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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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    • Tesla and Znidarsic

      I loved the Torpedo and the Compass experiments. Great stuff and thanks for sharing this! On a side note, Tesla may have been aware of how the harmonic frequencies all line up to overtones of 1.094 MHz. Tesla mechanically tuned the wire, according to the frequency, to the same note, or to a fundamental. This causes the mechanical system or vibrations to fall into synchronism or resonance with the electrical. IMO, this sounds very similar to Znidarsic's theory on how light falls into resonance in the electronic structure of an atom to match the speed of the mechanical waves produced by the vibrations of the nucleons in order to have a quantum transition or to have a 100% transfer of energy.

      [Edit:] I'm pretty much ignorant on Tesla's and Dr. Stiffler's work, but the below quotes from Tesla sure does sound like the basic operating principals of the SEC.


      Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents (Page 14)
      Originally posted by Tesla
      That oscillator [Fig. 29] was one of high frequency for isochronous work, and I used it in many ways. The machine, you see, comprised a magnetic frame. The energizing coil, which is removed, produced a strong magnetic field in this region. I calculated the dimensions of the field to make it as intense as possible. There was a powerful tongue of steel which carried a conductor at the extreme end. When it was vibrated, it generated oscillations in the wire. The tongue was so rigid that a special arrangement was provided for giving it a blow; then it would start, and the air pressure would keep it going. The vibrating mechanical system would fall into synchronism with the electrical, and I would get isochronous currents from it. That was a machine of high frequency that emitted a note about like a mosquito. It was something like 4,000 or 5,000. It gave a pitch nearly that of my alternator of the [first] type which I have described.

      Of course this device was not intended for a big output, but simply to give me, when operating in connection with receiving circuits, isochronous currents. The excursions of the tongue were so small that one could not see it oscillate, but when the finger was pressed against it the vibration was felt.
      Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents (Page 12)
      Originally posted by Tesla
      I usually would transform the current in the receiving circuit and make as close a connection as possible and then tune the circuit to the vibrations. I would also mechanically tune the wire, according to the frequency, to the same note or to a fundamental. This machine was suitable for transportation. I could put it under my arm with a couple of batteries. I had relays, which were very big, in which I produced (for stationary work) a very intense magnetic field so as to affect the conductor by the feeblest current. Furthermore, I used these relays particularly in connection with beats. When the frequencies were very high, I combined two frequencies very nearly alike. That gave me a low beat. One of the frequencies I sometimes produced at the receiving station, and at other times at both the receiving and transmitting stations. This always gave me the means of producing an audible note.
      Tesla Sees Evidence Radio and Light Are Sound (Page 2)
      Originally posted by Tesla
      "I consider this extremely important," said Mr. Tesla. "Light cannot be anything else but a longitudinal disturbance in the ether, involving alternate compressions and rarefactions. In other words, light can be nothing else than a sound wave in the ether."
      Last edited by gravityblock; 07-12-2011, 04:05 AM.


      • Paper Update

        At last I have had some time to get back and add material to SEC_EL_FZ and will be updating it throughout the day, yet some is already out there and should be of interest.

        *This applies only to those working on a correlation to Frank Znidarsics Quantum Transition Velocity and SEC Exciters.


        • Originally posted by LtBolo View Post
          @Dr. Stiffler

          Is it possible that the apparent relation to 1.094 MHz-m is incidental to the design of your L3? I'm still suggesting that Znidarsic's constant is applicable, but the specific frequency set a function of your coil design and related to Znidarsic's constant by a length factor?

          Perhaps it is just coincidence, but the Znidarsic constant applied lengthwise to your standard L3 (3.9cm) produces a frequency of about 28Mhz, or roughly 2x your 13.6Mhz. If that number were closer to 4.0cm the half wave sonic frequency would be 13.675Mhz. I guess I'm just wondering what happens when the longitudinal sonic propagation starts matching the electrical propagation.

          Just thinking out loud...
          What you have brought forward has significant merit, except only in cases where the set of frequencies match up with a set of frequencies that exhibit a match with the transition velocity. This is best seen in the latest addition to the paper. In the example indicated the lamda does not match the velocity and frequency of maximum transition. It indeed resolves to about 90.909mm for a common 39mm L3 coil. Within the next day or two I will add some data which I hope will explain the differences. It seems other factors are at work other than a simple lambda = v/f.

          Anyway your assesment or suggestion is valid under specific conditions.


          • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
            What you have brought forward has significant merit, except only in cases where the set of frequencies match up with a set of frequencies that exhibit a match with the transition velocity. This is best seen in the latest addition to the paper. In the example indicated the lamda does not match the velocity and frequency of maximum transition. It indeed resolves to about 90.909mm for a common 39mm L3 coil. Within the next day or two I will add some data which I hope will explain the differences. It seems other factors are at work other than a simple lambda = v/f.

            Anyway your assesment or suggestion is valid under specific conditions.
            Also wondering about the L2 design. If the wire length (not coil dimension) happened to be something near an even meter length (1 or 2 meters perhaps?), that might also be a connection. I haven't personally seen anything to prove the thesis...but...the design of the L2 seems to have a huge effect on the spectral behavior. That may be more a function of the inductance and wire type (Litz is interesting) and the length may be more indirectly related to the inductance.

            Just thinking out loud...


            • just for fun try a conventional resonance calculator

              Professor Coyle

              using the cylinder coil calculator

              plug in 28 for uH
              To find the self resonant frequency

              plug in the following for pF in order to graph of pF vs impedance
              let pF = 2.5 to 12.5
              for 2.5 you should get 3345 ohms Z
              the impedance starts to increase around 6 to 7 pF
              estimate 6.28 pF at 12 Mhz 2.112k ohms

              Spatial Coherence is a whole different animal.
              If everyone has the same tuned board SEC 18.2.x it would be appreciated.
              Last edited by mikrovolt; 07-14-2011, 04:22 PM.


              • Originally posted by LtBolo View Post
                Also wondering about the L2 design. If the wire length (not coil dimension) happened to be something near an even meter length (1 or 2 meters perhaps?), that might also be a connection. I haven't personally seen anything to prove the thesis...but...the design of the L2 seems to have a huge effect on the spectral behavior. That may be more a function of the inductance and wire type (Litz is interesting) and the length may be more indirectly related to the inductance.

                Just thinking out loud...
                The very first research boards were the 15-3 & 15-20 which both utilized fixed ferrite inductors. The first 18-x board utilized the bobbin coil and the current 18-x is back to using the fixed ferrite inductor. For all practical purpose this ferrite inductor is a combination inductance/resistance and is again being used because if offers better operational points versus a coil of wire. The particular inductor has an L=10uH, a Q=50 and a minimum SRF (Self Resonant Frequency) of 22MHz. The DCR at 22MHz is 0.75 ohms.

                One must not combine and look at more than one thing at a time here. My recent comments have all referred to an L3 (measurements) taken free space, somewhat isolated from surrounding affective mass. They (and the paper) clearly separate the operation of the coil(s) with an Exciter and the measurement of coil(s) standalone.

                If it is not possible to resolve and understand the artifacts of a single excited coil, then combining into a full operational circuit will create utter nonsense. Only when the dynamics of the components are understood can they be modeled into and operational environment.

                Thank you for your continued comment, and if it is not clear what I refer to, please ask so that we can remain on the same page during any discussion.


                • @Inquorate
                  I just looked at your latest posts on your forum and I think we need to arrive at a conventional way to refer to observed artifacts.

                  First you will not realize 'Coherence' in a coil (with an open end). Coherence refers to the display or utilization of energy returned by establishing a cohered vibration of what I call the energy lattice. This cohered vibration allows for coherence of (capture of) energy so that it can be dissipated in a load of some form. I am not aware of any way to separate the possibility of coherence in a coil in SRF or srf without a load. In other words as the signal level build in a coil from resonance, how do you determine if some, all or none of that energy is resulting from coherence? You can not. Only when the cohered energy is again changed form (dissipated) in a component representing a load and compared to the input energy can a CEC be realized.

                  What you are looking for at the current time is the presence of lattice vibration set into motion by the action of, or stimulation from the coil(s). Once the methodology is understood and duplicate-able, then one can begin to approach using that vibration in coherence within a load.

                  The entire direction is to now explore and determine if a fairly well documented explanation (Znidarsic) can be married into or rejected from being a part of SEC. It is highly likely it has nothing to do with it, yet it keeps rearing its head around every corner, yet! in the latest data something similar is creeping from the numbers.
                  Last edited by DrStiffler; 07-13-2011, 02:01 PM.


                  • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                    The very first research boards were the 15-3 & 15-20 which both utilized fixed ferrite inductors. The first 18-x board utilized the bobbin coil and the current 18-x is back to using the fixed ferrite inductor. For all practical purpose this ferrite inductor is a combination inductance/resistance and is again being used because if offers better operational points versus a coil of wire. The particular inductor has an L=10uH, a Q=50 and a minimum SRF (Self Resonant Frequency) of 22MHz. The DCR at 22MHz is 0.75 ohms.

                    One must not combine and look at more than one thing at a time here. My recent comments have all referred to an L3 (measurements) taken free space, somewhat isolated from surrounding affective mass. They (and the paper) clearly separate the operation of the coil(s) with an Exciter and the measurement of coil(s) standalone.

                    If it is not possible to resolve and understand the artifacts of a single excited coil, then combining into a full operational circuit will create utter nonsense. Only when the dynamics of the components are understood can they be modeled into and operational environment.

                    Thank you for your continued comment, and if it is not clear what I refer to, please ask so that we can remain on the same page during any discussion.
                    I'm mostly just asking questions and voicing observations, and nothing I have said was intended to be a specific critique of your ideas. I tend to throw things at the wall and see what sticks. So far nothing has stuck in a truly definitive way.

                    I rebuilt my exciter with particular emphasis on optimizing high frequency response and I get wonderfully rich spectra. While playing with different L2s, I felt that the L2 had a dramatic effect on the spectral content. Depending on how the extra energy actually manifests in the system, it stands to reason that the transistor, L2, and L3 are the most likely sources.

                    What I haven't personally witnessed, is any affinity for a particular frequency set. That observation is strictly from the perspective of the spectra produced...but is not from the perspective of coherence efficiency. It would not surprise me if the total energy cohered was dependent on the frequency set, and actually I would expect it if Znidarsic's theory has any application here.


                    • Originally posted by LtBolo View Post
                      I'm mostly just asking questions and voicing observations, and nothing I have said was intended to be a specific critique of your ideas. I tend to throw things at the wall and see what sticks. So far nothing has stuck in a truly definitive way.

                      I rebuilt my exciter with particular emphasis on optimizing high frequency response and I get wonderfully rich spectra. While playing with different L2s, I felt that the L2 had a dramatic effect on the spectral content. Depending on how the extra energy actually manifests in the system, it stands to reason that the transistor, L2, and L3 are the most likely sources.

                      What I haven't personally witnessed, is any affinity for a particular frequency set. That observation is strictly from the perspective of the spectra produced...but is not from the perspective of coherence efficiency. It would not surprise me if the total energy cohered was dependent on the frequency set, and actually I would expect it if Znidarsic's theory has any application here.

                      and actually I would expect it if Znidarsic's theory has any application here.
                      Of course, how do you rationalize the orbital transition velocity to the velocity of sound in a particular medium and its subsequent transmission through the medium. Would one be required to redefine the meaning of sound, especially when the speed of sound through Cu is around 3901 m/s.

                      How would we translate for example a sock wave from an orbital transition into direct and directed sound transmission? Interestingly during the translation is not a Photon released? If so then is not the total energy released during the transition the sum of the Photon and the energy directed into the creation of a sound wave?



                      • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                        The entire direction is to now explore and determine if a fairly well documented explanation (Znidarsic) can be married into or rejected from being a part of SEC. It is highly likely it has nothing to do with it, yet it keeps rearing its head around every corner, yet! in the latest data something similar is creeping from the numbers.

                        @DrStiffler @Inquorate : You may want to check my posts over at the Tesla Wireless thread, which include many references. IMHO, the theory put forth by Eric Dollard is really exceptionally good and comes directly from the old school textbooks. IMHO, it applies also to the SEC, especially if you consider the similarities between the many higher-order resonating free energy systems around:


                        To make a long story very short:
                        1. Ditch Einstein's relativity theory and return to ether physics.
                        2. Look at cymatics to see what kind of wave patterns occur by exciting fluids with sound so you can visualise what is going on. These are essentially blown up versions of what happens with electric excitation of the ether. Do as Victor Schauberger did
                        3. Take Turtur's fundamental result that charge carriers emitting an electric field containing energy are actually converting ZPE 24/7 into real energy in the shape of a propagating "static" field.
                        4. Combine that with Bearden's "don't kill the dipole" concept and realise that a standing wave in a coil resonating at a higher order resonance contains many dipoles, of which you only have to drive one yourself. The rest of them is powered by the ZPE along Turtur's theory.
                        5. Connect the dots.

                        Last edited by lamare; 07-13-2011, 09:35 PM. Reason: put the posts in the right (chronological) order


                        • Just following logic..

                          Occam's razor, there is an energy lattice. It is somehow related to 1.094mhz and can be stimulated under certain circumstances.

                          Znidarsic's theory doesn't correctly account for all observed effects so must not be quite on the money; his theory must be partially suggestive of the truth at best.

                          So, acquire more data and work out a theory that best fits that data..
                          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                          • Originally posted by lamare View Post
                            @DrStiffler @Inquorate : You may want to check my posts over at the Tesla Wireless thread, which include many references. IMHO, the theory put forth by Eric Dollard is really exceptionally good and comes directly from the old school textbooks. IMHO, it applies also to the SEC, especially if you consider the similarities between the many higher-order resonating free energy systems around:


                            To make a long story very short:
                            1. Ditch Einstein's relativity theory and return to ether physics.
                            2. Look at cymatics to see what kind of wave patterns occur by exciting fluids with sound so you can visualise what is going on. These are essentially blown up versions of what happens with electric excitation of the ether. Do as Victor Schauberger did
                            3. Take Turtur's fundamental result that charge carriers emitting an electric field containing energy are actually converting ZPE 24/7 into real energy in the shape of a propagating "static" field.
                            4. Combine that with Bearden's "don't kill the dipole" concept and realise that a standing wave in a coil resonating at a higher order resonance contains many dipoles, of which you only have to drive one yourself. The rest of them is powered by the ZPE along Turtur's theory.
                            5. Connect the dots.

                            @lamare - whilst i do appreciate that cymatics and singing bowls and the like do allow a macroscopic model of what may well be a true model of the atom in the aether, i do not see an equivalence with Tesla's available work and the artifacts of Dr Stiffler's work.
                            Tesla was definately working in all the right areas, investigating spectral lines in gasses would have afforded him a spectrum analyser for example.
                            But having done even a few simple experiments i can say there appears to be little in common with Tesla's known work.
                            Last edited by Inquorate; 07-14-2011, 12:40 AM.
                            Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                            • Ioq
                              Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                              Just following logic..

                              Occam's razor, there is an energy lattice. It is somehow related to 1.094mhz and can be stimulated under certain circumstances.

                              Znidarsic's theory doesn't correctly account for all observed effects so must not be quite on the money; his theory must be partially suggestive of the truth at best.

                              So, acquire more data and work out a theory that best fits that data..
                              Yes, there is an energy lattice, which is the fundamental fabric of the ether and it not only powers your circuits (indirectly?), but also electrons, atom nuclei, etc. (directly) These emit energy in the shape of "static" electric and magnetic fields, which propagate at the speed of light, without loosing mass. Since this same lattice power these particles, which have a much smaller scale, 1 MHz is way to low to be even close of giving an indication of the scale of the lattice itself.

                              So, if you have found a more or less fundamental frequency in your experiments, this is probably the result of some kind of heterodyning, which may depending on the dimensions of your coil (windings) and/or the used material.


                              • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                                @lamare - whilst i do appreciate that cymatics and singing bowls and the like do allow a macroscopic model of what may well be a true model of the atom in the aether, i do not see an equivalence with Tesla's available work and the artifacts of Dr Stiffler's work.
                                Tesla was definately working in all the right areas, investigating spectral lines in gasses would have afforded him a spectrum analyser for example.
                                But having done even a few simple experiments i can say there appears to be little in common with Tesla's known work.
                                IMHO, the SEC is in essence a small-scale rediscovery of the work Tesla has done and which lead to his *magnifying* transmitter and has almost everything in common with that.

                                So, I really suggest you do watch the cymatic video's I posted by Jenny. They are really eye-opening, because they show you very clearly how tremendously powerfull wave phenomena are and what kinds of artefacts can occur, both in fluids as well as in the ether, cause it's the same thing, just on a different scale.

