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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Originally posted by mudwump View Post
    Doc, would you please verify your power supply + and - feeds on the diagram. Secondly, I had understood that the single wire was also tied into earth ground, is this correct?


    Shows only one symbol that is somewhat ambiguous in that it does not differentiate by symbol for Earth, Chassis, System or Application, yet seems to be the generalized representation.

    Circuit Symbols of Electronic Components

    This site shows all three common symbols, of which some Spice circuit design editors use the first symbol and do not offer the others.

    Electronics/Symbols - Wikibooks, collection of open-content textbooks

    The second and third symbols are common for the older engineer although it also leads to confusion in non-professionals as to what is indicated.

    In the context of “Chassis Ground” it once meant connecting to the “Metal” of the “Chassis” which was the overall “Ground” Reference for the circuit.

    I generally I try to use symbols, which will be understood by the majority of the reader, and this is often in conflict with correct engineering practice.

    In the Wireless/One-Wire Replication being talked about at (this) point, the symbol used represents the PSU or Battery “Return”, “0 Volts” or “Ground (Circuit Ground Return)” it does not in any way reference an “Earth” Ground. In the document covering the specifications for replication, “Earth” Ground is not mentioned or implied, neither is this case with the “Specific” video that shows the working circuit.

    No! “Earth” ground is used in this replication.


    • Originally posted by ABCStore View Post
      Two questions:

      1. Do we use awg 24 wire for L3 and L4?

      2. Can any plastic core be used for L3 and L4?


      All coils are of #24 AWG Enameled Magnet Wire, sorry for not specifically indicating that for L3 and L4.

      As far as other coil form material, "I have no Idea", and doing so invalidates the replication results.


      • Good news /Bad news--getting the EXACT parts

        @All---I started gathering the parts for this and downloaded your great instruction manual for this. Thanks Doc for the precise detail. Right away I started have my usual success and failure gathering the parts for a replication. The good news was that I found the little metal cups at Wal Mart just like you said (97 cents for a pack of 4 in my store). The bad news was that my hobby craft store was out of the copper tape and so I got brass instead. BOOM!!---right away I am making a subtitution. Something that I know is wrong for a valid replication. So here is my problem-- trying to get all the exact parts and assemble them exactly may be very hard for me. Just one important part missing or an incorrect assembly and the whole project is worthless-- or is it. My last replication project (a magnetic levitation device) was a failure but in attempting it I learned about a new electronic component and that led to several sucessful things that I built using the new knowledge.
        I will try to gather what we need for this project, do it if I can, and share the results. If I can't then maybe along the way I will learn something and that will have made this a worthwhile endeavor.
        Thank you DR. Stiffler for this thread and for sharing your knowledge with us. I hope that at least one of us does an exact replication and validates all your hard work.




        • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
          @All---I started gathering the parts for this and downloaded your great instruction manual for this. Thanks Doc for the precise detail. Right away I started have my usual success and failure gathering the parts for a replication. The good news was that I found the little metal cups at Wal Mart just like you said (97 cents for a pack of 4 in my store). The bad news was that my hobby craft store was out of the copper tape and so I got brass instead. BOOM!!---right away I am making a subtitution. Something that I know is wrong for a valid replication. So here is my problem-- trying to get all the exact parts and assemble them exactly may be very hard for me. Just one important part missing or an incorrect assembly and the whole project is worthless-- or is it. My last replication project (a magnetic levitation device) was a failure but in attempting it I learned about a new electronic component and that led to several sucessful things that I built using the new knowledge.
          I will try to gather what we need for this project, do it if I can, and share the results. If I can't then maybe along the way I will learn something and that will have made this a worthwhile endeavor.
          Thank you DR. Stiffler for this thread and for sharing your knowledge with us. I hope that at least one of us does an exact replication and validates all your hard work.


          @Lidmotor & All

          Here in lies the rub with our current business society. I get so mad at business for there damn model that if we do not sell X widgets in Y time we do not carry the item any more. Then the big one is the store that sell say for example a Ball Point Pen. You use the refill and go back to the store to buy a refill and they advise you that they do not carry that refill.

          I regret to say that many, many time I have done a project and at last tossed it in the trash from not being able to buy additional parts so that a control and test unit can be built. This is why I try when possible to buy excess components, even without knowing if they will be of any value in a success that turns failure. At least I have spares should it work or show promise. My feeling is we are totally controlled in what we can and can not do, just look at "Radio Shack", once was a fair components store for quick one off construction. Now they are a "Phone" and "Toy" store.

          Okay the bottom line is that the Copper or Brass Tap may make little difference, its purpose is to allow an electrical connection to surfaces that do not accept solder. Yet there are some problems. Over the last few years I have found that some of the tapes have a glue backing that makes the connection unstable and if you heat it, it will release from the surface. Again when I find something that works I can not wait to get a small or large stock as it will soon (mark my words) change or cease to exist.

          The brass should work if it will allow the connection and does not release when soldered. Of course you need to use care in the soldering, no 150-250W Guns or Acid Core solder that is for soldering pipe. I know you have no trouble here I just had to mention it.

          What is the hang up on parts? JameCo has the trimmers for $0.39 so one your next project order throw in a couple, (damn shipping).

          The Lucite, yes a problem for many. Almost all Plastic supplies have it and some require a minimum of say 5'. As you can see in some of my video's I used this for making standoffs and supports of all kinds and works well up to 15KV. Again yes I have the lathe and drill presses to shape, drill and tap.

          My ranting is only to highlight a replication to be a replication. If it were possible to make a substitute for every replicator for some component, doubt that anything would ever work.

          Anyway I am in no hurry for replications, I have plenty going on and most people seem tied up in some of the strangest pursuits these days.


          • Originally posted by marxist View Post
            The Doc has stated several times, that he did not find an other transistor which he can reliably force into the required kind of oscillation.
            This always seemed a pity to me, as it makes "us" dependent on that particular transistor.
            I've tried several NPN transistors and they work fine.
            I can make a metal can 2N2222 oscillate just fine.
            Touching the can gets it going ... or stops it as charges are deposited.


            • specs

              Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
              Those who build this to non-specs and get success should just keep it to themselves. It won't mean anything to anyone.
              I would think a better understanding of the specs would be better served by vast experimentation with a wild array of parts and tolerances -- pushing the envelope as it where.


              • Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
                I've tried several NPN transistors and they work fine.
                I can make a metal can 2N2222 oscillate just fine.
                Touching the can gets it going ... or stops it as charges are deposited.

                I doubt you statement. Would you post a picture of the spectrum, it should be in excess of 400-500MHz. You need to be oscillation in Coherence Mode, not just some oscillation.

                So how can you assure us you are operating properly or is this a subjective statement?


                • Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
                  I would think a better understanding of the specs would be better served by vast experimentation with a wild array of parts and tolerances -- pushing the envelope as it where.

                  Okay, this is "My" thread, please do not post here again. I do not consider you to be credible for this subject and I will not have our work disrupted by someone that has little understanding of this subject.

                  "You are no longer welcome"


                  • try it

                    Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                    I doubt you statement. Would you post a picture of the spectrum, it should be in excess of 400-500MHz. You need to be oscillation in Coherence Mode, not just some oscillation.
                    So how can you assure us you are operating properly or is this a subjective statement?
                    I don't have a spectrum analyzer -- sorry.
                    What I recommend is to simply try it yourself.
                    One thing I'm doing that is perhaps different, is I use a battery.
                    No need for fancy line filtering ... no fear of AC entering the
                    power rails.
                    Regenerative oscillations to light a NEON (or LEDs) should
                    be useful at various frequencies.
                    With the video I made you can see the circuit wobbles around
                    4Mhz. I'm sure there are other harmonics as well.


                    • Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
                      I don't have a spectrum analyzer -- sorry.
                      What I recommend is to simply try it yourself.
                      One thing I'm doing that is perhaps different, is I use a battery.
                      No need for fancy line filtering ... no fear of AC entering the
                      power rails.
                      Regenerative oscillations to light a NEON (or LEDs) should
                      be useful at various frequencies.
                      With the video I made you can see the circuit wobbles around
                      4Mhz. I'm sure there are other harmonics as well.
                      What I recommend is to simply try it yourself.
                      I'll ignore that recommendation.

                      One thing I'm doing that is perhaps different, is I use a battery.
                      No need for fancy line filtering ... no fear of AC entering the
                      power rails.
                      Regenerative oscillations to light a NEON (or LEDs) should
                      be useful at various frequencies.
                      Ridiculous, you have no idea what "Coherence" is.

                      With the video I made you can see the circuit wobbles around
                      4Mhz. I'm sure there are other harmonics as well.
                      Not worth comment.

                      Stay out of this thread, I do not consider you credible.


                      • Always forget to ask this -

                        Dr, how did you first arrive at this effect? Or was it a project in the works when you joined?



                        • unfriendly

                          Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                          Ridiculous, you have no idea what "Coherence" is.
                          Not worth comment.
                          Stay out of this thread, I do not consider you credible.
                          coherence in physics would be destructive interference or
                          constructive interference. In oscillators that is degenerative
                          or regenerative.
                          Certainly the regenerative, in this case is useful, and
                          the degenerative is not very useful.
                          Re: Using other transistors. I have had some luck with that.
                          I'm not sure why this concerns you. "marxist" was asking.

                          See this video to see what I mean:
                          YouTube - Dr. Stiffler SECExciter with 2n2222

                          If you don't want to try it ... that is fine. Others may want to.

                          I'm not sure what button I pushed here ... but this is the
                          most unfriendly behavior I've seen on Energetic Forum.


                          • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                            All coils are of #24 AWG Enameled Magnet Wire, sorry for not specifically indicating that for L3 and L4.

                            #24 AWG Enameled Magnet Wire is 0.51 mm diameter wire;

                            from AWG -> mm conversion table,

                            Attached Files


                            • Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
                              coherence in physics would be destructive interference or
                              constructive interference. In oscillators that is degenerative
                              or regenerative.
                              Certainly the regenerative, in this case is useful, and
                              the degenerative is not very useful.
                              Re: Using other transistors. I have had some luck with that.
                              I'm not sure why this concerns you. "marxist" was asking.

                              See this video to see what I mean:
                              YouTube - Dr. Stiffler SECExciter with 2n2222

                              If you don't want to try it ... that is fine. Others may want to.

                              I'm not sure what button I pushed here ... but this is the
                              most unfriendly behavior I've seen on Energetic Forum.

                              This must be the way you feel important, you fail to realize I ask you not to post here. Talk all you want in your thread or where ever else you wish.

                              Yes I am disagreeable and very much so with people that fail to comprehend simple statements.


                              • @Dr Stiffler,

                                Could you open what is your minor modification, that you indicate inda last video.

                                Also do you have fluctuations when you have full moon?

                                Principles of physical cosmology - Google Kitaplar

                                Best Regards,

