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  • re: New SGate Video Posted

    @ Doc

    Thats very impressive Doc.
    I'd say it sheds quite a bit of light on the efficiency of the SGate (+_+)

    Mike Klimesh
    Live to experiment, Experiment to live (+_+)


    • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
      Hi Doc/ALL
      Encase some one does not want to go through the lovely 270 pages at the OU forum here is a collection of the Docs electrolyser stuff.
      Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
      Doc, you are joking, right ?
      But I will read the OU stuff anyway, please forgive me, I'm just a little impatient
      Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
      Shame on you! We do not accept the reality of this OU thing. No OU, its CEC. If you remove cohered energy which is exclusive of input, your device is <1. Think of this a minute and look back to what I said to 'Jolt'.
      From viewer 'a', device 'a' is never magic. Then 'b' follows same rule, yet a+b is the object, still no magic. Another way to say this, hydro, solar and wind all in the line to your service, combined to usable form.
      Tickle the lattice and combined with all other stimuli, appearance of wonder, but how much is really in total going into the funnel?

      As stated early on, communication is one of the most difficult things to do right...especially using short forms.

      So what sshh in what context do you think I mentioned ;-)

      Thank you for the YouTube release, very impressive


      Thats about the prize I paid for the Cem-Tech. I treat "structure" all water I drink with the device. It results in minimum 1 hour more awake with energy each day and improving health for my wife and I. You can do a search of the growing community delivering research results on the device, lots of treatment methods for many deceases. Russian hospitals reports that used as a supplement the time hospitalized is reduced by 30-50%. A broken leg can heal up to 2,5 times faster.

      5 years ago my friend introduced me to the alternative medicine, and I got my health improved a lot by a SCIO. That is simply amazing.

      Although not as advanced as a SCIO or LIBRA, The Cem-Tech is no easy home build.
      Building a SEC you can replace a part when doing something stupid, what do you have to "replace" in case of a faulty home built "Cem-Tech"

      What you can "home build" is learning bio-feedback, so you can control your body, it can also do healing and it is also amazing. I learned that ability now, and the cost



      • Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
        Thats about the prize I paid for the Cem-Tech. I treat "structure" all water I drink with the device. It results in minimum 1 hour more awake with energy each day and improving health for my wife and I. You can do a search of the growing community delivering research results on the device, lots of treatment methods for many deceases. Russian hospitals reports that used as a supplement the time hospitalized is reduced by 30-50%. A broken leg can heal up to 2,5 times faster.

        5 years ago my friend introduced me to the alternative medicine, and I got my health improved a lot by a SCIO. That is simply amazing.

        Although not as advanced as a SCIO or LIBRA, The Cem-Tech is no easy home build.
        Building a SEC you can replace a part when doing something stupid, what do you have to "replace" in case of a faulty home built "Cem-Tech"

        What you can "home build" is learning bio-feedback, so you can control your body, it can also do healing and it is also amazing. I learned that ability now, and the cost
        I have written a huge rant on the subject as a reply, but decided to erase it and instead post this.

        I do not believe that this device is any different than any other electronic device and so must be based on (easily) obtainable parts. Unless this company paid for custom made components (which would've cost them up into millions on short runs) I do not see how can they justify a $1,700 a pop or more, unless it's a money grabbing scheme at the expense of someone's misery.

        So, it's all shrouded in mystery, behind a "secret" design, maybe so people don't realize how simple it is and build it themselves, who knows. I've seen people selling Lakhovsky MWOs for $4,000 and it still spins my head as to how they justify it, especially when they cannot prove their MWOs actually do work as intended.

        And I think that's the biggest problem - not having exact, factual information. Instead everyone has a theory, or bases things on conjecture, superstition or some mystical experience.

        I said it earlier and I'll say it again: health should be free for all, at any and all times. And to add: no matter who they are, if someone is profiting on people's illness, pain and suffering, they should be tried for crimes against humanity, regardless if they are medieval butchers we call "doctors" and "physicians", or con-artists selling quack devices...
        Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


        • @Doc

          Having seen your video, I wired up my SGate and got my 30 LEDs best so far at 0.8W.
          I can easily read by the light. I will get a plate like yours to test, and some more LEDs.

          Plate diameter = SGate length ?

          I have been looking for Spectrum Analyzers, I saw one used for 1.700$ and they can easily cost more than 20.000$ as new. What about a digital oscilloscope with FFT and 1GHz BW ?

          I will be thankful if you give an indication of the necessary specs eg. BW (600MHz), frequency resolution (FFT points) and dynamic range, for measuring your circuits. After all, money matters.


          6 years ago I would have labeled these devices something not so nice.

          I guess you have to experience what it can do to your own body to believe in it.
          The yellow pads has some sort of chip crystal, maybe some GaAs, frequency range 38-100GHz, not an easy home build. They can both "play" and "record and replay".

          And yes, it would be nice if they were free, but I guess the researchers have worked full time, and not being served free lunch.

          Take a look at Royal Rifes original work and John Bedinis very hard work to replicate, if I remember right he worked over a period of 6 years and spent a large amount of money before being successful.

          As the Cem-Tech capacity is enough for family and friends it is not that bad at 1800$. The SCIO is around 25000$ and the LIBRA 18000$. But they are meant for clinics and not so easy to use.

          I often say it is not that bad getting old, the alternative considered. And remember there are no pockets in the last shirt.

          I must stress I'm only a user, not a salesman of the Cem-Tech or other devices.

          But what about bad industrial organic material sold as "food" + tobacco + liqueur + drugs + some (not all) FDA approved medicine + oil pollution = bad health + big busyness. You pay a lot of money for junk and get bad health in return.

          "The China Study" by Ph.D T Colin Cambel and Thomas M. Cambell II, ISBN 1-932100-66-0, Benbella Books, Inc.
          "The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health"



          • Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post

            Having seen your video, I wired up my SGate and got my 30 LEDs best so far at 0.8W.
            I can easily read by the light. I will get a plate like yours to test, and some more LEDs.

            Plate diameter = SGate length ?

            I have been looking for Spectrum Analyzers, I saw one used for 1.700$ and they can easily cost more than 20.000$ as new. What about a digital oscilloscope with FFT and 1GHz BW ?

            I will be thankful if you give an indication of the necessary specs eg. BW (600MHz), frequency resolution (FFT points) and dynamic range, for measuring your circuits. After all, money matters.


            6 years ago I would have labeled these devices something not so nice.

            I guess you have to experience what it can do to your own body to believe in it.
            The yellow pads has some sort of chip crystal, maybe some GaAs, frequency range 38-100GHz, not an easy home build. They can both "play" and "record and replay".

            And yes, it would be nice if they were free, but I guess the researchers have worked full time, and not being served free lunch.

            Take a look at Royal Rifes original work and John Bedinis very hard work to replicate, if I remember right he worked over a period of 6 years and spent a large amount of money before being successful.

            As the Cem-Tech capacity is enough for family and friends it is not that bad at 1800$. The SCIO is around 25000$ and the LIBRA 18000$. But they are meant for clinics and not so easy to use.

            I often say it is not that bad getting old, the alternative considered. And remember there are no pockets in the last shirt.

            I must stress I'm only a user, not a salesman of the Cem-Tech or other devices.

            But what about bad industrial organic material sold as "food" + tobacco + liqueur + drugs + some (not all) FDA approved medicine + oil pollution = bad health + big busyness. You pay a lot of money for junk and get bad health in return.

            "The China Study" by Ph.D T Colin Cambel and Thomas M. Cambell II, ISBN 1-932100-66-0, Benbella Books, Inc.
            "The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health"

            @ Eric & amigo

            I will leave it for the two of you to go where your going on this, yet I want to insert 2 cents of background from my years.

            First multi-frequency bombardment of human (or otherwise) is like chemo. You hope you kill the bad stuff before all the good stuff dies off. Okay so lets say we can tune the device, fine, now we need to know the frequency of interest for each structure in a cell or bacterium, I think that would be a bit of a challenge and may be totally useless as we may not happen to select the frequency that does what we need done.

            From personal experience lets take a certain form of skin cancer, how best to get rid of it, excise, burn with Heat, Freeze with liquid nitrogen or maybe even burn away with acid. Now in reality what takes place here, is there even a chance worth considering that we could kill every last cell (of course not). So what could we hope for, IMO damage the cells in such a way that the body will recognize them as invasive and unwanted and attack. Could this be possible without doing major harm to the overall body? I think so, localized, UWB burn over a period of days would allow the normal cells to recover and begin to see the bad guys that have also been damaged. Once the lesion is reduced a follow on application of low grade topical acid with vitamin E could 'In Theory' could aid the last removal by keeping the body alert and promote healing.

            Always had this in the back of my mind and maybe will try it some day, you know self testing, can't get in trouble that way.


            • @Doc

              From what I heard during the 3 day conference with many speakers and more than 200 participants about 1/5 "converted" MDs, it is a matter of resonance and cell inter communication.

              I think this is as weird to an ordinary MD, as your technology is to an ordinary EE.

              Having seen the xray documenting the healing of a terminal cancer patient from an ordinary hospital, a blind woman regaining sight, successful treatment of childless couples, rapid growing plants, (Schauberger also demonstrated this), chicken house freed of blood mites, the 2 systems are sold to farmers. And a lot of other stuff including Dr.Ing. Konstantin Meyls wireless powered boat and CFL's. Meyls experimental set is also used by MD's. He told me that you can modulate the signal with supermarket "muzak" and get the same effect without using speakers. I had the pleasure to talk with him for half an hour, an impressive man.

              The traditional explanations does not work. The Cem-Tech delivers 100 hours treatment on 2 AA cells, yet it is a device which requires you follow the rules, it has a powerful influence I have leaned to respect, not something to use carelessly.


              Doc, a tiny bitty SA advice, please ? They are so expensive, I don't like to pay for more than I need.

              The SGate consumption dropped to 25 mA, 0,6W when I removed the HV probe, same light. Thank you very much for the coil hints.



              • Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post

                From what I heard during the 3 day conference with many speakers and more than 200 participants about 1/5 "converted" MDs, it is a matter of resonance and cell inter communication.

                I think this is as weird to an ordinary MD, as your technology is to an ordinary EE.

                Having seen the xray documenting the healing of a terminal cancer patient from an ordinary hospital, a blind woman regaining sight, successful treatment of childless couples, rapid growing plants, (Schauberger also demonstrated this), chicken house freed of blood mites, the 2 systems are sold to farmers. And a lot of other stuff including Dr.Ing. Konstantin Meyls wireless powered boat and CFL's. Meyls experimental set is also used by MD's. He told me that you can modulate the signal with supermarket "muzak" and get the same effect without using speakers. I had the pleasure to talk with him for half an hour, an impressive man.

                The traditional explanations does not work. The Cem-Tech delivers 100 hours treatment on 2 AA cells, yet it is a device which requires you follow the rules, it has a powerful influence I have leaned to respect, not something to use carelessly.


                Doc, a tiny bitty SA advice, please ? They are so expensive, I don't like to pay for more than I need.

                The SGate consumption dropped to 25 mA, 0,6W when I removed the HV probe, same light. Thank you very much for the coil hints.

                Well like I said it was my opinion and experience and as we all know its hard to get the subconscious out of the equation.

                Well I have this ongoing mantra, 'you need test equipment' yet I so hate to see anyone spend anything unless they get return. Frankly even with an SA it took me a very long time to see what was doing what is taking place. More often than not the spectrum is so much alike that one can not tell without hours of studying the harmonic energies and which ones are present. So what I am saying is you must make a decision on what you want to do and how far you want to invest time and learning into the exploration. My simple take is the most complicated multi-function fully computerized unit you can get, then I will visit and help you use it because I can't even afford one of those devices.

                I hope all understand that this technology is far enough along that it can be produced by the thousand with not messing around. I mean maybe the basics and by basics the best setup of all is the following; "All Computer Interfaced, (USB of course)" PSU, DMM, Electronic Load and last but not least a Storage Scope. Now with this the world is yours.

                I know I did not give the answer you wanted, best I bring myself to.


                • Another Video along Camping Light Idea



                  • @Freezer,

                    Yeah, ATS is pretty entertaining, with or without John Lear ("the old coot" as he calls himself). He's now on another forum - I just don't go there. One forum like ATS that is enough for me.


                    I suppose you are right, one needs to try it, I just think that $2,000 experiment is rather pricey. And besides I still think this and all others are "old" technologies, rediscovered, and applied. The underlying principles are what interests me as "there is more than one way to skin a cat."

                    Regarding Spectrum Analyzers, I bought mine on eBay and I suppose I lucked out as the one I got was a "portable" one with some nifty features such as audio demodulator etc (it was commonly used to find "bugs"). I'd love to have a hand-held SA but they are soooo expensive you could buy a car for one.

                    I did not buy my SA just for the SEC investigations, as it is a very useful tool for any RF work so I had a justification for purchasing it. And besides, it cost me $500, which was a great deal one couldn't pass.


                    I have read many things starting from the turn of the last century on, and the electromedicine was it - and pretty successful at that. Then all of a sudden there's nothing but the conventional drugs. Apparently, some study was paid by the pharma pushers to make all other methods of therapy except drugs look bad and the FDA banned and outlawed it all. Basically that was the beginning of the "suppression" that we still live in.

                    Even back in the late 1920s reports from the British Medical Association doctors warning that cancer is going to be a problem in the future, as the radiation and chemo therapies are only 10-15% successful.
                    Radium treatment was very popular back then and you can imagine what kind of (gruesome) disfigurements that was causing to people.

                    These doctors were encouraging research and use of other known treatments as alternatives. I guess back then most of them still weren't the paid lackeys of the big pharma.
                    Yet what do we have today? Radiation and chemo therapy. Wonder why...and whether those corporate pharma fascists had anything to do with it...

                    Interestingly enough, if you look up the works of Georges Lakhovsky, his MWO (multi-wave oscillator) was healing those Radium radiation burns and recovering cells, beside generally "curing" all kinds of cancers.

                    Unfortunately it appears not much true main stream research is being done in the direction of electromedicine, or at least not in public. I always said that "a patient cured is a customer lost" and that kind of attitude by those in charge of our health is unacceptable.
                    Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                    • @DrStiffler,

                      Hmm, what is that other coil (the white one) after the SGate in your last videos, any details on it?

                      Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                      • Originally posted by amigo View Post

                        Hmm, what is that other coil (the white one) after the SGate in your last videos, any details on it?

                        Well like I said in a few posts back, the technology is pretty good now.

                        What does that mean you say? The decision was made just today to produce another general public board, guess what, no big coils, miniature (not the original chokes either and will have the power to drive the SL. By the way the last video hid the PSU, wanted to spring that later when V4 comes out, but okay, 1W in ti the board ans 12.6V. The board is variable cap tuned and capable of 2.5W, transistor stays ambient.

                        More later...


                        • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                          Well like I said in a few posts back, the technology is pretty good now.

                          What does that mean you say? The decision was made just today to produce another general public board, guess what, no big coils, miniature (not the original chokes either and will have the power to drive the SL. By the way the last video hid the PSU, wanted to spring that later when V4 comes out, but okay, 1W in ti the board ans 12.6V. The board is variable cap tuned and capable of 2.5W, transistor stays ambient.

                          More later...
                          Hehe, I did not want to post that question about why you hid the PSU (under the fear of retribution), so I'm glad you came forth yourself.

                          Will you be giving us the sneak peek of the circuit and the board or do we have to wait till everything is said and done? Also, when you say "public", do you mean U.S. only, or will you include at least other G10 countries in it?
                          Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                          • Originally posted by amigo View Post
                            Hehe, I did not want to post that question about why you hid the PSU (under the fear of retribution), so I'm glad you came forth yourself.

                            Will you be giving us the sneak peek of the circuit and the board or do we have to wait till everything is said and done? Also, when you say "public", do you mean U.S. only, or will you include at least other G10 countries in it?
                            @amigo @All

                            Well there are 3 maybe 4 reasons why other than US is a problem.
                            1. Shipping (unless I charge more for board) is greater than cost of the board, unless it goes by ship around the horn.
                            2. Requires customs form & now different form (4)
                            3. Can no longer be shipped with customs short form, can in some countries cause great delivery delay or customs fees or seizure.
                            4. Pending local restrictions...

                            No on the circuit, all V4's use some parts special made in the the country that owns the US. Makes no sense to try without the parts. But there is still a ton of things to build that will serve well and this is coming. Going to still focus on the finish of the simple papers.


                            • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                              Well like I said it was my opinion and experience and as we all know its hard to get the subconscious out of the equation.

                              Well I have this ongoing mantra, 'you need test equipment' yet I so hate to see anyone spend anything unless they get return. Frankly even with an SA it took me a very long time to see what was doing what is taking place. More often than not the spectrum is so much alike that one can not tell without hours of studying the harmonic energies and which ones are present. So what I am saying is you must make a decision on what you want to do and how far you want to invest time and learning into the exploration. My simple take is the most complicated multi-function fully computerized unit you can get, then I will visit and help you use it because I can't even afford one of those devices.

                              I hope all understand that this technology is far enough along that it can be produced by the thousand with not messing around. I mean maybe the basics and by basics the best setup of all is the following; "All Computer Interfaced, (USB of course)" PSU, DMM, Electronic Load and last but not least a Storage Scope. Now with this the world is yours.

                              I know I did not give the answer you wanted, best I bring myself to.

                              Doc, I'm sorry for my late answer to your generous offer. I had several deadlines yesterday.

                              As usual you create so many questions for me, reading your posts or watching your videos.

                              Allow me to share my thoughts, they may reflect nonsense, but I try to get the point of your technology.

                              The big picture is "The sea of energy we live in" as Moray spoke about.

                              Whatever physics is responsible, the energy penetrating space must have some sort of power spectrum. I don't know if anyone has measured that.

                              Your nice device is UWB, but I guess it is still of discrete nature, ie. not continuous spectrum. So the big puzzle besides creating a running circuit is to get the best match between the energy power spectrum and the discrete frequencies of your circuit. I guess this step is where the big frustrations arise, because if you don't know the power spectrum, then you have to go through a lot of experiments to get a coarse picture of the power spectrum, so a device can be designed to get the maximum gain.

                              In practice that means, that you face a frustrating process that can eat all the time you have. Perhaps if it is possible to design a circuit measuring the power spectrum within a reasonable time, then you could arrive to design process yielding a predictable result. I guess that is also why you suggest computerized equipment to automate the measuring process and save time.

                              Am I totally wrong in this ?

                              The practical part about your disc.

                              Until proven wrong I consider the disk as a voltage amplifier with a current node around the center hole and a voltage node near the outer periphery. The purpose of the hole is then to create radial standing waves (summed result of waves), and the the geometry itself offer amplification of the SGate signal. Then you probably experimented with outer diameter and the hole size to find the optimum gain.

                              If my assumption is right on the operation, and this geometry is your own idea, then you once more proved yourself a true genius.

                              If it is not your own idea, then the application of this geometry is still a great finding.

                              In my experience the more "simple" ideas is often not the first to come, I have often had the thought, why I did not think of that myself.

                              Doc, please let me know what you think about my thoughts, even if it is that I'm totally wrong, I don't have your experience and insights.


                              I have been looking a bit on analyzers, and unless I could be as lucky as amigo, I think I have to spend somewhere around 1800-2500$ to get a decent used analyzer. My supporting wife says it is OK with her, but as this is quite a sum these days, I need to study more.

                              I once worked on a project where some of my colleagues designed a SA bottom up, they were very skilled persons.

                              The quality of the digital FFT part is quite easily judged, I think the most effort is to study the analog mixer part, and the interface to computer and man. I have seen several Anritsu MS2601B for sale at reasonable prices, one was sold on ebay for 1800$.

                              The data sheet can be found here
                              Anritsu MS2601B technical specifications

                              I have yet to study the data sheet myself.


                              And Doc, I must say I'm very honored of your generous offer.
                              So If I end up right on money and the right SA I will be very thankful. I will know in the near future.



                              • Originally posted by amigo View Post

                                Yeah, ATS is pretty entertaining, with or without John Lear ("the old coot" as he calls himself). He's now on another forum - I just don't go there. One forum like ATS that is enough for me.


                                I suppose you are right, one needs to try it, I just think that $2,000 experiment is rather pricey. And besides I still think this and all others are "old" technologies, rediscovered, and applied. The underlying principles are what interests me as "there is more than one way to skin a cat."

                                Regarding Spectrum Analyzers, I bought mine on eBay and I suppose I lucked out as the one I got was a "portable" one with some nifty features such as audio demodulator etc (it was commonly used to find "bugs"). I'd love to have a hand-held SA but they are soooo expensive you could buy a car for one.

                                I did not buy my SA just for the SEC investigations, as it is a very useful tool for any RF work so I had a justification for purchasing it. And besides, it cost me $500, which was a great deal one couldn't pass.


                                I have read many things starting from the turn of the last century on, and the electromedicine was it - and pretty successful at that. Then all of a sudden there's nothing but the conventional drugs. Apparently, some study was paid by the pharma pushers to make all other methods of therapy except drugs look bad and the FDA banned and outlawed it all. Basically that was the beginning of the "suppression" that we still live in.

                                Even back in the late 1920s reports from the British Medical Association doctors warning that cancer is going to be a problem in the future, as the radiation and chemo therapies are only 10-15% successful.
                                Radium treatment was very popular back then and you can imagine what kind of (gruesome) disfigurements that was causing to people.

                                These doctors were encouraging research and use of other known treatments as alternatives. I guess back then most of them still weren't the paid lackeys of the big pharma.
                                Yet what do we have today? Radiation and chemo therapy. Wonder why...and whether those corporate pharma fascists had anything to do with it...

                                Interestingly enough, if you look up the works of Georges Lakhovsky, his MWO (multi-wave oscillator) was healing those Radium radiation burns and recovering cells, beside generally "curing" all kinds of cancers.

                                Unfortunately it appears not much true main stream research is being done in the direction of electromedicine, or at least not in public. I always said that "a patient cured is a customer lost" and that kind of attitude by those in charge of our health is unacceptable.
                                Amigo, I guess you are right that it is old discoveries reapplied AND refined.

                                If they have the same videos I saw two years ago, one of the videos has an interview telling the story of the present suppressing medical regime.

                                Sharing Health From the Heart - Products We Recommend -featuring alternative, natural and bio-electrical health products

                                Try taking a look on Konstantin Meyl's findings (search the net), he was invited to the conference by the experienced arrangers of the conference to explain some of the physics behind the body functions.

                                As I see it its all about frequencies. Meyl says that the nerve system actually consists of many individually tuned longitudinal waveguides, and the brain communicates with the body by emitting frequencies for the nerves to specific organs. A US MD even postulated the current cell model is wrong, and made to "explain" and support the sale of drugs.

                                By doing an extensive monitoring on these frequencies, some have made a "map" of normal function and deceases. By measuring these frequencies and comparing to the "map" you can do a diagnose, as well as stimulate the body with frequencies to cure a problem. Even extremely low intensities do the work.

                                The "cheap" Cem-Tech can only stimulate, while the expensive equipment can also diagnose.

                                Thats also why Meyl says the "electrosmog" from mobile phones, WiFi and DECT telephones are harmful to your long term health (cancer). This is supported by an EU office comparing risks to asbestos, but again big money talks.

                                The BMW car manufacturer has modified all DECT phones in the company to lower emissions and increase productivity.

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                                That was my two cents on a gigantic subject.


