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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Have I missed something here ?


    Thank you for the VC1.jpg

    I just wonder, doesn't it result in eddy current losses to place L3 so close to the copper plane ?



    • Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post

      Thank you for the VC1.jpg

      I just wonder, doesn't it result in eddy current losses to place L3 so close to the copper plane ?


      I'm sure you are much more knowledgeable in the EMC area than I am and therefore I will only comment that At 100MHz the approximate penetration depth in a cooper conductor is ~0.00035 inches. I'm sure there is a small effect here, but of not real concern. The base sheet acts similar to the parasitic plate on the early Exciters, except in the VC1 it was ground ref. VC1 was only used for the testing of the viability of replacing the L1 tunable with a variable cap. The tunable L1 has always been a problem for field replicators.


      • New Paper on Water Conservation


        If you have interest in a non-electronic subject like Water Conservation you may enjoy this document.

        DIY-Airconditioning Waste Water Recovery


        • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

          If you have interest in a non-electronic subject like Water Conservation you may enjoy this document.

          DIY-Airconditioning Waste Water Recovery
          Hi Doc, et al;

          Just wanted to send some chills down your spine (as if things weren't bad as they are) regarding regulations on collection and use of rain water. In other words, the idiotic things our governments are doing on behalf of corporate fascists.

          Water Rights and Rain | Wildlife News

          Washington State Drafts Rainwater Collection Rule

          Here was a discussion about it:

          Woman is denied from using rainwater off her own roof!, page 1
          Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


          • Originally posted by amigo View Post
            Hi Doc, et al;

            Just wanted to send some chills down your spine (as if things weren't bad as they are) regarding regulations on collection and use of rain water. In other words, the idiotic things our governments are doing on behalf of corporate fascists.

            Water Rights and Rain | Wildlife News

            Washington State Drafts Rainwater Collection Rule

            Here was a discussion about it:

            Woman is denied from using rainwater off her own roof!, page 1

            Let me say this about that......... "Time for a Water Party"

            Yes I know about this. The state of Washington, I was born, and raised there, have children, grand children and great grandchildren there and it sucks! I loved the state and the state of Idaho (Idaho being more Red Neck), but it has gone Socialist and hard to tell the difference from it and California (bless them all) "No offense, I just to not agree".

            When governments begin to control a god given resource it time for.........


            • Doc every single post you have done has put a smile on my dial thanks for that new document, don't forget that a corporation tried to charge a third world for water, they went to protest on the street children were killed (rubber bullets), then they finally decided that they could not do it, after wild protest we can over throw this, its worked before. This was seen in the documentary "the corporation".



              • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

                I'm sure you are much more knowledgeable in the EMC area than I am and therefore I will only comment that At 100MHz the approximate penetration depth in a cooper conductor is ~0.00035 inches. I'm sure there is a small effect here, but of not real concern. The base sheet acts similar to the parasitic plate on the early Exciters, except in the VC1 it was ground ref. VC1 was only used for the testing of the viability of replacing the L1 tunable with a variable cap. The tunable L1 has always been a problem for field replicators.
                Doc, you are joking, right ?

                I just know how to design digital circuits so they are not affected by electric noise in the environment and keep emissions below a certain limit.

                But I think I got something from this. I tried putting some metal close to L3 on the running exciter, the LEDs brightness seems unaffected. Putting the metal along the coil is another story, it can stop the resonance. I assume it is caused by capacitive coupling.

                What is amazing though is how close the coil can be to a metal plate, before the performance is affected. I tried to wrap a messy piece of aluminum foil to a half cylinder shape, and then put loosely L3 into the foil. The LEDs still on, apparently unaffected.

                This should enable to build the exciter in a box with separate rooms for each coil. I don't know if that would ruin the function big picture, but it does not seem to be a problem for L3.

                Can others confirm this ?

                Doc, in the next days I will watch the remaining videos, and then proceed with the OU stuff.

                I would however be thankful if you revealed some more to study to get more progress.
                But I will read the OU stuff anyway, please forgive me, I'm just a little impatient


                When Schauberger returned home from USA he said that "they" took everything from him, he didn't even own his own life. He died a few days later.

                That still seems to be that way today, according to a press story yesterday about a kid sick from cancer. His parents did not want the traditional cancer treatment. They preferred an alternative treatment. Then their doctor reported to the police and a judge ruled for forced treatment. The kid does not own his own life in USA in 2009 ! Alternative treatment is bad for corporate busyness profits. The reporter asked the kids opinion, he just wanted the authorities to "back off".

                Knowing the story of Royal Rife, and Priore, and having attended a medical conference seeing a medical doctor reporting very positive results with this technology by non invasive treatment without pain or side effects, I really feel sorry for the kid.
                I have a friend that survived such traditional treatment, it was awful to watch. "If I don't die from the cancer, I will die from the cell poisons".

                If you care about your health, take responsibility yourself. Look for quantum medicine and millimeter wave treatment. I have a Russian Cem-Tech device, some of the best money I spent.



                • Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
                  Doc, you are joking, right ?

                  I just know how to design digital circuits so they are not affected by electric noise in the environment and keep emissions below a certain limit.

                  But I think I got something from this. I tried putting some metal close to L3 on the running exciter, the LEDs brightness seems unaffected. Putting the metal along the coil is another story, it can stop the resonance. I assume it is caused by capacitive coupling.

                  What is amazing though is how close the coil can be to a metal plate, before the performance is affected. I tried to wrap a messy piece of aluminum foil to a half cylinder shape, and then put loosely L3 into the foil. The LEDs still on, apparently unaffected.

                  This should enable to build the exciter in a box with separate rooms for each coil. I don't know if that would ruin the function big picture, but it does not seem to be a problem for L3.

                  Can others confirm this ?

                  Doc, in the next days I will watch the remaining videos, and then proceed with the OU stuff.

                  I would however be thankful if you revealed some more to study to get more progress.
                  But I will read the OU stuff anyway, please forgive me, I'm just a little impatient


                  When Schauberger returned home from USA he said that "they" took everything from him, he didn't even own his own life. He died a few days later.

                  That still seems to be that way today, according to a press story yesterday about a kid sick from cancer. His parents did not want the traditional cancer treatment. They preferred an alternative treatment. Then their doctor reported to the police and a judge ruled for forced treatment. The kid does not own his own life in USA in 2009 ! Alternative treatment is bad for corporate busyness profits. The reporter asked the kids opinion, he just wanted the authorities to "back off".

                  Knowing the story of Royal Rife, and Priore, and having attended a medical conference seeing a medical doctor reporting very positive results with this technology by non invasive treatment without pain or side effects, I really feel sorry for the kid.
                  I have a friend that survived such traditional treatment, it was awful to watch. "If I don't die from the cancer, I will die from the cell poisons".

                  If you care about your health, take responsibility yourself. Look for quantum medicine and millimeter wave treatment. I have a Russian Cem-Tech device, some of the best money I spent.

                  Shame on you! We do not accept the reality of this OU thing. No OU, its CEC. If you remove cohered energy which is exclusive of input, your device is <1. Think of this a minute and look back to what I said to 'Jolt'.
                  From viewer 'a', device 'a' is never magic. Then 'b' follows same rule, yet a+b is the object, still no magic. Another way to say this, hydro, solar and wind all in the line to your service, combined to usable form. Tickle the lattice and combined with all other stimuli, appearance of wonder, but how much is really in total going into the funnel?


                  • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                    Doc every single post you have done has put a smile on my dial thanks for that new document, don't forget that a corporation tried to charge a third world for water, they went to protest on the street children were killed (rubber bullets), then they finally decided that they could not do it, after wild protest we can over throw this, its worked before. This was seen in the documentary "the corporation".

                    Sometimes I have trouble suppressing the child in me and instead of being smart, I get cute.


                    • Equipment question

                      Hopefully this post doesn't get the same response as gmeast's post about equipment did (post 433)

                      I've gone through the thread and extracted the bits which relate to meters and equipment (their at the end).

                      My question is basically what equipment would be recommend - as in: make, model, manufacture etc. or minimum specification.
                      So that I or anyone else who is interested in building their own SEC can have a list of things to be on the look out for in order to be able to improve their SEC replication efforts.

                      Below are some of the bits that I found using the search function, so I may have missed posts. Don't really have time to reread the whole thread again this week.

                      From post 354 by DrStiffler
                      'Unless you have or have access to a minimal amount of test equipment you will spin your wheels and suffer much frustration. At the minimum you need two medium or above quality DVM's (these $12 devices don't work). Next you need a good LCR, one that will read down to below 1uH with an accuracy of no less than 0.5% at a test frequency >500kHz, the higher the better. A good PSU, digital readout is fine but you must use care and proper filters or the reading will be totally inaccurate. The PSU with filters can be somewhat remote of the unit under test and the farther the better.

                      From post 437 by amigo
                      Yes, you need a Spectrum Analyzer if you wish to see the spectra of your oscillations. As SEC is a Ultra Wide Band circuit it will oscillate from 1 all the way up to 500 MHz.

                      Yes, you need a good LCR meter with a good range and precision, down to micro or nano henries.

                      Yes, anyone serious about electronics should have at least one true RMS meter. Any meter would have a transistor gain capability among other things.

                      Yes, having an oscilloscope is mandatory these days in any environment and for $50 you get a decent one on eBay.

                      Yes, a bench power supply is mandatory whether or not you deal with SEC.

                      Yes, a signal generator is necessary when dealing with non-standard AC/DC circuits ie. pulsed/impulse, etc.

                      ANYONE serious about electronics (amateur or professional) would have at least a bench supply, a true RMS meter, a soldering iron, bunch of components, wire.

                      From post 470 by Lidmotor
                      "Please use care in buying test equipment and one in particular is the LCR. You will need to measure down to at least 0.5uH with fair accuracy. The $15 and under $100 meters will not do this and have a test frequency that is far to low. You want a test frequency >100Hz. The ones I use are running at 750kHz. The problem is that how all good meters have a wide range. The one that are accurate in the low end do not go up to the xxmH range. So before you buy make sure if you will be happy with the low end only or you will then need two meters."
                      Last edited by Savvypro; 05-27-2009, 01:02 PM.

                      . . .
                      Regular service Signature:
                      Follow along on my Algae growing adventure, where I'm currently growing Spirulina and two mystery strains (one of which can also produce Biofuel). All is revealed in the Growing Algae thread...


                      • Stuff needed to build a SEC

                        Well I have not gone anywhere. I have just been studying and "playing" with other things. You don't need alot of fancy equipment to build a simple SEC exciter like I did and see some of what is going on here. To really get the most out of the project, help Dr. Stiffler, and understand this ----you need good test equipment. The other thing you REALLY need is knowledge of basic electronics. Especially on oscillators in the RF realm. That is why I stopped and went back to the books. Dr. Stiffler has given us a great device to study and learn from. He already knows what it can do if it is built and tuned right.
                        I built my SEC exciter on a kitchen table with a couple of cheap multimeters and parts from the local store. It was crude but it worked. I learned alot. If you have the money and time to acquire good equipment then your results will be more rewarding.



                        • New SGate Video Posted


                          I put a video up that should shed a bit of light in the eff. of the SGate.

                          YouTube - Using The SGate to Drive A LED Board


                          • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

                            I put a video up that should shed a bit of light in the eff. of the SGate.

                            YouTube - Using The SGate to Drive A LED Board
                            Hi Doc,

                            That is cool. Both the amount of light and the power consumption.

                            Do you think that the SEC might be playing with the reading of the PSU even though you have the filter on it (I remember in one of the other videos you mentioned the readings might not be entirely accurate)?

                            We have a whole bunch of LEDs there, and you got tired of soldering. Does that mean it would drive even more LEDs at the same power performance?

                            This is already pretty close to having a nice light source during power outages, or for the outdoors.
                            Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                            • Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
                              If you care about your health, take responsibility yourself. Look for quantum medicine and millimeter wave treatment. I have a Russian Cem-Tech device, some of the best money I spent.
                              Care to share some light about the CEM Tech please?

                              Cursory search returns a $1,650 devices and such, and I really prefer to build these things rather than paying someone's "alternative medicine" racket. Health should be free, to all, at any time...
                              Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                              • Originally posted by amigo View Post
                                Hi Doc,

                                That is cool. Both the amount of light and the power consumption.

                                Do you think that the SEC might be playing with the reading of the PSU even though you have the filter on it (I remember in one of the other videos you mentioned the re rather than adings might not be entirely accurate)?

                                We have a whole bunch of LEDs there, and you got tired of soldering. Does that mean it would drive even more LEDs at the same power performance?

                                This is already pretty close to having a nice light source during power outages, or for the outdoors.
                                It will drive 3 more rows of LEDS (full board) at greater brightness as the plate voltage rises under load. (Don't ask) No, this is a true reading. Like I said in the video to refer to, if I don't point it out, ignore it.

                                Notice the flare when the board is first placed on the plate, this is not just the camera, it the initial charge accumulated on the plate.

                                Now if you want more light, add another board, the boards can be mounted on the periphery rather than sitting like in the demo. The spatial light uses one or two boards and the second can be field added.

                                Think of it, 18W over 10 hours and a good amount of light without killing a whale.

