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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • @samedsoft,


    Impressive sheet.



    • Replication for Dr. Stiffler

      Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
      Here is a chance to see what you have been waiting for, BUT must be done right.

      Short leads, good dress and no filtering between you Exciter and the battery. Don't try right off driving large LED boards while charging. Charge a battery or two and see how the circuit handles. Use the 6 diode 4 LED coupling to charge from the battery foil. The meter will load things down if the ferrites are to small or two big. No capacitors for filtering anywhere.

      The battery and the SEC are one.

      YouTube - Continous Running Charge With Light, Here Is One Way
      @ Dr. Stiffler
      Here is a replication of your latest charging arrangement. It works. . This is a very amazing discovery. I used my old SEC 15-3 and the SEC towers so it is a bit different than you showed. The charging part is a setup just as you described with the diodes, leds and ferrites. I used two identical 12 volt SLAs.

      YouTube - SEC 15 -- Light & Battery Charger.ASF



      • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
        @ Dr. Stiffler
        Here is a replication of your latest charging arrangement. It works. . This is a very amazing discovery. I used my old SEC 15-3 and the SEC towers so it is a bit different than you showed. The charging part is a setup just as you described with the diodes, leds and ferrites. I used two identical 12 volt SLAs.

        YouTube - SEC 15 -- Light & Battery Charger.ASF


        Hi Lidmotor,

        Wow,I'm just blown away by your last video .The Doc is doing some great work and you seem to be all over this thing.Thx for sharing with your latast video .



        • Etheric current similarities

          Hi guys, just thought I'd share a thought I had about the similarities between dr Stiffler's experiments and those done in 1890's? By edison.

          Nat has posted great original texts here

          And if anyone has a cadmium sphere to put on the Stiffler tower and sees a gain..

          That would be very interesting.

          @ lidmotor @ Dr Stiffler - great videos. I'd noticed the avramenko plug off battery when I was using 9v batteries, but never thought to use it..

          Love and light
          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


          • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
            @ Dr. Stiffler
            Here is a replication of your latest charging arrangement. It works. . This is a very amazing discovery. I used my old SEC 15-3 and the SEC towers so it is a bit different than you showed. The charging part is a setup just as you described with the diodes, leds and ferrites. I used two identical 12 volt SLAs.

            YouTube - SEC 15 -- Light & Battery Charger.ASF

            WOW.. Lidmotor that is very impressive.

            The amount of current used to light the lights and charge the other battery.
            Another amazing video.

            I was trying this last night but my setup used around 60mA before I could get any exitation around the battery.
            And I couldnt get it to charge as fast as yours.

            I think a lot of it depends on the size of the battery or the batteries mass.

            Thank you Lidmotor and Dr. Stiffler for another Great setup.


            • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
              @ Dr. Stiffler
              Here is a replication of your latest charging arrangement. It works. . This is a very amazing discovery. I used my old SEC 15-3 and the SEC towers so it is a bit different than you showed. The charging part is a setup just as you described with the diodes, leds and ferrites. I used two identical 12 volt SLAs.

              YouTube - SEC 15 -- Light & Battery Charger.ASF


              Thank you for the great test and as a result I will offer a few bits of public info that will help out in doing this.

              (1) The wireless tower will work better when configured as a FS sensor. The 6 diodes driving the LED load. Getting rid of the coils, here is why.

              The coils in combination with the diodes of the single AV Plug and the LED's offer a non-linear circuit. Once the receiver coil is set into oscillation at its 'srf' it will also generated frequencies of its own as a result of the diodes rectification and the non-linearity. In other words it is not only a receiver at specific frequencies, but it also becomes a transmitter at other frequencies.

              Remember the SEC Theory says we are setting into oscillation the local energy lattice at specific frequencies which are optimal for coherence. When we introduce unwanted or additional frequencies via the secondary oscillations from the receivers it shall I say muddies the waters and things tend to be more chaotic which no longer offers a clear path to the coherence.

              (2) The wireless receiver will work best with spheres. The foil spheres work as do the SS cups, yet not as well as the actual smooth round sphere. And yes indeed a few xmas ball are indeed great, not the mathematical sphere we would hope for, but pretty darn close. It took me a long time to find the right ones. They must be glass shell and coated with a metallic inner surface. I found that many had a plastic type of reflective film and of course they will not work. Another thing to look for is a fixed cap. The cheaper xmas balls are not fastened in place and easily turn and even pop out. This is bad as a good connection is near impossible to maintain. Yes you could glue them, but the ones that are already fixed in place are just an overall better unit to use.

              (3) The six diodes in the string AV Plug are a special bread of AV Plug which has little really to do wit the AV Plug as such and more to do with the diode junctions and how they interact with the energy field. You can look back on my video's covering electrolysis and see a similar utilization.

              (4) Placement of the receiver tower is critical, I think I showed that very well in a few video's. To find this I would suggest that all your LED panels contain a 1ohm resistor in the center of the LED string. Use this resistor for adjusting for proper placement away from the xmitter. If you get to close you decrease the whole operation, by a 'Significant' amount. Always use the ferrite's for isolation to your meter and keep meter leads short and the meter away from the xmitter as much as possible. Ideally a set of ferrites just where the meter leads enter the meter and the ones on the resistor will provide the best isolation.

              (5) Without the receivers having inductors you will see a very sharp resonant spot for tuning (my SNAP) examples some time back. The xmitter, lattice, receiver and battery all go into a resonate coupling and it is sharp. When you find it you should see a more robust field and somewhat more stable than with al the inductors.

              (6) Location, location, location. No I am not into real estate, but the placement of the xmitter, receiver, batteries all are somewhat critical for best operation. If the battery gets to close to the transmitter, the field level will drop, likewise if the receiver gets to close to the xmitter or batter the field drops. You need to excite as much of the lattice as possible to gain the best coherence.

              Pseudo voltages, a big issue. In what I will call normal operation, your charge battery voltage should rise at about 0.01 to 0.02 volts per 90 seconds. Of course this depends on a number of battery condition and charge variables. You will see a pseudo voltage of about 0.5 to 0.7 volts just after you end a charge period and this will clear after the battery sits and you will see the actual voltage increase. The increase is real and does not blow off with the first minute or two of a load.

              In a biased self running system the bias can be a few volts and once set into oscillation will hold around 13-14 volts, but the bias does not charge. You stop the oscillation and the bias returns to it initial voltage. Not this is indication that it supplies energy to itself and has a limit or it would keep climbing and also it is not of conventional potential as the circuit works and lights LED's but offers no current.

              Enough for everyone to get there. I'm off again, a while before more fun.


              • The hunt Christmas balls

                @ Dr. Stiffler
                Thank you for the next work assignment ----fine tuning this and getting it spot on right. I will go on the hunt for those Christmas balls and make the FS sensor tower.
                I understand what you discussed above about the energy field around the SEC and the "locaton, location, location" aspect. I have already experienced that. I wish that I could see this storm of "freak" waves that surround the area of a SEC when it goes into resonance. All the LED lights come on bright and my little amp indicator bulb goes out. It must be a hell of a ride for all those little atomic particles.



                • charging...

                  Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                  @ Dr. Stiffler
                  Here is a replication of your latest charging arrangement. It works. . This is a very amazing discovery. I used my old SEC 15-3 and the SEC towers so it is a bit different than you showed. The charging part is a setup just as you described with the diodes, leds and ferrites. I used two identical 12 volt SLAs.

                  YouTube - SEC 15 -- Light & Battery Charger.ASF

                  I have the ferrite beads on order. Last night I tried this without the beads was able to charge my 3.5 Farad cap to almost 4 volts, with 40 milliamp draw.

                  I believe my leds have more resistance than the leds others are using, I have found that 9 of them will goto full brightness, I can light the others but it is not the full capacity of the leds.

                  I believe the Christmas light at the start may be a factor in limiting the voltage in. I do remember when I built the Imhotep setup the tail light sure helped lower my amp draw.

                  I was able to power my second sec with a line from the first one coming out of the coil. only one wire powers the sec nicely it is interesting to see the two secs interact with one another and how the fields grow / diminish with movement of the coils and position of the wires. I have found heat syncs make a wonderful fake ground.

                  I look forward to load testing the batteries after they are charged this way.

                  Thanks Doc this is amazing the energy that is on a new plug in on the battery.
                  See my experiments here...

                  You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                  • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                    @ Dr. Stiffler
                    Thank you for the next work assignment ----fine tuning this and getting it spot on right. I will go on the hunt for those Christmas balls and make the FS sensor tower.
                    I understand what you discussed above about the energy field around the SEC and the "locaton, location, location" aspect. I have already experienced that. I wish that I could see this storm of "freak" waves that surround the area of a SEC when it goes into resonance. All the LED lights come on bright and my little amp indicator bulb goes out. It must be a hell of a ride for all those little atomic particles.


                    I found the christmas tree bulb ornaments at walmart on clearance for $1.75 for 4. Glass on the outside, conductive on the inside. not sure if they are to spec with what the doctor was using.

                    Still lurking in the background, lifes been keeping me busy so I haven't had much time to play around.

                    I'll try and get something setup in the next few days.



                    • Here is my Replication of Dr Stiffler's Light and charger.

                      Using Lidmotor's idea of using a Christmass tree light bulb to measure current intake.

                      It's amazing to see the 40 leds light and charge another battery on that small amount of current.

                      YouTube - Replication Of SEC 15


                      • Almost Self-Runner SEC 18

                        I have been playing with the SEC 18 and I have found something (I think) amazing.

                        This will charge battery B4 and pretty much use nothing from battery B2, as a matter of fact my meter shows that B2 is indeed also charging too. It kind of fluctuates up and down but it has been and extremely slow usage of current (my meter actually shows negative current of -10 ma going back to B2).

                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by plengo; 01-04-2010, 03:34 AM.


                        • Originally posted by plengo View Post
                          I have been playing with the SEC 18 and I have found something (I think) amazing.

                          This will charge battery B2 and pretty much use nothing from battery B1, as a matter of fact my meter shows that B1 is indeed also charging too. It kind of fluctuates up and down but it has been and extremely slow usage of current (my meter actually shows negative current of -10 ma going back to B1).


                          Sometimes does one feel like Deja Vu (sic??).

                          Is the cycling around 2-3Hz?



                          • Wal Mart tomorrow

                            Thanks for the tip about Wal Mart having the Christmas tree balls. I'll make a run down there tomorrow and hopefully get some.

                            I guess you saw the same things that I did when you did the replication. I worked all day with it and tried several different arrangements. Mart's idea of charging up a supercap to show that there is real energy being captured tells me the we are not just seeing a fluff charge.

                            I'll try your arrangement tomorrow ----when I get back from Wal Mart.



                            • Aluminum tape

                              Guys, that aluminum tape conducts even on the sticky side - I made my aluminum balls with it - so you could put more than one strip on the battery
                              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                              • Thanks.

                                Thank you Dr. Stiffler for saving my new year present untill '10!! That manner of charging batteries is ingenious and I would like to thank you for showing that to us.

