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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • @DrStiffler - Nice closeups! Really amazing how drastic the corrosion is.

    I agree that a big pile of P/N junctions will do just that, but also I think that it will be a flash in the pan effect, as the high potential will corrode the tiny expensive fabricated junctions. Plus don't the junctions need a mass connected to them to pick up more excitation to make the junction work better?

    Also what about a colloidal solution of a P material and a N material?

    Or one big homemade diode with a large surface area between both materials?

    There has to be a low-tech solution to this high tech problem...


    • SEC 15-3 --LED electrolysis

      @ Dr. Stiffler and All
      I replicated the LED electrolysis experiment. I found out the you can also run a second diode in another tube of water at the same time. I ran the experiment with my old home built SEC 15-3.

      Here is the video of it:

      YouTube - SEC 15-3--- LED electrolysis.ASF



      • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
        No have not tried it this way, will give it a test.

        Imagine a 1cm2 chip with 100k junctions on it, okay 500k. Would we have a fantastic gas generator or not?
        Dr. Stiffler:

        Just an stupid though...
        Could it be... not the junction, but the substrate or the tip which gets excited??

        I understand I could be, maybe, completely fooled, but you have a bunch of substrates and tips (the broken diodes), why don't make a try??, just for fun , and who knows...

        Anycase I will try as soon as I have a moment, I just received 4 new boards, sure it doesn't work, but...



        • Originally posted by wonderful View Post
          In my second replication, I used a larger L3, which has an inductance of 150 uH (circa).
          The distribution of energy and consequently the gas production are improved.
          The first photo shows the setup.
          The second photo shows the data of SA.


          @ Wonderful, & Dr.

          I tried a 150 uH coil 50mm diam 55 turns, 0.5mm wire and was not able to lit leds, or get any gas... an AV led plug show very dim around the coil or any other part...

          Did I miss something?

          Thanks in advance


          • My L3

            Originally posted by oldie View Post
            @ Wonderful, & Dr.

            I tried a 150 uH coil 50mm diam 55 turns, 0.5mm wire and was not able to lit leds, or get any gas... an AV led plug show very dim around the coil or any other part...

            Did I miss something?

            Thanks in advance
            Try this:
            coil diameter=42mm pvc tube
            turns=80 AWG=22
            If you not have a sec 18-1e you must add a trim cap (9-60 pF) to adjust the load.
            You can also try slightly different number of turns but not overly (range:75-85 turns)

            Let me know


            • Originally posted by CosmicFarmer View Post
              @DrStiffler - Nice closeups! Really amazing how drastic the corrosion is.

              I agree that a big pile of P/N junctions will do just that, but also I think that it will be a flash in the pan effect, as the high potential will corrode the tiny expensive fabricated junctions. Plus don't the junctions need a mass connected to them to pick up more excitation to make the junction work better?

              Also what about a colloidal solution of a P material and a N material?

              Or one big homemade diode with a large surface area between both materials?

              There has to be a low-tech solution to this high tech problem...
              @CosmicFarmer & All
              as the high potential will corrode the tiny expensive fabricated junctions
              So you are saying(?) that now it does not degrade. Think for a moment, that tiny little junction and wire inside that glass shell forcing bubbles out of the glass. Why does it not degrade and stop long before the leads give out? I don't think you can say its all an electro-negativity issue that prevents this.

              If we consider the potentials then the inside of the diode, the junction and the small connecting wire must be far higher than the leads.

              What is a junction anyway, simple look. Two sides one doped for minority carriers and the other for majority. A natural barrier between by a charge developed by charges repelling. When the charges are forced to the barrier by a correct voltage the current will flow from one side to the other. We can at least say the exciter field if most likely doing this in a somewhat straight forward fashion.

              At this point in time I do not feel the junction will degrade, time will tell.

              The mass, no not here, this is SEC Excited, but a totally different process.


              • Dr. Stiffler look at your PM's



                • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                  @ Dr. Stiffler and All
                  I replicated the LED electrolysis experiment. I found out the you can also run a second diode in another tube of water at the same time. I ran the experiment with my old home built SEC 15-3.

                  Here is the video of it:

                  YouTube - SEC 15-3--- LED electrolysis.ASF


                  Thanks for the work and video.

                  Lidmotor, about burning the gas. See the SGGS pages and about down three or four pictures you see the small test tube with the yellow orange mass on top. This is a blanket of crud and bubbles and it retards or shall I say retains a bit of gas. When you have this layer you can use a match lighter over the top and hear the pops. These little generators will not support a constant flame. To do this you need more gas and a restriction to slow it up. Don't anyone try trapping it in a glass tube, Please, it will fracture and a danger of course of the flying glass.

                  In short you need to collect or store some gas to fire it off. Oh by the way I saw somewhere someone talking about a rubber balloon, well be care full here also, not all rubber will retain the Hydrogen. The word rubber it think is pretty broad as we have natural and synthetic types.


                  • Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
                    Dr. Stiffler look at your PM's

                    @Michael John Nunnerley

                    I'll look for yours, normally I ignore them as it is a catch all for the crack pots and self proclaimed genius types or the just plan ding dongs.

                    With a real email I get some idea of the nature of the sender

                    I'll go look now.


                    • Cold Junction... hot finger

                      Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                      No have not tried it this way, will give it a test.

                      Imagine a 1cm2 chip with 100k junctions on it, okay 500k. Would we have a fantastic gas generator or not?

                      I didn't find my diamond wheel, it must be still packed, but I find others common metal cutting wheels and!!!!, they worked fine, although my finger has another oppinion

                      Cutting the diode has been the easy part, the heavy duty part has been making photos

                      You can see the way I used and the results, near finished, my drill fall down and must look for the other wheeels, but I hope it helps.

                      I hope with a little care you can nearly completely expose the diode junction cutting it through 180º to 270º, I'll try later

                      Attached Files


                      • cooled finger...

                        Found another cutting cutting wheel

                        near 270º cut

                        I did not advanced more as I'm not able to see what I'm doing and diode legs are getting very thin and do not want to break them.

                        Cutting is easy, if you can see what are you doing it will be even easier, I' have a geologist microscope that allow to work under the lens and see what you are doing, but I haven't it on hand now.

                        I hope those photos help you to cut them, otherwise I can try to cut a few and send you, but it could take a little time.

                        Attached Files


                        • Burning the gas

                          @Dr. Stiffler
                          Thanks for the tip on how to test the gas for burning. I tried cutting off the finger of a latex glove, putting that over the tube, and capturing the gas that way. I didn't have a balloon. When I got some gas in the "container" --- I tried lighting it!!!! It burned allright but there was no pop--just a burning latex mess.
                          I also tried several "wick" ideas like you showed in one of your videos but no luck there either.
                          I will keep trying. All I need to get is a tiny sustained flame and I know what I am going to do with it. It has to do with the boat and I'll let you know what I have in mind.



                          • frustrating...

                            Dr. Stiffler:

                            I tested the cut diode with 18v, 60 mA, distilled water and.... no luck
                            I checked with an uncut diode, same settings and got bubbles not too much as usual in my experience, but got the gas flowing.
                            Tried again with same setup, cut diode... no gas
                            Tried again with both diodes... no gas in any of both diodes...
                            went back again with uncut alone... gas
                            again cut one... no gas
                            again both... no gas

                            I have had no luck, tried to adjust but got any result when cut diode present.

                            I'm sure my setup is far from optimal, maybe you have better results, please share, and sorry for my results.

                            Attached Files


                            • Inside the LED

                              YouTube - Part#5 Save This Video


                              • Originally posted by oldie View Post
                                Dr. Stiffler:

                                I tested the cut diode with 18v, 60 mA, distilled water and.... no luck
                                I checked with an uncut diode, same settings and got bubbles not too much as usual in my experience, but got the gas flowing.
                                Tried again with same setup, cut diode... no gas
                                Tried again with both diodes... no gas in any of both diodes...
                                went back again with uncut alone... gas
                                again cut one... no gas
                                again both... no gas

                                I have had no luck, tried to adjust but got any result when cut diode present.

                                I'm sure my setup is far from optimal, maybe you have better results, please share, and sorry for my results.

                                Brave man you are! I have a 2" scare on my left thumb from just this type of work with a wheel, never again, I have gone to machines and hope to retain my digits.

                                I feel now that my initial photon idea is going to be the direction to take. It appears that the field is dampened by the exposure of the junction to the water. The water for sure has a lower impedance than does the unexposed junction inside of the glass. After looking inside of five LED's that were run for various times, there is no evidence of water inside of the diode body.

                                Dr. Conrad backs me up on the potential interaction of virtual particles as seem by what is taking place in the light cavities of the LED's we examined that did NOT contain any trace of water.

                                Great work and of great benefit, we can not do it all of course and it is the experimenters like yourself and lidmotor and lokki that contribute so much to any work discussed in an open forum.

                                Each and every bit of information points to this not being a conventional form of electrolysis, no matter what detractors might say.

