I love it, man you are on fire. As soon as I can find the time, I am going to work on my gravity motor also. I will try to post some of my results as soon as I can. It seems many here on this forum have caught on fire, as more info is coming in on the OU movement. My main OU device I want to finish is a 3 fold system where a water pump powers a turbine and generator and powers itself plus putting out enough energy to supply my house. I have seen it work on a smaller scale, so theoretically it should work on a larger scale. There is power in water,especially if run through a vortex. Good Luck. Stealth
No announcement yet.
CloudSeeder's Gravity Wheel on Fire
Children of http://tinyurl.com/GravityWheelOne
An Engaging Summer Project
I am aiming for 09/09/09 (sooner if possible). There isn't any way I can meet that with every wheel design I have so anyone wants to pitch in we will raise a barn in the meadow. I have two basic drawings of the next two Gravity Wheels (below) putting them up today a Free ball. Anyone thinks they can do em go for it. I'll keep working the first one with this 8-pack of high speed roller bearings I bought today. I will release the last one (#5) when somebody gets one of these smack plate-based designs going without a load, just spinning.
The last one borrows from electronics without being electronics; in other words it has a flow to it like electricity. The skills you acquire from making one of these 2 run will come in very handy fabricating the shape of the last one. You'll notice the two designs are different from the one I began with Energetic Forum - CloudSeeder's Gravity Wheel on Fire (first page of this thread). That one was more "slingshot-intense" while these newer versions have the ball spin-bumped & gaining rolling momentum + gravity across|down the wheel to achieve maximum speed by 6 PM dead bottom center smack plate impact.
Better Mousetraps
are raining all over the cats.
We have a race now if anyone wants to enter, for anyone wants to grab the ball and run with it + whoever wants to help ya. I would work up some animations if I felt like doing so but I don't so that's the way it is. The "Ball Paths" are easy enough but here's the trick => the wheel is spinning counter clockwise so the ball rides up the right side like riding up an escalator to be speed-dropped.
The platform has to be angled to where the ball is roll-dropped as the upper right quadrant is reached, perhaps around x + 25-35 degrees to begin rolling & dropping. I suggest a slightly steeper platform angle with a small speed bump at the lip -after a space between the ball- that might prove helpful for launch. Whoever can get one running is a worthy gravity wheel designer in your own right.
I understand this is a poor presentation but the "Prize" I offer is the last design that is unlike every design I have ever shown and any design presented under Peter's "The Mechanical Engine" thread. Get one of these going you will be the first person to see and work on a Gravity Wheel that uses both pendulum action and balls. To the winner belongs first dibs at getting the electronics-mimic'g Last Design working. Hopefully I'll be finishing the first one I'm doing now with whoever works on these -perhaps Marxist, SkyWatcher, Stealth or Cloxxki- and we'll pound out the last one by August 31.
Here's the full smack plate version =>
and here's a limited version that may be more difficult than the one above
because I think it will need a few weights placed somewhere on the rim
(possibly inside the rim radius) to help pull it through =>
Have fun doing it.
Notice the ball paths overlap so path sections can either be cut out to allow the criss-cross or the paths can be behind one another. If no one wants to work on them with these basics that's fine. I am posting them publicly since I mentioned them online where our overseas friends and trading partners can see them too. As for anyone wanting to file a patent on them there's the not-too-abstract idea that since I draw a
full SS disability from the US Goverment it might just consider itself part-owner.
Two birds <> one stone.
In the bottom picture A platform at the top is moving to meet the ball to carry it up to where D is, for instance. Synergy and Circular Motion are occurring at the same time. Multiple positives are happening the same time as negatives, like friction, all being a constant. So you have a 200% positive versus a 100% friction; 300% if you give credit to the inclined plane platforms, 350% if you add in some slingshot. And a rolling ball has very little friction.
Make any changes, remove any ball paths, try different weight balls, whatever it takes to make them work. I personally favor the smaller one.
Slot Machines?
They look a bit like slot machines. Narrow slugs world allow the ball paths to be close together... so maybe we could use somebody from Las Vegas who knows slot machine design. Hmm. A quarter would be a good weight. That would be terribly funny using coin of the realm to make a gravity wheel run.
They are uniform and very well made...
Roller Bearings + Bolt Nuts a PERFECT FIT!
Hey dudes and duderinos! This is working out fantastic. These roller bearings I got are 7/8" outside diameter and the insides are looks like 5/16ths. My complete outfit as before will work just fine with these bearings, just bore a 7/8" hole in the uprights and insert the bolt nuts in the inside of the bearing.
Actually better because it totally does away with using the nut couplings. I can go back to using the 5/8" dowel rod as the axle. Oh boy, this is so totally great. I can drill into the dowel rod.
Those are good looking designs, I just wish I had time to build all these and test the parameters of them. I have some steel ball bearings of 1'', that I think would power either one of those if set up right. I just have too many projects going on right now. Later, when I get some things caught up, I may try the first one. It's ironic, but it reminds me of a roulette wheel running vertical. I think it may just work. Good Luck. Stealth
I thought of a roulette wheel also. Did you see the picture I posted from the movie Krull? His glaive weapon looks like it also. hahaha 1984 returns!
With these super slick roller bearings I feel like I got this thing in da bag now. I asked him for the best he had. It was $18 for a pack of 8. Now if I could just have an idea how to make a bridle straddle the threaded rods. Maybe tomorrow.
Your pump ideas sound very promising. One of my realy ancient ideas from 1989 was to let waste water from each high rise and especially hospitals free fall to the basement and turn a turbine generator. I submitted it to the Dept. of Energy and, like everything else they said it wouldn't work. So I looked at it and figured a way around their objection and sent it back but, once they kill something it stays dead.
It would have saved hospitals a month electric bill annually.
Anything I submitted that did not walk lockstep with what their manuals said was poss
It would have saved hospitals a month electric bill annually.
Which was why I began realizing they wanted ideas but they wanted them from their boys not me. If a guy was a college grad he had a chance. They didn't want anything from me. I showed them how to improve water heaters by having a 10% exit water come back around and be added into the cold incoming water, thereby the water heater element didn't have to work nearly as hard.
Yep, they turned it down too. Anything I submitted that did not walk lockstep with what their manuals said was possible never saw the light of day. I realized a long time ago I was walking into a fierce wind.
Thanks. A friend of mine is bringing 2 pieces of stainless steel pipe, 12'' long. One is 8''ID, one 6''ID. I plan one welding end caps on the 6'' one, and running a 5/8 or 3/4 shaft through it. Then welding one end of the 8'' pipe solid.Then taking 1/8 inch stainless, and wrapping the 6'' pipe like an Archimedes screw, inserting it into the larger pipe, then making a removable end cap for it. It should make a great turbine, when I figure out the which screw turn angle works best. I intend to hook it up to my pool pump with 1-1/4'' hoses,and a pulley on the shaft turning a generator. The generator will supply the pump its electricity. Self running swimming pool! Later after I get all my data, I will want to power my house with a larger system. I have to see how much OU it will produce first. Good Luck. Stealth
Sounds like you're going to have one foot in water and the other near a generator to me. Wear a HazMat suit or something. It sounds like you're going to have some water flushing through and the screw catching turbulence, or causing turbulence. Fluid dynamics in Wikipedia might help you figure out how many turns to use for maximum output.
However, after you're done and maybe it doesn't work as hoped you can always put a windmill contraption with it and tap into some Federal windmill development money.
You could get a lot more power from a swimming pool full of water by laying black plastic on the surface to absorb every stitch of sunlight energy into the water, using the water as your "storage medium". Water stores energy better than solid concrete & heated water flows faster than cold, so you might eke out a faster water flow through your device...
I set a small pool up to do that back in 1982 but algae grew in the water. I coiled a big coil of pvc pipe around in the pool and had one end through the mobilehome wall at the floor level and the other end at the ceiling. So in the wintertime the cool air on the floor was pulled into (and naturally fell into) the coils outside in the pool where the air inside the pvc pipe was being heated and coming out inside the trailer at the ceiling.
It worked very well. I was laid off at that time and found something to do with a building on the property full of unused window glass to make the cover airtight to make a HEAT TRAP over the pool. The black plastic in direct contact with the pool water surface gives a direct energy transfer that spreads through water molecules.Last edited by CloudSeeder; 06-04-2009, 01:16 AM. Reason: black plastic in direct contact with the pool water surface gives a direct energy transfer that spreads through H2O molecules
Forgot the Fan!
If I had added a fan to push the air through the pvc pipe faster PLUS had a way to store the heat energy I wouldn't have needed a furnace that winter. Had I had the monies for a small generator we would have been having free electricity ever since then.
1982-2009 no electric bill = $13,500.00 at $50 per month average. One family a new car, or a sizeable Downpayment on a home, or one brand new mobilehome.
Forgot the Antifreeze!
The algae would never have grown in the pool had I added some killer antifreeze <> and had my pool been in the ground with a double wall (insulated) glass cover, 120,000,000 (million) American homes wouldn't have an electric bill today. Too bad everybody felt such a need to struggle so hard to stop me... afraid I'd be "different" as if that's a curse. Well, it was a curse in Virginia. People got so beat down here they threw in the towel and didn't like me not throwing in the towel with them.
Run with the ball Stealth man. I tried to plow the road for ya.
$50/month x 12 months x 27 years = $16,200.00 (x 100M Homes?)
My Math was off but this is On Topic because Savings on Energy Expenditures = Monies Available for Purchases and that's the Bottom Line. So $16.2 x 10^2 * 1 x 10^8 = $16.2 x 10^10 = hmm still doesn't look right. Doing it the hard way $16,200.00 times 100,000,000 homes equals $1.6 trillion dolares in 100,000,000 family's pockets for the span of 27 years.
A worthy goal; roughly $500 billion per decade being spent HERE instead of sent OVER THERE {everywhere but here} except of course we really can't do that because it's Protectionist and Isolationist to keep money here being spent here. So now that the energy issue is solved we simply have to scrap the entire project.
Everybody clock out.