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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

    There are a couple of ways (simple in fact) to stop the loss of the transistors and to stop the loss of transistor Beta over time. Additionally there is a simple fix to stabilize frequency. Most important is the input (source voltage) and as I stated the SEC effect can be seem as low as a couple volts. I have run the simple 15 as high as 24 volts, but that is walking on glass. My preferred and the voltage used on Generation Two exciters as well as ESEC is 16 or 18 volts.

    The high voltage generated is just to high above 18 and in addition to blowing the CB junction the heat generation is always positive and CEC will be <70%. I hinted at how you can see what is doing the damage by monitoring both the + and - rails at the same time and looking for a difference, you will always see a big offset when your transistor blows.

    With you running totally from battery and if I read correctly you removed the rail filters?, you will find the batteries to be very RF Hot. In fact when properly tuned you could do something similar to what Aromaz did in one of his videos where he could light a neon off the insulating surface of the battery. You can wind a simple sniffer coil, about the same as your L2 and connect it to your scope (through the 10X probe) and use it to sniff around your circuit, coils and battery. This way you will get a far better picture than any direct connect that I have always objected to unless you have some very good and expensive probes, which in fact still upset the circuit somewhat.

    The sniffer coil and a simple AV Plug and White LED as shown on a few of my videos will also show you more about what is taking place.

    I do not recommend running without power rail filtering, even with the batteries. Also another way to approach tuning is with a AM radio or a SW that will cover up to say 12MHz. You can find some very interesting things this way, and use caution as you can cause problems with people around you (electronics, watches, pacemakers etc.).

    You ask about sending me a PM, I did not use the OU forum mail and prefer not to use this one either, email is the best way and what I stay with. If you expect info that is not published in public you will have to do like many others have and setup your email with a certificate.
    Ahh see there goes my novice brain misunderstanding things again. I've never really worked in the RF realm before and don't fully understand the effects. I thought the filter was to protect the bench power supply, not to keep the RF contained in the circuit. I did notice I could get an FL tube lit and carry the charge around the whole circuit back to the battery.

    Admittedly I am probably over driving the circuit with 24v but the results are much more impressive. I'm easily entertained by "shiny" things. I guess you could say I'm the type where if something doesn't catch on fire or go bang every now and then I must be doing it wrong. If you don't know where the limit is, you don't know how far you can go. A bit of a racer car driver mentality where if you don't have a crash every now and then, you aren't trying hard enough. (Waiting for the Malaysian F1 GP on Speed or a post on internet, racing on the brain~)

    Heading out of town for the day but I've built some more coils to more closely match your Sgate driver. I'll get it assembled sometime tonight while watching the race probably.

    I jumped right in to the Sgate before I had a fully tuned SEC and needed to backtrack and wanted to post my work method of how I got stuff started.

    Thanks for the explanation of the filter. I've got a couple snap chokes I might be able to work with. I need to order some ferrite beads, been thinkin about using them as a core for the tunable with a nylon screw or something non conductive through the middle of them.

    @All, please don't post who won the Malaysian GP today I don't want to know


    • Originally posted by Mutten View Post
      Ahh see there goes my novice brain misunderstanding things again. I've never really worked in the RF realm before and don't fully understand the effects. I thought the filter was to protect the bench power supply, not to keep the RF contained in the circuit. I did notice I could get an FL tube lit and carry the charge around the whole circuit back to the battery.

      Admittedly I am probably over driving the circuit with 24v but the results are much more impressive. I'm easily entertained by "shiny" things. I guess you could say I'm the type where if something doesn't catch on fire or go bang every now and then I must be doing it wrong. If you don't know where the limit is, you don't know how far you can go. A bit of a racer car driver mentality where if you don't have a crash every now and then, you aren't trying hard enough. (Waiting for the Malaysian F1 GP on Speed or a post on internet, racing on the brain~)

      Heading out of town for the day but I've built some more coils to more closely match your Sgate driver. I'll get it assembled sometime tonight while watching the race probably.

      I jumped right in to the Sgate before I had a fully tuned SEC and needed to backtrack and wanted to post my work method of how I got stuff started.

      Thanks for the explanation of the filter. I've got a couple snap chokes I might be able to work with. I need to order some ferrite beads, been thinkin about using them as a core for the tunable with a nylon screw or something non conductive through the middle of them.

      @All, please don't post who won the Malaysian GP today I don't want to know

      Oh maybe forget the SGate and stay with the 15.

      So save your money, you will want a 30W Exciter, the much talked about never shown but a real circuit board now. Yeah this is just the toy you would like, guess you are in the US and you have to agree not to ship it out of the US


      • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

        Oh maybe forget the SGate and stay with the 15.

        So save your money, you will want a 30W Exciter, the much talked about never shown but a real circuit board now. Yeah this is just the toy you would like, guess you are in the US and you have to agree not to ship it out of the US
        I'll setup a mail certificate later, Wife taking me out for my Bday this afternoon. Definitely interested in 30w version.


        • @DrStiffler,

          So the rest of us are SOL, being outside the US (even Canada)?
          Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


          • DrStiffler,
            Where can I find information on products that you have available?


            • Thank You!

              Thanks for the circuit. Will get started on this.


              • Originally posted by amigo View Post

                So the rest of us are SOL, being outside the US (even Canada)?
                Be inventive................


                • Mutten,
                  Thank you for very good guide.
                  I've got my schema going.


                  • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                    Be inventive................
                    A PO Box in Buffalo, NY?
                    Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                    • Another Replication

                      Hi, I'm new to this thread but I have been following this for a long time. Thank you Dr. Stiffler. I decided to give it a go and was successful in replicating the simple circuit that Mutten posted. I had to ordrer the transistor but today I built the coils using Mutten's excellent photos and instructions. Just for fun I tried the circuit with a TIP3055 Radio Shack transistor and got it to run on 4 volts and light the neon. I also found that if I put the variable inductor inside the bigger air coil inductor (on the positive rail) I got better results. It was sorta like a transformer effect.
                      I have much to learn about this topic Dr. Stiffler but a long journey always starts with a single step-- as the Chinese say. Here is my first step:

                      YouTube - Dr Stiffler SEC -----My replication




                      • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                        Hi, I'm new to this thread but I have been following this for a long time. Thank you Dr. Stiffler. I decided to give it a go and was successful in replicating the simple circuit that Mutten posted. I had to ordrer the transistor but today I built the coils using Mutten's excellent photos and instructions. Just for fun I tried the circuit with a TIP3055 Radio Shack transistor and got it to run on 4 volts and light the neon. I also found that if I put the variable inductor inside the bigger air coil inductor (on the positive rail) I got better results. It was sorta like a transformer effect.
                        I have much to learn about this topic Dr. Stiffler but a long journey always starts with a single step-- as the Chinese say. Here is my first step:

                        YouTube - Dr Stiffler SEC -----My replication



                        Nice job Lidmotor

                        Once you get the right transistor things will start moving fast.

                        Its actually a bit of a surprise seeing a tip3055 working.

                        I did get it working for a few minutes last night with a 2n2222. Not nearly as robust as the MPSA06. I'm still combing through datasheets looking for other possible candidates.


                        • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                          Hi, I'm new to this thread but I have been following this for a long time. Thank you Dr. Stiffler. I decided to give it a go and was successful in replicating the simple circuit that Mutten posted. I had to ordrer the transistor but today I built the coils using Mutten's excellent photos and instructions. Just for fun I tried the circuit with a TIP3055 Radio Shack transistor and got it to run on 4 volts and light the neon. I also found that if I put the variable inductor inside the bigger air coil inductor (on the positive rail) I got better results. It was sorta like a transformer effect.
                          I have much to learn about this topic Dr. Stiffler but a long journey always starts with a single step-- as the Chinese say. Here is my first step:

                          YouTube - Dr Stiffler SEC -----My replication


                          FYI I am a bit surprised the 3055 in the TO220 works, although years ago J.L. Naudin, Hartmann and myself built a number of interesting circuits using the 3055 in the TO3 case design. If memory serves me correctly the transistor use to be of a Planar Geometry and it was thought that this allows for some strange artifacts, I would have thought they would have changed it by now. I have seen where Aromaz and others following his work are using the 2N2222 and 3055 in a Negative resistance configuration for oscillation in some circuits.

                          Anyway it could be working and maybe not, only looking at the spectrum would tell that. Also are you using the 1M resistor as the base current start resistor? If so this thing is going nuts drawing +300mA. This amount of current will not of course be supported by the MPSA06. I have seem Exciters running 90mA and they were just not quite tuned right. The 4V input is a good result. K4ZEP and another gentleman had a deep fascination for PN100 and PN200 transistors. If memory is correct I think K4ZEP had an exciter running very well at under 2V.

                          You should not have in excess of +2'C over ambient in normal cases and in special cases a bit more interesting.

                          Thank you for taking the time to look at the basic exciter, it is a fun and often perplexing little circuit to work with and when you start with the FL's and explore the field around the circuit you should be further interested.

                          I am proofing a paper now on the circuit that started this all and I'm sure there will be interest in reading it.

                          Thanks again.
                          Last edited by DrStiffler; 04-07-2009, 03:31 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                            Hi, I'm new to this thread but I have been following this for a long time. Thank you Dr. Stiffler. I decided to give it a go and was successful in replicating the simple circuit that Mutten posted. I had to ordrer the transistor but today I built the coils using Mutten's excellent photos and instructions. Just for fun I tried the circuit with a TIP3055 Radio Shack transistor and got it to run on 4 volts and light the neon. I also found that if I put the variable inductor inside the bigger air coil inductor (on the positive rail) I got better results. It was sorta like a transformer effect.
                            I have much to learn about this topic Dr. Stiffler but a long journey always starts with a single step-- as the Chinese say. Here is my first step:

                            YouTube - Dr Stiffler SEC -----My replication


                            @Lidmotor & @ALL

                            I mention the first paper to be released on SEC and here is the current abstract as of today and the first paragraph from the intro.

                            Abstract---In this paper I present an overview of the early research and experimentation with single wire technology similar to that conducted by Nicola Tesla [1], S. V. Avramenko [2] and Alexander V. Frolov [3]. My early research and experimentation led to the development of the ‘Spatial Energy Coherence’ [4] theory and a number of interesting and naval circuits, many of which appearing to be viable Alternative Energy Sources.

                            I. Introduction

                            Because all of mankind has a vested interest in reducing its dependence on depleting fossil fuel resources Alternative Energy Research is not limited to professional scientists, developers or inventors. This has resulted in the term ‘Fringe Science’ which is often associated with non-academic or non-industrial research and development personnel and often implies that ‘Fringe Science’ is not creditable in its work and offerings.


                            • Much to learn

                              @Dr. Stiffler
                              I look forward to learning more about what I saw yesterday. It wasn't until this morning that it sunk in what I had observed. That neon was lighting up with energy coming out of ONE wire. There was no return path. I wasn't holding onto it to create a ground return. Both ends were connected by way of the two diodes to the single wire.
                              Well--I'm into 'Fringe Science' now I quess. I looked around and there wern't any hidden batteries. No smoke and mirrors. No hidden second wire. That bulb lit up on ONE wire. SOMETHING was coming out of thin air.



                              • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                                @Dr. Stiffler
                                I look forward to learning more about what I saw yesterday. It wasn't until this morning that it sunk in what I had observed. That neon was lighting up with energy coming out of ONE wire. There was no return path. I wasn't holding onto it to create a ground return. Both ends were connected by way of the two diodes to the single wire.
                                Well--I'm into 'Fringe Science' now I quess. I looked around and there wern't any hidden batteries. No smoke and mirrors. No hidden second wire. That bulb lit up on ONE wire. SOMETHING was coming out of thin air.


                                Light, wow! a lot of people including myself want to find a good light source and you will be happy to work with something similar to the 'Spatial Light' single wire driven and capable of driving hundreds of white LED's. the SL is soon to be commercial product, but you might enjoy seeing an Alpha circuit. The two coils at the tow of the picture are driven by one wire seem off to the right. The output from the coil on the left feed the SGate (copper) in which is mounted another coil. There is no connection between the input and output. The copper tube is insulated from the inner coil to the AV Plug. This simple circuit will run over 140 LED's and not dim a bit. I will not mention input, but it is minuscule. Granted the LED's are in series and it is only the voltage that climbs as additional load is added.
                                Attached Files

