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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Originally posted by gmeast View Post
    Hi all,

    I can almost understand how ME holding holding on to the free wire of the neon might complete some sort of circuit and cause it to light up because I make a good antenna, or something. But look at these pictures $#@% !

    I simply placed a spoon far enough away so there is not a chance of coupling with anything except maybe vacuum energy ... in fact it goes out if the spoon touches the aluminum backplane of the board.

    Does this prove something important?


    That is cool - do you have a scope ? Run it across the spoon , you should see HV on it.


    • Originally posted by gmeast View Post
      Hi all,

      I can almost understand how ME holding holding on to the free wire of the neon might complete some sort of circuit and cause it to light up because I make a good antenna, or something. But look at these pictures $#@% !

      I simply placed a spoon far enough away so there is not a chance of coupling with anything except maybe vacuum energy ... in fact it goes out if the spoon touches the aluminum backplane of the board.

      Does this prove something important?

      I must give you credit for putting a lot of effort into this

      It appears you are reading and doing, so now a bit of info.

      You could still look at the spoon as an antenna, but the impedance of the spoon and your body are vastly different. I get a charge (no pun intended) out of my critics that speak totally about RF and I have never received a clear or even response on how they would calculate the wave length (lambda) of the body versus the spoon (which is kind of straight forward), yet again the Quantum people don't like me to talk of 'mass'. Yet I will.

      The spoon is (as the body with its water mass) a very good interface to the lattice. (I hear the screams now).

      Anyway for you replications, you have done it right, read or listened well and was quick to pickup on the parasitic back plate.

      Great job!


      • spoon

        Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
        I must give you credit for putting a lot of effort into this

        It appears you are reading and doing, so now a bit of info.

        You could still look at the spoon as an antenna, but the impedance of the spoon and your body are vastly different. I get a charge (no pun intended) out of my critics that speak totally about RF and I have never received a clear or even response on how they would calculate the wave length (lambda) of the body versus the spoon (which is kind of straight forward), yet again the Quantum people don't like me to talk of 'mass'. Yet I will.

        The spoon is (as the body with its water mass) a very good interface to the lattice. (I hear the screams now).

        Anyway for you replications, you have done it right, read or listened well and was quick to pickup on the parasitic back plate.

        Great job!
        Hi Dr Stiffler,

        Thanks for your comments. I also produced the effect with two different types of batteries as well as my home made power supply.

        I've always had my own crazy, unqualified take on things: that mass and energy are in a state of constant exchange and if you can couple to the energy then the mass is instantaneously replenished on the quantum level from elsewhere.

        Thanks again,



        • Lincoln's nose

          Hi all,

          That's a penny there. So much for the RF guys , huh?


          The free wire end of the neon lamp is sitting on Lincoln's nose ....WOW!


          • Lincoln's chin

            Originally posted by gmeast View Post
            Hi all,

            That's a penny there. So much for the RF guys , huh?


            The free wire end of the neon lamp is sitting on Lincoln's nose ....WOW!
            Yes - the same penny. SEC running on batteries, in the middle of a concrete floor, 15 feet from anything else in the shop ... all equipment and lights are off. Dark streak is a shadow of the NPN heat sink cast by the skylight.

            The free wire end of the neon lamp is sitting on Lincoln's chin this time ....WOW again!


            • Originally posted by MGC View Post
              That is cool - do you have a scope ? Run it across the spoon , you should see HV on it.
              Hi MGC,

              Actually, it showed only about 30-50V and a little 'floatie' if you know what I mean ... the scope would not synch on it. I was pleased and surprised.



              • corrected post

                Originally Posted by MGC View Post
                That is cool - do you have a scope ? Run it across the spoon , you should see HV on it.

                Hi MGC,

                Actually, it showed only about 30-50V and a little 'floatie' if you know what I mean ... the scope would not synch on it. I was pleased and surprised.


                Hi all,

                I must correct/add to this reply. I have connected the free wire end of the neon to everything from my fingers to an aluminum milling (machine) chip to a 50 lb block of lead to a penny, a dime, a 2ft long piece of .5 x .375 rect. Al bar, and more. From either the + or - supply into the SEC the free-end piece never ranges beyond 28V ... usually about 10 - 20 V ... no HV AT all ... powered by batteries, power supply, whatever.

                Only when I put 25 VDC on it does it wander up to 45V.



                • The penny post

                  Hi Dr. Stiffler,

                  What did you think of the neon and the penny? Sounds like a mystery ... "The Case of the Neon and the Penny"



                  • Question on the diodes from GND to base

                    How are the 6 N4148s between ground and the base supposed to affect the circuit and are these now part of the recommended configuration? The previously released spice models don't oscillate without the diodes but the actual circuits seems to have a broader tuning range and stronger battery charging without any diodes. (suggesting I need to look elsewhere for my tuning issues?)

                    Nice +12KA spikes on the latest model Dr. Stiffler.


                    • Originally posted by gmeast View Post
                      Hi Dr. Stiffler,

                      What did you think of the neon and the penny? Sounds like a mystery ... "The Case of the Neon and the Penny"


                      Well I'm not to surprised, I would guess the penny has maybe 1-2p of capacity to the surface it sets on, I would think it a bit more interesting if it were suspended away from the surface and then it would be just coupling to ambient environment and at 1-2p would be different.

                      If one could construct there own Neon's and make one electrode 2-3 times larger than the other I think it would glow without the penny and the lead. Unless you have one of the ~1.9mA neon's most of these fellows run down in the uA area.

                      Good demo and surely shows the strangeness of the little exciter.


                      • Originally posted by MGC View Post
                        How are the 6 N4148s between ground and the base supposed to affect the circuit and are these now part of the recommended configuration? The previously released spice models don't oscillate without the diodes but the actual circuits seems to have a broader tuning range and stronger battery charging without any diodes. (suggesting I need to look elsewhere for my tuning issues?)

                        Nice +12KA spikes on the latest model Dr. Stiffler.

                        No the 6 diodes are just for this particular configuration and all of my current designs (exciters) use only one diode and that is to remove or reduce the Beta decay in the transistors over time.

                        The 6 diodes here are needed with the way the load is designed. Changing of the load configuration will allow a change in the number of base diodes heeded.

                        Here is a picture of the "Kludge" a proof of concept and it does and includes everything I tell others never to do (clip leads, long wires, spider solder components etc) but it works (well enough) to show a better layout is required and should work closer to design.
                        Attached Files


                        • 'nother penny demo

                          Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

                          Well I'm not to surprised, I would guess the penny has maybe 1-2p of capacity to the surface it sets on, I would think it a bit more interesting if it were suspended away from the surface and then it would be just coupling to ambient environment and at 1-2p would be different.

                          If one could construct there own Neon's and make one electrode 2-3 times larger than the other I think it would glow without the penny and the lead. Unless you have one of the ~1.9mA neon's most of these fellows run down in the uA area.

                          Good demo and surely shows the strangeness of the little exciter.
                          The penny is sitting on a 1-1/4 long piece of plastic drinking straw.


                          • Originally posted by gmeast View Post
                            The penny is sitting on a 1-1/4 long piece of plastic drinking straw.

                            I guess I missed this picture, I was referring back to the concrete floor photos.

                            And looking at the bulb it does look like a 1.9mA unit. With a tunable Lb you should be able to obtain enough heat from the bulb that normally touching it will cause a burn.


                            • it is a new photo taken minutes ago

                              Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

                              I guess I missed this picture, I was referring back to the concrete floor photos.

                              And looking at the bulb it does look like a 1.9mA unit. With a tunable Lb you should be able to obtain enough heat from the bulb that normally touching it will cause a burn.
                              Hi Dr Stiffler,

                              Upon your suggestion I just made the test and shot the photo so the picture is new one ... you did not miss it.




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