After studying many permanent magnet motor (PMM) designs, patents, and patent applications, I have come to the conclusion that nearly all of these feature two basic parts - a rotating part (rotor), and a stationary part (stator). The stator magnet, or magnets, are normally locked into a stationary position to interact with the rotor magnets through magnetic repulsion of like poles. This works fine when the rotor is at a specific point in its rotation where a rotor magnet is slightly past being in direct alignment with a stator magnet. When in direct alignment, the repulsion is strongest but the repulsive force against the rotor is neither forward nor backwards, so it is in equilibrium. During rotation, as a rotor magnet approaches a stator magnet, the two magnets are repelling each other with a force that is counterproductive, or counter-rotational, and the closer the two magnets come together, the stronger the counter-rotational force will be. It is difficult to overcome this unwanted repulsion during the approach, and inventors normally resort to utilizing several techniques since one alone is usually not enough. These techniques may include installing the magnets at specific angles, the use of magnetic shielding materials to redirect magnetic fields, use of electromagnet pulses or mechanical leverage timed to maintain rotation by providing an assist at positions of high rotational resistance, and the use of multiple rotors having progressively offset alignments to each other. All of these techniques complicate and add expense to the construction phase, and the end result is then dependent upon the interaction of all these elements being in a perfectly adjusted relationship. It is difficult, and often disappointing, as anyone who has ever attempted such a build will attest. To my way of thinking, then, it would seem to be preferable to use a design that completely, or nearly completely, does away with approach side repulsion. To accomplish this, it is necessary to move the rotor and stator magnet away from each other during the approach to minimize repulsion, and then realign them after the equilibrium point to provide maximum repulsion. This can be done by physically moving the stator magnet, the rotor magnet, or moving both. There are many differing means by which this can be accomplished, but in looking at this from a purist sense, it should be done in such a way that the mechanical apparatus for achieving this movement is made to function by either direct or stored forces which are generated by the repulsive rotational action of the device. In other words, there should be no external forces added in order to maintain rotation.
To this end, I would like to offer a design suggestion. Once you understand what I am suggesting, perhaps some of you will offer similar concepts, or offer suggestions for implementing the design through a construction project that would be both simple and affordable for proving the concept. I may also offer additional concepts, or variations on this concept, as time allows.
My first suggestion is to use a design which features multiple rotor magnets, but only one "stator" magnet. I use the term "stator" magnet loosely here, because that magnet will not be fixed in a stationary position. Rather, it will be fixed within a holder, or cradle, that will move. The movement will be at a 90 degree angle to the direction of rotation of the rotor. Therefore, if the rotor is mounted on a vertical shaft, the movement of the stator magnet will be straight up and down - alternating from one side of the rotor perimeter to the other. To balance the applied force required to maintain this movement, it would seem preferable to mount the rotor on a horizontal shaft so that the stator carriage moves horizontally, and requires the same applied force in either direction. The actual movement of the stator carriage will be accomplished by mechanical means (either gearing or cam action) that links and times the stator carriage movement to the rotation of the rotor. So, keeping that in mind, let's take a look at the basic design principle. As you look at this diagram, picture this as looking down upon the rotor from above. At first glance, it will seem that there are many stator magnets involved, but this is not the case. Each blue circle simply shows the alignment of the single stator magnet in relation to the rotor magnets at any given point of rotation. The moving stator magnet does not move at an angle as depicted by the series of blue circles. Rather, it moves straight across the rotor face. So for each new position of the stator magnet, you need to vizualize that the rotor has moved leftwards. Starting at the left side of the diagram, at stator magnet position #1, the stator magnet produces no repulsive rotational effect. At this position, there is a slight repulsive effect with rotor magnet 'a,' but as the rotor is turned slightly to begin rotation, magnet 'a' moves to the left as the stator magnet moves across the rotor face to position #2. At position #2, the stator magnet is in high repellency with rotor magnet 'a,' and this results in rotational thrust which turns the rotor and moves the stator carriage further across the rotor face towards position #3. At this position, the stator magnet has a strong repulsive effect upon magnet 'b,' and a weaker but additive effect upon magnet 'a,' and rotor rotation continues. This process, in turn, continually advances the stator carriage until it reaches position 8 and comes to rest. You will notice that at position #7 the stator magnet is in high repellency with rotor magnet 'f,' but is in very weak repellency with approaching magnet 'g.' As the stator magnet moves from position #7 to position #8, it moves even further from advancing magnet 'g,' and there is no appreciable counter-rotational repellency involved. At position #9, the stator magnet reverses direction and begins a new cycle across the rotor face while rotor magnet 'g' continues a leftward movement unimpeded. At stator magnet position #10, the stator magnet is in high repellency mode with rotor magnet 'g,' and produces thrust that further rotates the rotor and resultantly moves the stator carriage towards position #11 and beyond, until the stator carriage comes to rest again at position #16. The stator magnet evades counter-rotational repulsive action with rotor magnet m while on its way to position #16. After coming to rest, the stator magnet again reverses direction and begins a new cycle. The number of cycles will depend upon both the size of the rotor and the actual spacing of the rotor magnets.

As it might be a little difficult to visualize the relationship of the stator magnet and the rotor magnets during rotation, I have prepared an animation showing the actual movement, and this is shown below:

Best regards from Rick
To this end, I would like to offer a design suggestion. Once you understand what I am suggesting, perhaps some of you will offer similar concepts, or offer suggestions for implementing the design through a construction project that would be both simple and affordable for proving the concept. I may also offer additional concepts, or variations on this concept, as time allows.
My first suggestion is to use a design which features multiple rotor magnets, but only one "stator" magnet. I use the term "stator" magnet loosely here, because that magnet will not be fixed in a stationary position. Rather, it will be fixed within a holder, or cradle, that will move. The movement will be at a 90 degree angle to the direction of rotation of the rotor. Therefore, if the rotor is mounted on a vertical shaft, the movement of the stator magnet will be straight up and down - alternating from one side of the rotor perimeter to the other. To balance the applied force required to maintain this movement, it would seem preferable to mount the rotor on a horizontal shaft so that the stator carriage moves horizontally, and requires the same applied force in either direction. The actual movement of the stator carriage will be accomplished by mechanical means (either gearing or cam action) that links and times the stator carriage movement to the rotation of the rotor. So, keeping that in mind, let's take a look at the basic design principle. As you look at this diagram, picture this as looking down upon the rotor from above. At first glance, it will seem that there are many stator magnets involved, but this is not the case. Each blue circle simply shows the alignment of the single stator magnet in relation to the rotor magnets at any given point of rotation. The moving stator magnet does not move at an angle as depicted by the series of blue circles. Rather, it moves straight across the rotor face. So for each new position of the stator magnet, you need to vizualize that the rotor has moved leftwards. Starting at the left side of the diagram, at stator magnet position #1, the stator magnet produces no repulsive rotational effect. At this position, there is a slight repulsive effect with rotor magnet 'a,' but as the rotor is turned slightly to begin rotation, magnet 'a' moves to the left as the stator magnet moves across the rotor face to position #2. At position #2, the stator magnet is in high repellency with rotor magnet 'a,' and this results in rotational thrust which turns the rotor and moves the stator carriage further across the rotor face towards position #3. At this position, the stator magnet has a strong repulsive effect upon magnet 'b,' and a weaker but additive effect upon magnet 'a,' and rotor rotation continues. This process, in turn, continually advances the stator carriage until it reaches position 8 and comes to rest. You will notice that at position #7 the stator magnet is in high repellency with rotor magnet 'f,' but is in very weak repellency with approaching magnet 'g.' As the stator magnet moves from position #7 to position #8, it moves even further from advancing magnet 'g,' and there is no appreciable counter-rotational repellency involved. At position #9, the stator magnet reverses direction and begins a new cycle across the rotor face while rotor magnet 'g' continues a leftward movement unimpeded. At stator magnet position #10, the stator magnet is in high repellency mode with rotor magnet 'g,' and produces thrust that further rotates the rotor and resultantly moves the stator carriage towards position #11 and beyond, until the stator carriage comes to rest again at position #16. The stator magnet evades counter-rotational repulsive action with rotor magnet m while on its way to position #16. After coming to rest, the stator magnet again reverses direction and begins a new cycle. The number of cycles will depend upon both the size of the rotor and the actual spacing of the rotor magnets.

As it might be a little difficult to visualize the relationship of the stator magnet and the rotor magnets during rotation, I have prepared an animation showing the actual movement, and this is shown below:

Best regards from Rick
