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CloudSeeder's Gravity Wheel on Fire

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  • #91
    Gravity Wheel Drawing, This is What it does:

    I've got two hinges to put on it, very close to finishing. Here's a rough picture what I have so far from an end view. All arms are threaded rod. As it spins, the longer arm with the lighter weight is pulled into a higher orbit by the leverage of the heavier weight at the bottom.

    Once I get the weights balanced correctly, as the longer arm passes 7 o'clock ccw the heavier weight being up top begins pushing down, reversing to pull the lighter weight up & in toward the hub for the ride up the right side; and so on round and round she goes. Total height about 32 inches.

    The device, arms, backboard with eye screws used as threaded arm guides, all rotate with an extremely little friction. This drawing falls short of a video I know but I decided to put it online anyway, just in case something was to happen, accident or something. This Gravity Wheel has many adjustments to make yet to have running. It has to be balanced between the various leverages and distances for centrifugal forces and all. You could call it an external or outer rim floating cam design:

    The Guide Board called in the picture is the backboard that has an eye screw for each arm. It rotates on the dowel rod section of axle. It is shown at the side view so ya have to rotate it 90 degrees counter clockwise to have it behind the arms. The arms are strapped to a tiny nut coupling on the long end screw. It's quite frictionless also.

    The counterweights aren't shown real good in the picture but they're to the left of the axle, hanging out to where they overcome the heavy arm pulling down. That raises the lighter long arm up... as it comes ccw past 12 o'clock... pulling the heavy weight in for the ride up.

    Ah, the smell of less Energy War napalm in the morning.
    Last edited by CloudSeeder; 05-15-2009, 08:30 PM.


    • #92
      Floating Cam Do-It-Yourself Axle Construction 5/16/2009:

      Two Systems <> Not Just One

      The arrangement with the threaded rods is spinning on a nut coupling because it goes both directions => the nut coupling + arms reciprocates as one unit while the backboard~dowel rod axle system is spinning just one direction all the time (eventually, not initially, explained more below). This particular gravity wheel is a two-in-one system, a marriage of two.

      Anyone can make this system: The actual total height is slightly less than 32 inches. I made it a bit extra tall to make sure the longest rod didn't come around and cut into the base board. The four pieces of threaded rod are => 5, 6 1/4, 8 and 11 1/4 inches. The nut coupling used for their support hub on the axle is 3/4 inch in length not 1 inch I think I wrote earlier. 1 inch would invite vibration.

      The uprights: I bought some 3+ inch wide poplar board to make strong uprights but then I decided to use 5/8 inch dowel rods 18 inches tall... with several decent braces holding them to the board. I chose these small diameter rods so that when I make the video the device would not appear to be doing anything hidden by wide uprights.

      You could avoid buying the 4 inch braces by using wider wood for uprights. As for needing strong uprights to control the eccentric forces nope. It's true you have two unequal shapes rotating opposite each other but their weights are all in a complimentary synergistic balance so it should not be throwing a lopsided energy outside the system. The energies being thrown are turning the back board by accessing the law of gravity pulling down HARDER the farther a weight gets from the axis and LESSER while closer in. This design looks wicked, I know, but it's an ultimate expression of dialectics, the unity of opposites: power without anger.

      If excess vibration occurs that is evidence of inefficiency. There shouldn't be any violent vibrations, nor any nuts coming loose as the nuts are doubled with a lock washer in between to prevent movement. The wire I used through the hinges -and surrounding the threaded rods very tightly- could at high rpm's still possibly pull & vibrate themselves loose and go through stuff in their path. I wouldn't have it spinning in the direction of any windows. I don't expect mine to go that fast due to the poorly chosen rods being so heavy. Their extra weight should add extra inertia and slow it down.

      Backboard ~ Dowel Rod Disconnected

      I designed the backboard (3 1/2 x 16 lightweight oak) to spin freely -unattached to the dowel rod it spins on- in order to #1 show the device working and #2 find the sweet spot of all the device weights, rod lengths and so on. So the backboard is spinning disconnected from the dowel rod "axle" it spins on (with a dab of grease on the 5/8 center hole edges).

      Backboard ~ Dowel Rod Connected

      In "Real Life" you would want the backboard connected to the dowel rod, for driving a sprocket on the dowel. That would take energy out for driving a home power generator. Once we get the equation right ~the weights all chosen~ then all the weights can be increased by the same Factor to push a generator at whatever torque is needed to overcome generator hysteresis and friction resistances.

      Axle construction parts order this picture, but
      2-nut~locking washers~flat washer combinations
      plus the metal sleeves inside the dowel are not shown:



      • #93
        No Smack Plates?

        This Gravity Wheel shown is not the original posted at the beginning of this Gravity Wheel on Fire thread... but it does qualify being on fire. It should spread like a fire and encompass the planet, bringing power to people the world over who cannot afford fancy sources of power like nuclear or giant Windmills. It takes a load off of Peak Oil it does.

        I decided to put this "Floating Cam" in the pipeline first because I had thought of it in 2008, a year before the idea for using smack plates to push a wheel into turning. There are three different versions of smack plate systems. I will start designing on them next.

        We're working on videos of this one for a new website to hold all of them, but I decided not to hold it back. People starving for fish don't have time to wait for a video production. People suffering from water shortages don't need a video; they need a system to start working now. Jesus didn't make people wait while a marketing and business plan were developed first.

        That's the way we should still be imho. Thank you for sticking with my writings and believing I was going to do something new. But have I? Archaeologists say there were past civilizations 4,000 years ago that had many advanced ideas, so maybe inventing Gravity Wheels is going backwards in time discovering stuff people already had.

        So does re-inventing them help us or portend we are closer to the point where they disappeared? What about 2012? I have had a few insights into 2012 you might find an interesting read => <>


        • #94
          This design looks good. I hope it works for you. I have ben designing one of my own, but will not post it on your thread. I will wait and see how yours does and then maybe start my own thread, or post it in yours or Peter's, gravity motor or mechanical motor page. I am watching your progress with interest. Good Luck. Stealth


          • #95
            Well Cloudseeder when will you be posting a video of your working prototype?


            • #96
              @Stealth: I am very much interested in your design/progress, as I find all the guys posting on The Mechanical Engine!!! I would suggest you go with your idea for making your own thread, not that you aren't welcome here.

              The guys here on Energetics lack a cohesive structure or any means of shared funding. The rule "a divided house cannot stand" clobbers us as a group. Conversely, the OPEC fellows have those things, so they control the vertical and control the horizontal. The OPEC's and Chevron's and Big Oil know Peak Oil is real and have known it for a good deal longer than we in the general public have, so they began a long time ago backing solar cell technology. They've sunk untold amounts of money into winning the Energy problem with their pet, solar cells. That's the realities; they are positioned to win.

              I love working with these Gravity Wheels, and I love the new & wonderful ways the others have conquered gravity different from my own using pendulums and falling hammers passing 12 o'clock for instance. MY CORE BELIEF HAS ALWAYS BEEN that if an idea is good enough it will find its own legs "if the Science is right".

              I placed my pictures on some other few blogs to introduce the idea of Gravity Wheels being doable, plus sent out some e-mails with them to friends. People seem to like the idea a lot. All I have gotten is positive responses.

              I'm not a "purist" when it comes to new energy sources & devices. I invent "cross-platform", pulling in every ancient machine -lever, screw, and so on- that I can. I do not respect IMAGINARY-IN-OUR-MIND boundaries. I'm for combining mechanical with magnets with solar and wind if that's what works best. I look forward to seeing whatever new unique combination you have to offer.

              Have a great and blessed week.


              • #97
                @Mark: I do not have a set date for showing a video. Do you happen to recall about a month or so ago when I wrote I was aiming for the date Mom passed away, May 16? Well, I got the drawings online on time but also something else happened the next morning approx. 12+ hours after putting them online Friday! We had an earthquake 3.0 on the scale, centered in my own Roanoke County.

                We never have quakes here... so it was like the curtain in the temple being rent in two. I'll get my composure back and have it online hopefully the end of this week. This is not something I feel a need to rush. This is a time for contemplation, for me anyway.

                Thanks for asking.

                I'm shutting down now for the rest of the daylight hours as my son is going to start designing my car engine and our computers share a large monitor. Later all.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by CloudSeeder View Post

                  The guys here on Energetics lack a cohesive structure or any means of shared funding. The rule "a divided house cannot stand" clobbers us as a group.
                  Cloudseeder, Thats not the Point.

                  But posting a lot different Themes at a certain Thread only brings you away from the Basic Problems.

                  Figure, if you, or someone wanna read something back from the Thread, because he wanna rebuild it or got some other Problems with it, you have to go first trough endless other Posts, before you find that, what you are looking for.
                  Therefor it is better, you make a seperate Post for a new Idea.
                  And anyone can do that without bother other or get bothered from someone, what still stay at the other Thread.
                  The other Side is, that there are more doubleposting at all, because some dont use the Search Function first.

                  But, believe it or not, i still read all Time through your Thread, and enjoy it, that it is clean and simple to read through, as to fight through a lot other Things.
                  And even, when its very similar to the Bessler Wheel, it is not one, and looks different from building as it, but its ' your Wheel'.
                  Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                  • #99
                    @Joit: It is a good point. The other team is organized (efficient) and we're all posting in our little separated threads (lack of efficient as a TEAM). But yes, efficient as in not a team <> efficient as in staying each man to his own cubicle. We would be the size of Goliath together. Just depends on what yer game plan is. If you want Purity => every man to himself <= but that also means separate smaller paychecks too.

                    It's an interesting quandary. I doubt the Marines would do it this way. You make good points Joit.

                    At any rate, my wheel came very close to running today but as I suspected from the beginning choice of materials is critical. I used threaded rod that was too heavy and the backboard is also too heavy. Nothing wrong with the design. The design is great. The brass hinges worked amazingly well, but they added too much weight. Their weight + the heavy rod weight was just too much weight, plus the hinges being so far out from the hub were throwing too much added leverage against the system for it to work as designed. Unfortunately I'll have to stay with the brass because they were perfect for the job, just have to shorten the rods they're on, bring their weight closer in to the hub where they won't throw the design as much.

                    I'll make some marks where the backboard can be cut, lose the excess wood, go get some aluminum threaded rod tomorrow. Yep, it was just like I had told the other fellers earlier also, that the overall weight makes for too much INERTIA that doesn't want to move. There's nothing wrong with pendulums that a lighter total weight can't fix. Just like my using a threaded nut coupling. With lighter total weight the threads wouldn't create noticeable friction, but with all that heavy threaded rod plus all the extra weights I had to put on the rods to try and counterbalance the whole thing, I could hear the threads grinding a bit. All that goes away when I get the lightweight materials I need.

                    Too much energy is being used to turn our devices. I'm incredibly encouraged. Today wasn't a failure. It functioned very close to doing what the design should do, continuously spin. You can't put the loads of 3 donkeys on the back of just one donkey. That's just plain unreasonable. Every positive has to be maximized and every negative has to be squashed like a bug.

                    New Thread for the Car Engine Planned

                    I'll start a new thread after we get the car engine designed for show. He made it most the way through the cylinder-piston arrangement today. They were the toughest parts to do. I wanted to make it 4-cylinder but he pointed out 4 cylinders evenly set around the hub looked like a swastika, so we dropped back to 3 cylinders. Doesn't matter anyway. It's just for showing the principles. It can be any number and size cylinders.
                    Last edited by CloudSeeder; 05-18-2009, 10:54 PM.


                    • Thanks for the interest,Cloudseeder. My design is not a purely gravity motor as such, but a gravity and water motor. Using water as a gravitational advance(I hope), to help propel the motor. It also is not a wheel as such, but a pipe with a combination of other pipes joined together in rotation. I still have to simplify and test the theory before I go any further. It should work, but other designs I have built should have worked also, but didn't. Good Luck. Stealth


                      • That sounds very interesting. And logical. We're using gravity, basically a fluid, to make turning wheels moving constantly like a fluid, so the trick is to do something via shapes and choice of materials that gives us the action of a fluid. It's tough to do because we're physical beings who think more in terms of solids. Your fluid idea sounds well-grounded.

                        We fail the Aquaman test. We're too much like the Hawk. I could have settled for being Gil Gerard.

                        Using a rolling fluid has a long history, thinking of the mercury switch. It isn't fancy but it works. Private Message me if you hit any snags you don't want to talk out in public. Water hits about 8 pounds per gallon and is somewhat sluggish, but a fellow told me once there's a chemical you can put in water to make it flow faster. I don't remember stuff like that very good but I'm sure it must be common knowledge. Water actually has friction with the insides of pipes.
                        Last edited by CloudSeeder; 05-19-2009, 01:07 AM.


                        • Water as a gravitational advance? I like the sound of that. It would perform sort of like a latch but also as a "bumper" (auxiliary engine) to push it past the inevitable flat spot. When it comes to getting a Gravity Wheel working cheating is OK.

                          Car engines are filled with cheats otherwise their poor design wouldn't have got them to a landfill.


                          • @Stealth: Don't be beating up yourself too badly over failures. I've seen a few inventions on YouTube that worked real well and somehow they seem to not get very far. There seems to be players at the table we don't know their names but they have fat wallets and control who can get a bank loan any time they want. Gravity Wheels is something we are pretty much pursuing for our own selves. Besides, the money available for loans is drying up like watching the waters of the Red Sea being drawn back. Money runs a fluid. Money runs in a circle. They run ahead and dig the river out where they want it to flow (back to them). This is a game for the big boys now.

                            We have chosen a tremendously rewarding hobby. The pursuit of obtaining home energy without paying a monthly electric bill is pretty darn close to being a holy cause. I am very much refreshed by the prospect. The idea of raising up the people at the bottom who have been supporting the weight of the biggest pyramid in World History is very appealing. My pictures I showed how to make a Gravity Wheel are superior to videos.

                            Drawings give people a stepping stone they lacked. No flash, no mirrors, no shellgame. They want it <> they got it.
                            Last edited by CloudSeeder; 05-19-2009, 10:12 PM. Reason: Drawings give people a stepping stone they lacked. No flash, no mirrors, no shellgame.


                            • Thanks for the vote of confidence. I want to accomplish the same effect that a swinging pendulum against a bumper does. Water as a wave has the same effect. Call it slingshot, whiplash or wahatever, but it accelerates the speed and power at the end of the stroke. But unlike a swinging pendulum, water or any liguid hits with a force, backs up hits with a milder force, backs up and hits with an even milder force before equalizing. There should be three surges on every stroke to gain enertia from the water. I hope this will be enough to overpower any friction, and keep the wheel in motion, maybe even picking up speed as it rotates. After doing some tests, I will know more about the feasibility of my design. Good Luck. Stealth


                              • You're wanting to set up a resonance that repeats. Well, it should work but a spinning wheel going much speed would speed away from the extra resonance poundings. My guess is it will work but with a heavier weighted wheel going more of a tide speed. Whew, you're a brain. Imitation tides. hehehe If you can do that wow. One day we can get together and I can show you how my dry waterwheel works and you can teach me tides.

