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CloudSeeder's Gravity Wheel on Fire

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  • Ok. Good. Since electrical coils are usually heavy seems like putting them in close to the hub, their weight wouldn't be so much a factor. Maybe one central coil could be the hub.

    Two birds <> one stone eh?
    Last edited by CloudSeeder; 06-20-2009, 10:52 PM. Reason: Maybe one central coil could be the hub. Two birds <> one stone eh?


    • Electrically actuated sliding weights may give you that tip over you are needing. it could be done with relatively small high speed motors.
      Linear actuators are capable of exerting a good bit of force so you may be able to use larger weights for additional torque. It all depends on how much power you can generate in the back end.


      • the larger the weights = the less distance they need to move away from the hub

        OK, and the larger the weights = the less distance they need to move away from the hub to exert their contributing force. I was thinking about that myself just by using a short slightly-tilted slide for the fishing weights. Joit might use your idea more.


        • My kingdom for a coat hanger!

          It's a sad day when you don't have a coat hanger left in the house. I could fix this sucker right now. It spun around a buncha times and didn't want to quit when it did. My kingdom for a coat hanger! Actually, it's more than that. It means rigging two posts near the hub to hold the coat hanger wires with the sliding weights but, I'm going to sleep good on laurel branches this night.


          • Earth shoves the MOON? Design change has the Earth inducing action in the Moon.

            Take a look back at the picture in Post #305 =>

            Notice where all the weight is: out from the hub. It begs for a counterbalance
            weight right at the hub, a weight that barely moves 1/2 inch+ either way, so
            that when the outer weight stalls it kicks in a tipping point pusher without
            moving very far, so it's relationship with the total system is nearly static.
            Such a center-mounted, nearly-static weight would need to be heavy.
            How heavy would such a "tipping point pusher" weight need to be?

            A Scientific First? Departure
            from a long-followed Scientific Tenet?
            CloudSeeder Reverses the Roles of Earth & Moon.

            Perhaps from 1/3 to 3/4 the weight of one whole extended arm (threaded rod + rig + weight). In a sense it would provide the shove from its hub location like the Moon shoves the oceans from its extended location, obviously a reversal of yet similar effect but A SCIENTIFICALLY NOTABLE ABERRATION from what Science usually does => COPY NATURE.

            With this accompanying heavy nudge the force of the extended weight would
            be magnified perhaps 200%... but since it moves a very short actual sliding
            distance the weight's relationship to the hub barely changes. Yep, I like it.

            It has the "Earth" inducing action in the "Moon".


            • Sliding Fishing Weight &quot;Tipping Point Pusher&quot; = Straight Pendulum

              So a fishing weight with the hole down the middle ~sliding a wire from side to
              side as a balancer~ would be a Straight Pendulum: a Zero Height Pendulum.
              Can I buy one somewhere as a kit? Shoot. This isn't going to be easy.


              • V-shaped Rabbit Ear Hub Mounteds or Extensions?

                Instead of building the slider off the threaded rods, a V-shaped structure would put all the leverage into the hub, provided that's the place to put it. I suppose not, then. The weight short-sliding to either side needs its weight leaning to that side. Hmm. In that case maybe I should make extended support arms reaching further out on the threaded arms...

                Using the heavier weights on the slide there's no need for extra leverage. That's why they're heavier weights. Go for the middle then, neither extended nor V-shape to the hub. Drill straight down.
                Last edited by CloudSeeder; 06-21-2009, 09:00 PM.


                • Nothing beats a good square box.

                  Sometimes, nothing beats a good square box. Anchored to the solid wood
                  dowel hub can be done while still putting the weight out a ways on the arms.
                  Placement is critical though. And it still needs compression springs to put a little zest in it.

                  Pump up the jazz.

                  I wonder if the Manhattan Project boys worked this hard to line up their shooter (marble).
                  Last edited by CloudSeeder; 06-22-2009, 01:33 AM. Reason: I wonder if the Manhattan Project boys worked this hard to line up their shooter (marble).


                  • All Gravity Wheels =&gt; how-to provide a short-stroke-no-momentum &quot;Power Nudge&quot;.

                    My device as it is, as yet unaltered from the other day, stalls eventually, hanging to a stop at about the 2 pm mark coming down. This has been the case for many Gravity Wheels not just mine. This puts us all very close to success! The sliding fishing weights system I will add will be near to the hub, very close in.

                    The weight will be heavy so it does not need to slide at RAMMING SPEED. It just needs to slide a short ways over to alter the balance of power and keep the device going through just a little ways farther than it already goes... because the OTHER ARM coming up is close to reaching 12 pm!

                    So the heavy weight will be pushing and pulling at the same time but the trick is to avoid it sliding back hard enough that it bumps the system backwards! One way to fix that as we were discussing earlier would be to place a compression spring on the slide and the weight would benefit (bounce) from spring rebound energy. Well, maybe it would & maybe it would not because when the weight slides against the spring the spring still pushes back albeit softer but the negative energy is still there.

                    I believe that can be totally avoided.
                    Positive can be added w/out the negative bump:

                    Since my system came so close to continuing to spin already that tells me it does not need a Ka-Bump it just needs a muscled nudge. A nudge over a short slide distance (barely surpassing the edges of the hub radius or so) gains No momentum whatsoever. Maybe that seems a bad thing. It is not. It's exactly what's needed =>

                    A heavy weight that does not gain momentum will also not return back to the start to slam a negative reverse momentum either! Plus that a) being close in to the hub and b) sliding a short distance and c) being heavy, all that adds up to the nudge we need minus the negative bump. I expect this strategy to succeed by d) putting the slide angle very low to prevent it from reverse-ramming a negative energy stopper while providing the outer arm system the "Power Nudge" forward it lacks now.

                    Like having a friend push you off the high dive board, what our wheels need:
                    a friend with big muscles making it happen when we get scared.

                    Usually we think of a tipping point as working against us, like with the weather. This hub-hugging sliding weight system is a positive tipping point that should also help many other's gravity wheels with a slow, short-stroke but heavy power nudge.


                    • If you need a nudge, you can position a magnet at just the right point to help pull or push the arm a short distance. This would not be a pure gravity motor then, but it could provide the extra momentum that you need. Hope this helps. Good Luck. Stealth


                      • slide supports

                        Stealth: Thanks. I'll keep it in mind but you'd be surprised how quick a fishing weight will slide soon as it tops the horizon. It's going to be interesting. I think for the slide supports to stay firmly in place I'll end up using some dowel rods, notched out to fit onto the extended arms. Unless I come up with a better idea... which is what I'm holding back for, an idea to drop on me from the clear blue sky. But if I was in NEW JERSEY I wouldn't want something hitting me from the sky. The dowel rods are v/light, wide and strong. Think I'll go walk around Lowe's see if I get any ideas there. Maybe an idea will hit one of you guys.

                        What I need is Johnny Weismuller and some vines and a long sharp knife.
                        Last edited by CloudSeeder; 06-24-2009, 02:26 AM. Reason: I need Johnny Weismuller and some vines and a long sharp knife.


                        • Gravity-Solar-Wind Hybrid Home Power Source + 50% Electric Usage Reduction

                          Stealth: If you used one very powerful electromagnet on the downcoming side, and it was switched on very briefly just about 3-4 am as the arm weight was falling it would jerk the weight already in its power fall. I could see where a hybrid system using solar to power the electromagnet ~firing twice per revolution~ could do what you suggest. There are many such combination systems could be made like that. I just got my electric bill yesterday & by switching off the major appliances (stopping them from drawing "trickle current") I have reduced my usage & bill by 47%. I use mostly the low wattage lightbulbs except for the bathrooms... and got a Viewsonic monitor flat, chucked out the old CRT's that were running up my bill.

                          The apartment owners do not allow a circuit box switching system as this is Virginia and all new things have to be done and perfected somewhere else first. I did find an automatic hot water system that's very reasonable cost that would reduce the carbon footprint for Virginia a great deal without touching the circuit box. I sent the link to them for their consideration and also told them I'd be glad to PAY FOR IT but it's been 2 months... no response. Here's the link $69.00 Hot Water Heater Control: Intermatic EH40 Water Heater Timer 240 vac from R.E. Williams Contractor Inc. at SHOP.COM

                          The solar heat trap pool on Pg 7 of this thread + reducing hot water heater element run-times + Wind and/or Gravity would easily cover U.S. homes and apartments electrical needs. Thomas Friedman suggested using reduced oil as a weapon to bring Iran to its knees. That could easily be accomplished in under two years if someone resurrected the Manhattan Project men: full protectionist and energy isolationist mode. Right now it appears the U.S. is headed toward geothermal albeit they know of evidence it increases earthquakes =>

                          Once the Big Boys of Industry latch onto the next paycheck oops New Energy Source it seems like causing extra collateral damage from the earthquakes their new technology causes is within acceptable parameters. People gonna die from sumthin', may as well be getting crushed under buildings or an interstate upper deck eh? I fell from a truckbed once <> a bridge dropping from under your car wouldn't be that bad.


                          • Better yet a self oscillating coil driven by a 555 and mosfet if triggered by reed would function great for sustaining the rotation of the motor. Then any generator attached to the motor would only have to make up for the energy that couldn't be collected by the oscillating coil.


                            • Ya and then it wouldn't really be a gravity wheel either.


                              • Good points from both. I've noted that the Patent Office has a powerful distaste for natural solution engine systems... so by adding on some electronics Redeagle's idea for a Gravity~Coil Hybrid would stand the better chance of reaching the Public.

                                But Mark is right to keep the focus on gravity. We really do need to find the Gravity Wheel sweet spot first... because then if we added other systems to it we would only reap more electricity. Adding a coil system right now would magnify what we have, right now.

                                As someone noted earlier, the Robert Kostoff solution was mostly centrifugal aided by gravity. They let him walk through the turnstile. He didn't quite open the door on gravity <> he opened a door on gravity hybrids.

