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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
    @stiffler - thank for all that info. It's a lot to absorb, but i will refer to it and follow your suggestions to see the harmonics both with and without lattice stimulation. I have the parts to make some sec 15's, even down to the silver plated 400 puff caps.

    I'll try upload a pic of my sig gen, it is indeed cheap and plastic cased i did find that the white noise setting only produced a bump on the fft scope (of the srf) after i'd tickled it with a specific pulse somewhere between several mhz either side of it's srf. Then the white noise setting would give me a bump at the srf.
    Almost as if the coil's space remembered if the coil had been rung recently.

    Anyway, much fun to come. I try to play half am hour each day so progress will be slow. Thankyou again for all you've shared. Without it, i'd still be playing with joule (time?) thieves heh.
    I have one of those USB scopes and they are great BUT be VERY careful using it close to SEC devices. I cook one of my USB scopes by simply running SEC and not even having the probes connected.

    SEC has such a great field around that simply cooked my scope. No pun intended here Dr.Stiffler. I am playing with your SEC for a long time now.



    • Originally posted by plengo View Post
      I have one of those USB scopes and they are great BUT be VERY careful using it close to SEC devices. I cook one of my USB scopes by simply running SEC and not even having the probes connected.

      SEC has such a great field around that simply cooked my scope. No pun intended here Dr.Stiffler. I am playing with your SEC for a long time now.

      thaknks for the warning, i've been keeping the voltage etc real low trying to avoid too much of a coherence bubble

      here's the video
      YouTube - ‪Exciting the lattice‬‏
      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


      • More study needed

        @Dr. Stiffler
        I went through your document again to understand more what you are saying. The tables that you put in the document should help me get a better grasp of things. I will re-study the document tommorrow and try the experiment you suggested with an L3 coil attached to ground.


        My Hantek scope is about four levels below your's and the quailty of my fft function is not very good. It shows me simple lines on a graph and there isn't much detail. What I was looking for were those jagged lines on the spikes that Doc showed in his document when the lattice gets excited. They are probably there but my instrument just doesn't show them. On your Hantek they should show up once you get a SEC exciter hooked up.

        I have been reading the info on your forum and that is really helping. I am kinda like you though that this subject is very hard to understand. I can see the effect happening right in front of me but WHY is it??? You are doing a great job of investigating this with an open mind.

        Thanks for the warning. Several people I know have had their PCs crash because of a SEC exciter. I know that I am rolling the dice doing this work using a PC based scope. I never connect the scope probe directly to an exciter ---but maybe that isn't enough of a precaution.



        • Why?

          Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post

          My Hantek scope is about four levels below your's and the quailty of my fft function is not very good. It shows me simple lines on a graph and there isn't much detail. What I was looking for were those jagged lines on the spikes that Doc showed in his document when the lattice gets excited. They are probably there but my instrument just doesn't show them. On your Hantek they should show up once you get a SEC exciter hooked up.

          I have been reading the info on your forum and that is really helping. I am kinda like you though that this subject is very hard to understand. I can see the effect happening right in front of me but WHY is it??? You are doing a great job of investigating this with an open mind.
          i'm beginning to work out one possible (plausible?) reason why.. The details involve Frank Znidarsic's Classical physics explanation of Quantum Physics.

          I've provided a few links over at

          Exploring Dr Stiffler's Spatial Energy Coherence and Spatial Resonance effects. - Page 2 - Heretical Builders

          which should help people develop a model in their minds.

          The usual disclaimer- i could be waaay off. This is pure conjecture. Etc.
          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


          • Originally posted by plengo View Post
            I have one of those USB scopes and they are great BUT be VERY careful using it close to SEC devices. I cook one of my USB scopes by simply running SEC and not even having the probes connected.

            SEC has such a great field around that simply cooked my scope. No pun intended here Dr.Stiffler. I am playing with your SEC for a long time now.

            @plengo & ALL

            I don't remember for how many years I have been saying this and I now think it was a mistake to ever have covered it, yet I did and even just last week someone tried it against my admonishment.

            'Do Not Build Exciters (my designs) that are capable of >2.5W' You are not going to find the Golden Egg here and the magic you think you will find is not what you want, this is more along the lines of 'Merlin' than anything else.

            If you have unlimited funds to by new test and domestic electronics and other things.... Please work with all low level and there is plenty here to see.

            I think there is adequate reference over the past from numerous replicators to backup the need to stay low level.


            • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
              i'm beginning to work out one possible (plausible?) reason why.. The details involve Frank Znidarsic's Classical physics explanation of Quantum Physics.

              I've provided a few links over at

              Exploring Dr Stiffler's Spatial Energy Coherence and Spatial Resonance effects. - Page 2 - Heretical Builders

              which should help people develop a model in their minds.

              The usual disclaimer- i could be waaay off. This is pure conjecture. Etc.
              If I remember correctly I have communicated with Znidarsic twice and it was not directly involving my work or direction, although I will leave info here for him to view if he happens upon it. It will be necessary for him to aid in resolving some of the major differences between the actual substance of his Theory and what is going on here. As you so correctly pointed out in the beginning of you pursuit in response to my post, the 1.094 is not how it is being applied and utilized here. It just so happens to be working out that there is indeed a close correlation to an actual frequency of 1.094MHz and the harmonics thereof. There is also some evidence that different keys work in the same lock so long as they have a correlation to this number. What I mean id the ability to stimulate the lattice to different degrees with various harmonics (ala the sets I speak of).

              It could be that because the higher frequencies are of higher energy content that they indeed have the ability to set things into motion much easier than the lower frequencies. Looking back at Tesla it is near (and most likely) impossible to determine the frequencies he actually worked with. I will never accept that he really knew, I feel he was aware of the predominate ones and correlated them to his results.

              It is also possible for the same reason that he required great energy output to see the effects. I have also found that when the process is started with a higher frequency (harmonic of 1.094) that the coherence is greater. This says that had Tesla applied those same energies to a higher order excitation set that the results could have been catastrophic.

              I see in you video that you are tuning with foil strips etc., which is fine and you also understand the top hat capacity relationship. Although this is not ideally how maximal coherence would be realized. Think of the lattice as one charged (to extremely high potential) very small capacitor and the exciter apparatus is a much larger capacitor. Now is you place two series capacitors across a high voltage you get a voltage drop across the caps the is inverse to their size. As you bring the exciter (capture area) closer to the capacity of the lattice (decreasing exciter capacity) a greater voltage will appear across the exciter. If you do not already follow this a text book will show the simple formula for seeing this in practice.


              • @Dr. Stiffler

                Is it possible that the apparent relation to 1.094 MHz-m is incidental to the design of your L3? I'm still suggesting that Znidarsic's constant is applicable, but the specific frequency set a function of your coil design and related to Znidarsic's constant by a length factor?

                Perhaps it is just coincidence, but the Znidarsic constant applied lengthwise to your standard L3 (3.9cm) produces a frequency of about 28Mhz, or roughly 2x your 13.6Mhz. If that number were closer to 4.0cm the half wave sonic frequency would be 13.675Mhz. I guess I'm just wondering what happens when the longitudinal sonic propagation starts matching the electrical propagation.

                Just thinking out loud...


                • Originally posted by LtBolo View Post
                  @Dr. Stiffler

                  Is it possible that the apparent relation to 1.094 MHz-m is incidental to the design of your L3? I'm still suggesting that Znidarsic's constant is applicable, but the specific frequency set a function of your coil design and related to Znidarsic's constant by a length factor?

                  Perhaps it is just coincidence, but the Znidarsic constant applied lengthwise to your standard L3 (3.9cm) produces a frequency of about 28Mhz, or roughly 2x your 13.6Mhz. If that number were closer to 4.0cm the half wave sonic frequency would be 13.675Mhz. I guess I'm just wondering what happens when the longitudinal sonic propagation starts matching the electrical propagation.

                  Just thinking out loud...
                  Simply, No!

                  Why can I say this, look at my videos and the various circuit designs on my web site and where it all was first placed into the public with loop stick radio antenna coils as a combined L2/L3. Look at all the replicators and see that the majority "Do Not" have the L3 I produce and have wound their own. Creative license! Look at all the Tesla like coils that have been produced in the Slayer thread which started from my initial offerings. Do you think I have not looked into some of these designs to see if they are similar or different?

                  Don't get me wrong, I'm not offended, but really are you thinking I'm that narrow or following such tunnel vision?


                  • Originally posted by LtBolo View Post
                    @Dr. Stiffler

                    Is it possible that the apparent relation to 1.094 MHz-m is incidental to the design of your L3? I'm still suggesting that Znidarsic's constant is applicable, but the specific frequency set a function of your coil design and related to Znidarsic's constant by a length factor?

                    Perhaps it is just coincidence, but the Znidarsic constant applied lengthwise to your standard L3 (3.9cm) produces a frequency of about 28Mhz, or roughly 2x your 13.6Mhz. If that number were closer to 4.0cm the half wave sonic frequency would be 13.675Mhz. I guess I'm just wondering what happens when the longitudinal sonic propagation starts matching the electrical propagation.

                    Just thinking out loud...
                    Now I also need to clarify something else. The 13.x MHz business. This is not unique to me, my system or my geographic location. There is something which I do not understand that is present within this region (worldwide). How do I know this, well I have communicated with people in Germany, Italy, Canada, the UK, Washington, Virgina and of course Texas that have the gear needed to look at this area with some sensitivity. I have not talked about this much because I frankly do not have a clue if this is man-made and terrestrial or is something cosmic, yet inspection will show its existence.

                    So how does that come into play with my circuits and the artifacts thus displayed, don't know, but it is there and it has an effect and is (always) present during coherence?


                    • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                      Simply, No!
                      Don't get me wrong, I'm not offended, but really are you thinking I'm that narrow or following such tunnel vision?
                      It seems like you are offended sir, and I'm sorry. No offense was intended.

                      As for your scope of your observations, I have no basis to form an opinion. You have not made any apparent effort to answer the question of why the distance term of Znidarsic's constant is not relevant, other than citing empirical observation. I consider that a significant omission, regardless of the presence of empirical support. I was simply looking for some way to reconcile that omission. I'll stop trying.


                      • SEC 18X frequency test using standard L3 coil connected to earth ground

                        @Dr. Stiffler
                        I did the test that you recommended using my standard L3 coil connected to ground. As bad as my simple PC scope is ---I WAS able to see the correct frequencies show up when the coil hit srf. The tuning LED on the board of course shows it pretty good but I wanted to verify it with the scope fft function that I was really there. Before I ran the experiment I studied the tables that you suggested to make sure that what I saw lined up with correctly. I could not see exact numbers but the spikes all looked lined up right on the scope graph.
                        Here is a video of the experiment. The L3 coil appears to be connected to the scope probe but it is really connected to my "earth" ground wire that goes outside my house to a stake in the ground.

                        YouTube - ‪SEC 18X tuning L3 coil to srf.ASF‬‏

                        I suggest that other people take a look at this on their own setups and see how the harmonic frequencise all line up to overtones of 1.094 MHz. It is eerie. Coincidence??? I don't know. ET phoning home?????

                        Last edited by Lidmotor; 06-30-2011, 08:09 PM.


                        • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                          What I mean id the ability to stimulate the lattice to different degrees with various harmonics (ala the sets I speak of).
                          I see in you video that you are tuning with foil strips etc., which is fine and you also understand the top hat capacity relationship. Although this is not ideally how maximal coherence would be realized. Think of the lattice as one charged (to extremely high potential) very small capacitor and the exciter apparatus is a much larger capacitor. Now is you place two series capacitors across a high voltage you get a voltage drop across the caps the is inverse to their size. As you bring the exciter (capture area) closer to the capacity of the lattice (decreasing exciter capacity) a greater voltage will appear across the exciter. If you do not already follow this a text book will show the simple formula for seeing this in practice.
                          never let it be said that i can't turn around on a dime but this comment of yours and reading your contributions to the panacea bocaf document (must read) about inter-winding capacitances of coils being the absorption point etc makes me see (as well as the fact that you've got equations to describe the maximum energy to be cohered) makes me realise why you're not exactly quick to discard your energy lattice.

                          I do see your point about capacitances and minimising them and the more i understand about your circuit and why it works, the more impressed by it and the deep understanding of the phenomena required to build it.

                          @all - One thing i couldn't find was a description of the dimensions of the standard 8.8uH and 22uH L1 and L3 coils, except in those chicagochr documents, which i don't trust. Any chance someone can give me a heads-up?
                          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                          • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                            @Dr. Stiffler
                            I did the test that you recommended using my standard L3 coil connected to ground. As bad as my simple PC scope is ---I WAS able to see the correct frequencies show up when the coil hit srf. The tuning LED on the board of course shows it pretty good but I wanted to verify it with the scope fft function that I was really there. Before I ran the experiment I studied the tables that you suggested to make sure that what I saw lined up with correctly. I could not see exact numbers but the spikes all looked lined up right on the scope graph.
                            Here is a video of the experiment. The L3 coil appears to be connected to the scope probe but it is really connected to my "earth" ground wire that goes outside my house to a stake in the ground.

                            YouTube - ‪SEC 18X tuning L3 coil to srf.ASF‬‏

                            I suggest that other people take a look at this on their own setups and see how the harmonic frequencise all line up to overtones of 1.094 MHz. It is eerie. Coincidence??? I don't know. ET phoning home?????

                            Thank you sir for taking the time.

                            I want to say that this is the reason (biggest part) anyway that I have withdrawn asking for replications, because it has moved to a point that for me to show that what works, does work, it takes some tools to get there and that is the limitation to the wild OU dream everyone seems to have. It remains and is extremely difficult to describe a circuit and procedure that everyone can follow and duplicate. And of course if Mr. Grab Bag builders circuit does not work I am a fraud, then if I offer a circuit I'm accused of being in it for the money . I have given away and paid shipping on so many complementary circuits that I cringe when I hear all the crap that is thrown out there.

                            Anyway the future is not so bleak, I have yet to get my camera wired and setup a streaming service and I have already received a sample of what feedback this will bring. "B.S. Stiffler, if you have it your selfish for not freely giving it to the world." Just have to love them all

                            Hey, like I say, it will get better for those that have followed and experimented with my Exciters, I have openly stated every one of them is capable of Coherence, yet like a car, if you can not drive, little good it does you.


                            • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                              never let it be said that i can't turn around on a dime but this comment of yours and reading your contributions to the panacea bocaf document (must read) about inter-winding capacitances of coils being the absorption point etc makes me see (as well as the fact that you've got equations to describe the maximum energy to be cohered) makes me realise why you're not exactly quick to discard your energy lattice.

                              I do see your point about capacitances and minimising them and the more i understand about your circuit and why it works, the more impressed by it and the deep understanding of the phenomena required to build it.

                              @all - One thing i couldn't find was a description of the dimensions of the standard 8.8uH and 22uH L1 and L3 coils, except in those chicagochr documents, which i don't trust. Any chance someone can give me a heads-up?
                              I don't think you should be showing that set of equations to your math teacher, as it is functionally correct, although from a pure mathematics point of view it is not technically correct. Its purpose was to show all factors (universal) that enter into the lattice concept, although the energy projections are indeed correct.

                              I often wonder if this was all done wrong, is there to much info out there to absorb for the answer? I think so, maybe the way I did do it was totally wrong. Anyway your getting there aren't you?


                              • Sec 15-3

                                @ Inquorate
                                On page 4 post #116 are great instructions on how to build your own SEC15-3. Mutten posted it with Doc's permission over two years ago. There are details on how to make the coils and there is a simple hand drawn circuit diagram. I still have the SEC 15-3 that I built way back then and use it. Put a heat sink on the transistor and keep the power down or you will pop the MPSA06. Tuning is done with the ferrite in the inductor instead of the variable capacitor on the 18 boards----but it gets the job done. You can run through the frequencies in a hurry but it is touchy to get to the magic spot. The new 18's are much better but I like my good ole' 15. It was one of the best learning tools that I ever made and I performed many experiments with it. If I ever build another one I will cut the board to 1.094" X 3.282" in honor of what we have just learned.

                                @Dr Stiffler
                                I don't know about you doing this the wrong way. Life is short. I think that it was better that you threw it all out there at once. So what if it is not understood. At least it makes people think. There might be spin offs from this that are even more amazing from people you will never know. Some smart kid might read this and say, "Huh? That isn't in my book. Why not? What does it mean?".....and off he goes to find answers.

                                Last edited by Lidmotor; 07-01-2011, 05:36 AM.

