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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • To Dr. Stiffler,

    These are some points I would like to clear up that I have read various different opinions :

    a 10X probe was difficult and recommend 100X probe to keep operating point T or F

    It has not been useful to measure cold electricity by amps or heat

    spatial energy coherence was named when Ron Stiffler's work branched from mainstream cold electricity

    The SEC uses the properties of negative resistance as part of the circuit

    adaptation of avramenko plug is part of the SEC

    a capacitor on output would not work

    there is an advantage of wireless over one wire because comunicating timing

    putting aluminum tape on the battery improves the circuit

    the distance from the tower and the exciter coil is critical

    the latest board id SEC 18



    • Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
      To Dr. Stiffler,

      These are some points I would like to clear up that I have read various different opinions :

      a 10X probe was difficult and recommend 100X probe to keep operating point T or F

      It has not been useful to measure cold electricity by amps or heat

      spatial energy coherence was named when Ron Stiffler's work branched from mainstream cold electricity

      The SEC uses the properties of negative resistance as part of the circuit

      adaptation of avramenko plug is part of the SEC

      a capacitor on output would not work

      there is an advantage of wireless over one wire because comunicating timing

      putting aluminum tape on the battery improves the circuit

      the distance from the tower and the exciter coil is critical

      the latest board id SEC 18

      Let me see if I understand your intent.

      A vehicle;

      Can have 0 to n wheels, all or none required
      May or may not require a power source
      May or may not have directional lighting
      Has a sound center
      May or may not use a on board fuel system

      Now if this was not your intent, then maybe you should address a question and not to make a double spaced, nonsensical 'Statemenr'.


      • My intention is sincere.
        I read 7 pages of the OU thread watched 3 youtubes from
        various people who replicated and needed clarification.

        I work alot, I did type it out in 4 minets
        and ran out the door to be on time to work.
        Now it is morning, I excitedly came this thread to read
        and I see that you are displeased with the post.

        I don't have any reason to catagorize the sec.
        Although the sec could provide some answers.

        The intent is to get short
        answers to basic statements.

        my reply will be thankyou
        Last edited by mikrovolt; 06-26-2011, 04:33 PM.


        • Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
          My intention is sincere.
          I read 7 pages of the OU thread watched 3 youtubes from
          various people who replicated and needed clarification.

          I work alot, I did type it out in 4 minets
          and ran out the door to be on time to work.
          Now it is morning, I excitedly came this thread to read
          and I see that you are displeased with the post.

          I don't have any reason to catagorize the sec.
          Although the sec could provide some answers.
          I would like to read about qualitative low voltage cold electricity.

          If you want to leave the statements unanswered this will be
          unanswered. Reminds me of waiting for Carla.
          Go to and you can find hundreds of circuit variations which I am sure address most if not all of your topics.


          • Coming Soon...

            Remember ECAT, now we have Poly-Phase SEC 18-x in self run mode with source battery recharge.

            See what will be video streamed with quantitative on screen measurements, soon...



            • "..self run mode with source battery recharge."

              @Dr. Stiffler

              OK you have my full attention now---and I would imagine many more folks also. If this is one of those "don't try this at home and only try this in a full equipped lab" kinda things, then I'll just watch. I do have a couple of your SEC 18 boards and today I dug one out to do an experiment with my Muller Dynamo.

              YouTube - ‪Muller Dynamo driven by a SEC 18 exciter.ASF‬‏

              Glad to see you back in action. You have been missed by those of us who have studied your work for years.

              Last edited by Lidmotor; 06-26-2011, 09:51 PM.


              • Yes

                Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                Remember ECAT, now we have Poly-Phase SEC 18-x in self run mode with source battery recharge.

                See what will be video streamed with quantitative on screen measurements, soon...

                Now I see what you ment by hurry hurry

                Yes I know what you meen about the transformer, I removed it and used two parametric type amplifiers, it is another way of doing it and gives clean frequencies without problems of transformer saturation. Can't wait for your livestream, hope you get it set up ok, need to keep the computor a good distance from the circuit.



                • These guys need to learn how the Doc has got his technology out there,
                  YouTube - ‪POLARITY KICKSTARTER TEASER‬‏
                  feature film about free energy and the supression of vital technology. If you're interested in top secret aerospace technology, faster than light travel, free energy, Schauberger, vortices, sonoluminescence, antigravity, fusion, or implosions then please check out our kickstarter page, It's time to unleash the truth. Still time for them to also.



                  • just a little update

                    Exploring Dr Stiffler's Spatial Energy Coherence and Spatial Resonance effects. - Page 2 - Heretical Builders

                    finally got the scope with fft and sig gen with white noise, and found the srf of a sec 15 tower. let the groundwork begin

                    link to YT vid in above link.

                    @stiffler - good news, look forward to seeing the feed
                    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                    • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                      Exploring Dr Stiffler's Spatial Energy Coherence and Spatial Resonance effects. - Page 2 - Heretical Builders

                      finally got the scope with fft and sig gen with white noise, and found the srf of a sec 15 tower. let the groundwork begin

                      link to YT vid in above link.

                      @stiffler - good news, look forward to seeing the feed
                      You may not (always) be able to excite the lattice and see the excitations and harmonics when a coil is stimulated by certain generators. Once you get the idea down then you should drive the tower with a 15-3 or 18-x and during tuning you will obtain the relationships. The reason IMHO is that the driver must receive feedback from the tower to allow this to happen. My Hp and Aglient will both do this, yet the Agilent (newer gen) seems to have better isolation and the tower position with reference to the generator has a great affect.

                      A cheap, plastic cased generator will have little problem, giving a world to look at and the secret is to find the right point to explore the relation, whereas using an exciter it is much easier to to get it all going. Also be sure the signal from you generator is clean, otherwise it can trigger your coil on a generator produced harmonic and you will go in circles until you figure out what is happening.

                      Remember the coil has multiple resonant points and only one is the spot that is used to determine 'srf' although the other frequencies are important when driven by the exciters as all will be present.

                      It appears that direct excitation of a coil with 1.094 does not cause these conditions to appear. The strangeness at this point is it must be a multiple that is the trigger and then it appears to be a cascade action with multiple harmonics of 1.094 well into the 400MHz region with very respectable energy content and of course this is where the coherence is found.

                      Edit: When driving with an exciter you should be able to tune through areas where the spectrum will be sets of (normal) harmonic relationships to the fundamental. Then as you move through you will see the normal relationship move into the lattice stimulation. This is also seen if driving say a LED, you will see two output peaks, one where the harmonics are normal and related to the fundamental and another where the peak is lattice vibration. Interestingly you should also see that the normal set will consume more input energy that the lattice set (coherence).
                      Last edited by DrStiffler; 06-28-2011, 01:29 PM.


                      • @stiffler - thank for all that info. It's a lot to absorb, but i will refer to it and follow your suggestions to see the harmonics both with and without lattice stimulation. I have the parts to make some sec 15's, even down to the silver plated 400 puff caps.

                        I'll try upload a pic of my sig gen, it is indeed cheap and plastic cased i did find that the white noise setting only produced a bump on the fft scope (of the srf) after i'd tickled it with a specific pulse somewhere between several mhz either side of it's srf. Then the white noise setting would give me a bump at the srf.
                        Almost as if the coil's space remembered if the coil had been rung recently.

                        Anyway, much fun to come. I try to play half am hour each day so progress will be slow. Thankyou again for all you've shared. Without it, i'd still be playing with joule (time?) thieves heh.
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by Inquorate; 06-28-2011, 11:06 PM.
                        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                        • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                          @stiffler - thank for all that info. It's a lot to absorb, but i will refer to it and follow your suggestions to see the harmonics both with and without lattice stimulation. I have the parts to make some sec 15's, even down to the silver plated 400 puff caps.

                          I'll try upload a pic of my sig gen, it is indeed cheap and plastic cased i did find that the white noise setting only produced a bump on the fft scope (of the srf) after i'd tickled it with a specific pulse somewhere between several mhz either side of it's srf. Then the white noise setting would give me a bump at the srf.
                          Almost as if the coil's space remembered if the coil had been rung recently.

                          Anyway, much fun to come. I try to play half am hour each day so progress will be slow. Thankyou again for all you've shared. Without it, i'd still be playing with joule (time?) thieves heh.
                          I see no reason what the units you show should not be effective, provided the software running them is good. I have zero experience with similar gear so if we compare it may be a bit difficult. Anyway with a fast processor (laptop) good software it should give you info.

                          You have already seen the coil ring from noise, this is the basis of my three coil experiments (with phasing).

                          Good work...


                          • Hantek PC scope

                            @Dr. Stiffler & Inquorate

                            I have a Hantek scope also and worked with it yesterday. My model is a lesser one than you have Inquorate but it does have a FFT function so I can look at the spectrum. I did alot of research yesterday to try and get up to speed on things. The 1.094 harmonic is extremely interesting. I looked for it yesterday on my Hantek using a SEC 18-X driver with a standard L3 coil. I could see all the major resonant frequencies but all the little jaggy ones didn't show up. I might have not had the scope set right or it may just not be a good enough device to pick them up. I used a small coil of wire on the end of the scope probe near the L3 to get the signal.

                            Doc if I knew the correct frequency to tune the SEC 18-X (with a standard L3 coil) to where the "event" happens then I could simply tune to that frequency and THAT will show up as a very tall spike. I'm sure that I am there already but it would be nice to know that this is indeed where the magic happens involving that mysterious 1.094 number.

                            Last edited by Lidmotor; 06-29-2011, 05:43 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                              @Dr. Stiffler & Inquorate

                              I have a Hantek scope also and worked with it yesterday. My model is a lesser one than you have Inquorate but it does have a FFT function so I can look at the spectrum. I did alot of research yesterday to try and get up to speed on things. The 1.094 harmonic is extremely interesting. I looked for it yesterday on my Hantek using a SEC 18-X driver with a standard L3 coil. I could see all the major resonant frequencies but all the little jaggy ones didn't show up. I might have not had the scope set right or it may just not be a good enough device to pick them up. I used a small coil of wire on the end of the scope probe near the L3 to get the signal.

                              I need to clarify what I mean when I speak of 'set' of frequencies. It appears that depending the fundamental frequency that starts the lattice vibration that this determines what will be seen with an SA. If the excitation is from a different frequency, the result will be a different (set or group) of visual frequencies. The key to knowing if you have found a relationship is to look at the table I have in the appendix of the document and compare to what you see. You also need to allow for the accuracy of the equipment and how this accuracy varies with different spectral ranges. In the paper you see a relationship that is 880KHz to 1MHz remove to being right on a correlation, yet when the SA is factored into the equation, the results are right on.

                              You know the normal way to calculate harmonics of the fundamental, so when you see that this is not so, then look closer and put the results into a spreadsheet and adjust for accuracy.

                              Take a coil like the L3 and connect one end to Earth. Now lay your probe near the coil and increase your gain. You should see a hump around 13.6 and it will be quite broad in bandwidth. This is also a key to what the paper will address an appears to be the root of SEC.


                              • My hantek scope settings,
                                400ns Y-T
                                CH1 100mV
                                fft setting
                                window rectangle
                                freq bins 4096
                                scale linear
                                horizontal x 16
                                vertical 1 mV div
                                any other settings change the appearance significantly and narrow the bandwidth shown by the fft. I use just the probe, no sniffer coil. Your L3 may be slightly out, try putting avramenco diode plug or small piece of foil on the end of the coil, and the srf will change.

                                I believe i got exitation going yesterday with 2 towers driven at one volt with the sig gen, will try get the movie up today or tomorrow.

                                When you see excitation, you'll know it lots of peaks where there were none, inbetween the harmonics.
                                Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.

