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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Air Wound Coil

    Hi All

    just found these thought they looked like the ones in the latest Dr Stiffler video

    Miniductor air wound coils



    • Originally posted by slayer007 View Post
      Try running it with the AV plug disconnected.
      And check the voltage across the AV plug.

      Also check to make sure the diodes are ok.

      You could also put a small cap in between the collector and AV plug.
      It wont charge as fast this way but it should save your L2 coil.

      I never had this problem I fried a couple diodes in my AV plug trying to high a voltage.
      But never had a problem with the L2 coil.
      You are correct. I tried today to the schematic without any changes and it does work very well.



      • Here my variation of Slayer007 that seams to be running extremely well!

        It feels like the cap is the first step in the SEC output signal to allow a buffer where the impedance of the output is matched by the necessary SEC impedance of sort. It is not perfect but SEC seams to like it as if there is no load at all.

        Second phase comes when battery B3 (in schematic) receives the "extra" energy from the cap via the diode 1n5399 (since the cap is in a higher voltage than the battery).

        Third phase is battery B3 is the second buffer to battery B2 where it will receive now the "extra" energy from B3 whenever B1 and B2 are not in "output" mode (when current is flowing out) so to allow B2 to charge while keeping all the impedance to the SEC's point of view intact.

        The impedance matching is not perfect because I can see the signal in my scope fluctuating in its maximum voltages peak but not its fundamental signal (very constant almost sine wave, very close to a triangle wave).

        Voltage in B2 is always increasing and total B2 plus B1 seams to be very constant overall. Total current is around 40 to 50 ma.

        Notice that the AV plug is connected to the Emitor of the transitor NOT the collector.


        ps: that's my non EE lay man explanation of what I perceive.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by plengo; 11-25-2009, 05:45 AM.


        • Originally posted by plengo View Post
          Here my variation of Slayer007 that seams to be running extremely well!

          It feels like the cap is the first step in the SEC output signal to allow a buffer where the impedance of the output is matched by the necessary SEC impedance of sort. It is not perfect but SEC seams to like it as if there is no load at all.

          Second phase comes when battery B3 (in schematic) receives the "extra" energy from the cap via the diode 1n5399 (since the cap is in a higher voltage than the battery).

          Third phase is battery B3 is the second buffer to battery B2 where it will receive now the "extra" energy from B3 whenever B1 and B2 are not in "output" mode (when current is flowing out) so to allow B2 to charge while keeping all the impedance to the SEC's point of view intact.

          The impedance matching is not perfect because I can see the signal in my scope fluctuating in its maximum voltages peak but not its fundamental signal (very constant almost sine wave, very close to a triangle wave).

          Voltage in B2 is always increasing and total B2 plus B1 seams to be very constant overall. Total current is around 40 to 50 ma.

          Notice that the AV plug is connected to the Emitor of the transitor NOT the collector.


          ps: that's my non EE lay man explanation of what I perceive.

          GREAT, you have it working Plengo.

          I like how you have the AV plug in the emitter.

          It also works good off the positive side by the filter.

          It should also work good off the base of the transistor.

          EDIT: It does work very well off the base of the transistor.
          And it also uses less current.

          Great work Plengo.
          Last edited by slayer007; 11-25-2009, 07:50 PM.


          • Thanks so much Fausto and Slayer, looks like the Doc is gonna get 100% open systems happening soon combining the light and battery charging.

            ELS - Eternal Light System & Battery Charger >100% Efficiency
            Stiffler Scientific

            Will try that battery one guys and combine the lights, got the NILS working so far, moving onto the 3 towers loop next thanks to Ren for getting the cups for us(Thanks BRO) . Will have details soon

            Imageshack - panaceanils

            Started on the 26th 6:25V @ 9:09 PM
            Measured on the 27th 5.99V@ 1:27PM

            About 15 and a half hours, not bad for a first run, i notice if the voltage drops one LED will go out, might have a few lose connectors will check it out, thanks for posting Slayer and Fausto great work wonder if you could combine your lights and chargers.

            Hope the Doc is doing okay, never mind the naysayers Doc, you got family here.



            • Very nice Plengo. Should work well with a solar panel no? 1 question- nvm found it.
              Ashtweth, nice build. Did you charge the battery prior to starting the test? I notice when charging with my Bedini I get a good amount of phantom voltage, so I have to wait a long while and let the battery settle down to really see where it's at. When I brute force charge it, it seems to stick, but I guess in that method you hurt the battery, and the battery will build up with thicker sulfation. I haven't done enough tests with the SEC though on battery charging, so I wonder if over time it will it be similar to the Bedini. I think both Bedini and SEC are superior methods of course.
              Last edited by Freezer; 11-27-2009, 05:29 AM.


              • Hi Freeezer, actually we charge our 6V on the Bedini machine, so i wonder if the NILS is doing hot current for charge? if it is, that will be a clash, might just have to use the SEC for those batteries maybe



                • Dear ALL and Doctor,

                  I would like to celebrate holy day today.. Please open your hands to GOD and wish him to clear our sins.

                  He gave us very good possibilities to know, discover, understand and love him via his creatures.

                  We owe him a lot. He asks us to come together and be one we all represent 1. When our forces united it becomes 1111.

                  So day is coming. Soon we will have Jesus in earth. I will know him. I will be with him. I will let you know when he reaches this soil.

                  GOD (ALLAH) BLESS YOU.

                  Nuri Temurlenk, Istanbul Turkey


                  • Comment removed
                    Last edited by CosmicFarmer; 12-04-2009, 06:52 PM. Reason: poof


                    • Wireless High Voltage

                      YouTube - Wireless High Voltage Driving Neon and FL


                      • Dear Doc,

                        Thank you for posting, impressive results

                        I will look after some of these coils, I hope I can get them from a seller closer to me.



                        • Thx Doc!!! WB!!


                          • CONGRADULATIONS!



                            • I'm using Jonny Davro's idea of of using the towers to trigger another circuit.

                              In this video I'm using the exiter to trigger a pulse motor.
                              The tower is going right to the base of the pulse motor transistor.

                              Then I'm using the BEMF from the pulse motor to charge the big capacitor.
                              Then sending it right back to the run battery.

                              Starting voltage on the run battery was 12.58 after a half hour of running the run battery voltage went up to 12.62.

                              It's not much of gain but it is going up and not down in voltage.

                              YouTube - Exiter Triggering Pulse Motor


                              • Going up

                                Are you just triggering or running the pulse motor with the sec tower? Ie is the battery gain a net gain?
                                Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.

