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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Everyone should have interest

    An associate provided this link of great interest.

    Invention Secrecy Still Going Strong | Secrecy News


    • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
      An associate provided this link of great interest.

      Invention Secrecy Still Going Strong | Secrecy News

      Very interesting indeed. It's easy to circumvent, though.

      1. Apply for a national patent in The Netherlands. Over here, you *always* get your patent, no matter what. There is no formal examination anymore since a few years. They do investigate whether or not your invention is new, but that is written into a report and you get your patent anyway, even if it's not new.

      2. Make sure the Dutch patent office recieved your application.

      3. Publish your application yourself. There is no need to wait for your patent to have been granted.

      4. Apply for a US patent within a year. Because of international priority rules they cannot deny your patent on the ground that it is already published. And they also cannot invoke this secrecy act, because if it is already published it ain't no secret anymore....
      Last edited by lamare; 11-10-2010, 08:41 AM.


      • Thanks Doc added and more info here how to deal with this problem.
        Refresh the page.

        Patent Office



        • The Captret

          I did a short look into the "Captret" circuit shown on a thread on this forum and would like to allow my followers to look at both the thread and the short study I did on it. IMHO this is why 'Alternative Energy' gets a bad name. It's all about posting results, but results of what? Hey maybe I have it wrong, its all about how many posts we all can get?

          Anyway for what ever value here is the link to my page on the subject;

          Oh! fellows if you want to post BS rebuttal, forget it, waste of time. Dumb me, it does count towards your posts right.......


          • I've found, if nothing else, it's a unique way of controlling voltage and current. I've had it connected several ways to your sec18 board and was absolutely amazed at how low the current draw could be and still have a working circuit.

            Are you going to be doing any more in the series of videos you've posted on the Sgate? I'm still trying but haven't had any real successes as yet.
            Avandia settlement news
            Last edited by dragon; 05-11-2011, 11:01 AM.


            • Originally posted by dragon View Post
              I've found, if nothing else, it's a unique way of controlling voltage and current. I've had it connected several ways to your sec18 board and was absolutely amazed at how low the current draw could be and still have a working circuit.

              Are you going to be doing any more in the series of videos you've posted on the Sgate? I'm still trying but haven't had any real successes as yet.
              Are you going to be doing any more in the series of videos you've posted on the Sgate?
              Yes, but it may not be for awhile yet. I have three associates testing now and two more waiting to test. The problem is we are trying to get past a very perplexing diurnal problem that seems to be getting worse rather than better. Granted for battery charging, during the day is most likely when it would be done anyway, yet this is beginning to bug me to the point I want to solve it and if nothing else to add circuitry that will throttle the process back during low charge periods.

              But yes there will be more SGATE, every day 2013 gets closer and closer.


              • Thanks Dr. Stiffler, I'll be " impatiently" waiting for updates. I thought I found a good signal while working with some of your experiments, the LED was bright but not nearly as bright as yours. I thought I had it but didn't know what the signal was or where it was coming from. In the evening it simply quit on me. The next day I found it was working again but it was sporadic and it cleared up.

                I run my home on wind and solar and I believe the signal is coming from my charge controllers as they are active during the day mostly. Even though they have a separate ground at a long distance away it seems likely I'm picking up on that. Anyway, all my builds were based on that frequency. Interesting though that energy can be extracted from any stray signal. Something more natural and continuous would be much more reliable though.
                Last edited by dragon; 05-11-2011, 11:01 AM.


                • Originally posted by dragon View Post
                  Thanks Dr. Stiffler, I'll be " impatiently" waiting for updates. I thought I found a good signal while working with some of your experiments, the LED was bright but not nearly as bright as yours. I thought I had it but didn't know what the signal was or where it was coming from. In the evening it simply quit on me. The next day I found it was working again but it was sporadic and it cleared up.

                  I run my home on wind and solar and I believe the signal is coming from my charge controllers as they are active during the day mostly. Even though they have a separate ground at a long distance away it seems likely I'm picking up on that. Anyway, all my builds were based on that frequency. Interesting though that energy can be extracted from any stray signal. Something more natural and continuous would be much more reliable though.
                  I thought I was clear when I stated I in no way felt I was pulling in excess energy from any VLF source. What I was showing was that the SGATE principle applies to VLF as well as SHF. There is no truth to the less than knowledgeable that state that my Exciter are receivers of some sort. This is totally debunked when the experiments are run with a quality signal generator and coils only. Just to set the record straight...


                  • Sorry if I went off track a bit... I'm trying to learn as best I can - deciphering your hints isn't one of my strong points. Unfortunately, my unstructured learning tends to lead me in directions I shouldn't go. There is still a lot I don't understand - thus my ignorant questions and less than knowledgeable attempts to bring myself to understanding.

                    If I might ask, in your video " the Sgate is interesting indeed ", what is the primary initial excitement? The balance of the video's your using ground which led me to believe you were working with a natural frequency to bring the Sgate into resonance. Where am I going wrong in my thinking....?
                    Honda Today history
                    Last edited by dragon; 05-11-2011, 11:02 AM.


                    • Originally posted by dragon View Post
                      Sorry if I went off track a bit... I'm trying to learn as best I can - deciphering your hints isn't one of my strong points. Unfortunately, my unstructured learning tends to lead me in directions I shouldn't go. There is still a lot I don't understand - thus my ignorant questions and less than knowledgeable attempts to bring myself to understanding.

                      If I might ask, in your video " the Sgate is interesting indeed ", what is the primary initial excitement? The balance of the video's your using ground which led me to believe you were working with a natural frequency to bring the Sgate into resonance. Where am I going wrong in my thinking....?
                      You should be aware I am not asking for replications, otherwise I would provide some additional info on how to do it. Take the video's for whatever you get from them as I am not needing random replications.

                      initial excitement?
                      Who's excitement?


                      • Sorry to have bothered you...
                        Last edited by dragon; 05-11-2011, 11:02 AM.


                        • Originally posted by Slovenia
                          You are a real man Dragon. I salute you.
                          And what are you, your brothers left hand?


                          • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                            The problem is we are trying to get past a very perplexing diurnal problem that seems to be getting worse rather than better.
                            Would that very perplexing diurnal problem be related in any way to what NASA is going to announce on monday?

                            "Ribbon" at edge of solar system unties, comes at us...
                            Fireballs exploding over various parts of the world...

                            Wasn't your self runner affected by the moon and what phase it was in? Wouldn't an incoming have a similar effect? Is it possible you are looking into the stars with your sec exciter?


                            • Originally posted by CosmicFarmer View Post
                              Would that very perplexing diurnal problem be related in any way to what NASA is going to announce on monday?

                              "Ribbon" at edge of solar system unties, comes at us...
                              Fireballs exploding over various parts of the world...

                              Wasn't your self runner affected by the moon and what phase it was in? Wouldn't an incoming have a similar effect? Is it possible you are looking into the stars with your sec exciter?

                              Well lets see, here are the ones I remember hearing and it is a great selection, something for everyone.

                              a) Okay yes I have heard of the big rock.
                              b) Planet alignment and magnetic pole shift
                              c) Aliens making them selves known (as if they are not pouring in every day)
                              d) Natural migrating virus
                              e) World Order released virus
                              f) Binary second release mass depopulation
                              g) Natural drastic climate change repeating itself
                              h) Food stocks virus, wiping out food supplies
                              i) Poisoned water and we all dry up

                              Need I go on...

                              So at least we know you are a big rock person?


                              • I'm not trying to hijack the thread, but this does pertain to the SEC series of exciters you developed.

                                You got me all wrong, man. Your first option, the big rock, is nice and general and might be interesting, while the rest are all doomy virus things.

                                What I meant was...

                                "Is your SEC setup, by its interference during parts of the day, detecting something in the solar system that is getting closer or stronger? "

                                Look outside of the globe-box... Galactic center alignment, energetic cloud in space that solar system enters, increase of gamma ray bursts, the sun acting really weird (especially with large circle shaped sun spots), Jupiter loosing its band, Green glowing comets... Oh, and the big rock that is blocked out of google sky in the southern hemisphere...

                                Anyway, I do not want to derail this thread too much, but if your SEC actually does what you think it does and taps into a lattice, maybe other extra planetary things do as well, and affect it as well. I doubt a sprayed virus would affect your SEC, unless it did something to the operator. Metallic aerosols, on the other hand, might do something to adjust the ambient capacity... but that wouldn't be diurnal.

                                Also I had another thought and I would like your opinion on this... Certain drones or craft have a type of "cloaking" that renders them invisible, yet this can be jammed somehow. The only thing that I could imagine that could jam this would be that DRB or double directed SEC broadcasting (I forget the acronym). The question is... Do you think that a high power SEC could jam a cloaking device? (I know this question is way far out... but seriously... how else??) Some of the drone sightings have been made while someone was experimenting on something that could jam that device, and the on-off or visible-not visible periods were akin to someone messing with a device far away.

                                Anyway... That's all from me... Sorry to have distracted you. Have a great day an I hope you discover something amazing today.

