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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Originally posted by mudwump View Post
    In Dr Meyl's book on scalar waves he mentions that the nervous system is basically operated on one wire scalar waves and that you can affect things in the body both good and bad. Tesla lived to a ripe old age, but just something to be aware of...

    Best regards,
    Yes, I have seen it too, he also mentions this in some of his videos. I think there is somewhere around 20 hours of videos from Meyl.

    The medical conference I attended, was also discussing this during Meyl's lecture.
    As I mentioned in some other place Meyl told me you can modulate music to the transponder and get the same mental result, as it the music were played in loudspeakers. Some clinics use it for the waiting room to make the patients relax and feel comfortable.

    Bearden has written about these effects also.
    This has some very scary implications when misused.

    What worries me about the aluminum is something I read a while ago. Aluminum deposits in the brain results in symptoms like Alzheimer's decease. Along with this info was also some statement, that treatment from 120Hz ac could reduce the aluminum deposits and reduce symptoms.

    I also remember from Hectors writings that he mentions not to use halogen bulbs with non standard electricity, at it can transmute. He says that if you get that metal smell and taste, you have to stop it.

    Coupling these pieces of info with the nearly instantaneous headache running the alu foil sphere, I'm done employing aluminum for that purpose, I will take the extra time to make a copper sphere instead. Better safe than sorry. With the copper I have no bad experience (so far)

    Regarding a balanced sphere.

    A practical way to construct the sphere is to split a Christmas tree ball in two halves, enter the feed wire isolated to the center, and have a number of fine single wires to pull through a number of tiny distributed holes drilled through the surface. When all wires are pulled to the surface the halves can be joined.

    Copper "EMC" foil tape is added to the sphere, and the fine wires are either soldered to the foil, or maybe the conductive adhesive is enough.

    Although not ideal, this is more symmetrical than what we have done so far. If it really do any different behavior compared to the side fed sphere I can not tell.

    Thank you so much for the knowledge you slowly but surely transfers to the rest of us.
    I definitely miss your 15+ years of experience with these effects, so sometimes it is a bit frustrating. But as usual hard dedicated work is seldom a drawback.
    Thank you for the tip about the reversed SG wires to see the frequency response. When I see the right SA for buying, that will come in handy


    Ps. I got frustrated by having my archive on several disks, I have used more than a day to order some of it on a single disk, and need probably many days more, to order the rest to be able to access the info without wasting too much time.

    By the way, back then when I used Windows, there was a program named "WhereIsIt". That was an efficient way to scan documents and search for them later on.

    So far this is the most wanted program functionality I have not found in Linux yet. Any in knowledge of a good open source document indexing and search program ?

    I will make more replies when time allows...


    • Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
      Any in knowledge of a good open source document indexing and search program ?
      Look for anything based on Lucene...

      There used to be at least one finished Java application years ago that was cross platform and would let you index your documents. Nowadays there must be more, and not just Java either.
      Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


      • Originally posted by amigo View Post
        Look for anything based on Lucene...

        There used to be at least one finished Java application years ago that was cross platform and would let you index your documents. Nowadays there must be more, and not just Java either.
        Thanks, I will take a look

        I agree.
        Regarding Darlington transistors, I yet have to see a fast one. They are built for a very high hfe, not speed.

        Doc has several times referred to a two stage solution, I think you have to use a MOSFET for the second stage, the question is how to control the gate. but I guess it is just to try it out, as there is not that many possibilities, at least one must work.

        Last edited by Tecstatic; 07-15-2009, 01:51 AM. Reason: Extra answer


        • @Tecstatic

          I'm leaning towards PNP-NPN pair (e.g. mpsa06-mpsa56 if I remember correctly).

          Doc, it this more of a "two-stage" or rather a "two-cycle" design?..



          • Hendershot's Coilpacitortenna!!

            Newest video showing some recent work on a Hendershot Coil replication.

            YouTube - Hendershot Fuelless Generator Coil Study

            Hendershot made a coil-capacitor-antenna thing. Very nice.


            • Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
              When I see the right SA for buying, that will come in handy
              It is also possible to build one yourself using TV tuners. See for example:

              Speccie, DIY spectrum analyzer
              TUNER Page
              Spectrum Analyzer project. (W6/PA0ZN )


              • Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
                Doc has several times referred to a two stage solution, I think you have to use a MOSFET for the second stage, the question is how to control the gate. but I guess it is just to try it out, as there is not that many possibilities, at least one must work.
                There's a schematic with a two-stage solution at overunity:

                Selfrunning cold electricity circuit from Dr.Stiffler


                • Originally posted by lamare View Post
                  There's a schematic with a two-stage solution at overunity:

                  Selfrunning cold electricity circuit from Dr.Stiffler
                  Well without doubt you are luck and yet unlucky. You get to read for two hours a day, how I wish. Although I know it is not just that way, I have tried that on planes and it does not seem to work unless you make the guy next to you think you are a jerk.

                  Anyway I have been down for a day or two and have had some hours for reading and see some confusion out there on the speed of LEM waves. Meyl states 1.5 to 1.6 and Dollard has mentioned 1.57. Now in cooking this may not be a problem, but in this area the "Real" number is important.

                  Also what I find strange is that in the case of Meyl if you take a coil that is say 4.6MHz and cut it in half and maintain the same capacity it does not even come close to 7.2MHz.

                  Scalar or not, once the waves bundle at the receiving ball, they are EM and the circuit must resonant at the resulting frequency. What I find hard to understand is if the tanks are resonate at around ~7.2MHz how did they get here by splitting a single coil as he likes to show. The only way I see this possible is if we vary the capacity of the aether. Of course this will happen, or will it? Think about it, we assume the Z is ~377 Ohms and that is not positional.

                  Strange how he (Meyl) presents this.

                  Pancake coils, not needed, but high Q coils are.

                  Another thing about Meyl, he states that the gain can be up to 1000%, yet he also states that as receivers come on line the available energy is divide across them and the ones farthest get the least, and in another statement he says distance does not have the same inverse distance squared effect.

                  Still reading, but maybe you have already resolved this??


                  • The speed of longitudinal waves measured by Tesla year 1905.

                    Maybe this is what you need.

                    From the document:

                    Elektrosmog, die physikalischen Grundlagen
                    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl

                    "Welche Experimente hat Tesla der Öffentlichkeit gezeigt? In einer Patentschrift
                    dem Jahre 1905 gibt Tesla die gemessene Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit einer von
                    ihm gesendeten Longitudinalwelle mit 471.240 Kilometer pro Sekunde an [5]. Damit
                    war sein Signal schneller als das Licht. Er machte sich öffentlich über Einstein lustig
                    und bezeichnete die Relativitätstheorie als Nonsence [6]."

                    References at the end of the document:

                    [1]: J.C.Maxwell: A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism (1864/1891),
                    Clarendon Press, Dover Publications, Inc. USA (1954), ISBN 0-486-60637-6
                    [2] Dr.N.Tesla: Famos Scientific Illusions, Electrical Experimenter, New York,
                    1919; s.a. J.T.Ratzlaff: Tesla Said, Tesla Book Company, ISBN 0-914119-00-
                    [3]: J.C.Maxwell, Encyclopaedia Britannica (1875); s.a.:
                    D.Ash, P.Hewitt: Science of the gods, Gateway Books, Bath, England (1990).
                    [4] H.Stöcker (Hrsg): Taschenbuch der Physik, Verlag Harri Deutsch, 2.Aufl.199

                    [5] N. Tesla: Art of transmitting electrical energy through the natural
                    mediums, US-Patent No. 787,412 vom 18.4.1905.

                    [6] Nikola Tesla: To Einstein's Theories, Rare Book and Manuscript
                    Library, Columbia University, 15.04.1932, s.a. [2], S.122.
                    [7] R.Y.Chiao u.a.: Schneller als das Licht? Spektrum der Wissenschaft 10/93
                    [8] Enders,A., Nimtz,G.: Evanescent-mode propagation and quantum tunneling,
                    Physical Review E, Vol. 48, No.1 (1993), pp. 632-633, s.a. [2], S.120
                    [9] K. Meyl: Elektromagnetische Umweltverträglichkeit, Teil 1: Ursachen,
                    Phänomene und naturwissenschaftliche Konsequenzen. INDEL-Verlag,
                    Villingen-Schwenningen 1996, 2.Aufl. 1997, ISBN 3-98O2542-8-3

                    One thing about distance. Meyl says the longer the distance the more precisely the transmitter and receiver resonance frequencies must match. As soon as they synchronize all field lines close in.

                    That is probably why the the farthest of multiple receivers receives the least.

                    Last edited by Tecstatic; 07-15-2009, 10:15 PM. Reason: Added comment


                    • Coil with Nagaoka coefficient < 1.0 (AIR)

                      I have a new observation re: the Hendershot Coil

                      Since the coil is wrapped around a capacitor, with material
                      that is very diamagnetic (my case aluminum foil),
                      the Nagaoka coefficient is NOT that of AIR.

                      See the coilpacitor thread.


                      • Sorry for the offtopic, but every part of my Bedini SSG lights up an LED connected to an AV plug... Every connection, including power rails... Strange...
                        And this is all happening while the battery is being charged



                        • choke

                          Originally posted by ABCStore View Post
                          Sorry for the offtopic, but every part of my Bedini SSG lights up an LED connected to an AV plug... Every connection, including power rails... Strange...
                          And this is all happening while the battery is being charged
                          This is true of many AC circuits. If you want to prevent AC from going
                          certain places, you can use an inductive CHOKE. Or, if you want positive pulses to go IN to the battery, but not the negative ones, use a diode.


                          • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                            Well without doubt you are luck and yet unlucky. You get to read for two hours a day, how I wish. Although I know it is not just that way, I have tried that on planes and it does not seem to work unless you make the guy next to you think you are a jerk.
                            Well, most of the time my train is not so busy and I have two seats for myself.

                            Anyway I have been down for a day or two and have had some hours for reading and see some confusion out there on the speed of LEM waves. Meyl states 1.5 to 1.6 and Dollard has mentioned 1.57. Now in cooking this may not be a problem, but in this area the "Real" number is important.
                            I totally agree, this needs to measured as accurately as possible.

                            Tecstatic pointed to Meyl's source for this:
                            [5] N. Tesla: Art of transmitting electrical energy through the natural
                            mediums, US-Patent No. 787,412 vom 18.4.1905.

                            In this patent, which handles about transmitting scalar waves trough the earth, we can read:


                            "The earth's diameter passing trough the pole should be an odd multiple of the quarter wave length - that is, of the ratio between the velocity of light - and four times the frequency of the currents.
                            The most essential requirement is, however, that irrespective of frequency the wave or wave-train should continue for a certain interval of time, which I have estimated to be not less than one-twelfth or probably 0.08484 of a second and which is taken in passing to and returning from the region diametrically opposite the pole over the earth's surface with a mean velocity of about four hundred and seventy-one thousand two hundred and forty kilometers per second."

                            So, once again this is based on the assumption that the resonating conductor/object behaves as a one-side closed pipe, while it may very well behave as an open pipe for scalar waves, as I said before.

                            However, there is no way of knowing for sure without accurate measurements.

                            Also what I find strange is that in the case of Meyl if you take a coil that is say 4.6MHz and cut it in half and maintain the same capacity it does not even come close to 7.2MHz.
                            As far as I understand, this example should not be taken that literally. I think it is just an illustration of how such a system is very similar to a LC resonance circuit. It's more about the idea and the general picture, not about an actual experiment.

                            Scalar or not, once the waves bundle at the receiving ball, they are EM and the circuit must resonant at the resulting frequency. What I find hard to understand is if the tanks are resonate at around ~7.2MHz how did they get here by splitting a single coil as he likes to show. The only way I see this possible is if we vary the capacity of the aether. Of course this will happen, or will it? Think about it, we assume the Z is ~377 Ohms and that is not positional.

                            Strange how he (Meyl) presents this.
                            I must say I have a hard time believing it is actually correct that the waves bundle at the receiving ball. That you get some disturbances and coupling, because the receiving ball also resonates and thus also becomes a transmitter itself, that I can imagine. But that the receiver suddenly acts as a sort of black hole that sucks up all fieldlines, I seriously doubt. If these waves are anything like sound waves, one would expect similar effects with sound, which is not the case, as far as I can tell.

                            Pancake coils, not needed, but high Q coils are.
                            No, they are not needed, but the relation between EM propagation speed and h/d of the coil does suggest that pancake coils are more efficient. If you have a lower propagation speed of your electrons, you need less current to get the same voltages at the open end. So, you can produce the same effect with less current if you use pancake coils, assuming you can produce that has a high enough Q factor, if that is also needed.

                            Another thing about Meyl, he states that the gain can be up to 1000%, yet he also states that as receivers come on line the available energy is divide across them and the ones farthest get the least, and in another statement he says distance does not have the same inverse distance squared effect.

                            Still reading, but maybe you have already resolved this??
                            In the Nasa document I posted before, it is said that you have a decay proportional to the traveled distance. If that is the case, one might be able to explain the kind of gains reported by assuming that you have a superposition of multiple resonating waves, with each wave's frequency a multiple of the lowest one, of course. That would also explain why you need a broad-band exciter, or a block wave.

                            If that is not the case, I guess you either have to assume you get a tight coupling between transmitter and reciever ball, the bundling effect, or you come to the conclusion that there is actually hardly any decay or even amplification by itself, which would of course be very difficult to explain to your peers....


                            • Scalar Feedback

                              @lamare & All

                              One thing I was going to mention and forgot. Looking at the demo kit of Meyl and the circuit diagram along with his experiments and instruction paper, I feel sure what I was seeing is similar to what he talks about.

                              In my picture of the big ball 12m away from the Exciter I found that as I tuned the Exciter and looked at the fundamental that I did see a superposition from the receiver as I moved through the frequency range. It was hard to determine just what was talking place so I (after reading Meyl) switched to an SG so I could reduce the bandwidth.

                              As I now tuned I could see the base frequency and the return from the receiver superimposed on the base. If both were the same and you could maintain phase the signal would begin to build, although it was not possible to hold the SG to a rock solid freq. In other words if the receiver was not the same as the SG you would see f(sg), f(r) where f(r) was f(sg)+f(r) or f(sg)-f(r)

                              I have never seem this in a normal tank with one coil and one cap when driven to f(r).

                              His tuning idea where the xmitter lights go out when it locks to a receiver does not necessary say the truth. I will post a link to a diagram later today that shows something very interesting.


                              • Testing Dr. Meyl Demo Kit

                                No I do not have his kit, rather I build an apparatus that is similar to his and found some interesting things from the days work, and yes I will post a video on it.

                                Anyway my first concern is when we talk of wireless, I want it to be wireless and that one wire or (very good ground) to me says it is not wireless. How would you ever use such a device in a moving car or airplane if your transmitter were on the ground and used the ground as one leg of the circuit?

                                So in my mind what Meyl has is a one-wire transmission system, not a wireless system. Again a wireless system would work similar to your cell phone, you don't need a wire to ground or run back to the tower.

                                My first truly wireless test.

                                Okay, I started with two matched coils that had a Spatial Resonance of 18.0MHz. Each had a ball top hat and the transmitter was driven from a SG through a 50 ohm resistor. The scope probes were placed close to the coils and were not connected. No ground was used for the probes or the SG.

                                I drove the coils at 18.0MHz and the receiver responded as expected, I then started to sweep up wards and found a second peak on the receiver at 26.3MHz.

                                So 26.3 / 18.0 = 1.461, not bad when considering I was reading from the scope.

                                Now I tried the hand and shield test between the coils, well both decreased the signal, almost to where I could no longer read the 26.3 on the receiver.

                                That says no LEM waves, if they were they should pass through my hand and the metal plate. Thought I found them, dismayed.

                                Okay I gave in and connected the two coils together with a single lead (Meyl style). Tuned and still found the same frequencies (peaks at 18.0 and 26.3).

                                Now when driving the transmitter with 26.3 I again tried the shield test. Guess what it worked. Yes a bit of reduction at the receiver, but less than 4%. Yes we now had a single wire twin circuit and it works different in the ability to shield out the LEM (if it is a LEM). I even used a bigger sheet of metal grounded plat and not reduction.

                                Now I am dismayed again, I want to perform this same test and have it work, but real wireless.

                                Try to get the video up soon.

