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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
    Every open ended coil (unterminated, unloaded) has a 'Spatial Resonance'. The coil structure (parameters) determines the 'Resonance' frequency and the Q of the coil. The Q in turn affects the bandwidth of the coil and sets the 3db points of the BW. When a capacity is added to the end of the coil, its "spatial Resonance' is changed as are all the other parms. You now either adjust the Exciter so that many of the frequencies it generates falls within the 3db points or you take a Exciter and adjust the coil capacity so that it encloses the selected BW from the Exciter.
    Thankyou Dr Stiffler.

    I must admit some of that goes over my head at the moment. I am unsure of what you are referring to "3db"?

    BW I assume is short for bandwidth, and "Q" I have come across before.

    But what I can glean from the above is that "any" combination of parts could work within reason, as long as the parameters compliment each other.

    I hadnt considered before that the Exciter develops more than one frequency? Am I understanding you correctly when you say that "many of the frequencies it develops.." you are saying that it develops multiple frequencies at the same time, or does it simply mean many of the frequencies one can tune through via adjustments to its configuration?

    Reading that last part back I realize that it isnt too clear what I am asking. Put simply, does the SEC output/develop multiple frequencies/harmonics that all occur at the same time or state of tune? Or when tuned correctly does it oscillate at a specific fixed frequency? Sorry for what is probably simple questions, I love building it, but Id love to understand it more.

    @ Lid. Interesting results with the tuneable capacitor. Id imagine that if it was out of a radio or such its in the 5-50pF range. Just goes to show how little is needed to detune it I guess. Im interested in why connecting it to your "sink" or copper pipe doesnt have similar results? Wouldnt any metallic object add capacitance to the circuit?

    @ all. I finally found some "condiment" cups for my towers here in Australia.
    I tried to match them as closely as possible. Sorry if I missed it before, but does someone have measurements of the Walmart ones? I assume they are stainless?

    A pic of mine below, aluminum pudding dishes. Sourced from a commercial catering shop. The bottom diameter is 45mm and the top is 65mm. It stands 55mm high. They had some other sizes there, these ones are the smallest. My only way to gauge them so far has been from sight, I approximated them from Dr Stifflers photo on the Scribd doc, the one where I can only assume its his hand holding one of the cups. Of course my gauging the cups this way relies on the assumption that the good Dr doesnt have tiny/huge thumbs!

    Last edited by ren; 11-22-2009, 09:43 PM.
    "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


    • Originally posted by ren View Post
      Thankyou Dr Stiffler.

      I must admit some of that goes over my head at the moment. I am unsure of what you are referring to "3db"?

      BW I assume is short for bandwidth, and "Q" I have come across before.

      But what I can glean from the above is that "any" combination of parts could work within reason, as long as the parameters compliment each other.

      I hadnt considered before that the Exciter develops more than one frequency? Am I understanding you correctly when you say that "many of the frequencies it develops.." you are saying that it develops multiple frequencies at the same time, or does it simply mean many of the frequencies one can tune through via adjustments to its configuration?

      Reading that last part back I realize that it isnt too clear what I am asking. Put simply, does the SEC output/develop multiple frequencies/harmonics that all occur at the same time or state of tune? Or when tuned correctly does it oscillate at a specific fixed frequency? Sorry for what is probably simple questions, I love building it, but Id love to understand it more.
      About the Q factor:
      Inductor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      Q factor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      "In physics and engineering the quality factor or Q factor is a dimensionless parameter that describes how under-damped an oscillator or resonator is,[1] or equivalently, characterizes a resonator's bandwidth relative to its center frequency.[2] Higher Q indicates a lower rate of energy loss relative to the stored energy of the oscillator; the oscillations die out more slowly. A pendulum suspended from a high-quality bearing, oscillating in air, has a high Q, while a pendulum immersed in oil has a low one. Oscillators with high quality factors have low damping so that they ring longer."

      With 3dB Doc refers to the decibel scale:
      Decibel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      "The decibel (dB) is a logarithmic unit of measurement that expresses the magnitude of a physical quantity (usually power or intensity) relative to a specified or implied reference level. Since it expresses a ratio of two quantities with the same unit, it is a dimensionless unit. A decibel is one tenth of a bel, a seldom-used unit."

      If you look at the graph at Q factor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , you will see that the bandwith is defined as the frequency range around Emax / 2. Since 3dB happens to be approx. 2 and -3dB equals approx 1/2, this is also known as the -3dB points.

      With respect to the exciter creating multiple frequencies: Yes, this is the case. Only if you have an oscillator creating pure sinewaves, you create only one frequency. Other periodic wave forms create some combinations of harmonics. Ultimately, a pure infinitely fast rising block wave, creates *all* harmonics of your base frequency, which is of course not possible in practice. Then, basically the highest harmonic you create determines how fast your block wave rises from 0 to its maximum value.

      See these pictures, known as "spectrum", for the square and triangle waves:
      File:Spectrum square.svg - Wikimedia Commons
      File:Spectrum triangle.svg - Wikimedia Commons

      Hope this helps,

      -- Arend --
      Last edited by lamare; 08-11-2009, 08:10 AM.


      • Arend,

        Thankyou for your reply. Very helpful.

        "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


        • Missing Something

          @all (actual replicators)

          Of the three fairly close replications, have you missed something?

          What says that if Cohered Energy is present it is only at the receiver

          What does the transistor at certain tuning spots get so hot and the receiver still works normal?

          Nothing limits the Coherence to one tower


          • Doc,

            Did you by chance get my email, it pertains directly to this.


            • Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post

              Did you by chance get my email, it pertains directly to this.

              Yes I did/ I have not responded because I am attempting to marry the math with my equation. I am having a bit of difficulty as my approach has a capacitive base. Give me a couple more days and I will get back to you, thanks for sending.


              • Ah that is interesting!

                The example I gave is very super simplified to show concept only, Obviously there is a bit more to it when considering the valence shells which naturally occur.

                Since you are interested, I will give you a bit more fleshed out version.

                Thanks for taking a look.

                Back to you guys replicators! (good work all!)


                • Dear ALL,

                  Pictures @ 24 V 15 mA..

                  This power level is quite low.. I have not tried self run mode yet..
                  Attached Files


                  • Originally posted by samedsoft View Post
                    Dear ALL,

                    Pictures @ 24 V 15 mA..

                    This power level is quite low.. I have not tried self run mode yet..

                    Great job indeed. How far have you run the line between the Xmitter and Rec while still maintaining output?

                    Using the bulbs is something I had not considered.

                    Great output..........


                    • Armagdno3 & Lamare

                      I don't think I have mentioned this before, but some spin info that goes along with the MPSA06 and the ideal frequencies of operation.

                      V/MHz where H(o)=1T

                      (2)H -> 6.53573
                      (6)Li -> 6.2660
                      (9)Be -> 5.989
                      (11)B -> 13.6626
                      (13)C -> 10.7081

                      Another point of view that is possible.


                      • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

                        Great job indeed. How far have you run the line between the Xmitter and Rec while still maintaining output?

                        Using the bulbs is something I had not considered.

                        Great output..........
                        Dear Doctor,

                        These lamps are small circular lamps, its very common.. On the bottom of lamp there is screw and it is soldered on it.

                        I have also utilized empty CD rom boxes as base and tower structure.. They are about 1TL = 0.75 USD each..

                        I have not tested range but it was 6-7 meters...

                        I can connect to common ground of university lab and go to another building and connect receiver to GND if you like...

                        I have burned MPSA06's you have sent me before.

                        I ve used Motorola ones with Beta = 156

                        I know they are terrible.. And you can see how bad the waveform...

                        Next step is to integrate two step Aromaz Circuit with Tower...

                        Do you suggest to use 1 mm enameled wire for a 0.5 meter tower?

                        Or could you let us know the design technique for higher power version?

                        Do you suggest higher voltage level on transmitter to achieve higher coherence?

                        Attached is the SEC's colpitts oscillator driving Aromaz Power Level and Stiffler Towers.. Towers will be redesigned according to your comments..

                        Looking forward to hear from you...
                        Attached Files


                        • Charged environment around receiver turns on "touch" lamp

                          @All----I discovered an interesting effect at the receiver tower. I was testing the receiver on one thin wire at long distance (35ft.) back in my bedroom and it turned on my touch lamp (those ones that you touch to turn them on)---- remotely. The lamp was 4 ft. away from the tower and the transmitter was around the corner in another room many feet away. Does that mean that the capacitance of the whole environment around the receiver tower is being changed??? The experience was a little spooky. If I held my hand near the lamp and tapped the top of the tower with my other hand the lamp would turn on and off.
                          Dr. Stiffler you have made one very strange device. The more that I work with it the more I marvel at it. I just hope that one day I don't wake up on the planet ZOLDAR in another time deminsion.

                          P.S---I don't understand how to grab the energy around the transmitter and feed it back into itself. It is blockng my every attempt.



                          • Originally posted by samedsoft View Post
                            Dear Doctor,

                            These lamps are small circular lamps, its very common.. On the bottom of lamp there is screw and it is soldered on it.

                            I have also utilized empty CD rom boxes as base and tower structure.. They are about 1TL = 0.75 USD each..

                            I have not tested range but it was 6-7 meters...

                            I can connect to common ground of university lab and go to another building and connect receiver to GND if you like...

                            I have burned MPSA06's you have sent me before.

                            I ve used Motorola ones with Beta = 156

                            I know they are terrible.. And you can see how bad the waveform...

                            Next step is to integrate two step Aromaz Circuit with Tower...

                            Do you suggest to use 1 mm enameled wire for a 0.5 meter tower?

                            Or could you let us know the design technique for higher power version?

                            Do you suggest higher voltage level on transmitter to achieve higher coherence?

                            Attached is the SEC's colpitts oscillator driving Aromaz Power Level and Stiffler Towers.. Towers will be redesigned according to your comments..

                            Looking forward to hear from you...

                            First I have no idea what you are doing with the different towers and the auto ignition coil I can tell you that the higher the voltage you generate the less coherence you can expect as you will begin to offset any gain by the leakage caused by the HV.

                            You do indeed need a fairly high voltage in SEC Exciters, but that is only if you are going to stay local and that voltage is less than 250V, anything over this gains you little.

                            I have seen Exciters running on 1.5V D batts that would cohere, you have two thing to juggle, voltage and frequency, indeed even with a million volts and the wrong frequency you will get nothing.

                            As far as the 30W Exciter, that is not a public offering, one needs to ride the bike with the training wheels before discarding them.


                            • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                              @All----I discovered an interesting effect at the receiver tower. I was testing the receiver on one thin wire at long distance (35ft.) back in my bedroom and it turned on my touch lamp (those ones that you touch to turn them on)---- remotely. The lamp was 4 ft. away from the tower and the transmitter was around the corner in another room many feet away. Does that mean that the capacitance of the whole environment around the receiver tower is being changed??? The experience was a little spooky. If I held my hand near the lamp and tapped the top of the tower with my other hand the lamp would turn on and off.
                              Dr. Stiffler you have made one very strange device. The more that I work with it the more I marvel at it. I just hope that one day I don't wake up on the planet ZOLDAR in another time deminsion.

                              P.S---I don't understand how to grab the energy around the transmitter and feed it back into itself. It is blockng my every attempt.


                              You can not feed energy from the xmitter back into the xmitter, you would have a closed system and this in my current understanding is not possible, even with cohered energy at the xmitter. The cohered energy must go to a load or go into heat in the transistor. The only hope for a feed back system id via an open system. So what is the space between the xmitter and the receiver

                              Is the receiver and xmitter open or closed?



                              • scribd annoyance

                                Dr. Stiffler,
                                I'd like to thank you for sharing your valuable resources (time, energy, circuits, expertise) with us here. Thank you. You have my utmost respect and appreciation. I'm eager to get involved in replicating your work.

                                I apologize if this seems off topic.

                                I have been trying to access your documents from scribd, but that annoying website crashes my browser every time. (It's a result of their poor choice to hide downloads behind their unnecessary Flash10 requirement.) I've been communicating with them for a couple weeks now, but so far they have shown no desire to resolve the issue. (It's not just me, but 1000's of other persons worldwide that have this problem with their service, and I expect it to only get worse. Do a google search and you'll see what I mean.) I've given up trying.

                                Would you, or someone else please be so kind as to help me obtain your documents some other fashion, i.e. private email, rapidshare, or some other way? Please and thank you.

                                edit: I have found a work-around. Thank you.
                                Last edited by kent_elyue; 08-14-2009, 07:11 AM. Reason: Workaround found

