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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Originally posted by Freezer
    Great progress @ all.

    Wow, I was thinking why doesn't Dr. Stiffler use the ground instead of the 1 wire. I guess you are always 2 steps ahead. I have been experimenting with 2 earth grounds for almost a year but am not illuminating the ground yet.

    I thought this image might relate. Seems very familiar.
    (Bottom right hand side)
    How about ten steps.

    I do not have much faith in the Stubbfield stuff. The whole thing is wrong from what I know and am able to do. Yes, I will admit Tesla must have been here, but man did he waste energy getting there. Kind of like using a key to open a door versus a sledge hammer.

    You will never see the Stublefield things work in the present configurations. IMHO...


    • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
      Kind of like using a key to open a door versus a sledge hammer.

      You will never see the Stublefield things work in the present configurations. IMHO...
      Agree once again.

      I hope step #6 or #7 will be what I've described in one of my e-mails to you

      By the way, the original SEC15 is far from being exhausted. Just keep experimenting and it will come to you... Like double-L3...



      • New circuit running on 24 volts and 25 mA ---27LEDs so far

        @ All. Here is my video of the new circuit running on the specified voltage of 24 volts and driving 27 LEDs at 25mA. I have ordered more LEDs to get it up to 48. This is looking really good but I still like the way that the original SEC drives the towers. Like ABC said if you increase L3 it helps. This video shows only the new circuit running.

        YouTube - New Stiffler circuit driving 27 LEDS off one wire--- At a distance



        • I'm about to..... said Loki!

          Nice....Lidmotor....I'm liking it.......although you have build some filtering for those poor batteries. I wish I had purchased the paper on taking the measurements properly when it was available on Doc's website. But I'm telling you, try putting a current meter in both legs of your supply from the batteries and see what you can see. I would be interested to see what is showing there......if you would. I have followed Dr. Stiffler's suggestions, as best as I can although he may or may not agree with that.......... , and still I managed to WASTE a really nice Tektronics dual power supply, and two computers, plus a video camera and some batteries that do some REALLY strange things now when you charge them
          In any case I am right behind you and will be drawing first light on my rig VERY SHORTLY. Here are some photo's of the construction work. I have to crash out now because of this bizarre thing called work....but you can bet I'll be posting some results SOON..............

          Best Regards,
          Last edited by Loki67671; 10-09-2009, 12:55 AM.


          • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
            Like ABC said if you increase L3 it helps. This video shows only the new circuit running.
            Close... Try splitting (the positive, hehe) L3 into two. Be ready for some weird effects...



            • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
              @ All. Here is my video of the new circuit running on the specified voltage of 24 volts and driving 27 LEDs at 25mA. I have ordered more LEDs to get it up to 48. This is looking really good but I still like the way that the original SEC drives the towers. Like ABC said if you increase L3 it helps. This video shows only the new circuit running.

              YouTube - New Stiffler circuit driving 27 LEDS off one wire--- At a distance

              Very Nice Lidmotor.

              I'm still waiting for my trimmer cap and led's.

              I tried a 5 to 250 pf cap. It works but I think for the right tunning spot it needs to go below 5pf.

              I also tried it without the cap and it worked also.
              But it wasn't tuned right and didn't put out a lot of power.

              It was still strong enought to light a 4w FL but not to full brightness.
              And it was hard to get it to light up at first.
              But the amp draw was so low it didn't even make the needle move on my analog meter.

              Thank you Dr Stiffler for another Great circuit.


              • The Little Trimmer Cap

                As I have stated the circuit layout should be firm and no long leads or power rail runs. If you are having trouble getting it into resonance the first thought is the trimmer is not able to compensate for the circuit.

                A short and quick way around this would be to either increase the trimmer value a bit by Ct=C1+C2 where you place a small pF cap in parallel with the trimmer. I would not start out with much more than 10pF and if you get over 30pF and still not working, its some other problem.

                If your trimmer goes to near zero and it hard to tune because of the sharpness of the adjustment, you could try adding a cap in series where Ct=C1C2/C1+C2.

                Either way this would be a quick fix to get started instead of waiting for parts.


                • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                  @ All. Here is my video of the new circuit running on the specified voltage of 24 volts and driving 27 LEDs at 25mA. I have ordered more LEDs to get it up to 48. This is looking really good but I still like the way that the original SEC drives the towers. Like ABC said if you increase L3 it helps. This video shows only the new circuit running.

                  YouTube - New Stiffler circuit driving 27 LEDS off one wire--- At a distance


                  I took the numbers you quote in the video and did a bit of guesstimate....

                  Your best case input would be 24 x 0.0238 = 571.2mJ

                  Your LED's are in series so if they are all at the spec of a 3V break over then
                  we would have 3v x 27LED's = 81V from the AV Plug.

                  Because we do not know the current through the LED's, here is some guess work and it all looks good for your replication.


                  81V @ 0.005 = 405mJ
                  81V @ 0.010 = 810mJ
                  81V @ 0.015 = 1.215J
                  81V @ 0.020 = 1.620J

                  Only measurement or comparative measurement will tell for sure, but it looks to me like we have more than 10mA going through.


                  • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                    @ All. Here is my video of the new circuit running on the specified voltage of 24 volts and driving 27 LEDs at 25mA. I have ordered more LEDs to get it up to 48. This is looking really good but I still like the way that the original SEC drives the towers. Like ABC said if you increase L3 it helps. This video shows only the new circuit running.

                    YouTube - New Stiffler circuit driving 27 LEDS off one wire--- At a distance


                    You asked the question or I guess it was a question to yourself about the purpose of the towers and kind of leaned towards thinking it was the wire only.

                    Well that is right and it is wrong. The wire furnishes a "Potential" to the receiver that Excites it into oscillation with the surrounding environment (No one want to accept 'Energy Lattice') This oscillation (resonance) will slowly spread between the transmitter and receiver and they will synchronize. Any Cohered Energy is coming from the environment (Lattice ) and is what drives the LED's. The current in the LED's is not going down that wire, only a potential.

                    Your mention of the near by Plant, true and here is an experiment to try. Take a metal coat hanger and cut and straighten a long section of it (similar to an antenna). Connect a clip lead that is connected to Ground to the metal rod, use a length of plastic or wood so your body does hot have an effect and fasten it to the coat hanger that is grounded. (Insulated Handle)

                    Now slowly move the rod close to sections of the LED's, what happens???


                    • My thoughts exactly---But wait there is more!!!

                      Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

                      I took the numbers you quote in the video and did a bit of guesstimate....

                      Your best case input would be 24 x 0.0238 = 571.2mJ

                      Your LED's are in series so if they are all at the spec of a 3V break over then
                      we would have 3v x 27LED's = 81V from the AV Plug.

                      Because we do not know the current through the LED's, here is some guess work and it all looks good for your replication.


                      81V @ 0.005 = 405mJ
                      81V @ 0.010 = 810mJ
                      81V @ 0.015 = 1.215J
                      81V @ 0.020 = 1.620J

                      Only measurement or comparative measurement will tell for sure, but it looks to me like we have more than 10mA going through.
                      @ Dr. Stiffler----Your calculations correlate to what I figured out yesterday but I was afraid to open my mouth. I would be more comfortable with a little more testing but it appears that I have a close replication of your experiment. When it got dark last night I setup the two towers using a standard SEC circuit and did another little test. This one will knock your socks off. I'm sure that it must have been an amp meter error but it was still impressive to see. Here is the video of the "event". The transistor never got hot even after a 30 minute run and that is why I believe this is valid.

                      YouTube - SEC making BIG light on low power

                      Congratulations on your successful design.


                      Last edited by Lidmotor; 08-04-2009, 03:29 PM.


                      • You guys might be able to use this

                        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                        • This is what I got so far, still need to solder up the LED's but they are fitted in the tube.

                          I'll be using these copper disc's for now until I find cups that match Dr.Stiffler
                          0.34grams difference in mass between the two disc's

                          Hope I can do a more exact replication when I find the right cups Dr. Stiffler

                          Finally got the right 400pF Silver Mica cap's in the mail, hopefully the trimmer cap's before the weekend

                          That's all for now

                          Mr H2inICE


                          • My "SEC" experimenter kit

                            I dare to make this post despite the thread has been lately dedicated to verbatim replications, whoever is capable of that. I also see several deviations from that new style (maybe even all posts).

                            I certainly have no Wallmart around the corner or even within lots of miles, so I have no ambition doing excact replications, as I can not get the exact same materials.

                            For me verbatim replications are not as important as the underlying principles and trying to understand and design stuff myself.

                            Please let me know if this should be my last post in this thread, and I have to make my own, if I want so show in the future what I'm doing. This is no rant or meant to be negative in any way, it is just meant to clarify.

                            To be constructive, it may be worth to have one thread for verbatim replications only, and one thread for general discussion of experiments, literature and principles of operation. It might be a time saver for all.

                            As it is generally more easy to be forgiven that to get permission, I just inform on my latest efforts.

                            Last night I assembled my first "SEC exciter cube" with capacitor tuning, inside out for easy modifications.
                            I have made a set of flat spiral coil layouts from 17 windings to 40 windings in step of one winding. The coils can easily be tapped at an arbitrary position.

                            lamare's post about flat coils has convinced me that it is better than ordinary coils. Any opinions ?

                            I have two more exciter layouts underway, one is the latest tapped design of Doc (elegant design solution Doc), and another of my own. Enough for many hours of experimenting and learning. I just have to exchange the "lid" of the cube, or better make more cubes.

                            The attached image show some of the stuff I have for my coming work.

                            The total light is my best so far, 1.4W for the 64 10 mm LEDs. More than 2000 Lux 20 cm above the LEDs. The LED PCB has 4 banks of 16 10mm LEDs ( or 2 of 32, 1 of 48 or 1 of 64) and the LED area measures 90 x 105 mm. The cube measures 50 mm. The MPSA06 temperature is 34 degrees C. The MPSA06 is soldered, as I have only fried a total of 3 transistors so far ( I use current limiter in the supply ).

                            Notice the shadows from the LEDs weaker "side light", despite the good ambient light level ( see shadow under the LED PCB in the mirror ).

                            The external coil opposite to the LEDs has no connection, but lowers the current consumption. I have to order more LEDs to make use of the energy there.

                            Unfortunately this is for no use as is, because it gives a terrible headache after only a short use. I have to arrange for receivers to avoid that, one is ready to be lined up for that.

                            You once gave me some frequencies when I worked with the SGate. Am I right the frequencies is the best to use, and is not specificly related to the SGate ?

                            Attached Files


                            • First Light Strange start up though.......

                              Very cool stuff! Just as I remember from the earlier work I did with this "spatial energy" I had and interesting time getting this little fella started. The capacitance was initially an pain in the rear end. I could get the LED's to fire up through tuning the cap but my hand had to be close to the circuit and as soon as I moved away the LED's would either completely go out or get very dim. So I added approximately 1 pound bar of aluminum to the exciter lattice bubble and got the same results, then I added a second identical bar to the receiver lattice bubble and low and behold we got a star. I turned the circuit off and on several times and ran the cap all the way around while watching the spectrum analyzer to see what I could see...... It is highly stable now without much change when I get my hand in close. So I added earth ground to the negative rail of my power supply and things got even brighter. I repeated the same things, turning power off and on plus tuning the complete range.

                              Now here is the strange stuff. Take away the aluminum change in intensity. Tune the circuit all the way through, turn power off and on......operation is stabilized. Looks like there are now TWO identical "bubbles" established where I was having difficulty before and the addition OF MASS without connection to the circuits through wires did the trick and now I have taken those blocks away and the circuit works like Dr. Stiffler shows in the videos.

                              I have A TON of experimentation to do and some ladder filters to build so I can try and get some readings of currents and voltages that ARE REAL. Transistor is running at 33C, current reading in the ground leg is showing about 107ma but I trust that about as far as I can throw the meter.

                              By far the GREATEST Stability I get is without any meters AT ALL and earth ground connected to the negative rail of my supply.

                              48 LED's blazing bright.........measurements to commence just as soon as I build the correct filters and figure out how to do it RIGHT.........

                              For me It has begun again! Doc you rule....... Here's to you sir

                              More to follow!

                              Best regards,
                              Last edited by Loki67671; 10-09-2009, 12:55 AM.


                              • The "coat hanger" ground antenna experiment

                                Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

                                You asked the question or I guess it was a question to yourself about the purpose of the towers and kind of leaned towards thinking it was the wire only.

                                Well that is right and it is wrong. The wire furnishes a "Potential" to the receiver that Excites it into oscillation with the surrounding environment (No one want to accept 'Energy Lattice') This oscillation (resonance) will slowly spread between the transmitter and receiver and they will synchronize. Any Cohered Energy is coming from the environment (Lattice ) and is what drives the LED's. The current in the LED's is not going down that wire, only a potential.

                                Your mention of the near by Plant, true and here is an experiment to try. Take a metal coat hanger and cut and straighten a long section of it (similar to an antenna). Connect a clip lead that is connected to Ground to the metal rod, use a length of plastic or wood so your body does hot have an effect and fasten it to the coat hanger that is grounded. (Insulated Handle)

                                Now slowly move the rod close to sections of the LED's, what happens???
                                @Dr. Stiffler---I did the "coat hanger" ground antenna experiment you suggested and convinced myself that you are right about the energy not "flowing" through the one wire. I also walked the receiver tower (attached by the one strand of very thin wire) 25 feet away from and around a wall from the transmitter and it still lit up the LEDs. The energy is around the receiver tower and you can change it by moving the coat hanger wand near it. Very interesting. Here is the video of the experiment:

                                YouTube - SEC transmitting at 25 ft---- Around a wall


