first and should have a link up for a video presentation of it in a few weeks yet.

                          Apparently there are numerous ways to design a Gravity Wheel. The best ones
                          are those that can be adjusted up to turn themselves plus a home generator.
                          2009 is a very blessed year for Gravity Wheels even if the rest of the News
                          seems not so much sometimes.
                          Last edited by CloudSeeder; 05-09-2009, 12:53 AM.


                          • #88
                            Solved: World Energy &gt; World Poverty &gt; World Water Shortage &gt; Gold Panning of Oceans

                            Solved: World Energy > World Poverty > World Water Shortage > Gold Panning of Earth's Oceans

                            Full thread =>
                            and specifically:
                            Post #18 =>

                            Possible? Most certainly! Air Pressure is a powerful force just waiting to be harnessed. Post 18 tells the full story. We can stop being Homo Erectus Saps any time we want, restore the Global Economy to the Gold Standard any time we want.
                            Last edited by CloudSeeder; 05-10-2009, 01:57 AM. Reason: We can stop being Homo Erectus Saps any time we want => restore the Global Economy to the Gold Standard any time we want.


                            • #89
                              Human Health Advance (alleviating human misery worldwide) versus World Energy Crisis

                              Sculpting Away of Human Fat using Radio Frequency Waves
                              intersecting below the skin to expand fat cells til
                              they burst open and die, excreted forever.

                              Gravity Wheels will of course be a tremendous advance, making use of Gravity Energy that's everywhere just by adding a device that establishes a modulation wave inside a wheel housing that turns the wheel... that can in turn spin a generator to power people's homes and apartments silently running too by the way. The previous post that contains links to another post where I show how to start naturally panning gold from ocean water, that's a great economic advance that I first understood how to do in 1989.

                              These would all result in reducing human misery. However, there was one idea I had for a system of scanning a person's body with an MRI, mapping the locations of excess adipose fat, then coming back with intersecting radio frequency waves to vibrate the subdermal adipose fat (below the skin) fat cells to cause them to overheat. Overheating the fat cells, not causing them to boil.

                              By overheating the fat cells just enough to make the cells expand and burst, which is then a mechanical way to sculpt the human body, again to the relieving of much human misery worldwide. Here's the rest of the story in a one page pdf =>

                              or Tinyurl => Paradise Weight Lostt

                              Everyone expects to die; everyone expects to have days of poor health. Being overweight and KEPT OBESE by the withholding of this technology has maintained a level of human disease-caused misery that should have ended decades ago. The so-called "Truth Embargo" has stopped a lot more such advances than just UFO/ALIEN information from reaching the masses. It has stopped every new energy idea I have been blessed by the Almighty and Jesus to have since 1989. So I also wrote another page that contains links to many of these ideas I've had => <> Since writing that page I've had many ideas some even topping them, but I do not release them because there isn't any sense in doing so. They would just not reach anybody.

                              Who is doing this to you?! If you have a copy of a book titled What Does the Bible Really Teach? you know the answer to the question. By my releasing all these incredible engine systems and ideas and NONE OF THEM REACHING THE PUBLIC I have either #1 proved the existence of a superhuman Devil entity or #2 proved the existence of one hellacious powerful & hateful group of people this world has ever had.

                              Will they also stop Gravity Wheels? It is my intention to find out.

                              Woodrow Riley, aka Cloud-Seeder, Bringing the Spring rain
                              Last edited by CloudSeeder; 05-10-2009, 01:08 PM. Reason: system of scanning a person's body with a MRI mapping locations of excess adipose fat then coming back with intersecting rays


                              • #90
                                5/15/2008 Gravity Wheel Update

                                My first attempt at producing a functioning Gravity Wheel is about 3/4 completed this Friday the 15th. It is not using the "smack plates" I began this thread with on March 06 2009. Last year I had an idea for a gravity spinning engine before these. That's the one I'm working on. Smack plates are a shoe in.

                                I was just thinking -before starting the final leg of this journey this morning- about a former landlord I had in 1984 when we lived in Knollwood, Blue Ridge Virginia. His name was Forrest Murray. He had the old shoe leather weathered look of a wise man who had worked a lot outdoors. In fact, he had helped build the Roanoke Civic Center on Williamson Road near Orange Avenue. He helped put on the roof, which gives me the willies as I don't care for heights (since falling from a truck bed in 1986; warning labels left off a prescription drug, caused euphoria and poor judgement).

                                One day I was talking with Mr. Murray and mentioned an invention I had which was for crushing aluminum cans. I had designed it as a garbage truck. I had included a unique little trick that kept people from having to reach inside the CAN CRUSH MECHANISM to take out the crushed cans, a "drop slot" at the end of the crush chamber so the flattened cans would fall into the trash receptacle.

                                It was then he told me of a superior type of lock he once invented that could not be picked. He spoke of it with great pride that NO ONE ELSE HAD INVENTED IT, and yet then he says "I decided to not tell anybody because I would have just got ripped off". He was in poor health of his declining days so I didn't openly disagree with him but I was shocked that here he had made a MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH and then withheld it.

                                The early pioneer of Gravity Wheels was Johann Bessler. He was trying to profit also, which is a good thing. Even the Bible says a man should see good for his hard work. IS "SEEING GOOD" FOR OUR HARD WORK OR INVENTIONS CONFINED TO A DOLLAR BILL? After inventing 5 or 6 gravity wheels in succession Johann Bessler Orphyrreus as he called himself fell from some scaffolding trying to make the bucks to build another gravity wheel, and the fall killed him.

                                He had allowed the dollar bill to prevent his information from floating on the water past his death. And so I imagine Mr. Murray is likely now deceased also and he took his great new lock mechanism with him into the grave. No one saw good from his work on locks. They do sit in a tangible Civic Center that bears no memory of him working on its roof other than me writing it here into Internet annals.

                                I have nothing against making money. I reject Murray's conclusion, and reject allowing dollar bills to define what I do or what I release to others to enhance their lives. Inventing new engines is a gift to be shared, like giving fresh field-picked flowers to a girl.

                                Priceless still has value.

                                Men in general have avoided facing issues like these for a long time. Most of us give in to letting tangible achievements define us. So we hold a man in greater esteem who joins up and goes to wage war on people he never met because some dude sitting in a chair tells him they are the enemy. Point the gun, pull the trigger, without knowing the person you're shooting. But, it's tangible, and the shooter knows he'll be respected for the rest of his life for having done it, while many other achievements might be stolen as was the can crusher.

                                So men learn early on that physical beats mental, but the problem with logic like that is that physical continues a pattern that repeats from one generation to the next without let up, while mental (and spiritual) has the potential of re-directing rivers. The "river" we have been living in is in serious need of re-direction. I hope Gravity Wheels that use a force that began when the Universe was begun will help everyone find their feet in a way endless wars never can.
                                Last edited by CloudSeeder; 05-15-2009, 01:53 PM.

