Yeah, I've had some sketches which offered huge leverage. Unfortunately, leverage goes at the cost of height. A good long lever can lift a house with the weight of a duckling's feather, but never quite to the height or over the angle you need. You get initial movement for sure, but then the working weight reaches bottom before the lifted weight reaches top. Manage the other way around, and you've got a sure runner.
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CloudSeeder's Gravity Wheel on Fire
Originally posted by CloudSeeder View PostWell, I've made a small mistake. 38 was two days ago. Yesterday Beijing found me 48 times. In contrast I might get a few hits a day from DC, sometimes 4-6 from Chicago, so all they're doing is keeping tabs on me while China is jumping in and learning my ideas about circularly-replenishing systems.
I look forward to the pictures when you find em.
I'm taking some time figuring out what materials I can best use to make the rest of my device. Next month I plan to release several inventions not just this one. August is for breaking outta this joint. I was in hopes the other guys would feel the same. Feels a bit strange crossing the finish line all by my lonesome as if I'm an attention monger.Last edited by protecheqp; 08-02-2009, 05:13 PM.
Originally posted by Stealth View PostMy friend gave up after encountering a problem with his windshield washer pumps. I have an ongoing fascination with improving gas mileage. Here are some things I have done. First, I set the spark plug gap closer to increase amperage to the plug. Second, I drilled a i/32 hole down through the center of the elcrode that protrudes over the center. Next, I bought nonresistor wires. I bought a higher voltage coil. I advanced the timing to 12 degrees BTDC. I built a copper tubing heating coil for my fuel rail. On my 1989 Ford Bronco ll, 2.9liter v6,4wheel drive automatic I am getting between 35-40 MPG.
Not bad for a 4wheel drive SUV. Good Luck. Stealth
Pro Tech Equipment Man Returns!
So the flame is about to go out for ye eh? Had you been reading for something more than fuel on your attitude you would have read my commitment is for August 31. You're ahead not I'm behind.
Methinks you are desperate for my answers. Cloxxki writes better than you and his ideas come closer than yours. See how he is telling you an important fact and you make no mention of it. You're a big baby who wants to be spoon fed.
How to Make Gravity Wheels examined:
So far a number of methods have somewhat worked to spin various inventor's gravity wheels. It is just a matter of finding a point where some combination of the following reach Synergy:
1) pendulums
2) weights
3) springs
4) latches
5) slides
I have found 3, 4 if we include the earlier design using "smack plates" on the outer rim => Energetic Forum - View Single Post - CloudSeeder's Gravity Wheel on Fire. A continuously-spinning wheel is only part of the whole. To generate electric current a generator has to turn... requiring the device to be large enough a Mass to overcome the hysteresis & friction of the generator.
A lack of funds slows me down but will not stop me. A few times that I've asked for contributions to this effort has been met with snickering and sometimes downright hatred. I feel sorry for such people because I offered them an opportunity to do something different and wonderful outside themselves and above their daily lives. To be part of making Gravity Wheel history after 300 years "drought" leaving us thirsty for gravity power is a blessing to any who would help... that for the rest of their lives they could say and yes, even brag, that they had the foresight to help.
So why do people react with hatred and suspicion for? Because it takes Faith and they lack it. Whenever I have dared suggest someone help out with a few $$ it forces them into a situation where their refusal to help push the car makes it evident how lacking of faith they are. So they stick to the spectator seats.
Since 2003 I have made that suggestion just 3 times, and each time they chose to sit. It has not stopped my work and it has not stopped anything. I kept inventing. For those of you just joining here's a page that contains many new engine concepts discussed at the top of the page => Real Time Right Now Energy no Big Batteries Needed PDF List for 2008 Warnings for End Times Watchers.
In 1989 just several months after a pummeling I took from a fallen 1,000 pound bale some electronic theory I had taken at E.C.P.I. in 1987 coalesced in my mind and I understood how to generate half of America's electricity needs from regular west-to-east lightning laden thunderstorms across the Gulf states (Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida).
It is not a lacking of technology that causes the "Energy Crisis" and never was. It was a lack of faith. We are where we are now because faith could not be found anywhere. Faith left the building with Elvis so we stayed prisoners of the oil company cartels.
All we lack for is shackles on our ankles, and a big dunce cap.
I solved the Obesity Epidemic before it started but the company I sent the idea to refused to use it => a method of splitting frequencies via a frequency splitter into two half beams that would be beamed into a person's fat from 2 different directions, the crossed frequencies causing the adipose fat cell's water content to expand enough to bust the outer wall, the cell membrane, spilling the contents of the fat cells to be excreted away via the kidneys.
Millions of people have lived out their lives suffering horribly for lack of my
system, not because it hadn't been invented but because faith failed.
Some ideas I achieved on my own but some were truly INSPIRED
but the world walked blindly by cursing the desert storm, many
crying out WHERE IS GOD? when God was working all along helping me stay alive when my doctors refused me medicine and proper medical diagnostics and all that U.S./A.M.A. expertise they brag about over radio and TV.
The cursed are cursed by their lack of faith not missing ideas. The obese of America are caught in a trap that was laid for them in the early 1950's when fructose was added to foods to increase sales. "Fat" is not just fat, like babyfat; fat becomes filled with assorted things over the years that cannot be dieted off easily => accumulations of environmental toxins that turns real "white" fat into brown fat, viruses, bacterias and sometimes even mold & fungus all living and existing inside the belly fat.
And yet the medical community will not admit these facts. Why? Because the educated people who make it to the top know their Bread & Butter lifestyles come to a screeching halt if the masses knew the truth about anything, whether it's a lightning harnessing system or a solution to obesity or gravity wheels or space-capable anti-gravity engines I also know how to make. The educated at the top of this pyramid know they have to keep the masses barefoot and ignorant so they drone along working hard and dutifully paying taxes on time.
A flood of antidepressant medications are being consumed today. You who take these psychotropic/psychoactive meds like Zoloft, Prozac and Wellbutrin are all being set up to die when the next Cold germ comes. Laboratory-produced mood elevating drugs relax more than your Mood <> they also relax your Immune System into semi-dysfunction. A mass killing machine has been at work. When the wave of antibiotic-resistant germs arises many of you or your loved ones taking these mind candy drugs are history.
From a lack of faith in my words, faith in my 20+ years of God-given insights.
So now the only thing left is to scoop up th dead fat corpses in coffins.
Probably more than a few feeling hatred toward me as they lost
consciousness, or spewing attitude like protecheqp as he awaits his free patent.Last edited by CloudSeeder; 08-04-2009, 02:36 PM. Reason: set up to die when the next Cold germ comes.
I presently have 3 gravity wheel designs that will work. One uses centrifugal +
weights. Like Robert Kostoff's it is patentable. The second design involves
springs + weights -different from Kostoff's- so it is also patentable.
#3 uses weights alone so it probably isn't patentable.
#3 is the one I plan to release for free. Protecheqp can swing the axe a while. If he swings harder and faster and smarter than the others, smart enough to get a patent, then he deserves the fruit of his labor and his patience.
Once I show it you will not need faith any more.
Nor will those piles of dead people dead of a COLD GERM.
Blinded by Success <> What we all failed to do:
@All: Unless someone corrects me, there's one thing I did not do with my designs, that is, my designs excluding the circular spinners with outer rim smack plates. They were all pretty much designed to be balanced all the way around.
The designs I have shown since those early ones needed to be placed horizontally and balanced... like as in placed on a tire shop bubble balancer. My later designs having the two opposed arms essentially didn't quite make it because they have a double top-heavy.
You take that last picture, the one I called Gravity Wheel #7 => all I had to do to make it spin continuously was to drill through the hub at 90 degrees to the extended arms, run a threaded rod through to then be weighted on each end. Which I had thought to do but, that's the very thing that has afflicted us all, a blindness that comes when we feel success is near, like overlooking the bubble balancer.
Things are looking up more & more each passing day.Last edited by CloudSeeder; 08-12-2009, 11:35 PM.
Pulling versus Pushing (tells the weight it has to follow, no choices).
Some Gravity Wheel designs are doing more pulling while others are doing more Pushing. I believe the ones that do pushing are best but, they need to be out in front of the weight. Pushing is pro-active => the weight following its action.
A pushing design that is out in front of the weight looks like pulling <> it isn't. It's just pushing from the front side, like a gym exerciser where you pull (push) the straps connected to hanging weights. Pushing the handles is preceding the weights being lifted. That is what Gravity Wheels need to do, not doing some action and almost begging the weight to follow.
Pushing tells the weight it has to follow.Last edited by CloudSeeder; 08-21-2009, 02:13 PM. Reason: 8/21/2009: Pushing tells the weight it has to follow, no choices.
Launch aborted til Sept. 22
Launch aborted til Sept. 22 => <> however, other planned launches will be happening before then. They will be posted on YouTube under username "peacepipe4". A health tonic recipe I stumbled upon 3+ weeks ago accomplished healing some leftover damage from a 1986 accident I was in, so this is one powerhouse powerful health tonic.
It's more than the sum of its ingredients. I found out that microwaving one of the ingredients super-activated it and, added to other ingredients they all rode the wave together. They went synergy.
Google Profile for Woodrow Riley, self-titled the CloudSeeder
A complete profile with picture is online here => Woodrow Riley - Google Profile <> for those who would want to know what the great inventor looks like and find out my most recent inventions.
In particular an Army~soldier health tonic based on some advice my Dad gave me when I was young. I took his advice and rolled it into a single drink with some modern health powders and oils, to be released online soon. Dad was a Mess Sergeant stationed in the Aleutians during WWII.
This formula does everything; encourages new lean muscle and a trimmed stomach, raises Immune System function, fights off colds flus and disease, even fights parasites viruses and bacteria. The oils build up joint fluid (synovial) and clears the lungs, one of the powders including a Chinese herb that is a natural expectorant. Only took 6+ years to put together correctly, it employs a special organic trick that causes the ingredients to go health-exponential. I will fully divulge it all, won't be selling it.
....Last edited by CloudSeeder; 09-03-2009, 03:40 PM. Reason: Tonic employs a special organic trick that causes the ingredients to go health-exponential. I will fully divulge it freely.
Hi Cloudseeder, glad to see your still at it. You know your off topic great rants I think are more valuable than the technology, and I say this because all the technologies we have needed to replace there limiting and slave oriented technologies have been discovered as you probably already know. I also tire of the secret keepers and there lust to maintain power over the masses, though the winds have changed my friend. We will be free now and for anyone else that wants to become truly free. peace brother.
peace love light
I've been real busy and haven't had time for much lately, but hopefully things can settle down a bit now. Wishing you all the luck and inspiration to complete your project. I may even get to work on some of my projects now. Summer has come and gone so fast, it's like a blur. Good Luck. Stealth