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CloudSeeder's Gravity Wheel on Fire

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  • #31
    I'm a little curious at the request for better pictures. It's obvious I am not a gifted artist, so even when I do better pictures my "better" is still far below standard. I can't "win" an argument on paper based on my drawings animated or not.

    The principles shown are what will make the device work.

    If "selling" principles of Physics is what it takes to grown men already versed up to their eyeballs in Physics Law then the picture making effort is wasted... especially since pictures basically mean nothing to them anyway. If the Science is right they will work. I'm not redoing the pictures for anybody more than my own self. I try to do stuff right and to my own satisfaction as much as possible... if and when I feel physically up to doing them not because someone demands them of me. The Gravity Wheel device will have both a Power and Efficiency Gain by

    #1 pushing the wheel and (Power)
    #2 rebounding to a less negative radius position (Efficiency)
    #3 in the same action a twofer in the same window of Time => Physics Multitasking.

    New pictures or no new pictures.
    Last edited by CloudSeeder; 03-10-2009, 01:28 PM.


    • #32
      Baseball Analogy => Bat and Mit, Windup Pitch, Home Plate <> PLAY BALL

      Uhm, seems like as I recall this country had a favorite sport called BASEBALL.
      Do I have to prove how baseball works too? Whew, you're a tough crowd.

      When the Gravity Wheel winds up, the ball rolls up to the mound for the pitch. It throws a curve ball that first dips like a slider then it curves up over the hub and plummets down under slingshot acceleration toward home plate (smack plate) where it gets caught in a baseball glove that doubles as a baseball bat and the ball gets hammered once again back into play. How many thousands of baseball games do we watch in our lifetime anyway?

      Maybe I need Kevin Costner to build it so they'll come.
      Everybody seems to understand everything he does...
      not that having the Phone Book guy doesn't help.

      Slingshot maneuvers around planets and the moons of Jupiter is old hat to NASA. Mean ta tell me we can't do it on EARTH? I haven't done anything new here, just a new collaboration of ALREADY PROVEN TECHNIQUES in a different package that takes advantage of gravity <> and Gravity isn't anything new either.

      Man, you people would have killed Richard Pryor.
      I'm glad I don't hafta re-invent a TOILET.


      • #33
        I only have a bit problem with the arrow. If the arrow is reduced to the one currently active, it should made the picture easier to read. The wheel and ball is fine.

        I have a couple of question about how the ball move which should be answered with clearer arrow. For example, the time when the ball move from outer to inner, what make the ball move, gravity or lever or rebounce? If rebounce how many rpm the wheel rotate?

        About energy from the ground, in java psychic / martial arts learning it is suggested for laying on top of banana tree leaves on the ground or floor. Most house here has the floor connect to the ground because the floor material is either granite or from dirt.


        • #34
          If the arrow in the wrong place -or in too many places- is your major problem then the very fastest way to fix that would be to print out my pictures and get a big eraser, take out which arrows bothers your eyes. Then make a gif or tga file from that and e-mail it to me.

          In the meantime I'll see what I can do here towards getting some better pictures by this weekend. But if I have yours to look at I'll be SURE to get them right.

          And thanks for the help if you are able to do that. If not, that's OK.

          I don't have any big banana leaves however, when I moved into these apartments they didn't give us new carpet. So a few years later I asked for new carpet and they said they couldn't do it, against their rules. So I have 8 year old carpet that's close to being dirt. Actually, since I don't know the previous tenant had new carpet it's entirely possible this old rag could be 40 years old. The apartment was built in 1970...
          Last edited by CloudSeeder; 03-11-2009, 03:12 AM.


          • #35
            Ok. Here is the image:
            I found the last sequence weird. And I wonder how it look between the last the the first sequence.

            I think banana tree leaves could also means carpet made from plant, can be bamboo, palm weave, wood, etc.


            • #36
              I agree with your criticisms of the drawings. The reason I put them online as fast as I did (2 days) was that I had made a promise to the other fellow that I would have them online by Sunday March 8. I try not to break promises, but sometimes I do because of my health issues messing me around. I'm going to start over again from the smack plate drawings I have and start over.

              Health from Earth Energy Ground-Thru-Plant Transfer
              and the Accidental Mixed-Proteins
              Cure for Hemophilia

              Sometimes plant material will draw infection out of our body so I kind of think of your trick with the leaves like that, except not pulling infection but pulling the healthful energy out of the ground, sort of. But also that energy is apparently designed to prefer transferring into living matter given the chance, a Like-Drawn-to-Like Attraction. But also the Fluid Gravity is drawn to the water in plants and animals, easier to jump into fluids than off into the air since Air is a resistance to energy.

              So just like you said, it would probably work with many other leaves or other previously-living matter just like the banana leaves. The animals sunning themselves on the good green grass are having their batteries recharged as well people on the beaches, with Earth Energy.

              Since I don't imagine we could eat those leaves they're "expendable" to us but if I'm not mistaken don't giraffes eat those leaves? Probably many animals gain life & health from them. They must be on a par with bananas. You take this product sold called Oxy-Nectar has many nutritious ingredients, you can take that and wet it, make a poultice to put on injuries and cuts.

              I recently mixed the Oxy-Nectar with coconut oil really really dry and it set up into a sheet. I broke up the sheet and made healthy breakfast chunks. Coconut oil is some of the best protein you can get. In fact, hahaha, when I first used coconut oil I mixed it with peanut butter and some other stuff and it dried up my blood so much my kidneys were throbbing from the added workload. I went like that for 3-4 months not realizing what the throbbing really was. I thought it was the trunk nerve in my spine throbbing because after my being slammed down in 1989 I had had that same powerful throbbing.

              I had mixed up a cure for hemophilia! It was making my kidneys very much hard work. The different proteins, turns out, combined together into what's called a "chemical spiderweb" in my blood, so since I don't have hemophilia well, I didn't need my blood setting up like mortar. That was over well two years ago when that happened => the cure for hemophilia an accidental discovery by Woodrow Riley.

              I wrote it up on several international forums, so a few years later the scientific~medical community came up with the term chemical spiderweb for my discovery and ran with it like they had sewed together a new football from pigskin and sewing thread with their own ingenuity... and since everybody in the world expects great discoveries to come from college boys not me they all pile on the researcher's Praise-be-to-us bandwagon the researchers saying they discovered it. What they really did was they read my international posts on SlashDot and the New York Times. hahahaha It will all come out in the wash as Mom used to say, the real will be divided from the plagiarists. This new modern medical wonderboy-discovered chemical spiderweb cure for hemophilia was an accident not a gaggle of great college-educated DNA genuses sweating over an all-night jamfest-of-the-brains session.

              Nutrients are a lot like poisons in that they will pass through the skin. They can be absorbed through the lining of the mouth. Oxygen is a nutrient also, so when I told people to purse their lips together and hold back the air as they exhale that's how extra oxygen is pressed into the bloodstream in the mouth, being pressed through the mouth & tongue lining into the bloodstream... like the fish, and the weightlifters already do.

              We can all do that, we can all have their Power. It is the power of the fetus and the young infant & child, to build new stem cells that are totally compatible with each individual, solving each individual's health problems, maximizing what each of us is supposed to be. But, people doubt my conclusions for lack of ONE IMPORTANT FACT I found out years ago doing reading, that the majority of oxygen breathed in is exhaled back out. All I did was I said Hey, whoa there team! I want that oxygen to be absorbed not go back out. But for lack of that one single fact people doubt. It's much easier to say CloudSeeder Riley is a fraud.

              I'm not.

              And if my discoveries weren't being paid to other people
              I'd build this Gravity Wheel not write about it.


              • #37
                Those are interesting changes you made Sucahyo. I have very limited tools here to do curved drawings. I have PhotoShop & Windows Paint. Neither one is suited for doing stuff like this. I used an Office Max protractor on a printed out circle with just the smack plates on the drawing and some curved plastic.

                I wasn't really wanting to do them over again... but you're right: they could use some spiffing up. Ideally to have more views in tighter increments with smaller ball position changes... and then there wouldn't be any need for any directional arrows at all. I'll see can't I have them online this weekend... more views in the animation and spinning at a faster clip.

                I like doing it but it's time consuming.


                • #38
                  I modified your image with irfan view. I think you can utilize photoshop berzier for drawing curve, although there are other application spesifically made for vector drawing like illustrator or corel draw. There are also inkscape, or other alternative:
                  Math Games:Vector vs. Raster

                  I currently use QUCS on some, only because I am too lazy to try other though, should be enough for drawing circle or curve. I use Gimp for cropping, fine rotating, or other complicated stuff. All free. Irfan view support rotating and drawing ball too.

                  Interesting finding on coconut oil, is it the same as palm oil? If it is different I guess making it myself is faster since there is no product like that here and so many coconut shell is made because coconut water is a favorite drink here. There is a type of coconut which many people here would use as anti poison, green coconut water.

                  In Indonesia, plant leaves is consumed a lot, there is many menu that include plant leaves. There are favorite menu that many of they ingredient are from plant, like pecel, gado-gado, and rujak. Even the children love it. I found it weird that west people eat natural food from plant without processing it in a way to make it taste good. Banana leaves also used a lot as food wrapper, like in lontong and lemper, banana leaves would add taste to the food.

                  That is a sad thing for the hemophylia cure. I think we have our current problem in energy is because something like that too.

                  I pass country side area last week. I see a healthy old man bathing in a river which also being use to bath a cow, and use as toilet. What surprising me is not the fact that he bath in the very dirty water, but the fact that he is very old. He must have done it from his younger age. I guess we can't trust anything scientist would told us, according to the current knowledge bathing in a river like that will make you sick. But that old man is healthy, I guess science assuming too many thing and ignored fact like this.

                  Human body is magnificent creation, it can adapt to environment or treatment. Drug can be inffective after consumed a lot, but we get more immune everytime we get the same sickness. Skin can withstand heat or needle if trained. Muscle can be fast or strong. There are so much that we ignored and don't know.


                  • #39
                    Thanks Sucayho. You're right too that people paying out $1200.00 a month for hemophilia medicine when all they have to do is mix proper batch of proteins... is like the Energy Crisis. We all bleed profusely from that when the answers are at our fingertips.

                    The old guy out bathing in the river, as long as no skin cuts he's okay. His skin has become toughened from the sun. As long as he doesn't breathe any water up his nostril. A lot of the time there's a bacteria in the water if it gets inside the nostril goes straight to the brain, a quick death.

                    Whether he's getting all that clean is another matter. But over here we poison our women with flouride in the shower water that molecules are able to enter their body through the opened skin pores...

                    I'm very much blessed to be alive today myself =>
                    SignOnSanDiego Forums Post #1122 - 2012 3-Year Word =>
                    SignOnSanDiego Forums Post #1123 - 2012 3-Year Word =>
                    That's a good reason I invent the way I do; continuous streaming energy went through me.
                    Last edited by CloudSeeder; 03-12-2009, 11:06 AM. Reason: Continuous streaming energy begets continuous streaming energy.


                    • #40
                      Tell ya what there Sucayho. Instead of making more drawings that prove nothing much at all... I've come into a bit extra money here this week from an overbilling mistake made by my life insurance company. I may just be able to afford the Motion software that does real-time calculation of Gravity, Momentum of the weighted balls and the other constantly-spinning, constantly-changing variables.

                      I'm going to retrack and save my energy to put into learning that software if the guy still offers me the discount. I wrote him an e-mail just now.

                      You can fool around with the drawings on your own all you want. It isn't like they're Copyrighted or something; they aren't. Until I can show the Forces in real-time action ~simulated close to reality~ my time and energy are wasted just doing more drawings.

                      I have appreciated our dialogue. Don't go away. Woody


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by CloudSeeder View Post
                        The old guy out bathing in the river, as long as no skin cuts he's okay. His skin has become toughened from the sun. As long as he doesn't breathe any water up his nostril. A lot of the time there's a bacteria in the water if it gets inside the nostril goes straight to the brain, a quick death.
                        There are many children playing, jumping around in that river too. I guess human body can develop more immunity than what we can think of, unless maybe when the pollution source is industry.

                        Originally posted by CloudSeeder View Post
                        I'm very much blessed to be alive today myself =>
                        SignOnSanDiego Forums Post #1122 - 2012 3-Year Word =>
                        SignOnSanDiego Forums Post #1123 - 2012 3-Year Word =>
                        That's a good reason I invent the way I do; continuous streaming energy went through me.

                        Originally posted by CloudSeeder View Post
                        Tell ya what there Sucayho. Instead of making more drawings that prove nothing much at all... I've come into a bit extra money here this week from an overbilling mistake made by my life insurance company. I may just be able to afford the Motion software that does real-time calculation of Gravity, Momentum of the weighted balls and the other constantly-spinning, constantly-changing variables.
                        That would benefit all . Thanks for the great effort .


                        • #42
                          Comments on 'Gravity Can't Work' from another thread

                          I've been reading & re-reading some comments made on another thread concerning the poster's HARD HELD BELIEF THAT GRAVITY IS AN UNUSEABLE ENERGY SOURCE. After a passage of days I'm deciding to address two main issues I see raised from his post => :

                          "The centrifugal force of the swinging weight adds real energy to the rotation of the wheel."
                          If the centrifugal force was isolated & alone it would be both a useful & usefully-recurring force. However, the WEIGHT of the object causing that centrifugal force is a Constant that always accompanies that centrifugal force... This Constant always overwhelms the awesomely smaller centrifugal force.


                          "Gravity alone isn't enough. It's like trying to get energy from a magnet without moving it."
                          This is a true statement concerning the problem with Gravity not moving. The obvious and logical thing to do is to design a device that moves in & out of gravity... which is rather much IMPOSSIBLE TO DO because gravity is EVERYWHERE A CONSTANT. But if a device was designed with the ability to throw an object UP IN THE AIR AND THEN IT FALLS BACK DOWN (as it has to do and will do), at the point where the object is fully up it is temporarily rendered Weight-Negative (No Gravity) as it comes back under the pull of gravity to come back down... just like the Air Force and NASA use high-flying airplanes dipping up and down to train astronauts.

                          Temporary Anti-Gravity <> Turn Gravity On & Off.

                          A spinning wheel is one way to accomplish that jet trick ~while itself standing still on earth~ because its outer rim can be heavy enough to maintain speed (by virtue of its in-motion inertia). Through use of the weighted ball we can in essence Turn Gravity On and Off at regular intervals, setting up a regular physical oscillation of the Ball's state from being Potential to Kinetic per cycle.

                          Gravity is weak yet anyone who fires a bullet straight up and stands still will find out the bullet comes back mighty hard. A heavier ball will not go as high but the principle is the same for its heavier weight over a shorter distance. A ball trapped inside a repeating revolver, or a ball trapped inside a repeating wheel, both work => (Post #1 CloudSeeder's Gravity Wheel on Fire) The Gravity Wheel does NOT violate existing rules <> it uses them in a new way, a cyclical expression way =>

                          Thanks for the previous comment Sucayho.
                          Last edited by CloudSeeder; 03-13-2009, 11:33 AM. Reason: A ball trapped inside a repeating revolver ~or a ball trapped inside a repeating wheel~ both work


                          • #43
                            Gravity wheel from 1993

                            Here's a gravity wheel

                            YouTube - G-Force Rotational machine


                            • #44
                              A little rough on the Sound-O-Meter... but at least now we finally know why there's so many tsunamis overseas. Good work Mark. A machine that awesome could stop an army of army of darkness bruce campbell - Ixquick Metasearch an army of little Bruce Campbells.

                              Sorta looks like making a YouTube video didn't help get it to market... it just went plop plop fix fix into the new invention hole zappo Coal Miner's Daughter at the bottom of a would be hell Big Bad John (where it deserved to be IMHO).
                              Last edited by CloudSeeder; 03-13-2009, 08:48 PM.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Mark View Post
                                Looks very complicate, but it is interesting that current working device has more than one rotor/plate.

                                BTW, if you can contact the magnet simulator programmer, see if the program can simulate Veljko Milkovic's device. The programmer should know what rule to bend if it doesn't.

