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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Frank Znidarsic - Control of Natural Forces (leading to Cold Fusion and Anti-Gravity) | Scribd
    Frank Znidarsic - Control of Natural Forces (leading to Cold Fusion and Anti-Gravity) | Scribd
    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


    • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
      Frank Znidarsic - Control of Natural Forces (leading to Cold Fusion and Anti-Gravity) | Scribd
      Frank Znidarsic - Control of Natural Forces (leading to Cold Fusion and Anti-Gravity) | Scribd
      You may also want to consider the speed of sound as the electron travels in Cu. Dr. Koontz provided me with a possible explanation of SEC (he is a physicist) and it was centered around this fact, except the frequency is far below the 1.094MHz presented in the Znidarsic papers. I have noticed and formed a basic idea that there are indeed unlimited frequencies in which the aether can be set into motion in desired ways.

      Think of it this way [fa, fb, fc, fr, -fa, -fb, -fc] where in the set fr is a frequency that will invoke resonance. The spectrum would consist multiple sets with each containing an fr from 0Hz to Infinity. Which would mean proper selection of a set just about anywhere so long as you utilize the set within it boundaries and focus on fr.


      • Mmmm

        Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
        You may also want to consider the speed of sound as the electron travels in Cu. Dr. Koontz provided me with a possible explanation of SEC (he is a physicist) and it was centered around this fact, except the frequency is far below the 1.094MHz presented in the Znidarsic papers. I have noticed and formed a basic idea that there are indeed unlimited frequencies in which the aether can be set into motion in desired ways.

        Think of it this way [fa, fb, fc, fr, -fa, -fb, -fc] where in the set fr is a frequency that will invoke resonance. The spectrum would consist multiple sets with each containing an fr from 0Hz to Infinity. Which would mean proper selection of a set just about anywhere so long as you utilize the set within it boundaries and focus on fr.
        You are the greatest.
        Thanks yea I know it is bold but the silencers have all gone underground now to see what we can collectively can do.
        So I would be so arogant to ask if you could give us a domonstration of two varied examples and how they are precicely the same for the results desired.

        Is that even possible?

        Thank you Master Stiffler.

        Just tell me to shut up if that was the dumbest statement ever.


        • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
          You may also want to consider the speed of sound as the electron travels in Cu. Dr. Koontz provided me with a possible explanation of SEC (he is a physicist) and it was centered around this fact, except the frequency is far below the 1.094MHz presented in the Znidarsic papers. I have noticed and formed a basic idea that there are indeed unlimited frequencies in which the aether can be set into motion in desired ways.

          Think of it this way [fa, fb, fc, fr, -fa, -fb, -fc] where in the set fr is a frequency that will invoke resonance. The spectrum would consist multiple sets with each containing an fr from 0Hz to Infinity. Which would mean proper selection of a set just about anywhere so long as you utilize the set within it boundaries and focus on fr.

          Mr. Stiffler,

          It is a pleasure to hear you.

          I think a lot of us are glad to see you here again.

          Your idea is very interesting as usual.
          Just to clarify:
          when you say -fa, -fb, -fc do you mean (fr-fa), (fr- fb), (fr-fc) and so on?




          • Originally posted by wonderful View Post
            Mr. Stiffler,

            It is a pleasure to hear you.

            I think a lot of us are glad to see you here again.

            Your idea is very interesting as usual.
            Just to clarify:
            when you say -fa, -fb, -fc do you mean (fr-fa), (fr- fb), (fr-fc) and so on?


            *h20 this should also answer your question...

            No upbeat as I'm not really back on this thread. I have become very passionate about the state of the union and put my two cents out on 'ricks' ruling class thread and the TSA threads. Anyway I look in as I post over there.

            Now maybe I can answer so that you understand what I was saying. A coil has an 'srf', Spatial Self Resonate frequency when driven single ended, which is different from conventional 'SRF', Self Resonate Frequency. If you question this it is easily proven. Anyway say a particular coil has and 'srf' of 21MHz as found via the generator/scope measurement routine. This coil becomes L3 in a SEC Exciter. The Exciter is fully capable of producing the 21MHz and when doing so the output is what everyone is using to drive LED's, FL's and CFL's, along with other things. Now when a second coil is introduced with a minor coupling that has the same 21MHz 'srf' and conditions are right, a lock so to speak will take place where the two coils stop resonance at 21MHz and shift to a particular set of frequencies (example below). This set of frequencies are not harmonically or numerically related to the 21MHz. By using different coils that have a different initial 'srf', the lockup set of frequencies will also change and be totally at a different spot in the spectrum, except each different set will contain as a primary frequency, a frequency related to a harmonic of 1.094MHz.

            Example: srf (2) coils ~ 21mHz +/-200KHz

            Observed lockup set; 7,658,000
            The highest energy content is found at 7,658,00 in this set. Also note there are harmonics missing, (there are higher ones, just not shown). Now if you introduce AV Plugs on the coils and drive LED's a whole group of other frequencies are observed by the non-linear mixing in these semiconductors.

            Now say we have a different coil and it has an 'srf' of say 18mHz. As per above we could see a resulting set from a two coil setup the say still could be extrapolated from 1.094, but be shifted up say 20MHz and the highest energy content being some other of the multiples of 1.094.

            Did this help?


            • If in fact

              Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
              *h20 this should also answer your question...

              No upbeat as I'm not really back on this thread. I have become very passionate about the state of the union and put my two cents out on 'ricks' ruling class thread and the TSA threads. Anyway I look in as I post over there.

              Now maybe I can answer so that you understand what I was saying. A coil has an 'srf', Spatial Self Resonate frequency when driven single ended, which is different from conventional 'SRF', Self Resonate Frequency. If you question this it is easily proven. Anyway say a particular coil has and 'srf' of 21MHz as found via the generator/scope measurement routine. This coil becomes L3 in a SEC Exciter. The Exciter is fully capable of producing the 21MHz and when doing so the output is what everyone is using to drive LED's, FL's and CFL's, along with other things. Now when a second coil is introduced with a minor coupling that has the same 21MHz 'srf' and conditions are right, a lock so to speak will take place where the two coils stop resonance at 21MHz and shift to a particular set of frequencies (example below). This set of frequencies are not harmonically or numerically related to the 21MHz. By using different coils that have a different initial 'srf', the lockup set of frequencies will also change and be totally at a different spot in the spectrum, except each different set will contain as a primary frequency, a frequency related to a harmonic of 1.094MHz.

              Example: srf (2) coils ~ 21mHz +/-200KHz

              Observed lockup set; 7,658,000
              The highest energy content is found at 7,658,00 in this set. Also note there are harmonics missing, (there are higher ones, just not shown). Now if you introduce AV Plugs on the coils and drive LED's a whole group of other frequencies are observed by the non-linear mixing in these semiconductors.

              Now say we have a different coil and it has an 'srf' of say 18mHz. As per above we could see a resulting set from a two coil setup the say still could be extrapolated from 1.094, but be shifted up say 20MHz and the highest energy content being some other of the multiples of 1.094.

              Did this help?
              If the true self resonance "srf" is the bonding of the one wire coil to a specific freq. and this bond inniitiates acceptance from the aether. cool
              that would explain to me the Lockup freq. being not a harmonic but stabil just the same.
              In my own convoluted way would you say the ground circuit is the same?
              being the self resonance is only one wire "ground", and the coil srf is simply an associated phoenomina coupling to be used at a varied distance

              OK Also, to ballance a circuit of this kind for optimal energy the greatest care must be taken to observe how the srf change when adding even the most insignifficant connections because the output desired is allways > 1
              Resembles Tesla's magnifiing transmitter so closely.

              Surely somthing that needs to be done in my lab. Hope I get there!
              I understand it!
              Your the greatest.


              • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                *h20 this should also answer your question...

                No upbeat as I'm not really back on this thread. I have become very passionate about the state of the union and put my two cents out on 'ricks' ruling class thread and the TSA threads. Anyway I look in as I post over there.

                Now maybe I can answer so that you understand what I was saying. A coil has an 'srf', Spatial Self Resonate frequency when driven single ended, which is different from conventional 'SRF', Self Resonate Frequency. If you question this it is easily proven. Anyway say a particular coil has and 'srf' of 21MHz as found via the generator/scope measurement routine. This coil becomes L3 in a SEC Exciter. The Exciter is fully capable of producing the 21MHz and when doing so the output is what everyone is using to drive LED's, FL's and CFL's, along with other things. Now when a second coil is introduced with a minor coupling that has the same 21MHz 'srf' and conditions are right, a lock so to speak will take place where the two coils stop resonance at 21MHz and shift to a particular set of frequencies (example below). This set of frequencies are not harmonically or numerically related to the 21MHz. By using different coils that have a different initial 'srf', the lockup set of frequencies will also change and be totally at a different spot in the spectrum, except each different set will contain as a primary frequency, a frequency related to a harmonic of 1.094MHz.

                Example: srf (2) coils ~ 21mHz +/-200KHz

                Observed lockup set; 7,658,000
                The highest energy content is found at 7,658,00 in this set. Also note there are harmonics missing, (there are higher ones, just not shown). Now if you introduce AV Plugs on the coils and drive LED's a whole group of other frequencies are observed by the non-linear mixing in these semiconductors.

                Now say we have a different coil and it has an 'srf' of say 18mHz. As per above we could see a resulting set from a two coil setup the say still could be extrapolated from 1.094, but be shifted up say 20MHz and the highest energy content being some other of the multiples of 1.094.

                Did this help?
                Yes, now it's clear.

                Thanks for the reply, Doc.



                • Are you freaking kidding me?????

                  You have linked Znidarsic's work to your SEC theory!?!?!?!?!?

                  A while back I asked about a possible connection, and found that none had been made, yet.....looks like that is not the case now????

                  Wow. That's incredible. Its all downhill from here (in a good sense).
                  My only hope is that this find makes its way through the cracks into the mainstream. This is really really incredible.

                  Spent a day at the airport today, put a frown on my face...but this is making my smile all over!


                  • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                    *h20 this should also answer your question...

                    No upbeat as I'm not really back on this thread. I have become very passionate about the state of the union and put my two cents out on 'ricks' ruling class thread and the TSA threads. Anyway I look in as I post over there.

                    Now maybe I can answer so that you understand what I was saying. A coil has an 'srf', Spatial Self Resonate frequency when driven single ended, which is different from conventional 'SRF', Self Resonate Frequency. If you question this it is easily proven. Anyway say a particular coil has and 'srf' of 21MHz as found via the generator/scope measurement routine. This coil becomes L3 in a SEC Exciter. The Exciter is fully capable of producing the 21MHz and when doing so the output is what everyone is using to drive LED's, FL's and CFL's, along with other things. Now when a second coil is introduced with a minor coupling that has the same 21MHz 'srf' and conditions are right, a lock so to speak will take place where the two coils stop resonance at 21MHz and shift to a particular set of frequencies (example below). This set of frequencies are not harmonically or numerically related to the 21MHz. By using different coils that have a different initial 'srf', the lockup set of frequencies will also change and be totally at a different spot in the spectrum, except each different set will contain as a primary frequency, a frequency related to a harmonic of 1.094MHz.

                    Example: srf (2) coils ~ 21mHz +/-200KHz

                    Observed lockup set; 7,658,000
                    The highest energy content is found at 7,658,00 in this set. Also note there are harmonics missing, (there are higher ones, just not shown). Now if you introduce AV Plugs on the coils and drive LED's a whole group of other frequencies are observed by the non-linear mixing in these semiconductors.

                    Now say we have a different coil and it has an 'srf' of say 18mHz. As per above we could see a resulting set from a two coil setup the say still could be extrapolated from 1.094, but be shifted up say 20MHz and the highest energy content being some other of the multiples of 1.094.

                    Did this help?
                    Dr. Stiffler,

                    after you have two coils with matching SRF, then placed into proximity (per instructions)and obtain a new fingerprint....have you tried introducing a 3rd coil which has an SRF of the new fingerprint brought forward by the first two coils?

                    So you have,

                    coil 1 + coil 2 = New SRF, New SRF = Coil 3


                    • Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post
                      Dr. Stiffler,

                      after you have two coils with matching SRF, then placed into proximity (per instructions)and obtain a new fingerprint....have you tried introducing a 3rd coil which has an SRF of the new fingerprint brought forward by the first two coils?

                      So you have,

                      coil 1 + coil 2 = New SRF, New SRF = Coil 3
                      Try it, you will like it. The 3rd coil will create a new set also. See where this is going? Be sure to examine with movable SA probe near each coil. Don't really need to do Fourier, simple spreadsheet will work.

                      Leaving now, to the bunker in the hills......


                      • I'd give my left nut for a proper spectrum analyser with a sniffer.

                        Sigh. It's keeping me up at nights trying to conceive of another method to find the 'srf' of a coil..
                        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                        • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                          I'd give my left nut for a proper spectrum analyser with a sniffer.

                          Sigh. It's keeping me up at nights trying to conceive of another method to find the 'srf' of a coil..
                          A lot of 500 dollar 100mhz cheapo scopes have a fast Fourier transform (FFT) which will give you a cheep spectrum analyzer. Not the best, but it is cheep and works.


                          • This needs to be a Sticky!

                            Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post
                            Are you freaking kidding me?????

                            You have linked Znidarsic's work to your SEC theory!?!?!?!?!?

                            A while back I asked about a possible connection, and found that none had been made, yet.....looks like that is not the case now????

                            Wow. That's incredible. Its all downhill from here (in a good sense).
                            My only hope is that this find makes its way through the cracks into the mainstream. This is really really incredible.

                            Spent a day at the airport today, put a frown on my face...but this is making my smile all over!
                            Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post

                            His last video, is in my opinion the most incredible thing I have EVER seen on this forum.
                            I agree, and I'm speechless about there being a possible link to Znidarsic's work.

                            This thread should be a Sticky!

                            Last edited by gravityblock; 06-04-2011, 08:55 AM. Reason: Added title to the post


                            • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                              I'd give my left nut for a proper spectrum analyser with a sniffer.

                              Sigh. It's keeping me up at nights trying to conceive of another method to find the 'srf' of a coil..
                              I have a simple paper on scribd where I show it done with a scope and sig gen. I always do it this way. Do not confuse the lockup spatial sets with the srf. SA and FFT required for sets not for finding initial coil srf or SRF.


                              • @Dr, if you mean this one, it's currently unavailable for purchase outside the united states..
                                Single Wire Coil Excitation

                                @all - been researching 60 mhz and100 mhz usb pc oscilloscopes with fast fourier transform spectrum analysis from around $500 and just wanted to point out than most don't mention the fft bandwidth, but some only have 25 mhz, not 100, etc..
                                Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.

