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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Interesting observations

    I hooked up the scope to the avramenko plug to a neon, when neon is lit the SEC draws far less current

    YouTube - avramenko plug to scope with SEC Exciter

    And this shows that the excited field does appear to persist after the SEC is disconnected from the battery

    YouTube - Excited field persisting while SEC is off

    Love and light
    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


    • Spatial Gate

      I've been watching Dr Stiffler's Spatial Gate videos, noting how he never directly calls it a capacitive effect, noting temperature drops, etc.. And I've been thinking of my own experiments into 'capacitive' additions to an avramenko plug.

      And it's making me think differently about the black box with two steel rods that tesla supposedly drove a car with.

      Just thought I'd share that thought

      Love and light
      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


      • What's mass got to do with it?

        Mass has heat.

        Once upon a time, before michelson & morely's erroneously directioned light interferometry experiments, they would have said that heat was produced by massless aether interaction with mass.

        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


        • Your stroke friend?

          Oh, I hope he's alright. Get im some chelation therapy.



          • The Doc. just made another video.

            YouTube - Spatial Coherence Increase of 40% with ESEC Towers

            Very Nice video Doc thanks for posting it.


            • Another interesting experiment

              never mind this post
              Last edited by Inquorate; 09-20-2009, 06:49 AM.
              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


              • The graph I made.

                I can certainly back Dr. Stiffler up on the latent fields and persistence well after removing battery power to several of my exciters. I have watched persistent artifacts on my SA for several minutes after the exciter had power removed. I have also had NE bulbs on AV plugs stay lit as well as LED's including my little probe. I watched capacitors continue to charge as well. Another strange thing, especially with this latest circuit but certainly not confined to it, has been once I have been running a particular exciter with particular loads for awhile and then try to switch to others the damn circuit seems to "misbehave" or "resist" tuning and operating correctly, i.e high current draw and also drifting or excessively sensitive. And yet the following day or even a few hours later will fire right up, tune, and run without trouble and I don't have to change any components at all. VERY STRANGE STUFF!

                Here is a graph of the data as Dr. Stiffler posted a page or so ago and some of my observations of that data compared against each other. It gives me another avenue of experimental guidelines to try and hopefully come to an understanding of what he is obviously very deliberately engineering towards and trying like HELL to get us to see.

                Look at the peak present around 44 MHz in the BLUE series vs the PINK. I noticed that 13.2 MHz is the 3RD HARMONIC of 4.4 MHz while in the PINK 13.2 MHz is the 2ND HARMONIC of 6.6 MHz. But perhaps I am interpreting that data incorrectly here. MAYBE it is showing that in the first series the oscillator primary frequency is 13.2MHz and in the second it is 13.6MHz which is probably more in line with the actual tuning range of the device. I will have to drag my scope upstairs and see if I can actually tell what the oscillator fundamental frequency is. I would expect on the SA, which is a VERY CHEAP ONE, to see the LARGEST relative signal indication at the primary oscillator frequency so then it must be the latter being indicated by the data. Hmmmmm??? Again! Babbling out loud here is accurate..........

                So the coils, caps, load Z and etc need to be tuned such that the circuit as a whole will be tuned to resonance at 13.2 and perhaps several other mentioned frequencies where the GAIN phenomena is observed.

                Lighting LED's, even wireless, is NOT the goal here even though it is cool. Driving the LATTICE, AETHER, VACUUM, in such a manner as to have it light the LED's for us I believe is. Once I can readily do that then bigger things will come. I have more work to do...........

                Best Regards,
                Attached Files
                Last edited by Loki67671; 09-21-2009, 04:56 AM. Reason: Attachment wasn't visible


                • Sec running another one wirelessly

                  I also found some documents on scribd by searching 'Ronald Stiffler' that show an output doubling circuit by dr Stiffler for the sec. Also, in one pic he shows a coherence board; it's a huge series of diodes just like the led boards - interesting.

                  Also in the documents is an article by dr Stiffler showing an sec powering LED's and charging a solar panel that runs the sec; dr Stiffler says the only external connection in that circuit is a ground wire.

                  I have replicated or duplicated the results of dr Stiffler where he ran one sec off another one but I've done it wirelessly.

                  YouTube - Sec runs 5 neons and another se

                  love and light
                  Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                  • Another video

                    Better resolution and two led banks;

                    in the video I say the negative of the avramenko plug is not connected. It is.. You can see where. Also, it does work eventually but not how it had before. I realise now that's because I inadvertently disconnected the ground wire.

                    YouTube - output doubling on Sec Exciter
                    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                    • Evidence of scalar waves

                      YouTube - I have found evidence of scalar waves around the SEC Exciter
                      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                      • I appear to be the only one posting here.

                        I found this interesting enough to post on youtube;

                        YouTube - current draw is the same when running 2nd SEC wirelessly

                        A ground wire and a solar panel anyone?

                        Love and light
                        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                        • @drstiffler

                          In your lastest video, YouTube - Wireless in the same way as the Spatial Light, when you say there is communication between the receiver and transmission tower, is that communication happening via the proximity of the towers or the av plug from the receiver to the SEC? Also, where is the positive and negative of the av plug being connected to the sec and what is the function of the small bobbin coil next to the receiver coil?

                          I'm very curious about the "communication" because i have had a small amount of unconnected leds being lit between a receiver and transmission tower with a drive voltage on the SEC-18 of about 18v (i assume they are lighting because of the field the towers are producing), but i have never had results as impressive such as the ones in that video



                          • I almost hesistate to post this, but I feel compelled to share my results, imperfect as they are. Sorry, no pictures or video yet but hopefully soon enough.

                            I finally got around to building the exciter circuit in "Wireless or One-Wire Energy Transmission Demonstration Circuit Construction Guide" aka 'The Towers with Condiment Cup Top Hats' (just what *do* you call that circuit Doc, besides an exciter? Is it part of the SEC series? Serious question). The circuit is 100% up to spec as far as I can tell; I used only the parts and manufacturers called for in the document. The coils on the towers are not, but that's only because I ran out of wire (they have 130 turns each instead of 143; taps are still at turn #37 though).

                            I used two 12V batteries connected in series to power the exciter with an analog current meter on the negative side. On the receiving tower I had 5 small LEDs in series on an AV plug; the plug was taped to the top of the tower with a small piece of duct tape.

                            At first I used a jewelers screwdriver to turn the trimmer capacitor but quickly found out that it threw off the tuning. Once I found something non-conductive to turn it I found that I could only get the LEDs to glow dimly when tuned. However, I found that if I touched the transmitter tower with my finger the LEDs on the receiver tower would glow brightly. Also interesting is that I could extinguish the dimly glowing LEDs by touching the receiver tower.

                            This is all with one-wire connection between the towers; I couldn't get anything to work wirelessly, even with the towers in close proximity to each other. Current is almost non-existant when running without me touching it; when touching the transmitter tower it consumes about 25mA which is a hamster fart as far as power consumption goes. It's interesting to me that the exciter draws so little current but maybe this is old hat to you RF guys.

                            I'm going to rewire the towers once I get some more wire since it seems that those 13 extra turns make all the difference between success and failure--I have to assume the exciter circuit is explicitly tuned to 143 turns on L3/L4 instead of 130. Even in this non-optimal state, this is a very interesting circuit and has got me thinking.


                            • Temperature drop

                              YouTube - Temperature drop with sec

                              @ shamus, the towers may still work if you increase the capacitance of the cups; I add pie tins off alligator clips etc. And I have to have capacitor plates under my LED banks sometimes.

                              The power consumption goes up to between 70ma - 102ma

                              Love and light
                              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                              • Hack tuning the SEC

                                YouTube - how to hack tune the sec and run another wirelessly

                                never fear to try something that shouldn't work..

                                Love and light
                                Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.

