Sounds great, and I could show you my torque converter. I'm afraid right now my water gravity machine is just a cad drawing I've made and revised many times. I have yet to start building it. I think you're right about a slow moving motor, which is what I had in mind all along. When I can get the problem of reducing friction from my machine, I think it has a good chance of working. It would be great if everyone had two machines to choose from to replicate, mine and yours. Good Luck. Stealth
No announcement yet.
CloudSeeder's Gravity Wheel on Fire
You raise intriguing ideas. My hands are tied to do much more than I am now ($). ||| The trick about friction is any time you can to somehow turn it so that it's a positive. Isn't that what a ROUND torque converter does? So maybe if you took the torque converter and turned it inside out you'd have a new engine: an anti-converter! hahahaha Or the design for a plasma space engine.
Sometimes instead of resisting friction you can easily add to it raising it to a level where it can be turned to positive. Engines designed to revolve in a circle make it possible sometimes; you have to look for it. I've seen many crossover designs combining some of the other guys designs together, so many I can barely remember them all. They saw them too.
Over the years I've picked up a few posies along the way that apparently others didn't see. I know how to make several solar devices that would make every home energy independent fast. Maybe when someone fires a stun weapon out of this box into whoever is in control of the horizontal & vertical we could do some real inventing, not just playing tiddly winks with gravity.
JUST CAD? Cad is 2-d and you are 3-d. That makes 5-d.Last edited by CloudSeeder; 05-21-2009, 01:00 AM.
My torque converter is a radical design. I have made two more improved(simpler) versions since then. My first original design is more easily adaptable to making variations of torque. Imagine a torque converter that can convert the torque of any motor to any multiplication just by changing one component? not only that, but keep the same RPM , or even increase RPM, while at the same time increasing torque. Sounds impossible. You can change torque with belts and pulleys, or gears, but there is a tradeoff. You loose RPM. I had thought of patenting it, but I am now thinking, at least of the first design, of open sourcing it. There are a good bunch of guys on here doing open source projects, and I feel the time is right to release some of the projects I have built and tested over the years. You are correct, sometimes you just have to throw the frisbee out and see what comes back. Sorry, I got off topic. I hope yours works. Good Luck. StealthLast edited by Stealth; 05-22-2009, 02:11 AM.
Frisbee Throwing Contest
Well, I don't have much hands-on experience with torque converters but I had a car once that needed one real bad.
Engine Opinion Section: In my opinion vehicles are made all wrong anyway. Instead of making the engines smaller and less horsepower they should be powerful. By doing that you can have the front axle being low gears first and reverse, maybe 2nd too. Then the rear axle would be direct drive engine rpm hitting the asphalt for perhaps 85 miles per gallon. The engine would be taching between 600-850 and the car would be moving 65-80 mph. You can't do that with a mouse driven powerplant.
Frisbee Discussion: I called myself Johnny Inventionseed on one of my web pages long ago. I guess now you can call yourself Johnny Frisbeethrower or Johnny Torquethrower. Yep, when they refused to use my lightning system (after my jaw came off the floor) I said HUH, they wanna play that game eh? So the more they turned down the more stuff I saw how to make. Kostoff didn't cross the Finish Line ahead of me. I had been water boarding the dirty b oops with so many inventions they finally gave up stopping people. I've been kicking this can since 1989. And their can.
Memory Lane'g: When I saw how to fix Dr. Hertzberg's 1997 air-powered engine by adding steam to allow the liquid air to be directly injected into the cylinder WITHOUT flash freezing the piston head to the cylinder walls I showed how to make a rear axle torque buster engine. The dummies turned it down because they glanced at it and thought I was only re-submitting his engine. It is a very healthy exercise throwing frisbees. we could tsunami them right into Sri Lanka waters <> and take their stupid Patent Offices with em; flood the market with 10 or 12 Gravity Wheels, sail a few torque converters in their direction. (They'll fly as good as a frisbee if ya throw it hard enough into the wind <> just give em a spin like you do a yardstick.)
More On Topic: I bought a Black & Decker cordless "powered hand saw" today to reduce backboard weight 50%, and a table vise to hold the threaded rod still while I shave off some unused threads with the power drill grinder attachment I got last week. Apparently no one here sells threaded aluminum rod but if they did it might cost more than the tools. At least this way I get some tools.
no aluminum threaded rots
Originally posted by CloudSeeder View Post.... no one here sells threaded aluminum rod but if they did it might cost more than the tools. At least this way I get some tools.
die with holder
Or you make some lightweight rods out of plastic/acrylic rods or carbon fiber tubes (hobby shop).
Since you need it threaded you could probably glue one of these long coupling nuts (used to couple threaded rods) to the end. Then you can continue with a short bit of normal threaded rod from there, to mount your weights.
Yes, a kind of tacky proposal but can't think of a better one at the moment.
Marxist Riding from out of the Woods Comes ROBIN HOOD
Those are very good suggestions. However, when the wheel gets up speed from all the reduced weight it might start throwing glued pieces around. Glue looks great when not under centrifugal force. I've visited a few hobby shops around here in this railroad town and, funny thing, they only sell toy trains...
Wouldn't really need a die maybe just use the coupling nut as the die since it's harder metal than the aluminum. Give me something more to do WITH MY NEW VISE! Or, I could take the vise grip pliers and CRUMPLE THE ENDS til reach the necessary weight on the ends. hehe
Power thinkers untie oops I mean unite!
Setting Stroke Distance on CloudSeeder Gravity Wheel
I did find out something important a few days ago. You have to put weights (two nuts around a lock washer) between the hinges and the eye screw to limit the distance the hinge weight falls i.e. a stroke distance limiter. I suspect when I get this running I'll find out the stroke distance will be rather short. To let them drop too far a distance is to #1 allow them to gain momentum that works against the device by #2 allowing the hinge-rod combined weight to smack a backwards force at two places: #1 where the hinge stops, slamming a backwards center of gravity negative impact and #2 hitting the eye screw an impact towards the hub which is a backboard rotation-halting force.
In short, glean what you need and get out of it. Trim the fat, only leaving positive bumps.
....Last edited by CloudSeeder; 05-22-2009, 02:41 PM. Reason: Trim the fat, only leaving positive bumps. A limited stroke distance is a critical factor.
Originally posted by CloudSeeder View PostThose are very good suggestions. However, when the wheel gets up speed from all the reduced weight it might start throwing glued pieces around. Glue looks great when not under centrifugal force.
Thanks Redeagle.To help exceed the other man's limitations I angled the rods to the counterclockwise, hoping to experience less limitations such as 28 rpm. Looks like for that to work though the length of stroke needs to be defined down a bit shorter. A longer stroke chews up the game clock. I varied the weights, got the wheel doing the best it looked like it wanted to do with the weight disadvantages, now trimming about 70% of the unused board.
I will then put it back together and try that without shaving the threads off the rods. I want to see how much effect board reduction has first.
I think for this device there's not going to be just one "sweet spot" but a range of sweet spots, so seeing if the sweet spot range begins with the board reduction will give me that parameter. Thanks for you great comments! It's good to know where the walls others ran aground was.
Range of Sweet Spots?:
I did not mean to sound like ONLY mine would experience a "sweet spot range". I expect the pendulum systems to do that also. On my other wheels I'll be doing later, the ones that have smack plates, I expect them not to have a wide range at all. I expect them to work according to the weight of the balls used vs total weight.
I'm not sure what Michael's cam systems will do. They're a different and unique category.
How are your projects coming along?Last edited by CloudSeeder; 05-22-2009, 05:02 PM.
Cloudseeder, Your motor is starting to look good. I think you may be close to solving a puzzle that has persisted for 300 years. Building a self running gravity mechanical motor. If and when I do decide to release my torque converter, you will be the first to know. There are other plans that I have made over the years that also need to be released. I think the time may be just around the corner for many revelations in power generation to be released. It would be great to be a part of that movement. Good Luck. Stealth
George Walker Bush <> Ecology President
Movement? That's a big word. More like a Brotherhood of the Pained. You know Stealth, when I first figured out my engine in 2003 I put it online, not with any idea of a movement <> nothing that grandiose. I actually thought some young backyard mechanics somewhere in highschool auto shop would see and build it. Hired guns paid by George W. Bush assaulted me online anywhere I wrote about it. They can credit me with not buckling under the weight of a football team but as for the movement if it is that, the credit I see rightfully would go to George Walker Bush I think.
He always did treasure being in the History books. Maybe he'll pay good. I hear his house uses geothermal so he's saving money hand over fist. Historians can spin him in a few short years to being The Ecology President. hahahaha
Maybe I'm just a dreamer, but I do see attitudes starting to change. It is not going to happen overnight. I think as our fuel supplies start to dwindle even more, people are going to start looking for answers. When blackouts, brownouts , and system failures of the grid start happening with regularity people are going to srart searching for answers. I feel those in charge are going to start pushing solar as the alternative, but the energy hungry consumers aren't going to be happy with total solar as their salvation. Solar will work, but it is too costly for the amount of energy it delivers. Gasolne generators are not better, as they cost even more to operate. So what is the answer they will be searching for? I really do hope things change for the better, and we are using FE in the near future. Good Luck. Stealth
Temporarily Diverting from Topic
According to Matthew 5 things are due for an upgrade. When Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem they laid fronds in front of the animal. I view my engine work as something similar. Prepare the way and all that. I'm little more than an appetizer. The main meat and potatoes meal is coming.
On Topic: Technically they already have more than enough engines from me to do without fossil fuels or solar or wind or nuclear. And if that wasn't enough then I gave them ideas for collecting solar on the moon to laser down here to a 3,000 mile long collector wall that also would have a monorail suspended underneath powered by the solar. But I do have some amazing solar devices I just haven't released them. Well, no, take that back. I did put some ideas out early on. Australia built those.
Didn't seem to help em much though. They seem to have been hit with a blowtorch later.