Originally posted by Joit
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Higher amp batt with lower volts?

EM field beside the Field?

What higher amp battery with lower volts and what about i?
EM field beside what Field? Hunh?

Because you didnt get out Current, you think, it is impossible?
Did you ever put 1 or 2 Coils additional at the Bar, and tried to put more or less or pulsed Voltage for magnetize, and changed the position of the additional Coils?
Only, because there is a steady Field, it doesnt mean, it dont oscillate or cant be made to oscillate.
Did you ever put 1 or 2 Coils additional at the Bar, and tried to put more or less or pulsed Voltage for magnetize, and changed the position of the additional Coils?
Only, because there is a steady Field, it doesnt mean, it dont oscillate or cant be made to oscillate.
What is your problem and why do you feel compeled to put words into my mouth? I do insist on hard data and argumented discussion because anything else ultimately comes to a bunch of amateurs poking wildly in the dark because "maybe they'll stumble upon something". Often they stumble upon something that is common knowledge if you have some expertise but then they make a spectacle about it and make unsubstantiated claims. Other times they maybe indeed stumble upon something but they don't have the knowledge to notice that something is out of the ordinary. Do you see the problem there? I don't say that only professionals should get involved on this kind of projects but I do say that they ought to get at least some basic knowledge of the conventional physics and engineering before they attempt a work of their own. Most people are barely able to make a decent Bedini energizer replica and just a small portion of those people understand principles involved. That's why I am active only on this forum because here I found the least amount of psychos and clueless amateurs and there are some people who have something interesting and argumented to say about relevant topics.
As for the PMH - I never said it is impossible to oscillate the inner magnetic field. I did a great deal of experimentation and I used a number of additional excitation coils. I tried to oscillate the inner field by pulsing it with DC biased AC and by using HF. I also tried to initially energize PMH with AC superimposed on DC (or if you like with DC biased AC). I also made a hollowed holder and tried to put coils inside of it in order for the magnetic flux (if it's circulating and that is IF) to cut through windings so that I could get at least some signal. I tried combining PMH with permanent magnets. I even tried combining two smaller PMH in 3D setup.
So far, the PMH is dead to the outside world. I did notice several odd things that I'm reluctant to discuss before I further test it. I despise making wild claims before I'm reasonably sure I can back them up with hard data. I'm sorry but that's science.
