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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

    I don't know, won't unless I had tried it and I have not. These coils were purchased for the project. I have all the math on the setup, but that would not answer your question unless you did the computations for what you purpose and compare the outcome.

    You may want to hold off until the car travels down the road a bit farther. You do understand that the 'Spatial Light' has a distance of 3.5m? So what you see here is what is called a stimulus package

    Hint! The plasma is not what is the secret to the last video's. It works fine with a capacitor (1kv ceramic) in place of the neon.
    Doc, thank you very much for the explanations.

    I guess your "stimulus package" has the same effect as the work of a pusher.

    Right now I feel like a drug addict (I think, have never tried it), who waited too long for the next fix


    PS. In the above I forgot to mention I also have to wait for at least 3 weeks for the coils to arrive.


    • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
      Unless you have visited Stiffler Scientific you may not be aware of the fact that the SEC 'Spatial Energy Coherence' Technology is now in 'Patent Pending' Status. I am fully aware that some portions will be contested, but the 'Spatial Light' and 'Eternal Light and the 'Self Charging' NILS Light System has never been released to public domain and is therefore protected under this status (World Wide) until we are granted a General Patent.

      Hi Doc Not Eturnity light Nor Infinity Cube there My Patent Pending Devices .These Devices run from 1.5 volts and light leds while Charging a dead battery to full charger then a swapper to go again . Thanks . This Web site coming soon E-Light



      • Originally posted by fusionchip View Post
        Hi Doc Not Eturnity light Nor Infinity Cube there My Patent Pending Devices .These Devices run from 1.5 volts and light leds while Charging a dead battery to full charger then a swapper to go again . Thanks . This Web site coming soon E-Light


        Can't follow you poor syntax but think your trying to say you have a patent app?

        If that is the case, what is the application number? It is a crime in most countries to say you have a patent application when you do not.


        • Theory

          Ok, the effect seems linked to the propagation of magnetic field. I theorise that the effect appears to be strongest at the poles of the magnetic field of the repeater coil in transmission, and at the sides of the coil in reception.

          So it's related to magnetism, but it's not magnetism. I'll go out on a limb and say if the magnetic field is the wake of a boat, the effect is the boat.

          The vertical diodes in avramenko plug configuration directly in the stream of the effect appear to amplify the signal by orders of magnitude.

          The diodes may be a catalyst; I have noticed ac signals coming from diodes in the excited field, although it should be dc.

          The avramenko plug may cause the wires of the diodes to vibrate perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the effect, and cause a combined electromagnetic-like wave to manifest.

          When the wires are horizontal, 2 horizontal vibrations mean the effect remains folded in space, and invisible to matter.

          The excited field shifts mass into an excited state; the inflowing massless aether that rushes into the mass and usually creates heat radiation instead makes electrons. This is why the bias to more negative energy than positive in the sec system.

          When the aether enters the earth's atmosphere, it is represented by suction of positive; high voltage potential.

          When it hits the mass of the earth it creates electrons / ground / negative. Same thing is happening in the sec.

          Light wave interferometry should show a shift in the horizontal if the sec is also horizontal

          YouTube - Extended Michelson-Morley Interferometer experiment. English version

          In a dc arrangement, the sec should add to or detract from mass when the effect is applied vertically, and add to or subtract from the charge in a capacitor.

          @ doc, have you tried a receiver plate shaped like a bell?

          Love and light
          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


          • 1. This Original Metal Slinky [SLY1002] is just crying for us to try as "big coil"

            2. What does plasma add to the effect?



            • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
              Hint! The plasma is not what is the secret to the last video's. It works fine with a capacitor (1kv ceramic) in place of the neon.
              Doc has answered the question, I write this obvious text, because minimum post length is 10 characters.



              • A few observations with questions intermingled.

                1) From what I have gathered from a few of the presentations given by Dr. Stiffler, that there are a few frequencies that seem to cause the wireless / coherence effect better than others meaning the coils must be tuned to these frequencies. This is a bit backwards from the engineering I have done in this field where the coils are built, and the frequency is chosen to match. I gathered this because there was an allusion to several frequencies "poping" up more than others when all data was documented. If this is the case, it is possible the inverse square law is not strictly observed for several reasons. One could be the SEC exciter is taking advantage of an existing disturbance and utilizing it as a carrier wave. Therefore the exciter and the existing disturbance would need a harmonic relation. I wonder, have you noticed any existing harmonic of the frequency used in your towers existing when they are off? I doubt you have or this would have been discussed, I very much doubt the above explanation, but worth an ask.

                If this is not the case, I wonder if there is a version of Nuclear magnetic resonance within the atmosphere around the exciters, or a harmonic thereof. Such an event would cause the space around the exciter to act as a "room full of matched tuning forks" which would be a similar effect to the mass repeaters shown in several videos. Such an example with tuning forks is a conundrum to the established views on energy conservation when a full analysis is done. This could explain an increase in entropy and a deviation from the inverse squared laws.

                2) I found it rather interesting that there can and almost must be physical arrangement between the coils where they are perpendicular to each other. If one were to think of the Exciter as a point source, any action perpendicular to it would geometrically be radiating straight out from it. By this logic with an inverse square function coming into play, it can be seen that a coil placed perpendicular to the point source will experience one potential at one end, and another potential at its further end. This in and of itself is an energy gradient which alters with time at the frequency of the source. This is rather interesting because it creates a disconnect situation, where a current generated at the receiver will be out of phase with the transmitter, big possibilities here.

                Reality of the situation is though, that the source has orientation and no point source is perfect. (fuzzy hairy ball theorem) Because of this TWO axis can be chosen which are perpendicular to the source, and in the videos by the good Dr. Only one is chosen for the demmo. I would be very interested to see the other perpendicular orientation tested.

                Another possibility is the orientation of the receiver within the field being propagated from the source. Being that the receivers are well within the near field (a 1/4 wave wavelength for 10mhz is around 24.6 feet) I don't think that the receivers are straddling any physical nodal or peak points from the propagation field itself, so I have ruled this out.

                Just some food for thought, thanks again to all involved, this is one of the few threads I enjoy frequenting.


                • neon brainfood

                  I did notice when you flipped it down, away from the camera, it seemed that at right angles to the neon was a larger diameter interference area, or the interference pattern was just larger ?

                  Or possibly when your hand went down your body transmitted the disturbance to the camera? I have always found it interesting when your camera makes that noise...

                  Ok thats my second try.

                  I'm sorry but I am against hiding knowledge for profit reasons, seeing how you asked people to try something then later wont explain it. Your still pending they could say no and alot of drama has happened over patents.That's all I'll say about that so its an opinion and lets not argue please.

                  On the side I have been working in the workshop but what I have been doing has been inspired from reading a document that was obtained from somewhere you didn't appreciate so I guess I wont explain what I am doing here It was a very insightful document however I have deleted my copies and can't reference them. I remember the points. That, and the ground is the key. I am not Copying you, I was inspired by you and am improving upon a point.


                  Anyway, much respect , take it easy .


                  • Originally posted by CosmicFarmer View Post
                    I did notice when you flipped it down, away from the camera, it seemed that at right angles to the neon was a larger diameter interference area, or the interference pattern was just larger ?

                    Or possibly when your hand went down your body transmitted the disturbance to the camera? I have always found it interesting when your camera makes that noise...

                    Ok thats my second try.

                    I'm sorry but I am against hiding knowledge for profit reasons, seeing how you asked people to try something then later wont explain it. Your still pending they could say no and alot of drama has happened over patents.That's all I'll say about that so its an opinion and lets not argue please.

                    On the side I have been working in the workshop but what I have been doing has been inspired from reading a document that was obtained from somewhere you didn't appreciate so I guess I wont explain what I am doing here It was a very insightful document however I have deleted my copies and can't reference them. I remember the points. That, and the ground is the key. I am not Copying you, I was inspired by you and am improving upon a point.


                    Anyway, much respect , take it easy .

                    I'm sorry but I am against hiding knowledge for profit reasons, seeing how you asked people to try something then later wont explain it. Your still pending they could say no and alot of drama has happened over patents.That's all I'll say about that so its an opinion and lets not argue please.
                    You know, I have covered this a thousand times if I have covered it once. This "Pisses Me Off". What is this strange theory some of you have that I should from my work, effort and knowledge, eat beans and be cold int eh winter so you can have free energy and reap the benefit with no work???

                    Sir, this is crap..............


                    • An Addition to silliness.

                      Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

                      You know, I have covered this a thousand times if I have covered it once. This "Pisses Me Off". What is this strange theory some of you have that I should from my work, effort and knowledge, eat beans and be cold in the winter so you can have free energy and reap the benefit with no work???

                      Where do you (folks) get the idea that someone that can, owes it to all...

                      Damn you really did it here.

                      Sir, this is crap..............
                      Maybe you need to spend more time in non-interesting and go nowhere threads.


                      • Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post
                        A few observations with questions intermingled.

                        1) From what I have gathered from a few of the presentations given by Dr. Stiffler, that there are a few frequencies that seem to cause the wireless / coherence effect better than others meaning the coils must be tuned to these frequencies. This is a bit backwards from the engineering I have done in this field where the coils are built, and the frequency is chosen to match. I gathered this because there was an allusion to several frequencies "poping" up more than others when all data was documented. If this is the case, it is possible the inverse square law is not strictly observed for several reasons. One could be the SEC exciter is taking advantage of an existing disturbance and utilizing it as a carrier wave. Therefore the exciter and the existing disturbance would need a harmonic relation. I wonder, have you noticed any existing harmonic of the frequency used in your towers existing when they are off? I doubt you have or this would have been discussed, I very much doubt the above explanation, but worth an ask.

                        If this is not the case, I wonder if there is a version of Nuclear magnetic resonance within the atmosphere around the exciters, or a harmonic thereof. Such an event would cause the space around the exciter to act as a "room full of matched tuning forks" which would be a similar effect to the mass repeaters shown in several videos. Such an example with tuning forks is a conundrum to the established views on energy conservation when a full analysis is done. This could explain an increase in entropy and a deviation from the inverse squared laws.

                        2) I found it rather interesting that there can and almost must be physical arrangement between the coils where they are perpendicular to each other. If one were to think of the Exciter as a point source, any action perpendicular to it would geometrically be radiating straight out from it. By this logic with an inverse square function coming into play, it can be seen that a coil placed perpendicular to the point source will experience one potential at one end, and another potential at its further end. This in and of itself is an energy gradient which alters with time at the frequency of the source. This is rather interesting because it creates a disconnect situation, where a current generated at the receiver will be out of phase with the transmitter, big possibilities here.

                        Reality of the situation is though, that the source has orientation and no point source is perfect. (fuzzy hairy ball theorem) Because of this TWO axis can be chosen which are perpendicular to the source, and in the videos by the good Dr. Only one is chosen for the demmo. I would be very interested to see the other perpendicular orientation tested.

                        Another possibility is the orientation of the receiver within the field being propagated from the source. Being that the receivers are well within the near field (a 1/4 wave wavelength for 10mhz is around 24.6 feet) I don't think that the receivers are straddling any physical nodal or peak points from the propagation field itself, so I have ruled this out.

                        Just some food for thought, thanks again to all involved, this is one of the few threads I enjoy frequenting.

                        Hey! Lets talk off line again. This isn't working in the public forum. I think all that I have and am communicating with already is sufficient. This public thing is cutting into my massive profits and my lack of socialist beliefs.

                        Anyway I will be on the road until after the first of the year, but 'you know who' lets keep the dialog going and forget this ridiculous venue. I kind of like the 4 Grad Student, $250K budget concept, now that I think of it.


                        • Can't let this **** go!

                          I'm done "Dudes".

                          All vids will be private and I don't give a big one what the lurkers want to say and come all. It only takes one bad apple int he box and I have tried to cull far to many.

                          So free loaders have at it, I will be asking admin to remove my account so I can not post regardless of the **** that someone may post.

                          Good luck....................


                          • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                            I'm done "Dudes".

                            All vids will be private and I don't give a big one what the lurkers want to say and come all. It only takes one bad apple int he box and I have tried to cull far to many.

                            So free loaders have at it, I will be asking admin to remove my account so I can not post regardless of the **** that someone may post.

                            Good luck....................
                            Dear Doc,

                            I understand your anger. If I was the holder of the thread, I would ask Aaron to remove the right of posting from persons who don't know how to behave.

                            And who knows who they are, these posters. Often not the ones with the most insight and understanding.

                            They may even be payed to post here to avoid your knowledge to be widely known.

                            If this is the end, then I'm sad it ends this way, and if the posters are planted, "they" achieved exactly what "they" wanted.

                            If this is the end, I will thank you of all my heart for all your hard work to teach us.

                            But if I were in your shoes, I would delete the offending posts and ignore it.



                            • melted fuse

                              Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
                              Dear Doc,

                              I understand your anger. If I was the holder of the thread, I would ask Aaron to remove the right of posting from persons who don't know how to behave.

                              And who knows who they are, these posters. Often not the ones with the most insight and understanding.

                              They may even be payed to post here to avoid your knowledge to be widely known.

                              If this is the end, then I'm sad it ends this way, and if the posters are planted, "they" achieved exactly what "they" wanted.

                              If this is the end, I will thank you of all my heart for all your hard work to teach us.

                              But if I were in your shoes, I would delete the offending posts and ignore it.

                              This is the only thread on this entire forum where I have not
                              felt welcome ... being shooed away by the Doc because I asked
                              some questions.
                              I think the guy is brilliant ... and I've been inspired by his work
                              and have been watching for more than one year ...
                              but lets face it ... he's a hot head.

                              I think Eric Dollard Videos explain a lot of what Dr. Stiffler's --
                              which in my opinion is very Tesla-esk whether the Doc is willing
                              to admit that or not.

                              Let us not create a conspiracy theory here that the Doc
                              disappeared from the public scene -- like so many Free Energy
                              Gurus -- because some secret organization wants all this
                              stuff covered up.

                              As the Doc stated ... he is a capitalist ... and not willing to share
                              all secrets here ... and he wants his patent.
                              More power to him. I can't judge his motives and I too don't like beans.

                              What I admire most in a person, though, is not their brilliance ...
                              but in their ability to treat others with respect ... and play

                              I guess we all seek mentors ... and hope that they will help
                              us for free ... and we all sometimes ask too much.
                              Those who work really really hard can get burned out and snap.
                              So my advice is to just chill a bit ... and we'll get there.
                              Humanity will make it!!!


                              • Doctor,

                                Could you please activate your latest youtube video?

                                I just came back from Algeria. I see that lots of things happened here..

                                Now I think you are right about public posting issues.

                                But you know, we need to learn from our wrong behaviours to become better humans.

                                Please forgive our friends. We will put your name into history if we can.

                                We need your understandings and experience...

                                Please naysayers leave this thread....

                                I wish best Mr Ronald and pray for him, Lidmotor, Gotoluc, Ash.

                                Thanks All

                                GOD BLESS YOU!

                                Nuri Temurlenk, TURKEY!

