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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • experiment to try -- sheild one coil (or move it far away)

    Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
    Exciters do not produce beat frequencies that are below 4MHz under any (properly tuned) conditions.
    I don't think you would observe a beat between the two coils.
    But certainly if they are both producing magnetic waves at slightly
    different frequencies, which is certain to happen due to their
    different geometries, inductances, orientations, etc.
    If you were able to see them as two antenna, they would be
    emitting waves that collide and "beat" in the surrounding area.

    Here is one experiment that could be performed.
    Place your 10uH in a metal container to shield it from your
    variable inductor. You can also try moving the 10uH some
    distance from the other one.

    When this is done, do you have to "tune" differently?
    If yes, there is a beat phenomenon ala heterodyne
    Last edited by morpher44; 07-19-2009, 11:29 PM.


    • Thank you for the links. The interview I did not have.
      I think I'm have almost everything Meyl has published, you can not say he wasted his time. Posession is one thing, understanding is another. It will be in the order of years to get through all this tough material.

      A little in return, if this has already been posted please excuse my repetition:

      Scalar Wars The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics

      Reinventing the wheel #2:

      From a page no longer available there was info on very large advanced Tesla derived technology located at +55 deg. 55' 26.15", +36 deg. 49' 10.97"
      It was on google maps back in 2007, I have not checked it today.

      News from 2003:

      Sandia Labs Accomplishments 2003

      "Sandiašs directed-energy group has successfully developed a highly compact high-voltage pulser capable of powering various directed-energy loads. The design uses Sandiašs pulsed power experience and combines a battery-driven power supply and Marx generator in producing its output pulse. This development effort has resulted in a battery-driven pulser capable of delivering a 30 GW drive to a load. This extremely compact, lightweight, and rugged approach will enable many future directed-energy systems that require portable high-power drivers."

      Energy crisis ?



      • Here is a short video of the SEC with a couple antennas.
        There is one to transmit and one as a reciever.

        The FL will light brighter off the reciever antenna than the transmitter antenna.
        In the video the camera was tring to compensate for the light.
        But the reciever antenna was quite a bit brighter.

        YouTube - SEC Exiter wireless power


        • Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
          I don't think you would observe a beat between the two coils.
          But certainly if they are both producing magnetic waves at slightly
          different frequencies, which is certain to happen due to their
          different geometries, inductances, orientations, etc.
          If you were able to see them as two antenna, they would be
          emitting waves that collide and "beat" in the surrounding area.

          Here is one experiment that could be performed.
          Place your 10uF in a metal container to shield it from your
          variable inductor. You can also try moving the 10uF some
          distance from the other one.

          When this is done, do you have to "tune" differently?
          If yes, there is a beat phenomenon ala heterodyne
          Thank you for your angle.

          However it is confusing to read for 2 reasons.

          1. You seem to exchange uH and uF

          2. Component numbers in the circuit.

          We do not use the Lb notation

          L1 is the coil connected to the base of the transistor.
          L2 is the coil between the collector and +power
          L3 is the coil from collector to the AV plug.

          Please edit your posts to correct this, also so the Lb notation is avoided.



          • SEC Exciter a heterodyne radio?

            Here is a quick little video showing how subtle the tuning
            can be with the SEC Exciter. By just putting pressure
            on a wire with my hand, I can alter the frequency around 4Mhz.

            This is not like the phenomenon observed by people using
            Armstrong's regenerative radio designs and may have
            been one problem Armstrong was trying to solve when
            he was working on the superheterodyne circuit.

            I don't think 4Mhz has a large signal ... not one large enough
            to cause regenerative oscillations. Rather, a BEAT frequency might
            do that. So if the beat was an interesting frequency where
            energy can be found, magnetically between the coils in the circuit,
            regenerative behavior might occur. There is possibly
            a tickler / negative resistance thing happening here.

            YouTube - theory: The Stiffler SEC Exciter is a heterodyne radio
            Last edited by morpher44; 07-19-2009, 11:37 PM.


            • some corrections made above

              Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
              Please edit your posts to correct this, also so the Lb notation is avoided.
              You are correct. Done.


              • Originally posted by slayer007 View Post
                Here is a short video of the SEC with a couple antennas.
                There is one to transmit and one as a reciever.

                The FL will light brighter off the reciever antenna than the transmitter antenna.
                In the video the camera was tring to compensate for the light.
                But the reciever antenna was quite a bit brighter.

                YouTube - SEC Exiter wireless power
                Nice work, thank you for sharing

                What is the specs of your bulb ? volts and watts.

                Remember the trick to put a capacitor across the bulb, then remove the cap and measure the voltage (and tell us).

                Have you tried adding one more bulb in series ?

                @morpher44, Thanks for editing

                Last edited by Tecstatic; 07-19-2009, 11:53 PM. Reason: more questions


                • Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
                  Nice work, thank you for sharing

                  What is the specs of your bulb ? volts and watts.

                  Remember the trick to put a capacitor across the bulb, then remove the cap and measure the voltage (and tell us).

                  Have you tried adding one more bulb in series ?

                  @morpher44, Thanks for editing


                  The light was a 110v 4w night light.
                  the voltage across the light when it is on is around 15v.

                  I was thinking this would be a good way to charge another battery and have good light at the same time.


                  • Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
                    Here is a quick little video showing how subtle the tuning
                    can be with the SEC Exciter. By just putting pressure
                    on a wire with my hand, I can alter the frequency around 4Mhz.

                    This is not like the phenomenon observed by people using
                    Armstrong's regenerative radio designs and may have
                    been one problem Armstrong was trying to solve when
                    he was working on the superheterodyne circuit.

                    I don't think 4Mhz has a large signal ... not one large enough
                    to cause regenerative oscillations. Rather, a BEAT frequency might
                    do that. So if the beat was an interesting frequency where
                    energy can be found, magnetically between the coils in the circuit,
                    regenerative behavior might occur. There is possibly
                    a tickler / negative resistance thing happening here.

                    YouTube - theory: The Stiffler SEC Exciter is a heterodyne radio
                    I would appreciate you discuss the main topics in this thread and not dilute our direction with hypothesis that do not belong here.

                    Thank You


                    • participation

                      Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                      Willing to participate here if you are a worker and not a talker like on another forum I left because it was full of dysfunctional people. I want to provide as much information to working researchers as possible, but will not accept ignorance.
                      The SEC Exciter circuit is an oscillator. That is clear.
                      My replication has an effect on the 4mhz band ala radio.
                      You yourself discussed how the wide band oscillator can block out
                      radio at many frequencies.

                      As an oscillator, in order for it to sustain, it needs to be regenerative.
                      That is basic electronic theory.
                      I was hoping to get to the bottom of why regenerative behavior
                      is occurring.
                      The waves that make it regenerative come from somewhere do they not?
                      Isn't that the mystery to be solved here?
                      Why would proposing an experiment be "off topic"?


                      • Interesting (to me) effect. Running two coils from the same SEC.
                        25.5v 150mA, 4w light bulb at nearly full brightness, 20w FL lit end to end, about 20% brightness.

                        Attached Files


                        • Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
                          The SEC Exciter circuit is an oscillator. That is clear.
                          My replication has an effect on the 4mhz band ala radio.
                          You yourself discussed how the wide band oscillator can block out
                          radio at many frequencies.

                          As an oscillator, in order for it to sustain, it needs to be regenerative.
                          That is basic electronic theory.
                          I was hoping to get to the bottom of why regenerative behavior
                          is occurring.
                          The waves that make it regenerative come from somewhere do they not?
                          Isn't that the mystery to be solved here?
                          Why would proposing an experiment be "off topic"?

                          Sir I will in a nice way ask you again, please stay on topic. You ideas do not apply to SEC Exciters and from reading your thread I do not think you should be telling me what

                          That is basic electronic theory.
                          is or how it applies to my Exciters.

                          You are on the leading edge of being a disruption, there for I started this thread and again ask you to refrain.

                          Thank You.


                          • One Wire Spatial Light


                            Okay now that every one has built at least one, one-wire system with the little 2V LED, we can move on to something useful. The one wire light (12 LED's) you see in the video is just over a watt (2.7 * 12 * 0.031)

                            So now there is little excuse for all the massive copper wire in a home to provide light

                            YouTube - Finding Spatial Resonance Part #4


                            • Big thanks to everyone !

                              Hello all, I'm new to posting here and I'd simply like to say thank you to all who have added their adventures working with the SEC. It's helped me a bunch in getting several of them running. The biggest thanks goes out to Dr Stiffler for sharing his wonderful work.

                              I'm still having a few problems with the adjustable L1 but I'm getting closer. Here is a picture of my modest cluttered circuit lighting a 4 watt and 8 watt Fl as well as the Neon...

                              Thanks again all for sharing enough knowledge to get this up and running successfully...

                              Last edited by dragon; 10-24-2014, 12:03 AM.


                              • Originally posted by dragon View Post
                                Hello all, I'm new to posting here and I'd simply like to say thank you to all who have added their adventures working with the SEC. It's helped me a bunch in getting several of them running. The biggest thanks goes out to Dr Stiffler for sharing his wonderful work.

                                I'm still having a few problems with the adjustable L1 but I'm getting closer. Here is a picture of my modest cluttered circuit lighting a 4 watt and 8 watt Fl as well as the Neon...

                                Thanks again all for sharing enough knowledge to get this up and running successfully...
                                The originals were purchased for the form and slug only and rewound before placed on the PCB's. They are still available but I no longer support anyone buying from this place.

                                Anyway hang in there for a few days. I have been working with a new simple design and it does not use the base coil (L1). The unit is tuned with a small variable cap. So the new design has one less coil and a cap for tuning along with a method to show when the right mode is found. There will be a video of it first followed by release of the circuit.

