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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • L3

    Does anyone know the length of L3 as it comes on a sec 18-1 . The reason i ask is L3 is an antenna of sorts . there is a wavelength of wire in amature radio we use to keep resonance ,impedance, and signal to noise ratio in tune simply by cutting or adding wire in the antenna section . It appears L3 is a 1/4 wave length antenna . has anyone calculated the Full wave length and strung it up like an HF antenna Straight out ? Would be interesting to see how far the excess Rf can go . I am Licensed By the FCC and can transmit on a variety of frequency's safely so there no problem there as long as its not in certain bands and dosnt exceed certain wattage's . I doubt this is more than 1 watt Rf at best . I might just try it if someone has the length of L3 . Even Better is Make a Directional Yagi antenna with elements cut to match and Beam the rf to a certain direction at the receiver very far away . Sorry to see you go Dr Stiffler but Its questions like this that people are afraid of asking because you might get aggravated and Flame them . Its just an Idea and it might have been discussed and burried somewhere . Search didn't help me here at all .

    Last edited by fusionchip; 11-16-2009, 05:47 AM. Reason: thoughts


    • L3

      Originally posted by fusionchip View Post
      Does anyone know the length of L3 as it comes on a sec 18-1 . The reason i ask is L3 is an antenna of sorts . there is a wavelength of wire in armature radio we use to keep resonance ,impedance, and signal to noise ratio in tune simply by cutting or adding wire in the antenna section . It appears L3 is a 1/4 wave length antenna . has anyone calculated the Full wave length and strung it up like an HF antenna Straight out ? Would be interesting to see how far the excess Rf can go . I am Licensed By the FCC and can transmit on a variety of frequency's safely so there no problem there as long as its not in certain bands and dosnt exceed certain wattage's . I doubt this is more than 1 watt Rf at best . I might just try it if someone has the length of L3 . Even Better is Make a Directional Yagi antenna with elements cut to match and Beam the rf to a certain direction at the receiver very far away . Sorry to see you go Dr Stiffler but Its questions like this that people are afraid of asking because you might get aggravated and Flame them . Its just an Idea and it might have been discussed and burried somewhere . Search didn't help me here at all .


      Dr. Stiffler specifically warns that this is not for the "armature" ... same
      spelling. I noticed that in one of his papers.

      L3 appears to be 68 turns of #26 on 16mm diameter ~ 11.2 feet or so.

      But, I'm an Amateur Radio operator as well ... and I would advise
      against trying to broadcast what amounts to a multi-spectrum
      radio jamming signal.
      Dr. Stiffler warns in his paper that
      a) you can be fined or penalized
      b) affect people with implats / medical devices
      c) cause headaches
      d) cause RF burns

      I think experimenting the local transmission of power is a great
      thing... I'm all for it.
      But intentionally messing up communications is very much
      frowned upon by the radio amateurs, police, military, FCC, etc.

      In reading over some of John Hays Hammond Jr's patents, I see that the
      trick being used there was to send 3 carriers -- each out of phase
      from each other -- and then have the receiver receive the
      three carriers -- each at a different frequency ... and produce
      a power signal from it.
      John Hammond Jr. housed Tesla during Tesla's black-listed years
      and Hammond may have been a means for Tesla to still patent.

      The interesting thing about this idea ... is the notion of broadcasting
      power in a sort of lower-tech spread spectrum approach.

      I would guess that if the military industrial complex does in fact
      broadcast power, that it is likely spread spectrum or in the national beacon frequencies.

      I was wondering what would occur if you scaled Dr. Stiffler's technology up to have a spacial coherent foot-print say the size of a building or a factory ...
      What would someone looking down from a satellite that can observe
      electromagnetic radiation see?
      Would it see the pattern Dr. Stiffler showed in one of his videos .. only much larger? Would it attract attention?


      • Originally posted by Freezer
        Looks like I pissed Fusionchip off, as now he has resorted to low-rating my videos.

        Yea, Fusionchip, you can steal this image too and upload it on your site.
        Freezer your Cold . I don't know you .Please keep your flaming to yourself please . Your just Jealous and like to create animosity towards me .Nothing else to do with your time ??

        morpher44 Thank you for the Length of the L3 and i am quite aware transmitting rules as i should be .Nothing new here but some Black helicopters keep flying over every day Spell check not so good anymore and neither are my eyes .
        God Bless and carry on .



        • You get the black ones too ?!?!

          Oh they're like gnats, no identification flashers or anything..

          But.. I ran out of L3's so I really fudged one. I made one with the paper roll of a coat hanger which was the approx diameter of one of his coils but smaller and wound a little longer coil by hand and plugged it in and it worked, and I mean worked as in I could tune to a distinct bright point and the transistor was cool. I really doubt that I could fit something into the L3 hole and not have it cohere. How much it could support is another matter. As long as the coils are similar in mass I am observing similar results.

          I noticed I was unable to light 50 LEDs on wireless tower unless I took a DC motor with AV plug and touched transmitting tower's top capacity. Then the L2 coil began to make bedini solid state sounds (one predominant frequency in audible range) and I could tune the noise the L2 coil made by where I added the load. I ought to make a video... So its all counterbalance of the loads. Get your L3 up and same with your load. I think by adding all the mass of that little DC motor it brought the resonance in range of the LED load I had selected.

          So when it comes to L3, My advice is fudge it, tune to it, and if your not satisfied try a new coil. Make crazy coils too, because I bet they would work. I don't think direction of winding matters because we are dealing with some capacitive resonance and as long as the masses are similar... spatial resonance?

          Heres my stab at whats going on.

          I believe that the RF is reinforced harmonics of the oscillations between 1 inductor and 2 to 3 capacitors (or how ever the oscillator is set up, multiple L's and multiple C's) where L3 simply is connected and senses the oscillations. The micro-chaos of the oscillators voltage field is transmitted through L3 connection and spreads to all it is touching. RF diodes catch inductive collapses? or something... Coherence... and pass it through load causing a user made eddy current in the loop, or is it that something happens locally at the load?.

          (Dr Stiffler Sez "No, wrong, try again.")

          Last edited by CosmicFarmer; 11-16-2009, 05:47 AM. Reason: :)


          • Originally posted by Freezer
            Jealous? Jealous of what? Thievery?

            You don't know me yet you took my images and used it on your site without my permission. That's stealing any way you slice it. Funny thing is, if you just asked me to use the images I wouldn't even care, heck I would have designed graphics for you free of charge, and that's the kind of person I am. I don't have anything more to say than that, just know you are accountable for the actions you take. Even if you don't get caught, you still know exactly what you are doing.
            IF i have an image of something you posted in an open source forum and put it on my site then consider yourself lucky . I don't Steal and i don't appreciate your Flaming . Everything i have ever Made , Designed , Produced or Drawn and put in open Source is free for the taking and it don't bother me one Bit Sir. I would feel Privileged rather than the way you are. Anyways we are what we are so leave it at that.I am Sure This is considered Non productive to the thread and if you have a beef with me then Please Pm me so we dont trash up Dr Stifflers thread With raving rants .
            @everyone else . I am sorry for any transgressions i may have imposed . It was unintentional .
            Chill out Freezer
            Last edited by fusionchip; 11-16-2009, 06:22 AM.


            • You know, I regret bringing Dr. Stiffler here as I thought this time it would be different than the OU forum. Granted, it lasted longer, but at then end he left this place, upset, as well.

              I think the issue is having a forum ran by a single individual unwilling to compromise and allow other people to manage things. Ultimately it leads to stagnation and decay...I know as I have been there.

              I was once unwilling to compromise and let others to things as I thought they might not be able to handle it or do it "right". At the end, what could have been, simply withered and faded away from it's former glory and now dwindles neglected.

              This is my free unsolicited comment and advice, based on first hand experience.
              Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


              • Dear Amigo,

                I think it is a matter of humanity and how you think you are part where.

                Look at Eric Dollard, Don Smith, Bob Boyce .. They are great discoverers and their names and contributions will be known by our grandchildrens.

                I have very good relations with Tariel Kapanazde (he stayed with us about 15 days), Kiril Chukanov (He stayed with us 10 days), Steve Ryan ( he stayed in our house 10 days).... I have interesting relation with Dr. Stiffler as well.

                But the second group wants to earn money for their own future... And scared of Jewish Giants. I am not SCARED of them.

                Unfortunately USA is loosing with these Jewish guys...


                • nasty comment...

                  Originally posted by samedsoft View Post
                  Unfortunately USA is loosing with these Jewish guys...

                  I think that was a pretty nasty comment.
                  Really! Not appreciated here!

                  Philosophically .. we all operate out of self interest ...
                  even if we are all high and mighty with our speech
                  and egos. Those giving to charities ... or worrying about their
                  soul ... or sacrificing to be honorable in the name of God ...
                  or working without pay and giving it all way
                  are working in their own self interest. Think about it!!!

                  You cannot know the soul of another and what motivates them.
                  To you someone may appear greedy ... but you don't know
                  their specific situation. Perhaps they are raising money to
                  help a loved one with cancer ... or they want money
                  to populate a LAB with modern equipment so they can
                  invent technology to help mankind ... etc.
                  Wanting money is not BAD...
                  and who are you to judge ... and make an anti-semitic
                  comment like that. Not cool!

                  And ... USA is not loosing.
                  The USA is strong. These economic hard times
                  are hitting ALL countries.
                  Last edited by morpher44; 11-19-2009, 07:03 AM.


                  • Dear Morpher,

                    I am very sorry to become offtopic, but there is no more topic left here.

                    I apologize Dr. Stiffler for being rude.

                    There is a huge war coming. Triggered by Israel, Iran, USA and Turkey. We will all together make this ****!

                    Boston City will be captured by Chinese...

                    I have seen war when I lived there. You can feel future if you are connected with other world.

                    This war will kick USA deeply and new order will be established within 20 years.

                    The new country will be leader of many others and will be based in Turkey region... Asia (China and India) may be another side.

                    But unfortunately, new order will be triggered by Israel soon.

                    Please remember when it is started. Jesus will come to Istanbul and visit Syria.

                    Mesiah will come as Muslim and he will bring Christian community to support the Leader in Turkey at that time.

                    Many valuable Jewish people will come and join Mesiah.

                    The new order will be established in TURKEY and MESOPOTAMIA and BABYLON.

                    Israel has supported my family when we had hard times. But Israel will loose as well..

                    Please try to observe who is Jesus when he arrives. He will have signs indicated as in Real Bible, found in Cyprus by Turkish Army.

                    Not to mention other Bibles were fired in Turkey as well. Not to mention Jesus lived in Turkey as well. His students lived in Turkey as well. So real and fake bibles were born in Turkey!

                    I love Real Christians and Jews who share their piece of cake with another.

                    Capitalism will collapse and money order will be replaced by new share and win order.

                    Can you let me know why Dr. Stiffler does not like you and me?

                    Nuri Temurlenk..


                    • Here is a short video using two rechargeable 9v batteries to run the exiter's to charge a big 12v battery.

                      The negative side of the run battery is going to the positive side of the cap.
                      Then the negative side of the cap is going to the negative on the exiter's.

                      Both exiter's the L3 coil is replaced with an AV plug that is also going to the cap.

                      Then the power from the cap is going through a diode to the charge battery.

                      After around an hour of running the charge battery went from 12.0v to 12.54v.

                      YouTube - Dual Exiter


                      • Crystal Color change NILS

                        Hey everyone.

                        I made a mod.

                        Added in 2 crystals to the 9 led NILS and replaced LEDs with Color Change ones.
                        It looks Really Cool. I can stare at this for hours... So I am letting you do the same. I Put in some nice time lapse at the end.

                        YouTube - Groovy Color Change Crystal NILS



                        • @slayer007

                          can you post a diagram to explain your battery charger using SEC, please?



                          • Originally posted by plengo View Post

                            can you post a diagram to explain your battery charger using SEC, please?


                            Sure can Plengo.

                            Sorry it's just a crude sketch.

                            I'm using two Sec Exiters but it should work with one just fine.

                            The Exiters have no L3 coil and have the AV plug in place of L3.

                            EDIT : D1 you can use other diodes. This is just what I had sitting around.
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by slayer007; 11-20-2009, 03:01 AM.


                            • Dear All,

                              In order to couple transmitter and receiver with Strong Coupling Method,

                              We need high Q transmitter and receiver. In order to design high Q RF coil,

                              we need to include skin effect and proximity effect on the design phase.

                              Main parameters are, wire radius, coil winding seperation, coil radius and most importantly wire length-> number of turns.

                              Quarter wave resonators give maximum voltage on the end of the coil, there are upper frequencies other than base frequency to have same resonant activity.

                              Please find attached FEKO analysis designed by me for 10 Mhz.

                              I have also prepared a simple Excel sheet in order to calculate Q factor easily.

                              Interested researchers are welcomed to ask for this excel sheet.

                              Please PM for it.

                              God Bless Humanity.
                              Since we all belong to him.
                              Nuri Temurlenk, Turkey
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by samedsoft; 11-20-2009, 10:50 AM.


                              • @slayer007

                                Interesting how only negative pulse is fed back to source input while positive goes to source battery.

                                and it also looks like the SEC has 12v on the - side and 18v on the + .

                                I would have never thought of wiring it up like this... Hmm!

                                Can you see if it will work with less input voltage? Might need to be re tuned. Also I didn't think adding another SEC would increase power, but it might, I am not sure. a 1 hour charge beats the snot out of my solid state Bedini. Interesting. Like always. I would imagine the cap on the charging end is necessary for the counterbalance action...

                                Do you think SEC can condition batteries like that?

                                Thank you for your generosity :-)
                                Last edited by CosmicFarmer; 11-20-2009, 03:28 PM. Reason: :)

