experiment to try -- sheild one coil (or move it far away)
I don't think you would observe a beat between the two coils.
But certainly if they are both producing magnetic waves at slightly
different frequencies, which is certain to happen due to their
different geometries, inductances, orientations, etc.
If you were able to see them as two antenna, they would be
emitting waves that collide and "beat" in the surrounding area.
Here is one experiment that could be performed.
Place your 10uH in a metal container to shield it from your
variable inductor. You can also try moving the 10uH some
distance from the other one.
When this is done, do you have to "tune" differently?
If yes, there is a beat phenomenon ala heterodyne
Originally posted by DrStiffler
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But certainly if they are both producing magnetic waves at slightly
different frequencies, which is certain to happen due to their
different geometries, inductances, orientations, etc.
If you were able to see them as two antenna, they would be
emitting waves that collide and "beat" in the surrounding area.
Here is one experiment that could be performed.
Place your 10uH in a metal container to shield it from your
variable inductor. You can also try moving the 10uH some
distance from the other one.
When this is done, do you have to "tune" differently?
If yes, there is a beat phenomenon ala heterodyne