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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Dr. Stiffler,

    Your research is AMAZING and very important, so...

    1. Try not to take everything personal


    2. Don't feed the trolls, ignore them

    Please continue with your research, it has tremendous value to all.

    Now, back to "diode in the water". Do you think it can be moved to the outside of the container?



    • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
      @Farrah Day

      Any electro-chemist worth his salt knows that such simplifications of reaction formula are for convenience only. One should know that many short lived species are formed during such reaction in water and are not accounted for in simplified reactions mainly because they are very difficult to trap and prove, yet that does not invalidate their existence and contribution.

      So how do you (if you do) account for the virtual particle reactions that are supplied by the energy lattice during UWB excitation? Maybe you have no knowledge of the lattice and how it operates under UWB.
      OK Doc, my last post was a bit of a knee-jerk reaction to your somewhat patronising post. I actually have nothing but praise for your work, and wanted nothing more than intelligent discussion - it was simply your high-horse attitude that got my back up.

      You don't know me (and I'm no Chemist or Electrochemist), but I'm all too aware of the simplification of chemical reactions in the way they are depicted. I'm actually someone that digs as deep as I can into the common chemical reactions that most people take for granted. I often annoy and offend people by droning on and on, asking the questions that others do not.

      The fact is that years ago I suggested that we did not need current flow through a cell to initiate electrolysis of water (There is an old thread of mine over on Hartmanns, OverUnity forum - Dissociation of the Water Molecule).

      I am not well versed in virtual particles of the energy lattice, but at the end of the day we have a chemical reaction taking place. I was simply offering my thoughts on the likely reaction taking place and why - I saw no reason to over-complicate things in my first posts.

      I would have been quite happy with a half-decent response to my post, with your views on what I had said... but nothing.

      I take it you must at least have your own interpretation of the reactions taking place, though I can't say that I've seen your thoughts on this posted anywhere.

      So can I ask then exactly what reactions you think are taking place... and why?

      Contrary to what you and others may think, I do actually have a brain, I'm relatively well-educated and - unlike some others around here - I'm more than capable of thinking for myself.

      Perhaps we can start afresh, eh?


      • Well I think you know the next step and that is to increase production to a value that will sustain a flame and or allow for storage. This gets a bit tricky as I am fully aware that most that post on these forums have little knowledge on how to handle a meaningful volume of Hydrogen. I'm sure you have seem the pop bottle and plastic hose setup that are all so common.

        Please check often on the web site (SS) and as we have the time the SGGS data will be completed. The secret here is 'You need nothing in the water' forget electrodes. What I have been showing for the last five years was to lead up to this point. Strangely, attention was not obtained until the diode in the water just shown and few even grasp what that imply s.

        Stay tuned it will not be posted here as I made another mistake thinking it may have improved.
        Hi Doc, I'm not aware of you producing gas without any electrodes (or any charge exchange medium) present in the water at all... or are you not classing the diodes as electrodes?

        As far as I'm aware, only the late John Kansius, has ever produced gas from water containing no electrodes whatsoever. It was however salt water. But it might be of interest to you to know that this was occurring at a frequency of 13.56 MHz - ring any bells?


        • Originally posted by oldie View Post
          Hi all and Dr. Stiffler.

          First of all please excuse me if some stupid or mispelled words, English is not
          my best, sorry.

          I'd like to share some experiences all of you already mastered, and maybe seems too simple for you, but I´d like to share and have some feedback if possible:

          Related to NILS:
          I configured a 18-1 SEC as per DR. Stiffler document, eliminated diode and caps and added an 6+ and 3- white led as AV plug.
          After changing some lazy batteries I've obtained following data:

          Date HH _____ TotalHH ___ V ___ mA ___ V-v __ HH ___ V/h
          19/06/10 18:35 ________ 6,53 ___ 8
          20/06/10 12:40 18:05:00_ 6,46 ___ 8 ___ 0,07 __ 18 __ 0,0039
          TOTAL 18 h 8mA Volts rate 0.0039 v/h
          20/06/10 17:45 ________ 6,45 ___ 17
          21/06/10 22:05 28:20:00_ 6,33 ___ 17 ___0,12 __ 28,3 __ 0,0042
          TOTAL 28+ h 17mA Volts rate 0.0042 v/h
          23/06/10 05:55 ________ 6,43 ___ 11 ___ Xtra AV LEDs
          25/06/10 15:40 57:45:00_ 6,34 ___ 11 ___ 0,09 __ 57,75 __ 0,0016
          TOTAL 57+ h 11mA Volts rate 0.0016 v/h

          Batteries were 5 x 1,2v NiMh 2300 mAh more or less 7v fully charged, but loses a lot until they reach 6,5v, so I discarded values avove 6,5v (Cheap batteries)

          SEC Frecuency is between 6,47 to 8,2 Mhz, it varies continuously.
          I'm not sure if this is a normal SEC behaviour or my cheap scope is too cheap (OWON PDS 7102)

          As I have not better bench or intruments some data may not be acquired in the best conditions, but it seems that lowering the current that decreases a little the perceived ligth, will not extend too much battery life

          8 mA = 0.0039 volt/hour
          17mA = 0.0042 volt/hour
          In those experiments, the 3- leds brigthness is less than the 6+ and did not
          found easy to make them equal.

          Now the effect I found interesting:
          Adding one or two (I used two) chained AV plugs to L3 coil end, seems (in my case) to increase the 6+3- AV ligth output as well as each plug reduces in 0.5mA the current to the SEC (2 AV plugs = -0.1mA)

          Also The 3- leds got much brighter, so both chains 6+ and 3- seemed to be equal ligth output.

          The interesting thing seems to be that accumulated volts decreases much less with those two added AV plugs. (57.75 hours, 11mA, 0.09v that is 0.0016 volts/hour)

          Have you experienced something similar?

          I found that in my case two AV plugs seem to be the limit for my setup, a 3rd chained plug increases current up 4 mA and decreases ligth output, I did not performed a long run thest with that config.

          I used my second SEC as received, and found the effect described, although gas production is not as high as shown by Dr. Stiffler or Lidmotor.
          I used 16 volts supply (6v + 10v SLA batts)

          The problem I have is that my scope is telling me that frecuency is around 14 Mhz, and I can't find how to reduce such high frecuency.

          Can you please help me in such issue.

          Thanks in advance and my best whishes for all.
          And my biggest admiration to Dr. Stiffler work.


          I apologise for having so limited English, sorry.
          I'll try to add some photos, for the NILS test without and With AV plugs, L2 and L3 waves and some of the obtained gas.
          Thank you for looking at NILS and I will comment further in a few hours on what you show. Sadly NILS has and is being attacked by someone, regardless we still hope to do the full patent app. before our conditional time runs out.

          We and our associates working with NILS have been attacked in many ways we are not going to talk about here, but it is serious and many interested people have been informed of what is taking place.

          In a short statement, NILS has cost my associates and myself in excess of three quarters of a million dollars in damage so far and we are just waiting for what is next. We have about six month to file a full patent app on the technology. Maybe and maybe not.

          Anyway the technology as we now have it is sound and worth working with. In fact we at the lab just a few weeks ago suffered a 14 hour power outage and NILS saved the day.

          I will respond to you like I say in a few hours. Great work and effort on your part and much appreciated.


          • I know its been a while since I posted here - Ive been on hiatus...

            But I have been demonstrating the water tower method of wireless energy transfer to children. Maybe it will wake up some bright minds?

            Best of luck to you Dr. Stiffler. Sorry to hear that your hard work is under attack.

            Sometimes... Late at night, while im staring at my crystal nils, I feel I can hear the oscillator very very faintly... it makes all the coils in my workshop sing in unison... It sounds like a thousand cop cars all with their sirens on. The color change LEDs give a constantly changing load so the UWB sweeps everywhere...

            Still amazed.

            Remember... The world is your shopping cart when playing with small voltages.


            • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
              Thank you for looking at NILS and I will comment further in a few hours on what you show. Sadly NILS has and is being attacked by someone, regardless we still hope to do the full patent app. before our conditional time runs out.

              We and our associates working with NILS have been attacked in many ways we are not going to talk about here, but it is serious and many interested people have been informed of what is taking place.

              In a short statement, NILS has cost my associates and myself in excess of three quarters of a million dollars in damage so far and we are just waiting for what is next. We have about six month to file a full patent app on the technology. Maybe and maybe not.

              Anyway the technology as we now have it is sound and worth working with. In fact we at the lab just a few weeks ago suffered a 14 hour power outage and NILS saved the day.

              I will respond to you like I say in a few hours. Great work and effort on your part and much appreciated.
              @ Dr. Stiffler,
              Many Thanks for your answer and words, and sorry for the bad news you tell.
              I'm sure you will find the best way.

              I think there's much more in this NILS than it is seen on a first view, as well as the SEC itself, I sent you a mail answering boards order that I hope could be of interest.

              I look forward for your comments, I have the biggest interest in understanding and advace further, as said, I think this is a more than important technology.

              I continue to collect data on NILS, it seems that it uses more power some times, and less other times, I'm trying to find how it rules.

              Best wishes from Spain.
              Ricardo C.
              rcarrilero at yahoo.


              • Originally posted by oldie View Post
                Hi all and Dr. Stiffler.

                First of all please excuse me if some stupid or mispelled words, English is not
                my best, sorry.

                I'd like to share some experiences all of you already mastered, and maybe seems too simple for you, but I´d like to share and have some feedback if possible:

                Related to NILS:
                I configured a 18-1 SEC as per DR. Stiffler document, eliminated diode and caps and added an 6+ and 3- white led as AV plug.
                After changing some lazy batteries I've obtained following data:

                Date HH _____ TotalHH ___ V ___ mA ___ V-v __ HH ___ V/h
                19/06/10 18:35 ________ 6,53 ___ 8
                20/06/10 12:40 18:05:00_ 6,46 ___ 8 ___ 0,07 __ 18 __ 0,0039
                TOTAL 18 h 8mA Volts rate 0.0039 v/h
                20/06/10 17:45 ________ 6,45 ___ 17
                21/06/10 22:05 28:20:00_ 6,33 ___ 17 ___0,12 __ 28,3 __ 0,0042
                TOTAL 28+ h 17mA Volts rate 0.0042 v/h
                23/06/10 05:55 ________ 6,43 ___ 11 ___ Xtra AV LEDs
                25/06/10 15:40 57:45:00_ 6,34 ___ 11 ___ 0,09 __ 57,75 __ 0,0016
                TOTAL 57+ h 11mA Volts rate 0.0016 v/h

                Batteries were 5 x 1,2v NiMh 2300 mAh more or less 7v fully charged, but loses a lot until they reach 6,5v, so I discarded values avove 6,5v (Cheap batteries)

                SEC Frecuency is between 6,47 to 8,2 Mhz, it varies continuously.
                I'm not sure if this is a normal SEC behaviour or my cheap scope is too cheap (OWON PDS 7102)

                As I have not better bench or intruments some data may not be acquired in the best conditions, but it seems that lowering the current that decreases a little the perceived ligth, will not extend too much battery life

                8 mA = 0.0039 volt/hour
                17mA = 0.0042 volt/hour
                In those experiments, the 3- leds brigthness is less than the 6+ and did not
                found easy to make them equal.

                Now the effect I found interesting:
                Adding one or two (I used two) chained AV plugs to L3 coil end, seems (in my case) to increase the 6+3- AV ligth output as well as each plug reduces in 0.5mA the current to the SEC (2 AV plugs = -0.1mA)

                Also The 3- leds got much brighter, so both chains 6+ and 3- seemed to be equal ligth output.

                The interesting thing seems to be that accumulated volts decreases much less with those two added AV plugs. (57.75 hours, 11mA, 0.09v that is 0.0016 volts/hour)

                Have you experienced something similar?

                I found that in my case two AV plugs seem to be the limit for my setup, a 3rd chained plug increases current up 4 mA and decreases ligth output, I did not performed a long run thest with that config.

                I used my second SEC as received, and found the effect described, although gas production is not as high as shown by Dr. Stiffler or Lidmotor.
                I used 16 volts supply (6v + 10v SLA batts)

                The problem I have is that my scope is telling me that frecuency is around 14 Mhz, and I can't find how to reduce such high frecuency.

                Can you please help me in such issue.

                Thanks in advance and my best whishes for all.
                And my biggest admiration to Dr. Stiffler work.


                I apologise for having so limited English, sorry.
                I'll try to add some photos, for the NILS test without and With AV plugs, L2 and L3 waves and some of the obtained gas.
                Sorry, a few hours turned into a bunch of hours.
                It appears to us that in you electrolysis pictures that you were using tap water? The best way to get the best results is to tune into for example 48 white LEDs. This will present about the same impedance as a distilled water cell and provide an electrostatic field of approx. 3.2 X 48 = 153+ volts at the excitation ring. Tune to the LED's then disconnect the LEDs and connect the excitation ring and you should be good to go.

                A note on scopes. What you can obtain from a scope is very limited and indeed you can obtain more info from just a few LEDs than the scope, UNLESS the scope can go to 1GHz in bandwidth, and of course the OWON will not do this.

                Even with a 1GHz scope you never want to connect to any direct point in the Exciter (unless you use a 100:1) probe. The best and most instructive way to view what is taking place is to view the environment around the circuit. This is done with a "Sniffer" coil. You will indeed fine much information when looking in this way. What you want to see is the (effect) the exciter is having on the Lattice and not what is really taking place in the exciter, (although this has value). A "Sniffer" coil will allow you to examine the Lattice, which is what is indeed aiding in the process, be that lighting of LEDs or the electrolysis.

                NILS in the configurations shown on this forum and others, does not have a CEC>1, yet what we hope to obtain a patent on does indeed have a CEC>1. Now NILS should when done correctly (as present here) should get you to a point close to 96% eff. I don't think anyone will disagree with this???

                Great work and do keep at it and watch our web site. We are trying to get info out as fast as we can, yet there are many projects and only so many hours and one must rest a bit.

                Oh! one last thing. With the electrolysis, don't worry about electrodes (diodes etc) they are not needed. You will see soon that we have mastered a totally new approach to the break down of water.


                • Originally posted by CosmicFarmer View Post
                  I know its been a while since I posted here - Ive been on hiatus...

                  But I have been demonstrating the water tower method of wireless energy transfer to children. Maybe it will wake up some bright minds?

                  Best of luck to you Dr. Stiffler. Sorry to hear that your hard work is under attack.

                  Sometimes... Late at night, while im staring at my crystal nils, I feel I can hear the oscillator very very faintly... it makes all the coils in my workshop sing in unison... It sounds like a thousand cop cars all with their sirens on. The color change LEDs give a constantly changing load so the UWB sweeps everywhere...

                  Still amazed.

                  Remember... The world is your shopping cart when playing with small voltages.
                  Man! You better open a window and clear that smoke out, it may be getting to you.

                  In all seriousness, you may indeed hear something. We all think from time to time that something is making a noise or something does not feel quite right.

                  When you disturb the lattice (vibrate, excite, distort) you can under the right conditions cause a slight temporal shift. Okay with the small exciters we are only talking a millisecond at best, but that is enough for a normal person to detect and feel that something is offset a bit, really no connecting it all.

                  You really would trip out with a 30W unit. Think a delay in process of say 300-575mSec. Great fun indeed.


                  • Originally posted by Farrah Day View Post
                    Hi Doc, I'm not aware of you producing gas without any electrodes (or any charge exchange medium) present in the water at all... or are you not classing the diodes as electrodes?

                    As far as I'm aware, only the late John Kansius, has ever produced gas from water containing no electrodes whatsoever. It was however salt water. But it might be of interest to you to know that this was occurring at a frequency of 13.56 MHz - ring any bells?

                    @Farrah Day
                    Well, you sow me yours and I'll show you mine. Where can we see some of your actual work? Don't care about the reaction formula stuff, we will muddle through that somehow. Like pictures of setups and well the usual things??

                    I think you need to understand a bit better what John was doing, there is indeed Hydrogen in the mix, a cheap Spectrometer looking at a flame from his work and my flame will easily prove different you idea.


                    • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                      @Farrah Day
                      Well, you sow me yours and I'll show you mine. Where can we see some of your actual work? Don't care about the reaction formula stuff, we will muddle through that somehow. Like pictures of setups and well the usual things??

                      I think you need to understand a bit better what John was doing, there is indeed Hydrogen in the mix, a cheap Spectrometer looking at a flame from his work and my flame will easily prove different you idea.
                      Hi Doc.

                      Well you're full of surprises aren't you - I'd just about given up on a response. However, you've just earned yourself a few Brownie points. Hell, I might even put you back on my Christmas card list.

                      I can see that you're a practical kind of guy, but surely the actual reactions taking place must be of some importance to you - they certainly are to me as I'm not one for blindly 'muddling' through.

                      Is this a test? I think you know as well as me that Kanzius was not dissociating water and producing hydrogen and oxygen, rather that it was the sodium chloride reacting.

                      I'm somewhat bemused though Doc. If you're not interested in the reactions that are occurring and are prepared to just let them be, how can you possibly make sense of anything? I'm struggling to follow the logic behind this statement.

                      It's good to talk, but I've got to say Doc, you're a bit of an Enigma.

                      Oh! one last thing. With the electrolysis, don't worry about electrodes (diodes etc) they are not needed. You will see soon that we have mastered a totally new approach to the break down of water.
                      Incidentally Doc, I'm really looking forward to this. No electrodes whatsoever - this will be truly interesting. You have my full attention!
                      Last edited by Farrah Day; 06-29-2010, 10:16 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Farrah Day View Post
                        Hi Doc, I'm not aware of you producing gas without any electrodes (or any charge exchange medium) present in the water at all... or are you not classing the diodes as electrodes?

                        As far as I'm aware, only the late John Kansius, has ever produced gas from water containing no electrodes whatsoever. It was however salt water. But it might be of interest to you to know that this was occurring at a frequency of 13.56 MHz - ring any bells?

                        Your main focus should be on the input power, ask you this question, do a sec use enough power to make electrolysis ? include the loss as inverse square law for wave propagation and the loss in the system and find where the energy come from to break the bound to separate the water. I think its more in that way Dr Stiffler want us to see what happen. What he showed is alot more important than you think, i started working on that project more than a year ago and never stopped for a good reason.

                        Best Regards,


                        • Originally posted by EgmQC View Post
                          Your main focus should be on the input power, ask you this question, do a sec use enough power to make electrolysis ? include the loss as inverse square law for wave propagation and the loss in the system and find where the energy come from to break the bound to separate the water. I think its more in that way Dr Stiffler want us to see what happen. What he showed is alot more important than you think, i started working on that project more than a year ago and never stopped for a good reason.

                          Best Regards,
                          With respect EgmQC, it's clear that the Doc and myself have different objectives. Whereas the Doc apparently has little interest in the reactions taking place, and feels this can be sorted out later, I feel this way about the input power.

                          I know just how important this is, as it confirms a lot of suspicions regarding electrolysis that I've had pinging around in my head for years. The fact that this proves we can get water to ionise by EMR without passing an external current through the water is the big breakthrough here.

                          Our priorities would appear to be different, that's all.

                          Water constantly self-ionises to a certain extent from molecular interactions. Clearly a SEC produces enough energy to ionise the water, as do other ccts, such as JD's exciter hybrids. Once there are ionic species therein it only requires a charge exchange medium to evolve the gases - no extra energy.

                          From my point of view, if we can get to understand the electro-chemical reactions taking place and why, then we are in a better position to develop the process.
                          Last edited by Farrah Day; 06-30-2010, 07:13 AM.


                          • My replication of SGGS

                            I used my SEC 18-1 exciter with trimmer cap to adjust the load and got a replication of Dr. Stiffler's latest electrolysis experiment. The gas production is not as Dr. Stiffler's experiment but i'm working with only 480 mW of power (12V - 40mA) from PS.
                            The first picture shows the data from SA (note the marker at 6.50Mhz).
                            The second picture shows the gas production.
                            The latest pictures show the setup.

                            We must replicate because it will help the Dr. Stiffler's work.

                            Thanks Dr. Stiffler for all you are doing for us.

                            Luco from Italy
                            Attached Files


                            • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                              Sorry, a few hours turned into a bunch of hours.
                              It appears to us that in you electrolysis pictures that you were using tap water? The best way to get the best results is to tune into for example 48 white LEDs. This will present about the same impedance as a distilled water cell and provide an electrostatic field of approx. 3.2 X 48 = 153+ volts at the excitation ring. Tune to the LED's then disconnect the LEDs and connect the excitation ring and you should be good to go.

                              A note on scopes. What you can obtain from a scope is very limited and indeed you can obtain more info from just a few LEDs than the scope, UNLESS the scope can go to 1GHz in bandwidth, and of course the OWON will not do this.

                              Even with a 1GHz scope you never want to connect to any direct point in the Exciter (unless you use a 100:1) probe. The best and most instructive way to view what is taking place is to view the environment around the circuit. This is done with a "Sniffer" coil. You will indeed fine much information when looking in this way. What you want to see is the (effect) the exciter is having on the Lattice and not what is really taking place in the exciter, (although this has value). A "Sniffer" coil will allow you to examine the Lattice, which is what is indeed aiding in the process, be that lighting of LEDs or the electrolysis.

                              NILS in the configurations shown on this forum and others, does not have a CEC>1, yet what we hope to obtain a patent on does indeed have a CEC>1. Now NILS should when done correctly (as present here) should get you to a point close to 96% eff. I don't think anyone will disagree with this???

                              Great work and do keep at it and watch our web site. We are trying to get info out as fast as we can, yet there are many projects and only so many hours and one must rest a bit.

                              Oh! one last thing. With the electrolysis, don't worry about electrodes (diodes etc) they are not needed. You will see soon that we have mastered a totally new approach to the break down of water.

                              Dear Dr. Stiffler,

                              Again thanks for your answer, and all that info, I'll keep an eye on your site.
                              And yes, it was tap water, I will play a little more soon

                              Concerning NILS
                              I continue collecting data on NILS as you can find on attached table and graphic.
                              Although I don't still see any rule as day / night, hot /cold, that relates to power requirement, I found that in some periods battery voltage get stuck for a while, it seems to be for near an hour, but this happen on any moment, and I don't know if it could even be a "fault" of the battery itself.
                              I'm using a SLA 6V 4AH (not chinesse) unit.

                              As you can see it losses a lot at the begining, maybe because I did not allow it to settle after charging.
                              In one occasion bat. voltage even climbed up, as said, maybe a battery efect...

                              TWO COILS SEC
                              Concerning the SEC itself, I have had not success avoiding the "what if..?" game and as I still have only a L3 coil, I have played winding some coils in the 23 - 27 uH range (calculated), they seem to work more or less as expected, lighting the 48 led panels with little adjustement.

                              As I have been playing also with the AV plug, that sees a lot of "energy" around the coil as well as the coil end wire, I asked myself if all that energy could be felt not only by the plug, so I wound some 24-27 uH coils and inserted them along the coil end wire...

                              As you can see on the photos, those added coils are capturing something from the single wire, to power up not only a single AV led, but enough to ligth up a second 48 led array!!

                              Well this is not completely free, first LED array dims a little, but after adjusting the capacitor, both led arrays are brigh, not so brigth as the first one alone, but as per my "ceiling subjective ligth spot meter" maybe a little more than one led panel alone, don't you think this is more than simply fun?

                              Unfortunately I have nothing better than the "room ceiling meter", or the "post it notes proximity meters" that you can see on the photos, maybe I got more excitement than ligth and this is a complete waste of time, but I found it interesting enough to wind some more coils and play some more runs.

                              I found that same inductance coils seem to collect, more or less same power, no matter if coils were wound with 0.5mm wire over 20mm diam. coil or 0.2mm wire over 10mm diameter coil, as far as inductance match that range. all coils are wound on paper tubes, not plastic.

                              Bigger or lower inductance seems to destroy the effect, at least on the adjustement capacitor range, maybe bigger cap helps with other coil values? other L2, L3... Hmmm how much things to test...

                              Along with this I found that coils position play a role on the circuit, one centimeter more on the rigth or on the left of the wire makes the whole spaguetti be more or less affected by the body proximity, in some points I can touch the wires and it does not affect the effect, in other points (moving the little coil one centimeter rigth or left on the single wire) just approaching my hand to any of the spaguetti loose wires 10 cm away, kills one panel, and power up the other...

                              I'll try the sniffer coil, I think there's much more around all this that is not evident and hard to see, thanks Dr.

                              I'd like to better understand it all, but I'm affraid that my brain is not what it used to be... well in fact, I don't remember what it used to be... (sctatch, scratch...)

                              Well, enough for a while, I'll go to scratch my head a little more.

                              Again my best regards and wishes Dr. and all.

                              rcarrilero at yahoo . es

                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by oldie; 07-01-2010, 12:31 PM.


                              • Originally posted by oldie View Post
                                Dear Dr. Stiffler,

                                Again thanks for your answer, and all that info, I'll keep an eye on your site.
                                And yes, it was tap water, I will play a little more soon

                                Concerning NILS
                                I continue collecting data on NILS as you can find on attached table and graphic.
                                Although I don't still see any rule as day / night, hot /cold, that relates to power requirement, I found that in some periods battery voltage get stuck for a while, it seems to be for near an hour, but this happen on any moment, and I don't know if it could even be a "fault" of the battery itself.
                                I'm using a SLA 6V 4AH (not chinesse) unit.

                                As you can see it losses a lot at the begining, maybe because I did not allow it to settle after charging.
                                In one occasion bat. voltage even climbed up, as said, maybe a battery efect...

                                TWO COILS SEC
                                Concerning the SEC itself, I have had not success avoiding the "what if..?" game and as I still have only a L3 coil, I have played winding some coils in the 23 - 27 uH range (calculated), they seem to work more or less as expected, lighting the 48 led panels with little adjustement.

                                As I have been playing also with the AV plug, that sees a lot of "energy" around the coil as well as the coil end wire, I asked myself if all that energy could be felt not only by the plug, so I wound some 24-27 uH coils and inserted them along the coil end wire...

                                As you can see on the photos, those added coils are capturing something from the single wire, to power up not only a single AV led, but enough to ligth up a second 48 led array!!

                                Well this is not completely free, first LED array dims a little, but after adjusting the capacitor, both led arrays are brigh, not so brigth as the first one alone, but as per my "ceiling subjective ligth spot meter" maybe a little more than one led panel alone, don't you think this is more than simply fun?

                                Unfortunately I have nothing better than the "room ceiling meter", or the "post it notes proximity meters" that you can see on the photos, maybe I got more excitement than ligth and this is a complete waste of time, but I found it interesting enough to wind some more coils and play some more runs.

                                I found that same inductance coils seem to collect, more or less same power, no matter if coils were wound with 0.5mm wire over 20mm diam. coil or 0.2mm wire over 10mm diameter coil, as far as inductance match that range. all coils are wound on paper tubes, not plastic.

                                Bigger or lower inductance seems to destroy the effect, at least on the adjustement capacitor range, maybe bigger cap helps with other coil values? other L2, L3... Hmmm how much things to test...

                                Along with this I found that coils position play a role on the circuit, one centimeter more on the rigth or on the left of the wire makes the whole spaguetti be more or less affected by the body proximity, in some points I can touch the wires and it does not affect the effect, in other points (moving the little coil one centimeter rigth or left on the single wire) just approaching my hand to any of the spaguetti loose wires 10 cm away, kills one panel, and power up the other...

                                I'll try the sniffer coil, I think there's much more around all this that is not evident and hard to see, thanks Dr.

                                I'd like to better understand it all, but I'm affraid that my brain is not what it used to be... well in fact, I don't remember what it used to be... (sctatch, scratch...)

                                Well, enough for a while, I'll go to scratch my head a little more.

                                Again my best regards and wishes Dr. and all.

                                rcarrilero at yahoo . es

                                Very nice!
                                I think if you go here and look down at the third schematic you will be interested. I'm sure with what you found the other circuit configurations will be of interest to you.

