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Slycell high efficiency solar charging method

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  • Slycell high efficiency solar charging method

    Hi folks, i posted a couple of things in the 'capacitor options' thread and decided this may be important enough to start a thread on. ill post again the pdf file so you folks can understand the process if you have not heard about it. What interests me even more is that other charging sources could be used with this idea, like maybe a purpose built generator i have in mind thats geared down since the generator would only need low rpm's to start charging the cells.

    peace love light
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Basically each battery cell is charged by it's own array of solar panels. Wiring them like that give you the ability to charge a lower voltage cell without disconnecting the batteries. it also eliminates the potential for damaged cells from shorting out the charge current preventing the others from charging as could happen if they were charged in parallel.

    @skywatcher- why not use a multicoil bedini g-field generator with each coil on a bridge rectifier?


    • #3
      Hi redeagle, yes something along those lines the idea of using bridge rectifiers although i was thinking more along the lines of a hugh piggot type aircore generator powered by wind, human or another drive motor to test efficiency that way because unfortunately with the dictatorial style housing (town house) i have solar isnt feasible here.


      • #4
        Correct Spelling.....


        The technology you are looking at is based on US Patent #4,651,080. The inventor is Daniel Wallace. Wallace assigned the invention to John Draper, who began a company named US Energy Partnership, Inc. to promote Wallace's invention under the trade name of SYLCELL.

        Again, by naming the Thread with a misspelling in it, the information gets disconnected from its proper history.

        The increase in charging efficiency using this method is attributed to two main issues. The first is that by connecting the solar cells in groups in parallel, it LOWERS the impedance of an otherwise high impedance source. Then, by charging the batteries in series, it raises the impedance of an otherwise low impedance load. This brings the solar panel and the battery system being charged into a closer impedance balance, for a more efficient energy transfer.

        The second issue is that the solar cells and the battery cells can find a natural balance of charge when connected in the fashion described in the patent.

        If you really want to understand what this method accomplishes, you have to run some experiments yourself, like I have. There is more to this than meets the eye.

        Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

        Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
        Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
        Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


        • #5
          Hi Peter, thanks for making the operation of that invention more clear. Not sure how I came to that wrong spelling, can the thread title be changed? By the way did you run any tests using a different energy source other than solar. Also no disrespect here but in the end does spelling really matter that much, after all i posted the correct pdf and it seems to me all these great technologies have already been disconnected from history or shall we say peoples minds and since the masses cant go out and buy something that doesnt cost an arm and a leg that will last and that reduces there energy costs to close to zero maybe this thread can help a little, spelling aside. I will be testing this out however at this point I'm now wondering what tests to run and the brief explanation you gave should help.


          • #6
            No Disrespect Taken

            Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
            Hi Peter, thanks for making the operation of that invention more clear. Not sure how I came to that wrong spelling, can the thread title be changed? By the way did you run any tests using a different energy source other than solar. Also no disrespect here but in the end does spelling really matter that much, after all i posted the correct pdf and it seems to me all these great technologies have already been disconnected from history or shall we say peoples minds and since the masses cant go out and buy something that doesnt cost an arm and a leg that will last and that reduces there energy costs to close to zero maybe this thread can help a little, spelling aside. I will be testing this out however at this point I'm now wondering what tests to run and the brief explanation you gave should help.

            If you believe that correct spelling doesn't matter, then please feel free to spell words any way you like. My interest has been in the History of Science and of Language, so my bias has been on the side of accuracy.

            Saying that spelling something, like SYLCELL, incorrectly is OK because it is already disconnected from history in people's minds, suggests to me that you are resigned to this condition and feel no responsibility to yourself or others to RECTIFY the situation.

            From my point of view, a sentence is like a circuit, and the words are like the individual components of that circuit. We all know, if you put the wrong component in a circuit, it doesn't work quite right. The same is true of a sentence, or a word.

            The way a language is set up, each word that is spelled differently is designated to convey a different meaning. The idea of "learning a language" is to memorize all of these spelling designations and the specific meanings that are assigned to them.

            Spelling a word incorrectly impedes the flow of meaning into the mind, because the specific meaning reference becomes ambiguous and therefore, slows the process of understanding. If we take this example to its logical conclusion, then all words in a sentence would be misspelled and the conveyance of meaning could stop all together.

            My attempts to RECTIFY the spelling errors in these threads is not the unconscious appearance of some anal-retentive character flaw. Think of it as an engineer would and realize I am only suggesting to you that there is a natural, low impedance manner in which language operates.

            Since my interest is in the conveyance of meaning, I will continue to inject these spelling corrections when I find them. If you find no value in it, please ignore my ramblings.

            As for the SYLCELL circuitry, there is something very unusual about its operation. In particular, if you look at the diagram of the circuit in Figure 3 of the patent, you can see that the circuit that connects battery #13 directly to the solar panel uses wires #32 and #34 and the flow of current is counter-clockwise in that loop. In fact, this is true of each of the inner loops. The interesting thing is, IF this is true, then each of these inner connecting wires (30, 32, 34, 36, and 38) are being asked to convey currents in BOTH DIRECTIONS simultaneously. Since "electron theory" suggests that currents cannot be conveyed in this manner, the question arises, do these inner, parallel connections actually accomplish anything? The inventor says that they enhance the charging of the battery considerably. I say they also illuminate a deeper understanding of the nature of electricity.

            Only duplicating the experiment will show YOU what they do.


            Are there any words here you would like me to misspell?
            Last edited by Peter Lindemann; 03-18-2009, 04:40 PM.
            Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

            Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
            Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
            Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


            • #7
              I understand it? The time of charging the same battery panel reduces from 6 hour to 60 minutes


              • #8
                Letter Sequences

                Peter: I agree with your position. I'm a student of something called the ancient alphabet, in which each letter has a meaning. In this way, the meanings of fundamental words in our language can be understood. For instance, S stands for spiral, and T stands for turn. (In some situations.) So a word which includes the letters S and T would be referring to a spiraling turn. On the other hand, the letters T and S would refer to a turning spiral. It can be seen that these two combinations of letters refer to two entirely different forces. Likewise, the word aether means something different than the word ether. How do you spell this word?


                • #9
                  Hi folks, Hi Peter, no i dont think its ok to intentionally spell a word wrong which was not my intention and my comments were just to convey the weaknesses of language written or spoken in general, if we were speaking to each other in person im sure we would have understood one another much better because of whats lacking in written communication. By all means correct and i dont think your anal-retentive, your a thorough individual who pays attention to detail which we need. Thanks for explaining further your thoughts on the sylcell method, i am setting up some tests now and i wondered about the bi-directional aspect as well because in a couple past tests using nicad cells as the energy source charging nicad cells i was getting short circuits so maybe diodes were needed. Anyway im going to be testing a hugh piggott style generator and im going to wire up branches and use diodes or fwb to tap into nimh battery strings.

                  peace love light

