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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Originally posted by oldie View Post
    Hi again Dr.

    I observed a couple of the diodes I used break the leg just on the glass end, I throw them away, sorry, I was thinking on looking at the microscope, but there's always something to do and I didn't, any case I believe there's a high oxidation rate, isn't it?

    Again thanks for sharing.

    My best wishes
    Can you see where this might be going? Assume the leads are totally superfluous and the junction is the primary point of interest. I would have guessed before ever doing such experiments that the highest potential was indeed between the exit points of the leads and not at the tips of the leads as is seen if two wires are placed into the water and energized, in which case the tips would evolve the most gas. A few years back I spend a large amount of time on electrode geometry and found some very interesting things from the work, but it would only apply to the old hat type of cell construction and would not apply here.

    Anyhow I will send you a PM on the pH, which may be of interest to you.


    • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
      Can you see where this might be going? Assume the leads are totally superfluous and the junction is the primary point of interest. I would have guessed before ever doing such experiments that the highest potential was indeed between the exit points of the leads and not at the tips of the leads as is seen if two wires are placed into the water and energized, in which case the tips would evolve the most gas. A few years back I spend a large amount of time on electrode geometry and found some very interesting things from the work, but it would only apply to the old hat type of cell construction and would not apply here.

      Anyhow I will send you a PM on the pH, which may be of interest to you.
      I observed gas starts flowing on the diode there's a very tiny gas column flowing just from the glass end, but after a while the whole lead got full of bubbles and it's hard to see anything further, any case as said and although chemistry is far for my knowledge I think the SEC is worth experimenting in many directions. Sorry for being a donkey in some areas.

      Could the diode junction... be the point?

      My best wishes
      Last edited by oldie; 07-06-2010, 07:40 PM.


      • Any one done this

        Well the jury is in and after 50 diodes and trying various ways, it appears one can not remove the glass as it supports the junction. Every diode we tried, separated at the junction once the glass was removed.

        We need a virgin junction (PN) to place in a cell, any ideas, (one you know work) ?



        • Gas fron pn junction

          is not the maximum but we can see clearly enough

          YouTube - Gas from pn junction.MOV


          • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
            Well the jury is in and after 50 diodes and trying various ways, it appears one can not remove the glass as it supports the junction. Every diode we tried, separated at the junction once the glass was removed.

            We need a virgin junction (PN) to place in a cell, any ideas, (one you know work) ?

            Did you tried to "sand" it whith a diamond disc?
            whith a little drill and a diamond wheel you can "sand" the glass along the wall parallel to the axis, until you expose the junction withouth breaking the glass that supports it.
            It's a little tricky and sometimes frustrating but I cut glass that way and sometimes succeeded

            A diamond disc for a dremel is not too expensive, I could try it tomorrow if I have a rest and can find my tools, I'll keep you informed


            • Originally posted by wonderful View Post
              is not the maximum but we can see clearly enough

              YouTube - Gas from pn junction.MOV
              Great video, can not be disputed from where it comes. Like I have stated and 'oldie' observed, after the ion content of the cell builds you will see gas from the entire lead, yet the greatest release is coming just as you have shown.

              Boy if we could only see into that glass ans see where it all starts.


              • Originally posted by oldie View Post
                Did you tried to "sand" it whith a diamond disc?
                whith a little drill and a diamond wheel you can "sand" the glass along the wall parallel to the axis, until you expose the junction withouth breaking the glass that supports it.
                It's a little tricky and sometimes frustrating but I cut glass that way and sometimes succeeded

                A diamond disc for a dremel is not too expensive, I could try it tomorrow if I have a rest and can find my tools, I'll keep you informed
                No have not tried it this way, will give it a test.

                Imagine a 1cm2 chip with 100k junctions on it, okay 500k. Would we have a fantastic gas generator or not?


                • Hi Doc,

                  I was just wondering if the video that you have at the top of the Stiffler Scientific webpage marked WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE IN? was meant for public consumption. If it is, then your message is not getting out as the video is marked as private.

                  At any rate, I'm hoping to replicate the SGGS myself but just have too much on my plate right now. Will post when I have something to show, though.


                  • @Dr Stiffler

                    Hi Doc, if you open up the case of a bipolar transistor, the P-N juntions are mainly freely seen with the less than hair thin connecting wires, maybe it would be easier to have access to such juntions than in case of a diode.
                    Maybe the full body of the junction could be taken out for a test, without damaging it.

                    rgds, Gyula


                    • DR stiffler,

                      you asked for a virgin PN junction,

                      couple of days ago i watched a video by what could only be described as the ultimate "geek"....on the history & properties of the diode....( also the LED )....and in those early days they basically discovered the diode effect from messing around with a crystal....with a needle barely touching touching it ( with voltage applied of course )...and observing the effects.

                      I hope this helps


                      • Mail

                        @ Doc
                        you have mail


                        • Originally posted by Shamus View Post
                          Hi Doc,

                          I was just wondering if the video that you have at the top of the Stiffler Scientific webpage marked WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE IN? was meant for public consumption. If it is, then your message is not getting out as the video is marked as private.

                          At any rate, I'm hoping to replicate the SGGS myself but just have too much on my plate right now. Will post when I have something to show, though.

                          YouTube (and their parent 3-letter leader) is starting to micromanage what we all can view. I will have to remove the link. It was not private, yet the power that be are in total control here.


                          • the junction is open

                            I have "sanded" an 1n4007 because with 1n4148 it's too difficult (but not impossible, i think). The gas production is from the junction but it's very very little (due the elevated capacitance of the diode ) and there are little bubbles as we can see.

                            Attached Files


                            • hi Doc, i'm not surprised about the diode junction being the point where the 'magic' happens. I know making assumptions is a bad idea but early on in the process that's an assumption i made...

                              Anyhoo, I'd already looked into making pn junctions and thought I'd share a few findings;

                              Making Homemade Transistors - Jose Pino's Projects and Tidbits.

                              Lindsay: Voice of the Crystal
                              Lindsay: Instruments of Amplification

                              Transistor History: Early Transistor Technologies

                              Make: Online : Lost Knowledge: Homemade electronic components

                              Etc... And now back to changing nappies, singing and dancing, mixing formula and working too much.
                              Last edited by Inquorate; 07-06-2010, 10:44 PM.
                              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                              • Chip prototype

                                Thank you all for the contributions and links. The rub in trying this is the very low capacity required. It has been known (I hope) by all working with SEC that the 1N4148 was the diode of choice. Indeed some obtained small results with LF oscillators with very little bandwidth so it has been said others work, but we know better. Kind of the same thing going on with the MPSA06, others do not work as coherence is not possible with them. The 06 except for the units in the 30W exciters are the only two I know of fro coherence.

                                So, what I would like to see is some fabricator (chip maker or university) offer to make four of the units to my spec. What I feel we would have is an emitter of hydrogen as as prolific as a flood lamp in release of photons. You see that a bare chip removes all the problems with the wire (yes some gold bonding).

                                But I doubt that will happen here in the US. I rather think it will be picked up in Asia or India and they will run like hell with it.

