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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Originally posted by stephenafreter View Post
    Hello Lattice333,

    Thank you too much for coming here and explaining what's happening with the SEC
    I didn't know about the different fields around a SEC. Now I understand that the effect I get might be from the excitation field with my 2N2222 and might not be from the Coherence effect itself, because it needs an MPSA06 to get it.

    So I must look for a tuning where adding more loads do not affect the amperage consumption

    Of course adding a few LEDs as load may not be a good way to see increasing consumption, because they take so little current, and seem to light on voltage only (almost).
    Please can you indicate me one or more sure means to test my setup for Spacial Energy Coherence?

    Lucky you come here to clarify some points
    Please take the chance to be here to help us as much as you can

    After thinking I was surprised by your results, with bright LEDs at 6Volts input only !!! Now I understand that you are already 'in the known' about that stuff.
    Thanks again,

    Sadly I have been required to spend much time in last week+ on a critical project and have again set back the date on the first paper release which explains two easy methods for measurement. I do not want to post as separate items here (diagrams), but maybe I can explain one of the simplest.

    Take a 100-150uF 300V Photoflash capacitor connected to an av plug. Across the cap you place various values of carbon (no wire wound) resistors and monitor the voltage across the resistor through one of my filters to a meter that is floating (battery powered). Using P=I^2R, tune for max P. When the right mode is entered you should see a CEC>1.


    • Here is my 5 cents.
      I've got 17 LEDs (see picture of LEDs stats) with AV plug. Voltage is 14V and current draw ~0.5 ma, I do believe it's even lower than that, it just I cannot measure in uA range LEDs are just blinding at full brightness. Transistor temperature is slightly above room temperature.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by mlurye; 04-28-2009, 01:52 AM.


      • Wow lots of developments in the last day or so.

        Great work everyone and thanks for your replies.

        I will have to go back and re-read all of it again so it soaks in as I'm not at the workbench right now but just causually surfing the Web from the couch.

        If I recall correctly, I did notice at certain tunings that the current would drop on my meter when more load is added, while at most others the current would actually go up.

        Also, as most have noticed that there are at least two regions for "proper" tuning, or two resonant frequencies. While there were some ocassions for me where I found more than two, which was pretty puzzling.

        I would not mind hearing someone elaborate why are there two resonant points, distinctly separated from each other. After all we are using a series tank circuit and the resonant curve should be bell shaped, with the peak at the top of it.

        Another question, perhaps rhetorical as I should just go and try it myself, is what would happen if we used a parallel tank circuit instead of a series one?
        Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


        • @ mlurye
          Please can you tell what configuration you are using; SEC, S-Gate, or Alu ball, etc... ?
          Do you have an earth ground ?


          • Welcome Lattice333 !

            I burned out my last MPSA06 transistor tonight so I will try your suggestion when the next batch arrives.

            In these two pictures, L3 is connected to a copper clad PC board resting on a paper towel in an aluminium pan.

            There's an old and heavy wrench in the pan which is able to light the 4w FLs and a 120v bulb.

            Harder to see is another wrench sitting just outside of the pan. The breadboard has a small loop of welding rod which is touching the wrench.

            On the breadboard is a single plug with 7 LEDs and a neon in series, 3 1N914 diodes on each leg of the plug.

            FLs and breadboard are connected to earth ground. As long as nothing directly shorts out the pan or wrenches, the loads do not seem to affect each other and the current appears to drop as they are added.

            The current meter is not well isolated which you will see in the second picture where the loop of wire is lighting the LEDs and neons off the battery terminal.

            Thank you for sharing,
            Attached Files


            • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
              Sadly I have been required to spend much time in last week+ on a critical project and have again set back the date on the first paper release which explains two easy methods for measurement. I do not want to post as separate items here (diagrams), but maybe I can explain one of the simplest.
              Take a 100-150uF 300V Photoflash capacitor connected to an av plug. Across the cap you place various values of carbon (no wire wound) resistors and monitor the voltage across the resistor through one of my filters to a meter that is floating (battery powered). Using P=I^2R, tune for max P. When the right mode is entered you should see a CEC>1.
              Hello Dr. Stiffler,
              thanks for your reply. I'll go to the shop to get some ferrite beads and more carbon resistors
              If I understand well, I need to make a filter on the meter leads; a filter like the one for the power supply, ferrite beads and capacitors ?

              On another message you said that taking out the 1Mohm resistor on the running SEC was a way to test if we were really on SEC mode. Is it still a valuable test ?

              I did it on the latest setup I was trying (see picture below) and the LEDs continued to light, and the current went down from 35 to 30mA.
              While the resistor was out I was also able to tune the circuit back up to 35 mA and the LEDs get a bit brighter. Is it a valuable test ?

              I'm using a metallic bed as ground. Still running with a 2N2222.
              There are total 75 LEDs, not fully bright. Input not filtered 20V at 35mA.

              Sorry to disturb you with simple questions while you are already very busy.
              Much thanks for your help,
              Attached Files


              • Dear All,

                Do you think EGG shaped radiator or antenna is the best geometry for UWB radiation?

                And what's mass got to do with it?

                How is the thickness of the egg material versus bandwidth related?

                Does it resemble better radiation efficiency if it has higher surface area?

                Induction welding simply says, " If you go higher(narrow band) frequency you will heat surface of the pipe. If it is lower than inner part as well."

                So in reverse if you are pumping wide range of frequencies in a copper pipe let's say, that you should look for radiation inner part of the mass as well???

                So it is what is mass got to do?

                Congradulations to Dr. Stiffler (he should be Nobel candidate)



                • Dear Lattice,

                  What do you think about the radiation pattern of the EGG radiator, is it plane wave?


                  What is it look like Fig 5,6,7,8 ?


                  • quick note about 2222

                    Just wanted to drop the references of the 2222 that worked for me;
                    MPS2222A; KSP2222A-J07; KSP2222A-E30; KSP2222A-G45

                    If I take the 1Mhom resitor while not being on the right sweet spot, the circuit shut down. Only around first stage of full brightness I can take out the resistor and the circuit still working (giving light).


                    • Originally posted by mlurye View Post
                      Here is my 5 cents.
                      I've got 17 LEDs (see picture of LEDs stats) with AV plug. Voltage is 14V and current draw ~0.5 ma, I do believe it's even lower than that, it just I cannot measure in uA range LEDs are just blinding at full brightness. Transistor temperature is slightly above room temperature.

                      Are those centrifuge tube you are winding the coils on....?


                      • @stephenafreter
                        I'm using S-gate. No ground no antenna.

                        It is highlighter caps ~1 inch in diameter. I use 2 of them in parallel 60 turns each.

                        P.S. Here is my current setup with values. I use var capacitor and I get sweet spot at ~30pf. It's a little bit tricky to get it going, so sometimes I just touch var capacitor to get it going. Voltage is 14V (max LEDs I tried is 20) or more. It doesn't work if I'll go below 14V. (Was able to go down to 6V, but had to reduce number of LEDs)
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by mlurye; 04-29-2009, 02:54 PM.


                        • Everyone Understand General Info


                          I am doing this as a separate post so it does not get lost in some single reply.

                          1) The 1M ohm base resistor in a 15-3 Exciter design. This resistor can indeed be removed when the exciter is in a correct mode, yet I stated this as more of an example on the part the transistor is playing, rather than a design option. The transistor should be in the circuit at all times to reduce confusion. As you tune the exciter, impedance's change and the transistor is an active part of the process, therefore you could drop out of oscillation if the resistor is not present. The resistor serves to allow the process to start and to continue during experimentation and tuning. You can use the disconnect to insure you have found a fairly stable and working mode. Foremost remember the transistor is the pump to the rest of the circuit and as such dynamic changes affecting the transistor (current, voltage and loading) are reflected into and back from the other components.

                          2) The issue of the coils and capacitors, (base cap and coil and collector cap and coil). These components form a complex marriage of series and parallel resonance circuits. Not only the inductance of the coils, but the inner winding capacities have a great affect on a properly working circuit. You are trying to interface into a high impedance 'Energy Lattice' swamping the circuit with capacity (other than specific parasitic configurations) will remove all possibility of seeing coherence.

                          Please do a couple of very simple math calculations, you need to do this to get a better handle on what is taking place. Calculate the resonant frequency of the base cap and coil, then calc the collector cap and coil. You will see that the result is HF, not VHF or UHF. So what you are doing is operating into and from high impedance's (this is why the Exciter is so sensitive to external capacity like the human body). You do not have a traditional Bell curve here, you should have and almost linear increase in impedance as the frequency increases.

                          3) Various tuning peaks and valleys. Depending on the coil in the base and the slug (tuning method) and the overall range of tuning as well as the Q (look this up) you can see actually two fundamentals at each voltage setting for the input supply. Voltage (does) affect tuning. Now each of the tuning settings then will of course change as voltage changes, so where you are tuned at 10V will be different when you are at 12V. Now if your coil and cap have a wide tuning range and a low Q you may have a hard time seeing a decent peak. On the other hand a wide tuning range and a high Q will allow the tuning of fundamentals and harmonics, there by presenting many so called peaks, of which again only one is correct.

                          4) What happens when you begin to cohere energy? Well a number of things and I will list a few here. Burn out the transistor, the returned HV exceeds the limits of the transistor. Burn out the transistor due to Heat, the output voltage is low (maybe will not light FL's) but the current goes way up. The transistor appears to be drawing <100mA ~50mA but its temperature appears at or below ambient (yes I stand behind this).

                          Local electronics go wild and many can be destroyed. Clocks and Watches, period timers etc that are driven by electronic oscillators will become inaccurate if not destroyed. This field can extend up to 30 meters on a 15-3 running 1.8W assumed input.

                          The HV from the output goes from the hot RF burn to one that can not be felt, even though a small arc can be seen to moist skin surfaces.

                          There may be an increase in input energy from the PSU as the cohered energy is out of balance (phase) thereby tricking the PSU into thinking it must supply additional energy. The PSU will go down in current and could actually read (zero) input current. This is the best spot of all, all conditions are correct and the circuit is in perfect balance, the PSU is only supplying access to the lattice and the load is totally being powered by the cohered energy.

                          5) Can the Exciter self power (close the loop so to speak). Not directly. The exciter must be isolated by three stages, all of which are single wire or wireless and properly phased. This is a very unstable condition and very hard to come by, so please do not focus here, focus on obtaining excess energy through coherence. Don't become selfish. If we can get everyone to say 30% or 70% excess you all could tell the utilities to whistle in the wind, right?

                          Have to go, work call, will check back tonight.


                          • Practical light ...

                            Many thanks Dr Stiffler for the info in your latest post. There is very interesting facts on the SEC that are worth the investigation IMO

                            About getting useful light, IMO we should concentrate the efforts on a system with few LEDs only, but very bright. Because 50 or 100 LED's per lamp would be very expensive.

                            What about developing a device using 8 LEDs like in your video YouTube - Building Blocks #2 connected to a ground wire, and using solar to charge a battery.

                            I imagine a garden lamp on this model would be a worldwide best seller within a year, if with the power of a standard one we could give out such light !

                            At day you put it outside to charge and at night you bring it in to light your room ... big savings !


                            • @Welcomers - thanks
                              @Samedsoft - RF questions are best directed to Dr Stiffler
                              @Dr Stiffler - you are painting a clear picture now

                              Attached is a photo called LV Coherence (8.1v @ 0.01A) and the circuit diagram as promised.

                              I commend this design to you and look forward to discussions about what is going on in this circuit.

                              Attached Files


                              • Originally posted by Lattice333 View Post
                                @Welcomers - thanks
                                @Samedsoft - RF questions are best directed to Dr Stiffler
                                @Dr Stiffler - you are painting a clear picture now

                                Attached is a photo called LV Coherence (8.1v @ 0.01A) and the circuit diagram as promised.

                                I commend this design to you and look forward to discussions about what is going on in this circuit.


                                **@Dr Stiffler - you are painting a clear picture now**
                                Because this is somewhat ambiguous, could you clarify the meaning/intent?

                                Great job, but I have a question, the 4X base diodes, did you find that one did not work for you? Many of us have been using a single diode for some time to correct the reducing Beta problem, I can say I do not see why 2.4 volts should not work, a bit higher than 0.6. So maybe you saw a reduction in coherence with the single one, I need to try this a get some readings.

