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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Battery Testing


    The scope probe setting Input attenuation (x1 and x10) do not affect your reading of frequency. It could cause a wave distortion if the compensation is not properly adjusted, but that is something else to learn and setup. I always taught to set the vert level so you had a waveform that takes at least 1/2 the screen. Adjust timing (if scope has the range) for 1 or 2 full cycles of the wave being examined, this way you get the greatest accuracy. Count divs from 1st zero crossing point two the third (full cycle for clean wave) or to 2nd zero crossing for 1/2 wave, then the full cycle is tx2. I like the zero crossing points best to start because if you go peak to peak and are harmonic rich, it is very error prone. If you have an SG or any clean sine source, practice with this. Remember this is a lost art with new scopes and cursors.

    Battery test went very well. Two 8.4 NiMh @ 800mAHr we fully and properly charged before start. Each battery would run the 18, leds and charging batteries for one full hour before leds started to dim, point where I felt they should be brighter for use. Switched batts, full brightness another hour, again switched. Did this 7 times (8) hours. Full led light for each hour an battery recovered. Now should batts need any topping a solar cell would work. This may be something useful. More details later.


    • Thankyou for the Oscilloscope help

      Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

      The scope probe setting Input attenuation (x1 and x10) do not affect your reading of frequency. It could cause a wave distortion if the compensation is not properly adjusted, but that is something else to learn and setup. I always taught to set the vert level so you had a waveform that takes at least 1/2 the screen. Adjust timing (if scope has the range) for 1 or 2 full cycles of the wave being examined, this way you get the greatest accuracy. Count divs from 1st zero crossing point two the third (full cycle for clean wave) or to 2nd zero crossing for 1/2 wave, then the full cycle is tx2. I like the zero crossing points best to start because if you go peak to peak and are harmonic rich, it is very error prone. If you have an SG or any clean sine source, practice with this. Remember this is a lost art with new scopes and cursors.

      As you can see, my scope is old - melbourne university finally decided to upgrade because probe a) jumps around and needs to be manually re-centered when changing vertical divisions..

      So this helps a lot

      Ps, dr Stiffler, gotoluc appears to be re-discovering your earlier work in his thread

      And in following that, I wondered if you've ever used crystal oscillators, maybe 2 prime # freq's to achieve chaos etc

      Or if there is a distinct advantage to using LC circuits, wether it be a dependence on (non) RF related phenomena, or on the increased voltage developed by the SEC's.

      Just ignore me on that if I'm barking up the wrong tree.

      Love and light
      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


      • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
        As you can see, my scope is old - melbourne university finally decided to upgrade because probe a) jumps around and needs to be manually re-centered when changing vertical divisions..

        So this helps a lot

        Ps, dr Stiffler, gotoluc appears to be re-discovering your earlier work in his thread

        And in following that, I wondered if you've ever used crystal oscillators, maybe 2 prime # freq's to achieve chaos etc

        Or if there is a distinct advantage to using LC circuits, wether it be a dependence on (non) RF related phenomena, or on the increased voltage developed by the SEC's.

        Just ignore me on that if I'm barking up the wrong tree.

        Love and light

        Ps, dr Stiffler, gotoluc appears to be re-discovering your earlier work in his thread
        Well I'll not go there. I'm told by many that I rediscovered Tesla's, so I guess he is rediscovering Tesla via my reinvention of Tesla Some basic math understanding would be a great advantage. Got to love or there is little left....

        And in following that, I wondered if you've ever used crystal oscillators, maybe 2 prime # freq's to achieve chaos etc
        By all means do not take my word for it and give it a shot, yet for me this never allowed for the UWB that an Exciter will produce and is necessary to excite the lattice to share a bit of energy.

        Remember from some posts back, I consider there to be three resonances; 1) LC, that which is conventionally taught and what the text book formula's are all about. 2) Self Resonance, which for the most part is the same as (1) but the C comes from the intrinsic capacity of the coil and structure itself. 3) Spatial Resonance, where a combination of the coil L and intrinsic C along with Spatial (environmental) capacity and spatial oscillation determine the result.

        When using SR (Spatial Resonance) the oscillations are affected and somewhat controlled by the lattice itself (grid line length between nodes) and the random oscillations that are always present. The lattice can offer up infinite voltage and it is presented much as two series capacitors. The Exciters appear as a series capacitor and a portion of the lattice voltage is presented the space surrounding the circuits. This field is hard to first grasp and understand as it does in the right conditions increase as you move away into far-field from what would be considered near field. Although the two terms do not directly apply to the Exciters and the lattice which is the driving force.


        • @ Doc

          I seen your last video.

          YouTube - Radiation Pattern from a SEC Exciter

          I was just woundering if you also tried to turn the SEC vertical?

          And if you would have the same effect.


          • Originally posted by slayer007 View Post
            @ Doc

            I seen your last video.

            YouTube - Radiation Pattern from a SEC Exciter

            I was just woundering if you also tried to turn the SEC vertical?

            And if you would have the same effect.

            Yes we did, but the board only has L1 and L2 which in the video was a 8.2uH choke, to radiate. The L3 was vertically polarized and fastened to the Lucite rod. The pattern does change of L3 is horizontal as would be expected.

            The field we are working with in Exciters is not what the RF tests show. The RF testing was to see what problems might be found in shielding the beast for a commercial product. The tests, hoops and certifications are awesome to say the least.


            • It's Looking Good!

              YouTube - Battery charging and Light - Looking Good


              • Seems exciting at least...



                • @All,
                  It also seems like it might be a VERY valuable survival skill to have. Practice makes perfect...........Nice work Doc..........From the Hi-tech-Redneck in the north.............I LOVE IT!



                  • How far away from the SEC can you go before there is no way to detect it? Such as if the Guys in Black Coats walk around with RF meters trying to find unauthorized emissions, how much space should this thing be given?

                    I guess the guy in the woods would be safe from that, unless planes can be used to find the SEC.



                    • Originally posted by CosmicFarmer View Post
                      How far away from the SEC can you go before there is no way to detect it? Such as if the Guys in Black Coats walk around with RF meters trying to find unauthorized emissions, how much space should this thing be given?

                      I guess the guy in the woods would be safe from that, unless planes can be used to find the SEC.


                      Can't totally answer that because all of the different configurations have not been tested in this way. Take an 18-1 alone without an L3 or other load connected to L3a and your input is 9V. You are pretty much down in the noise at 40-50 feet. Now in different configurations with a 24V input I would not suggest anyone with a medical device getting any closer than 500 feet. A high power Exciter will I know for sure in excess of 2000 feet and still be around -110 to -90dbm. A damn good receiver will do far better than the test equipment approach.


                      • Originally posted by Loki67671 View Post
                        It also seems like it might be a VERY valuable survival skill to have. Practice makes perfect...........Nice work Doc..........From the Hi-tech-Redneck in the north.............I LOVE IT!


                        I was going to suggest breathing in a paper bag for a minute or two and his exuberance would subside But I'm not that kind of guy
                        Last edited by DrStiffler; 10-11-2009, 05:40 PM.


                        • "Passive" SEC "repeater"

                          Dear Doc

                          Thank you for the latest video, what a clever combination of "simple" things. That is your video #99 (of the persistent ones), what do you have in mind for #100

                          "Once you mire in the bog you are unable to to pull free without loosing something valuable."

                          True yes.

                          Right now I'm in a state between being exited and exhausted.

                          The last few days I have been busy making layout for my "SEC18 replication" cube. Yesterday I assembled 2 pcs, and together with my old SEC "cube" which I modified for tuning indicator also, I have just begun catching up on experimenting. The SEC cube has its L3 on top, and connector to mount a sphere. I call this my "SEC tower".

                          When I got headache last time I stopped experimenting. This time I have a receiver tower handy, and have had no problems with headache, apart from exhaustion.

                          I have made some more PCB coils, but need to make more, I now partly enjoy having coils to select from during tuning experiments. All my coils except L1s are flat spiral PCB coils.

                          I have 6 tower spheres, 3 x 60mm and 3 x 80mm. All spheres have an AV plug and a LED as a tuning indicator.

                          I did some testing with one exciter driving more receiver towers with a lot of light from my two 64 led boards.

                          When my new SEC PCBs was etched and assembled, I discovered after a while that an "unpowered" SEC tower had its tuning led on( SEC tuning indicator, as opposed to tower indicator ). I tried to connect some LEDs to the "unpowered" SEC tower (junction between L2 and L3), and the LEDs was running very bright.

                          I added a second SEC tower, also no power leads, and tuned it. It ran my little IC socket with 24 LEDs, The powered SEC reduced its consumption from 1.3W to 1.1W as the "repeater" tower started running.

                          On my old updated SEC cube I have 8 LEDs connected to the junction betwenn L2 and L3.

                          On the new "SEC18" cube, I connected an extra L3 to the non ground pin of the SEC indicator LED, and the other lead from L3 to the 24 LED AV plug. The negative end of the LED array is connected to a mass within the excited volume, and magic is happening.

                          What is hard to believe, This "passive repeater" SEC tower increases intensity on the sphere indicator, and a test with my sniffer AV plug show the exited space has grown in volume while the single powered SEC tower reduced its consumption.

                          The term "Passive repeater" is correct in the sense it is not connected to a battery or power supply, but faulty in the sense it extend the volume of the exited space.



                          • Or perhaps an antacid tablet or two would suffice......


                            • Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
                              Dear Doc

                              Thank you for the latest video, what a clever combination of "simple" things. That is your video #99 (of the persistent ones), what do you have in mind for #100

                              "Once you mire in the bog you are unable to to pull free without loosing something valuable."


                              True yes.

                              Right now I'm in a state between being exited and exhausted.

                              The last few days I have been busy making layout for my "SEC18 replication" cube. Yesterday I assembled 2 pcs, and together with my old SEC "cube" which I modified for tuning indicator also, I have just begun catching up on experimenting. The SEC cube has its L3 on top, and connector to mount a sphere. I call this my "SEC tower".

                              When I got headache last time I stopped experimenting. This time I have a receiver tower handy, and have had no problems with headache, apart from exhaustion.

                              I have made some more PCB coils, but need to make more, I now partly enjoy having coils to select from during tuning experiments. All my coils except L1s are flat spiral PCB coils.

                              I have 6 tower spheres, 3 x 60mm and 3 x 80mm. All spheres have an AV plug and a LED as a tuning indicator.

                              I did some testing with one exciter driving more receiver towers with a lot of light from my two 64 led boards.

                              When my new SEC PCBs was etched and assembled, I discovered after a while that an "unpowered" SEC tower had its tuning led on( SEC tuning indicator, as opposed to tower indicator ). I tried to connect some LEDs to the "unpowered" SEC tower (junction between L2 and L3), and the LEDs was running very bright.

                              I added a second SEC tower, also no power leads, and tuned it. It ran my little IC socket with 24 LEDs, The powered SEC reduced its consumption from 1.3W to 1.1W as the "repeater" tower started running.

                              On my old updated SEC cube I have 8 LEDs connected to the junction betwenn L2 and L3.

                              On the new "SEC18" cube, I connected an extra L3 to the non ground pin of the SEC indicator LED, and the other lead from L3 to the 24 LED AV plug. The negative end of the LED array is connected to a mass within the excited volume, and magic is happening.

                              What is hard to believe, This "passive repeater" SEC tower increases intensity on the sphere indicator, and a test with my sniffer AV plug show the exited space has grown in volume while the single powered SEC tower reduced its consumption.

                              Well sometimes it seems like you are dealing with a living creature rather than environmental space. The field extension has been show in a bit of a different way by Inquorate and his ability to extend the energy over distance via mass repeaters (although he does not call the method that). Mother Nature is rather kind deep down and mean as hell on the surface. She can become excited in some very unique ways.

                              The term "Passive repeater" is correct in the sense it is not connected to a battery or power supply, but faulty in the sense it extend the volume of the exited space.

                              The last video I did with the battery switching is still working and I am ecstatic. Granted this is the least sophisticated thing I have done with the SEC Theory and Exciters, other than the utter simplicity of the Exciters themselves. Here is a working (albeit manual) way to provide light to Third World, I guess as I still do not know who pays for it. Anyway this works, so I can not wait to see Lidmotor chime in on this and any other that cares to do it and comment. Seems like everyone is exhausted lately, must be the Flue Shots or something.....
                              See what I have indicated in the message body.


                              • Originally posted by Freezer
                                least sophisticated? Right up my alley.

                                Gonna run this thing till it dies, if it dies.
                                It will die, but its going to take some time. What a good looking setup, nice job. When you have finished with this send me a PEM and I will tell you how to do it with one battery.

                                Here is the goal of what you are doing (at least mine). A circuit that will get a family through the night with power to spare and when required a short solar top off.

                                Buy I like your work......

