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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Sorry Doc

    I should have mentioned that it is PostScript, a laser printer file format.

    My usual PCB diagram and layout program "Kicad" can not make spiral coils, so I have used "PCB" from the Linux GEDA suite.

    This program can only generate .ps files (and Gerber files) for ordinary use. When the .ps file is printed on a PostScipt capable printer it works.

    I use the "evince" document multi format viewer under Linux to view and print.

    Now I don't use windows anymore, but I searched the net for "windows .ps viewer", try this free program.

    Ghostscript: GSview

    Obtaining GSview 4.9

    (Btw. why use a non free closed source operating system, when Linux is free and open source, especially as a free FE researcher )

    So now it is about attempting to post on YouTube...



    • My first YouTube video

      Finally, the upload of the 70MB file took like forever. For download default resolution it is just 6.2MB.

      First one I made was in HD quality, 200MB+, so I made a new one, 1024x168 resolution. Here it is

      YouTube - Flat coil effects

      It is run from my signal generator 20V square signal 2.530MHz, with sine it is a litte les intense. What is now interesting is to make a new coil to run off the SEC, as it offers 3-4 times higher voltage.

      The FL tubes shown are 8W and 30W.

      I also found, that if the ball is removed and a shorter pin is used, a LED PCB can be used as "capacitor". It offers a nice geometry for a lamp.

      Last edited by Tecstatic; 07-11-2009, 12:41 PM. Reason: Actual video default size added.


      • Re. PCBs

        I got this PM:

        Hello Tecstatic,

        I would like to make some boards from your file, but before I do, did you go through a service that I can hitch a ride on an order? If you did them yourself, I would be glad to pay for your services.
        The layout is free for everyone to use, I will not sell any PCBs.

        I always make my PCBs myself, I do not have the patience to wait for a factory.

        If it should be made at a PCB factory, I guess they prefer the Gerber file format.

        But you can make the PCB yourself.

        Buy some special laser "white" "transparent" paper.
        Print page 2 of the .ps file using the special paper on a minimum 1200dpi laser printer.
        Take a cylinder glass container with a tight lid, put eg. a clean PCB at the inside bottom.
        Pour in 10ml of acetone (not upon the PCB) and put the printed layout vertical into the container without touching the fluid. The printed side must face away from the round container ( mine is a round container originally used for conserving fruits).

        Keep an eye on the layout though the transparent container. After 4-8 hours in the fumes, the toner is homogeneous without white "holes" for light. Too much time and it smears.

        Then take a 35um single layer photo resist PCB, put the paper with the toner layer tightly towards the photo layer, and expose to UV light according to product instructions. Having no UV exposure box, I think sun light can be used.

        Develop and etch the PCB with "white fine etch" crystals in 50C warm water in a bubbler tank, or more advanced etch machine if you have such a thing.

        Now you have a nice board for doing experiments.

        One advice. Try out the fine tracks on small PCB pieces until you are in control of the process, so you just waste little PBC area learning to process the fine line PCB.

        Maybe this is not the only PCB I'm going to publish, so it's nice to note how to make your own PCB's.

        Of cause a lot of other possibilities for making cheap PCB's exists, I'm just a Do It Yourself guy.

        Good luck.



        • Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
          I got this PM:

          The layout is free for everyone to use, I will not sell any PCBs.

          I always make my PCBs myself, I do not have the patience to wait for a factory.

          If it should be made at a PCB factory, I guess they prefer the Gerber file format.

          But you can make the PCB yourself.

          Buy some special laser "white" "transparent" paper.
          Print page 2 of the .ps file using the special paper on a minimum 1200dpi laser printer.
          Take a cylinder glass container with a tight lid, put eg. a clean PCB at the inside bottom.
          Pour in 10ml of acetone (not upon the PCB) and put the printed layout vertical into the container without touching the fluid. The printed side must face away from the round container ( mine is a round container originally used for conserving fruits).

          Keep an eye on the layout though the transparent container. After 4-8 hours in the fumes, the toner is homogeneous without white "holes" for light. Too much time and it smears.

          Then take a 35um single layer photo resist PCB, put the paper with the toner layer tightly towards the photo layer, and expose to UV light according to product instructions. Having no UV exposure box, I think sun light can be used.

          Develop and etch the PCB with "white fine etch" crystals in 50C warm water in a bubbler tank, or more advanced etch machine if you have such a thing.

          Now you have a nice board for doing experiments.

          One advice. Try out the fine tracks on small PCB pieces until you are in control of the process, so you just waste little PBC area learning to process the fine line PCB.

          Maybe this is not the only PCB I'm going to publish, so it's nice to note how to make your own PCB's.

          Of cause a lot of other possibilities for making cheap PCB's exists, I'm just a Do It Yourself guy.

          Good luck.

          @Tecstatic & @All

          Yes indeed making your own boards is fine, although don't be fooled, it takes a bit of skill and patience to get a good looking and workable board. I always used FC for etching and you do need to use care and have good ventilation.

          The supplier I use is really hurting from the poor economy and has some good deals for 4 boards (like 50%) off, yet this is still $80. And you can get 200 two layer drilled and masked for $600.

          Anyway I would not spend a ton of money on boards. Start small as you well know these projects have a habit of changing.
          Last edited by DrStiffler; 07-11-2009, 03:31 PM.


          • Side note:
            take SGate apart, remove the inner tube. Take two SEC15s, connect each one to it's own outer copper coupling. Observe some nice effects, especially when those short copper tubes are in close proximity and co-axial.

            e.g. 4w 120v incandescent lights up to a full brightness without you touching it and only connected to ONE of the SEC outputs...



            • Originally posted by ABCStore View Post
              Side note:
              take SGate apart, remove the inner tube. Take two SEC15s, connect each one to it's own outer copper coupling. Observe some nice effects, especially when those short copper tubes are in close proximity and co-axial.

              e.g. 4w 120v incandescent lights up to a full brightness without you touching it and only connected to ONE of the SEC outputs...


              Could you pencil a diagram or shoot a picture? My brain is full of prions on some days and don't function that well.

              I think you are saying you are using two VLT's (maybe) where are you connecting the one end of the bulb?

              Keep all watches away and computers when you start with the dual exciters.


              • Experiment to detect LEMW speed

                I am trying to catch up on the overwhelming amount of literature exposed lately.

                Regarding the speed of Longitudinal EM Waves ( LEMW ), what about this experiment ?

                You would need an ordinary radio sender, ordinary receiver and two PCB sets like the one I have just published (TMT) + signal generator (SG) and a scope.

                First you have the ordinary sender and receiver next to each other. The SG feed the sender, and the scope monitors the SG signal and the received signal to determine the propagation delay.

                Next the SG feeds one TMT as sender, the receiving TMT is removed as far away as possible, still receiving from the sender. The receiver secondary winding feeds the ordinary sender, and the ordinary receiver is placed near the TMT sender.

                Now the scope again can monitor the propagation delay, from the SG forth and back to the received ordinary signal. Corrected with the ordinary radio set propagation delay, "air time" can be determined. As the speed of the ordinary radio transmission speed is known, then it is interesting to see the magnitude of the remaining "air time"...

                I have no radios, anybody with radios willing to try it out, two PCBs, two balls, two antenna telescope rods (with ball on top) for easy tuning between TMT sender and receiver, a signal generator and a scope ?

                To determine the delays maybe a burst mode has to be used on the SG.

                In the meantime, I will read some more and try making a new L3 as a flat spiral coil when tired of reading.


                Ps. Lamare, I find it a bit strange nobody commented your post in the E.V. Gray thread. But I guess it is not that easy without doing some reading and experiments


                • Some pictures & things to come

                  The one wire business is very interesting and of course the wireless is great.

                  Later today I hope to post a video on one wire electrolysis.



                  Last edited by DrStiffler; 07-11-2009, 06:30 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
                    In the meantime, I will read some more and try making a new L3 as a flat spiral coil when tired of reading.


                    Ps. Lamare, I find it a bit strange nobody commented your post in the E.V. Gray thread. But I guess it is not that easy without doing some reading and experiments
                    I'm a bit tired at the moment, so I'll think about the rest of your ideas later.

                    With respect to a flat spiral, just this evening I was thinking of taking a couple of old vinyl LP's and bolt them together at the center with just a littlebit of space in between. That might be a perfect holder for "pancake" coils...

                    With respect to the Gray thread, well, most of the posters there appear to be more interested in practical experimentation then theory. And some produce quite interesting results, like Ghst, who produced a rather remarkable result, a sort of a shadow/hologram:



                    • New little Video


                      I think the first every video or claim of single wire electrolysis.

                      YouTube; mrh2o2 and look for loaded today.

                      YT is getting faster every day;

                      see it at YouTube - Single Wire Electrolysis and Other Things
                      Last edited by DrStiffler; 07-11-2009, 07:43 PM. Reason: adding link


                      • Dr.,

                        what I was saying is this: take a standard SGate, replace inner pipe with a plastic one and connect two exciters to the remaining outer shorter couplings. Now as you move them close to each other they will start producing some interesting coherence on their own. I found a distance of about 1mm gives the best results in my setup. YMMV.

                        It's easy to lit up even those stubborn FL in this setup



                        • Originally posted by ABCStore View Post

                          what I was saying is this: take a standard SGate, replace inner pipe with a plastic one and connect two exciters to the remaining outer shorter couplings. Now as you move them close to each other they will start producing some interesting coherence on their own. I found a distance of about 1mm gives the best results in my setup. YMMV.

                          It's easy to lit up even those stubborn FL in this setup

                          ABC, thank you for sharing

                          Yesterday I read most of a sum-up document from the OU-thread on Steven Mark's TPU.

                          According to that explanation he has tried using 3 coils and supply the first with a base frequency, the next with 2. harmonic and the third with the 3.harmonic. He also states that when the frequencies are hit precisely, the TPU can self destruct.

                          The question is whether the same principle can be used here with exciter's and tubes ?
                          Maybe even use 3 tubes in line and 3 exciters ?

                          If the effects sum up like on the TPU, then...

                          By the way the terrible headache Doc mentions using aluminum blocks, seem to be the same with the alu foil covering. I just got a terrible headache from a few minutes experimenting.

                          ABC, have you noticed that headache effect with the copper tubes ?



                          • No headache with copper so far. However, with two SECs, for the first time, I've noticed my digital meters going totally crazy!



                            • Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
                              ABC, have you noticed that headache effect with the copper tubes ?

                              In Dr Meyl's book on scalar waves he mentions that the nervous system is basically operated on one wire scalar waves and that you can affect things in the body both good and bad. Tesla lived to a ripe old age, but just something to be aware of...

                              Best regards,


                              • Heavy Oxygen, Naw! so what is it


                                Just posted another video and this is of a single wire electrolysis cell where I have made the water one of the active electrodes.

                                YouTube is processing it now; remember search 'mrh2o2' and today.

                                YouTube - Heavy Oxygen, No Can't Be
                                Last edited by DrStiffler; 07-12-2009, 04:27 PM. Reason: Added link

