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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Originally posted by amigo View Post
    While we are waiting for Doc to get his access back (still unable to post) here's an email from him including a Spice sim file, so we can get moving in the mean time:

    If you need LTSpice, get it here and here is the LTSpice Tutorial.

    The MPSA06 model links are:

    ON Semi:


    To add the model edit with a text editor the file in C:\Program Files\LTC\LTSpiceIV\lib\cmp\standard.bjt and add your transistor model at the end.

    For ON Semi:

    For Fairchild:

    Then restart your LTSpice and re-load the sim file.

    And attached below is the sim file...I had to rename it to .doc, so make sure you change it back to .asc as in exciter00.asc.


    Thanks alot for the spice models.

    This should help everyone out a lot thank you.


    • sim

      Originally posted by amigo View Post
      Please read my post above...

      Hi Amigo,

      Thanks for putting all of that up ... it wasn't there in the original post ... at least it didn't show, just some other links.

      Pretty cool. I ran the sim ... once I figured I could expand the trace on the time domain with my mouse, life became easy.

      For me, at this point, I can only appreciate the SEC's simplicity yet effectiveness. The where, what, when & how that I see in the spice is beyond me for now. I noticed and recognized the complimentary wave forms and how I think they interact. It's cool that the sim showed such perfect sine wave traces on the base's cap and inductor L1, C1.

      Very cool. Thanks for your help,



      • Originally posted by amigo View Post
        Could you please shed some light on who Hector is, to someone obviously living under a rock (me)?

        Technically, if we speak about Odic forces, the energy should be higher as the Sun is generally interfering with them during the day.

        Having said that, perhaps this is something else. Let's see what happens today, if the voltage goes back up. Then it would suggest that the geometry changes and that the Sun is the key element in that geometry.

        Also note where the circuit is as moving it would affect the geometry as well (Long/Lat)...
        Hector D Perez Torres is the master of drawing in energy with off the shelf electric motors and a lot of other stuff. As a first step take a look at this document:


        Now after 28 hours the LEDs are still on, but the voltage is dropping, 5,1mV in 195 minutes from 2200uF, that amounts to approx 1nA current, which by no means can do the lighting. The consumption being 0,2117 * 1nA, approx. 0,2 nW.

        The cap voltage is now after more than 28 hours 0.2114V

        From my observations I think it is difficult to really say what is happening.

        Was it residual charge in the cap after 3 shortings of the cap, maybe a total of 3 seconds shorting, if it was, how could the voltage rise from 46mV to the max seen 0,2390V during a time of several hours.

        Maybe the capacitor changes in some way, so the leakage current increases.
        Maybe the tuning has changed a bit.

        But something can be stated:

        1. The SEC circuit can maintain oscillations down to very low voltages and still be able to make weak light in the LEDs ie. 46mV and 15 LEDs from the AV plug.

        2. The oscillations are stable running for many hours, 29 hours so far.

        3. The current consumption is extremely low. 1nA. That could probably be the current consumption of a sweaty fingerprint on a component.

        The circuit has been positioned in the same spot all the time.

        Having other tasks as well I feel a bit worn down and need some rest before the next tasks tomorrow.

        But I have read Doc's pdf on single wire coil excitation, and got an idea to test when I get some spare time.

        I have also found out that the length of the outer tube can be reduced to 5-10 mm. I do not have any suitable copper, but I have some brass that could be used, it is worth a try on the lathe.

        Nice to hear Doc is coming back



        • @Tecstatic,

          Frequency domain resolution of current in L3 from LTspice..


          Metamaterials have adjustable permittivity and permeability properties.

          I would like to present you related work at Imperial College,

          Parametrically-Amplified Magneto-Inductive Ring Resonators


          If I understand correct, they claim the waves happening in their Gate amplifies the RF wave, similar to S-Gate..

          I may have misunderstood their work because of my poor english though..

          Still interesting work..

          There is one group in Israel, they amplify MW, IR, and Optical waves..

          Bearden indicates COP 18 is possible with Bohren experiment,,,

          "So is the Bohren experiment which produces COP=18, is published in the hard literature, and is independently replicated by two additional scientists and published in the same issue of Am. J. Phys. that published the Bohren experiment paper."

          I beleive S-Gate and chiral medium has relation, L-wave shows amplification effect in chiral medium.

          So S-Gate might be creating necessary chiral Rf active medium (elastic) for amplification.

          The lattice bends on each SEC kick, but at certain harmonics we observe amplification in L-wave, thus more wave pressure means more electron freedom on cupper surface to the Load.

          Chiral Mechanics

          The spherical radiator might be creating L-waves as Monster observed ,

          But I do not know if SEC is bringing Egg radiatior to Superradiant state or not. That is Lidmotor's Egg may not be CEC>1...

          Best Regards,
          Nuri Temurlenk
          Istanbul, Turkey
          Attached Files


          • @samedsoft

            Thanks for the info, It will enter my reading queue


            If I'm right on my thoughts about the SGate, then the two spheres you described will have a low Q. But it has to be seen.

            Thank you for the simulation files. I must prepare a computer running windows, as I'm a Linux user. maybe I try it tomorrow.


            I am worn out again after programming financial SW for 12 hours today.

            When I came home my 15 LEDs was still on, the cap voltage has now dropped to 0,1809V after a total of 53 hours. The LEDs gradually looses intensity, but weakly lit they are.

            It is a bit strange, that it is possible to generate a voltage swing of a little over 200Vpp at the middle of the inner tube, if my HV probe is not lying, and this from 0,1809V or even oscillating from the 46mV I saw in the first place, and with a current of 1nA.

            If somebody had told me this a week ago, I would probably have been skeptical, now I have seen it with my own eyes.

            My next effort will be to make the new outer tubes and try out my new idea for sustaining the resonance. If successful you will hear more.



            • 'nother lame video

              Hi all,

              I'm still running the basic 15-3 exciter, and YES still no tunable Lb (soon though). I wanted to try and see if I can run a neon with just one wire off of this thing. So with 12.7VDC (battery) running the circuit I connected one side of the neon to the outbound of the 22uH choke off of the collector, along with that little fix it wire shown in the first video. As long as I held on to the lamp I could get the lamp to run, otherwise it went out. Maybe it's time for that tunable Lb?

              video showing this is at:
              YouTube - first sec2




              • Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
                Thank you for the simulation files. I must prepare a computer running windows, as I'm a Linux user. maybe I try it tomorrow.
                I am running LTSpice on my Mac through Crossover and it works nicely. I bet you could do the same with Wine in your Linux distro...why not give it a try?
                Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                • allrighty now

                  Originally posted by gmeast View Post
                  Hi all,

                  I'm still running the basic 15-3 exciter, and YES still no tunable Lb (soon though). I wanted to try and see if I can run a neon with just one wire off of this thing. So with 12.7VDC (battery) running the circuit I connected one side of the neon to the outbound of the 22uH choke off of the collector, along with that little fix it wire shown in the first video. As long as I held on to the lamp I could get the lamp to run, otherwise it went out. Maybe it's time for that tunable Lb?

                  video showing this is at:
                  YouTube - first sec2


                  one wire neon now works. I changed out the 22uH choke for another one and the neon stayed on. It is the subtle differences in inductance between the same part numbers ... tolerances. I also made it work by exchanging it with a quickly wound air core measuring about 15 uH by my meter. I still had to start it by touching my finger to one of the AV diodes. First I'll make that tunable Lb though.



                  • @Lidmotor, Dr. Stifller,

                    I have attached your Fringe schematic, and tried to optimize it,

                    Now it can generate stable 800 V peaks on the AV plug!

                    but in the first half second circuit draws 1 A, and generates 2kV on the AV-Plug!!!

                    I am not sure if simulator calculates if these units will burn or not at these amps??

                    The paralel cap to the main battery plays very important role as can see!

                    It HELPS to drive current draw to 0 AMPS!!!

                    So it is very helpful to play with schematic values and learn which component value is critical for stability!!

                    I have done FFT on the Plug Voltage, it has components up to 10Mhz with >0dB

                    Can anyone help me how to lower initial pick up current of this SEC?



                    PS: After you download simulation files attached, please rename .pdf --> .asc
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by samedsoft; 05-12-2009, 01:31 PM.


                    • I guess I'm back

                      Will take a bit of time to catch up I want to look at the images etc.

                      I have links on my web site to two Spice sims, one is for the common exciter and the other is for an ESEC version.

                      One the exciter sim the two 10p capacitors are the way I get it to simulate, they serve to offer a capacity to the ground via the (environment) that is required by the simulator to allow it to run. The sim when integrated across the load is about 80%, but its 2+, so anyone have a better idea than the two 10p's.

                      I have yet to finish the subckt for simulation of the SGate, you need to include the energy coherence and that is a bit tricky as it can only be derived empirically (so far).

                      Also I just posted a video on YouTube which is an SGate update that should be of some interest.

                      Filters and chokes; (They are needed) here is a link to where I obtain them and the part number for them.

                      Fair-Rite Products Corp. | Ferrite | Ferrite Components | Ferrites | Inductive Materials | Suppression Materials | Magnetic Components | RFI EMI Suppression

                      The part # is 2743009111 this is type 43 material.

                      Back when I catch up.....

                      BTW The measurement paper may be a day or two late, but the price will be far less and the page count will also be less. I will try for the 15th, but today does not look good.


                      • Originally posted by samedsoft View Post
                        @Lidmotor, Dr. Stifller,

                        I have attached your Fringe schematic, and tried to optimize it,

                        Now it can generate stable 800 V peaks on the AV plug!

                        but in the first half second circuit draws 1 A, and generates 2kV on the AV-Plug!!!

                        I am not sure if simulator calculates if these units will burn or not at these amps??

                        The paralel cap to the main battery plays very important role as can see!

                        It HELPS to drive current draw to 0 AMPS!!!

                        So it is very helpful to play with schematic values and learn which component value is critical for stability!!

                        I have done FFT on the Plug Voltage, it has components up to 10Mhz with >0dB

                        Can anyone help me how to lower initial pick up current of this SEC?



                        PS: After you download simulation files attached, please rename .pdf --> .asc

                        Nuri, how are you determining the charge into the battery from the simulation? I ran the Nuri.asc and the exciter is drawing ~3+ watts but a probe of current in the batteries and the differential voltage gives (22.761nW and the integral is 22.761pJ). So can you do something similar to the example exciter sim I have on my web site and show a capacity to environment to get a reading?

                        Thanks Nuri, good work and yes the circuit will work, but the sim does not.


                        • Initial Results on Battery Charging

                          I did see high voltage on the batteries (up to 2x) but the load tests showed 25% - 35% recovery range or so. I tried several variations of the circuit, batteries, earth ground placements, and coils over the two weeks but was not able to get the high return for us. I hope others will will be more successful and post their findings.

                          Comments are welcome.

                          Attached Files


                          • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                            Will take a bit of time to catch up I want to look at the images etc.

                            I have links on my web site to two Spice sims, one is for the common exciter and the other is for an ESEC version.

                            One the exciter sim the two 10p capacitors are the way I get it to simulate, they serve to offer a capacity to the ground via the (environment) that is required by the simulator to allow it to run. The sim when integrated across the load is about 80%, but its 2+, so anyone have a better idea than the two 10p's.

                            I have yet to finish the subckt for simulation of the SGate, you need to include the energy coherence and that is a bit tricky as it can only be derived empirically (so far).

                            Also I just posted a video on YouTube which is an SGate update that should be of some interest.

                            Filters and chokes; (They are needed) here is a link to where I obtain them and the part number for them.

                            Fair-Rite Products Corp. | Ferrite | Ferrite Components | Ferrites | Inductive Materials | Suppression Materials | Magnetic Components | RFI EMI Suppression

                            The part # is 2743009111 this is type 43 material.

                            Back when I catch up.....

                            BTW The measurement paper may be a day or two late, but the price will be far less and the page count will also be less. I will try for the 15th, but today does not look good.
                            Here is the video link

                            YouTube - SGate Update and follow the design


                            • Fooling the Simulator????????

                              On my web site you can obtain the "Fring2.asc" file. I think you should and run it, then look at the following results. (I have attached the examples).
                              Attached Files


                              • A Test


                                all of a sudden the site says I can not post again? I wonder if this is real.

