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MYLOW121363's Johnson motor

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  • #46
    Reply to Cody:

    Hi Cody,

    It looks like you are off to a good start now. Have you leveled your rotor surface in 2 directions (front to back, and left to right)? Did you lay all your magnets down with north side up? What size are those bar magnets? Looks like you are using Masonite for your rotor, is that correct? It's good that you laid it out with the concentric circular lines.

    You're quite right, Cody, the fine tuning is going to be different for every build, even when using the same parts. It is dependent on so many factors - leveling, balancing, friction, magnet strengths, etc. Magnetic balancing can be just as important as mechanical and rotational balancing. The bar magnets will have varying strengths, and it will work out best if you can arrange each group of three to have a nearly equal total repulsive force. You could use a small neo cylinder magnet, inserted in a clear glass or plastic tube, placed above each bar magnet in repulsive mode, to test the separation distance in millimeters. Then arrange each group to average out the same. You will probably find that the strongest magnet of each group does better if placed in a particular location within that group. If it is the leading magnet to approach the stator, the anti-rotational repulsive force may be too strong, so you may need to shield the magnet or move it to the center or tail end of the group. It's just a matter of getting the right combination of forces working for you, but it won't be easy. Thanks for the pics, and keep us posted on your progress.

    Best regards,

    Last edited by rickoff; 04-21-2009, 04:48 AM.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • #47
      Yea thats a great idea to check the individual magnets strength, i wish i had a gauss meter I bet that is why i was getting funny results. I have the arrangement changed now, 4 sets of 7. One of them has a dominant repulsive effect and overpowers the rest, im assuming its because there is a stronger magnet in there, but im sure spacing and other things are playing a role too I dont remember if they called the board Masonite, but thats basically what it is, 1/2" thick, home depot carries it. No i havnt leveled it yet, but you are right, ill do that next time im messing with it. What is your take on the function of the permeability plate? I dont know if anyones read this yet, but howard johnson wrote a paper on magnets:

      Spintronics -The Secret World of Magnets (2006 by Howard Johnson)

      Rotor mags 7/8" x 1 7/8" x 3/8" all north facing


      • #48
        To Cody:

        Originally posted by cody View Post
        What is your take on the function of the permeability plate? I dont know if anyones read this yet, but howard johnson wrote a paper on magnets:

        Spintronics -The Secret World of Magnets (2006 by Howard Johnson)

        Rotor mags 7/8" x 1 7/8" x 3/8" all north facing
        Hi Cody,

        The permeability plate reduces the effect of the rotor magnet south poles by redirecting much of that force through the metal plate. If you would like to try out this effect on your current setup, just place a group of magnets directly onto the side of the bike wheel rim, where they should stick nicely. Then hold your stator magnet above them. See if you think the rotational force improves this way vs your current setup on the masonite. I tried a group of ceramic magnets on a bike wheel yesterday, and held a hard drive magnet above them, and rotation seemed good. I tried that with all north poles up, and also with an alternating north/south orientation, and both worked with the wheel still mounted on the bike. I'm putting together a test stand that I can mount the bike wheel on in such a way that I can do both horizontal and vertical testing, and I'll post a photo and assembly diagram/parts list in case anyone else wants to build one. The bike wheel was free at my local recycling center, and I also have the rear wheel, sprockets, chain, etc.

        Yes, the HJ book is very interesting reading, and some great photos in there too.

        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • #49
          Has anyone been able to replicate Mylows motor yet?


          • #50
            No succesful replication yet

            Thanks for the info. Unfortunatly my wheel is aluminum, but i had been thinking of covering my board with sheet metal.


            • #51
              Yes, Cody, you could try sheet metal under a group or two of the magnets to assess whatever improvement may be seen.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • #52
                Reply to Mark:

                Originally posted by Mark View Post
                Has anyone been able to replicate Mylows motor yet?
                While no one other than Mylow has been able to replicate a continuous rotational movement, nearly everyone has achieved some degree of success in achieving directional thrust. So the principles involved do have merit. I think the real question that needs to be answered is whether or not we can build a magnetic motor that is capable of performing useful work, and that will be somewhat more difficult than simply replicating what Mylow has done. That said, though, I really do think it is possible.

                Best to you,

                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • #53
                  I agree with you Rickoff but we first must get a motor to actually operate before we can plan on doing anything with it.


                  • #54
                    Mind Games.

                    While normally i would wholeheartedly agree that any device needs to be doing useful work to gain any serious attention, in this case (or in the case of another all-magnet design should this one not pan-out), simply rotating continuously may be enough.

                    Because they have told us for many years that such a thing was just flat "impossible". And thus being faced with it, the mainstream scientific community will be forced to reconsider conventional magnetic theory. And this will in turn bode well for other devices; such as pulsed-magnet motor/gens with higher potential torque and O. U. outputs. It will become much harder for the coppertops to knee-jerk deny & deride them and they have a much better chance of being openly studied, furthered, and marketed: Once the simple rotational device "kicks open the door" and lets the light in

                    I have this "theory" that all it will take is one successful device, to send the whole energy suppression house of cards crashing down (..and maybe, just maybe, only the THREAT of one). This is how it works:

                    CEO's of some major corporations may not be sleeping too well lately... The fact is that they are somewhat "dangerously" exposed in the area of their past "Shelving" of important energy technologies (it seems they were not as careful at hiding it as they thought). And what would happen if these suppressions became widely known? Some of these corps rely heavily on their Consumer Sales, and also on small Private Investors buying their Public Stocks (some even own "public service" media outlets and television networks). If suddenly, two past incidences of "shelving" were exposed to the public (say, one from more than 20 years ago, and another more recently like 3 years ago), and they were then suddenly being called "sociopaths" and "Enemies of the Planet" in the international and internet media ... It would be VERY BAD for business. Lol that CEO could not expect a bonus of 100's of Millions that year, and instead maybe even instead get a subpoena to appear in court for Christmas . They could even go bankrupt because of it.

                    Of course with an army of lawyers at their fingertips, they could sue the messenger or take it to criminal court as "Libel" and "Slander", but that opens a whole new can of worms.. Once the subject is breached in a Court of Law, then Testimony Under Oath of employees, eye witnesses, and brave "Whistleblowers" would happen (and such testimory doesnt give a fig about any previous Agreements or civil court orders regarding "Silence"), not to mention Court Orders to produce any related records and devices held in these international labs. The whole thing could be a major PITA and public relations disaster for them. And if the researchers, whistleblowers, and their friends who uncovered and reported on this can't be bought-off or silenced with intimidation, and are not afraid of lawsuits and welcome them as "free publicity" and a means of uncovering the truth even more...

                    The point being that these corps are dangerously exposed because of their past suppression "shelving". So.. When any F-E device finally hits the mainstream, there will be a large movement to get these shelved devices out there, too... Causing a great cascade effect of many technologies being released nearly at once (as soon as they can arrange for some University to do a quick study as cover, lol). But despite their "not really wanting it" to happen, afterwards these CEO's can then sleep much sounder knowing this wild-card threat to their business has been ended

                    One reason for all this is that "Timing Is Everything": Once they bring out a shelved "new & amazing" device, no one will really care about the past shelving of it; and they can just spin it as "development". But if they wait too long and are caught with the coat of dust still lying on the device... Bad things will happen. Because the subject will be very "hot" and world interest will be focused on these new emerging "wonder-techs". Questions will be asked. So, their only safe route will be to bring out the shelved techs as soon as ANY free energy device comes out.

                    ..Or before someone goes "public" with evidence of their shelving at least two highly important technologies that provide safe, clean, and cheap energy to the world.

                    You see, dis-info shills playing psych games with the dedicated peeps here are not the only ones who can indulge in "mind-frack" . But the difference here is; the person or persons who are holding evidence of shelving are not "bluffing", are holding significant evidence, and could use it at any time. These corporate CEO's should understand that there are plenty of highly motivated people out there who cannot be intimidated or bought-off; and who won't rest until they see oil and coal replaced as the major fuels on this planet.

                    No one wants to see major corporations with tens of thousands of employees severely damaged and bankrupt (and this is not the intent).... But we cannot allow this planet to be destroyed from greed and inaction, either (and in the balance, which is more important?) . The time to come clean on energy suppression is NOW.


                    • #55
                      Drive mags:

                      Originally posted by Joit View Post
                      Rickoff these Harddrive magents, i dont like them, they have anyhow strange magnetizing.
                      They have left side north, middle south, then north again, then south, like 2 half magnets stick together.
                      At the other Side its opposite.
                      Best i can do with it, is to stick something on it, because they act weird with her Field.
                      Or cut them in half, to have Northpole areas for a Bedini.

                      I wish, it would be easy to make own Magnets.
                      Hi all I am finding this thread very interesting and thought that I would try to help out a bit.

                      Most drive mags are North South through the thickness which makes sence when you see how they are used, if they were at each end the electro magnetic coil mover would not work.



                      • #56
                        Hi Folks,

                        As an addition to Mike's comments, here is a link to see the polarity of hard drive magnets, together with some useful info too: Hard Disk Drive Magnets For Wind Turbines - Wind

                        rgds, Gyula


                        • #57
                          Reply to Mike:

                          Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
                          Hi all I am finding this thread very interesting and thought that I would try to help out a bit.

                          Most drive mags are North South through the thickness which makes sence when you see how they are used, if they were at each end the electro magnetic coil mover would not work.

                          Yes and no Mike. Hard drive magnets are a special case, as you can see by referring to the link that Gyula posted, the info of which is seen below:

                          Thus, the hard drive arc magnet, when attached to the backing plate, has just two effective poles, which are at opposite ends of the magnet. When used in the hard drive, there are two magnet/backing plate assemblies used with the magnets facing each other, and the backing plates are at the outside of the assembly. Spacers are used between the ends of the backing plates to hold the magnets apart, because they are assembled in attraction mode (see photo, post #35) with north pole facing a south pole. This is why they work effectively with the coil.

                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • #58

                            Point taken, but the one I have is not like that and there was only one in the drive that I took apart and may be that is why.

                            Has anyone tried bolting with a brass bolt two neo mags S-S or N-N together, I think here is the trick needed to make a motor work. With this config: you have a uni pole magnet with straight flux lines going out from the ends and can reach out to 10 times the lenght of the magnet apart from defying gravity to a certain extent.



                            • #59
                              Reply to Mike:

                              Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post

                              Point taken, but the one I have is not like that and there was only one in the drive that I took apart and may be that is why. Mike
                              Mike, did your magnet come from a hard drive that you took apart? If so, do you remember the brand and approximate age of it? I know that some more recent hard drive models are using a single neo magnet, such as the Seagate hd pictured below.

                              It seems to me, though, that in order to work on the coil, the magnet would need to have both north and south poles on the exposed face. Are you certain that yours is all north, or all south on the exposed face? Even if it is, it will still work - but in a different manner. In MYLOW's last video he is experimenting with an arc magnet from an electric motor, which is configured with north pole on one curved surface, and south on the other, (magnetized through the thickness). See that here:
                              YouTube - magnetic spinning device
                              This configuration also works, and is better as a self-starter as the magnet group enters the stator position, but has strong re-attraction as the group of magnets leave the stator position. This unwanted effect could probably be overcome with effective use of shielding the last magnet in the group.

                              In any event, manufacturers are cutting costs by using thinner magnets and fewer magnets these days. The older hard drive magnets are twice as thick, and twice as strong, so are much preferred if you can find them.
                              It is best to keep the magnet on the backing plate, as they can be easily damaged if you attempt to separate them from the plate. The plate also affords a means of blocking unwanted magnetism, since the magnetic attraction on the undersurface of the plate is very weak - barely enough to hold a paper clip. Of course the plate also affords an easy method for adapting the magnet to be held and positioned by the stator arm.

                              Best regards,

                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • #60
                                It would be best for everyone to get an old type tire ballancer so that the system is in ballance the ones with a bubble inside, then attach the plate to an alternator for that has the bearings already that are meant for spining. Then apply a small voltage to the rotor of the alternator and notice the output from the stator windings, it's that simple okay?


