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CloudSeeder's Gravity Wheel on Fire

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  • Btw

    By the way

    in case you don't know me there's something you should know =>

    I Never Give Up.

    Gravity Wheels are Toast.

    I already have over 7 designs.

    They may look difficult but they're

    like tapping a hula hoop to keep rolling.
    Last edited by CloudSeeder; 05-28-2010, 08:24 PM.


    • you fall off the planet CloudSeeder


      • Dropped off the face of the Earth? e tu Brutus?

        Off planet? Uhm, that isn't allowed yet. I found a new doctor and got kind of in a bad way so he was giving me a checkup when I happened to offhand mention I had had sleep apnea for many years. Well he just latched onto that and started hitting me with HOW DO YOU KNOW? So I told him it's not hard to know and told him a few things but he didn't give up. He asked me a couple times... I thought I was being interrogated for Murder or sumthin.

        So he set up a Sleep Study and they said yep, I was stopping breathing 43 times an hour and my oxygen was 78% what it should be. Of course that wasn't right either because that was optimal. I was at rest not using any. Okay, so they said I need a machine called a CPAP and also they said I had hypoxia but h*ll, I've known that for years too. They found out I had been going without having any REM sleep.

        So they faxed the papers to the doctor and he sat on em for 3 weeks so the machine they said I needed I wasn't able to get til last Friday. And they don't want to give me an oxygen tank even though I need one. So it's basically just another episode in my life where people pick you up with Hope then drop you like a sack of potatoes across their knee to break your back.

        When it gets hot outside I have to stay inside in the air conditioning because the oxygen molecules are closer together. I haven't been able to go out during the summers for over 10 years now. So here they give me the diagnosis I need that should get me the oxygen tank and I could enjoy the summers some but he refuses to prescribe it.

        It's just the way life goes for me, no big whoop. I should be getting used to it by now. My car doesn't have AC so if I take a drive out I get hit no oxygen real quick. It's quite an experience.

        Anyway, I've figured out why my Hammer Cam didn't spin but I just got tied up with this garbage. I had pack up my stuff, but then I figured it out and unpacked, worked on it some then ran out of steam. So it's over there just sitting. I found a lot other stuff I needed to get done anyway.

        So how've you been? I was kind of wondering what happened to you also.
        I thought you dropped off the face of the Earth.


        • I very much appreciate your asking about me protecheqp. I used the machine 2 nights and it put me into such a deep sleep it was like being put under. I don't care to be totally out like that, not even any dreams. Then after 2 nights it felt like my lungs/ribs were becoming weaker so I didn't use it last night. I went right back to where I was too.

          The tech guy called so I told him. I asked couldn't he turn the pressure down some.... He can't do that without a doctor saying so. I'm going over tomorrow with the chip.

          The Hammer Cam had a slight problem but it was keeping it from running. I've got a lot going on right now so I don't know when I'll get it finished. It's a shoe in. My other one above that is the multiple arms, it had too steep an angle on the sliding weights. But I went back to the Pelican design and tried a few tricks that showed promise.

          The axle needs to be fatter. And two opposed arms just doesn't seem to get it. My new design for the Hammer Cam has 3 halves offset. I'm in your situation I reckon, ust have to work on stuff when I can.


          • nice to see you back ,, I have been real lazy lately with my toy I got a garden going right now and doing some planting and watching it grow. be back at it soon


            • That's a tough choice between food in the stomach and gravity wheels. heh heh heh Well, I stopped using the dang machine. I had a few sudden crying jags hit me and leave, hit me and leave. Apparently it delivered too much a shock to my nervous system. Heck with that. They say if I lose weight it might quit happening to my windpipe. (I asked the guy couldn't he turn down the top ceiling and he can't. Doctor has to do that and I'm tired of begging.)

              I already dropped 17 pounds and that was when it all started

              I started using this new health protein powder. I don't know if it has anything to do with it but I cut it out. I'm back on the diet and will use it sparingly starting tomorrow. Feel my way along the wall... hope the world isn't flat again (fall off).

              I may have a medical reason I need to be overweight


              • Huh. Didn't have to beg after all, just sign a paper saying I can croak any time and that I had refused doctor's advice. I drove a truck for a million miles and put 10,000 on a Suzuki riding in the wintertime on snow and ice. Didn't have to sign no papers though.

                Soon as I lose another 10-20 pounds I'll be past this little bump in the road.


                • @Protecheqp: Putting the finished gravity wheel drawing openly online would maybe not be the way to proceed. Out in public might kill any hopes for a patent then no one would be able to market it. We need to proceed in private. Make some money. Fax me when you hammer out a tentative plan! 888-844-5652.


                  • Making Moves => on 8/17/2010

                    The Just Gravity intro page has been rewritten to be a much more aggressive eye catcher =>


                    • Roller sleeves over bolts now am achieving nearly friction-free motion => 8/23/2010

                      Originally posted by CloudSeeder
                      8-30-20-10 is Coming

                      Gravity Wheel projected success date!
                      Friends@All, the "Hammer Cam" Gravity Wheel Project is smoking rubber. By using metal roller sleeves over bolts am now achieving nearly friction-free motion => 8/23/2010.


                      • Hi cloudseeder, hey i like that solar concept you posted. So it sounds like he placed individual solar cells around rim of bicycle wheel and placed one or more magnifying glasses to shine onto these cells set to rotate. Have you found any other information to this, thanks.
                        peace love light


                        • Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                          Hi cloudseeder, hey i like that solar concept you posted. So it sounds like he placed individual solar cells around rim of bicycle wheel and placed one or more magnifying glasses to shine onto these cells set to rotate. Have you found any other information to this, thanks.
                          peace love light
                          Hey Tyson! That idea for the spinning solar was mine, back in June! I liked it too! Some students up at Stanford University got on the stick and released a system about 1 week ago that uses sun's heat plus light... which is what mine would do also, but theirs doesn't spin so they got me. They'll do something when ya push on em. Here's a link to you can check it out => New Solar Energy Conversion Process Could Revamp Solar Power Production // Current


                          • Stanford University News Release August 2010 Solar Energy Process!!

                            Originally posted by CloudSeeder View Post
                            Hey Tyson! That idea for the spinning solar was mine, back in June! I liked it too! Some students up at Stanford University got on the stick and released a system about 1 week ago that uses sun's heat plus light... which is what mine would do also, but theirs doesn't spin so they got me. They'll do something when ya push on em. Here's a link to you can check it out => New Solar Energy Conversion Process Could Revamp Solar Power Production // Current

                            not meaning to be confusing in the above post! Stanford University appears to have released News of their discovery -Solar Energy Conversion Process- and I did not mean to make it sound as if we can all drive over to Wal-Mart right now and purchase one.

                            Personally, I like mine spinning under a magnifying glass or square plastic lens because mine sitting out in the front yard will look like IT'S DOING SOMETHING while the Stanford University solar process device just sits there looking like a potted plant. When making store purchases of engines, mine really is an ENGINE while theirs requires an electric meter and Faith from the consumer.

                            People today are very much turned off to putting Faith in anything. My engine wins by a landslide where Marketing is concerned => people buy something that claims to run, they want to see the darn thing run.


                            • Hammer Cam Pre-Friday Update => Slight Change in Plan for 8/30/2010

                              Hello All once again! The "Plan" to have the Hammer Cam working as of 8/30/2010 has been adjusted. The 2nd Build this morning (8/26) did admirably well and I was very pleased. However, for some time now I've had a serious shoulder & vertebra issue from my lifetime of hard hits & accidents... so the shoulder recently "acted up" because of a change in weather here in Virginia.

                              Meantime, the #2 Build this morning showed one more piece is needed for the Hammer Cam to work correctly. I lack a router and my shoulder is not agreeable to more labor on the Hammer Cam. So I have had to make a hard choice and the conclusion is that I will produce my last Gravity Wheel design instead =>

                              The one I call the Scorpion is now planned for 8|30|20|10.

                              It has much fewer parts and no router is required.

                              Will post the video here ASAP.

                              Riley, 8/26/2010

