Wow. So with mist added the plugs would stay clean longer, & maybe more mpg, but with what you're getting now it would be hard to drum up the initiative. I look forward to getting some work done on mine, paint job, steam system, smaller tires and some bucket seats. When I get the money! Smaller diameter tires will lower my top speed but cut me more torque pulling off (less pedal). '89 Bronco was a good vehicle anyway.
No announcement yet.
CloudSeeder's Gravity Wheel on Fire
Almost everything I did was adding 3-5 MPG. I think the heater on the fuel rail has helped the most. I cut both heater hoses and added a T on each one. They are 5/8 ID, so a 1/2'' copper pipe fits nicely in them. Clamped on both ends, I used the other part of the T to attch more 5/8 heater hose. I ran this over to the fuel rail, then coiled copper tubing around the fuel rail, and hooked both ends together to get a full flow through. I am running a 195 thermostat, so after warmup, the fuel actually vaporizes somewhat. To get full vaporization you need to use the catalytic converter to heat a stainless steel pipe to around 700 degrees. I have talked to a man who did this, and used his engine as a stationary power plant for his home. He claimed it used a tablespoon of fuel every 15 minutes. He had to use a propane carburetor and set his timing at 60 BTDC. Bsically it turns gasoline, kerosene, diesel, or oil into natural gas. Fordson tractors had a vaporization carburetor made by Zenith, and could burn any fuel. Good Luck. Stealth
All I can do is shake my head and wonder why this hasn't been mainlined. But then again, I see how my engines have been resisted. The US has been turned into a Money-War machine, ignoring so much. So by vaporizing the fuel before it hits the cylinder you're guaranteeing 100% combustion, very little left unburned. My cousin told me about putting a magnet on the fuel line, that somehow it aligns the molecules for better mileage. I don't have specifics.
Home Power a tablespoon of fuel at a time per 15 minutes
Stealth: I try to look at the big picture. It's true that 1 tablespoon of fuel every 15 minutes sounds miniscule, and it is, but the country has about 120,000,000 homes, apartments and mobilehomes. So if everyone was using his trick that would be quite a lot of tablespoons.
I'll keep working on free gravity + doing away with polluting catalytic converters (which I already did in 2003 with enginewow.htm's air+steam). And when somebody gets on the stick and builds it -since I lack the monies- and someone else decides to bring my Millenial Dawn engine into production, once those two are in production I will deliver on my promise with Anti-Gravity engines.
Of course they can beat around the block trying all manner of other engines they want but those engines won't get them en masse traveling into Space. And apparently Beijing is taking me seriously because they have been all over my pages, 38 times just yesterday. If they build my two engine systems first they reap my promise. I won't renege on my word just because they're Chinese. It was an open offer when I made it and it's still open.
Thats great that you are open sourcing these. The US has too many hands in the pot for them to take us seriously right now. But when the Chinese or someone else builds these engines for home generating or whatever, then America will take notice. It could even start another world war,maybe not an all out assault, but a war like we played with Russia, a cold war. Economics play a big part in any war. I, like you have designed many different engines, but I have not open sourced them. I have some pictures somewhere of my engine setup. When I find them, I will e-mail them to you. As for the magnets, I have them on the fuel line just before the regulator. I put these opposing N-N, wrapped with duck tape. I also have these in the same configuration on my water line for water softener.Good Luck. Stealth
August is for breaking outta this joint.
Well, I've made a small mistake. 38 was two days ago. Yesterday Beijing found me 48 times. In contrast I might get a few hits a day from DC, sometimes 4-6 from Chicago, so all they're doing is keeping tabs on me while China is jumping in and learning my ideas about circularly-replenishing systems.
I look forward to the pictures when you find em.
I'm taking some time figuring out what materials I can best use to make the rest of my device. Next month I plan to release several inventions not just this one. August is for breaking outta this joint. I was in hopes the other guys would feel the same. Feels a bit strange crossing the finish line all by my lonesome as if I'm an attention monger.Last edited by CloudSeeder; 07-31-2009, 10:08 PM.
I have a need for lightweight but strong unbendable rods, right? So I got to eyeballing these plastic curtain rods that change the angle of the blinds. They are like 6-sided or something, I can drill em, cut em, fill em with a little liquid metal to reinforce at the bolt attachment points and the place is full of em! They're just the correct size for the bolts to pass through.
I've been slowed down a lot by shoulder & neck issues, so that's why I had to set the date so far ahead (August 31). My days are very unpredictable health-wise. However, that being said, I think this Dr. Newton's Gold Standard Protein had too much iodine in it and set me back a month too. Since I quit using it I've made my way back. <><> Then I found out about a grouping of nutrients purported to prevent muscle shrinkage that comes to men with age, right? So I laid down over $100.00 for =>
Calcium Lactate
Magnesium Citrate
Potassium Citrate
PABA (Para-aminobenzoic acid)
and S.O.D. (superoxide dismutase)
It is also helping restore my Joint Health back to par.
This has been some battle gentlemen, and ladies as the case may be.
After two weeks taking it I was able to get back in the running.
At any rate, Stealth, I'm sticking with the 180 degree opposed arms the first time out, but realistically it might need 3 at 120 degrees. It was much easier to drill straight through the dowel rod than have to figure a way to do the 3 armed solution. So I'll find out from two arms what it looks like. My last one that had two arms came very close to doing continuous. That tells me just how close I am.
And boy am I glad too! After a while you get tired of staring at these things. It is fun but after a while I start looking around for a timeclock to punch.
Man, I've been so busy, I can't get anything done. Today they informed us that as of next week, we would be working even more overtime. What do they think we are, anyway? We are already working 48-50 hours a week. It is killing me not being able to work on any of my projects. Anyway, the creatine is great, keep it going. Also look at taking Magnesium and Chromium Picolinate. I hope you get your strength and health back, that means more than anything. Good Luck. Stealth
I've never really seemed to get much out of creatine. When they first came out with it everybody raved & raved about it, did nuthin for me. But all my results from any products was reduced because my thyroid was messed up, and messing me up. If the thyroid is wrong all the other glands don't produce either.
You have lots of great ideas and ongoing projects. Don't let it get you down though. Sometimes it just seems like things are meant to be. I've had plenty of delays and yet when I look back, a lot of them helped me get where I am now.
Every once in a while I feel a surge of life force come into all the cells of my body. It's happened twice in the past 5+ months I think. It feels like what happened to Daniel in Stargate SG-1 when he ascended. Man alive, if I could feel like that every day why, I might have to start enjoying life or sumthin'. Or at least jump on a treadmill, or pick it up and run with it.
Of course some people would be tempted to say it was the bipolar, but I've had -in my past- plenty of bipolar swings up and swings down, but this feeling I had was the feeling of just plain raw health... I've never experienced anything like it before. Whatever it was I hope it decides to come more often. It was sort of like being hit with a spray of springwater is about the only way I can explain it. Spring water sprayed on the inside instead of the outside, if you can imagine something like that happening.Last edited by CloudSeeder; 08-01-2009, 02:08 AM.
Creatine mostly get your muscles pumped, with water. Slight strength increase.
I dislike how much one needs to take initially, to "Fill up".
Might as well try Creatine Ethylester, which can offer shorter-term, lower dosage effects, less the weight gain.
While of regular Creatine only 10-30% is actually absorbed before it's broken up, of ethylester only 1% gets lst, because it can't be broken up as quickly.
Don't buy Kre-AlkalynŽ though, there's doubts about it's health effects, and for the high price it only offers less of a bad taste.
Thanks Cloxxki! Yeah, I've tried lots of stuff that seems not to work, and some that seems to cause harm sometimes also. But if a person has a disease organism inside them and takes nutrition they run a risk of making the disease organisms super strong also, which appears to be the product not working... when you get sicker.
The rest of this post is not for the squeamish.
I had a very sharp pain in my shoulder muscle that I believe was a live parasite biting the muscle. I fixed his butt one day by lifting extra weights, contracted the muscle up so tight I heard his body explode. hahaha And then about 5-6 months ago I had something start biting down on me real hard inside my colon. Apparently a tapeworm discovered my internal rhoids and that they were a great food source. But he grew bigger and the darn thing got down to ME THE STILL LIVING so I had ta kill him too.
I did that with Capsaicin mixed with petroleum jelly, three antibiotic ointment, Protopic and some leftover suppositories all melted and mixed together. All it took was one taste and his butt was chemically fried forever. As I posted earlier, this has been a battle to remember. Had I not taken IMMEDIATE ACTION he would've penetrated through the colon wall and I'd be quite gone from here in quick order. However, the rascal did do a nice job on the stuff I needed removed...
Kinda like an internal leech I suppose, or fly maggots, so it isn't like I invented a new treatment.Last edited by CloudSeeder; 08-01-2009, 02:35 PM. Reason: The rest of this post is not for the squeamish.
Pendulums: Using a Set Radius versus Elliptical Track
Stealth/All: You know man, I think if the pendulum was modified so they don't follow a set radius... Say if the weight had a slightly elongated elliptical track it was sliding along, I believe the pendulum designs Peter wanted would be much more likely to work. Wouldn't have to be a lot. A heavy gauge copper wire would suffice as the slide for a decent fishing weight. An egg-shaped weight with a horizontal hole would be better than a fishing weight.
But if that's too hard to manage you might put a weak spring on the far side of the hanging pendulum weights with it sliding on the wire instead of firmly attached. Yep, I think that could work too: a pendulum swing~slide+spring all-in-one combo.
I've been slowed down because every time I want to try a new design I have to first built the supporting structure (uprights) for it to work on. So I'm doing away with that as of today. I had an old-style computer case cover, the one shaped like a U, turned it upside down. I can make my designs much faster then, just set them across the case sides.
I'll have to tape some guides so it doesn't walk.
My last design #7 (but the 4th one I actually built), it failed because I put way too much hope in leverage. I think I can make it work by adding a small pendulum like that half way down the extended arms. I just need to get some more hinges to strap it on the threaded rod is all.Last edited by CloudSeeder; 08-02-2009, 12:54 AM.