Originally posted by mudwump
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The medical conference I attended, was also discussing this during Meyl's lecture.
As I mentioned in some other place Meyl told me you can modulate music to the transponder and get the same mental result, as it the music were played in loudspeakers. Some clinics use it for the waiting room to make the patients relax and feel comfortable.
Bearden has written about these effects also.
This has some very scary implications when misused.
What worries me about the aluminum is something I read a while ago. Aluminum deposits in the brain results in symptoms like Alzheimer's decease. Along with this info was also some statement, that treatment from 120Hz ac could reduce the aluminum deposits and reduce symptoms.
I also remember from Hectors writings that he mentions not to use halogen bulbs with non standard electricity, at it can transmute. He says that if you get that metal smell and taste, you have to stop it.
Coupling these pieces of info with the nearly instantaneous headache running the alu foil sphere, I'm done employing aluminum for that purpose, I will take the extra time to make a copper sphere instead. Better safe than sorry. With the copper I have no bad experience (so far)

Regarding a balanced sphere.
A practical way to construct the sphere is to split a Christmas tree ball in two halves, enter the feed wire isolated to the center, and have a number of fine single wires to pull through a number of tiny distributed holes drilled through the surface. When all wires are pulled to the surface the halves can be joined.
Copper "EMC" foil tape is added to the sphere, and the fine wires are either soldered to the foil, or maybe the conductive adhesive is enough.
Although not ideal, this is more symmetrical than what we have done so far. If it really do any different behavior compared to the side fed sphere I can not tell.
Thank you so much for the knowledge you slowly but surely transfers to the rest of us.
I definitely miss your 15+ years of experience with these effects, so sometimes it is a bit frustrating. But as usual hard dedicated work is seldom a drawback.
Thank you for the tip about the reversed SG wires to see the frequency response. When I see the right SA for buying, that will come in handy

Ps. I got frustrated by having my archive on several disks, I have used more than a day to order some of it on a single disk, and need probably many days more, to order the rest to be able to access the info without wasting too much time.
By the way, back then when I used Windows, there was a program named "WhereIsIt". That was an efficient way to scan documents and search for them later on.
So far this is the most wanted program functionality I have not found in Linux yet. Any in knowledge of a good open source document indexing and search program ?
I will make more replies when time allows...