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Perpetual Motion Holder | Edward Leedskalnin

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  • Originally posted by bistander View Post
    Hi Altrez,

    That device has no material specifications for the steel or iron core. Your intended use depends on the magnetic retentivity of the core and that depends on the metallurgy. That device will certainly have some residual and show the desired effect to some degree. It might be a good way for you to get started experimenting. Try different current. Then some different core steel types.

    Good luck,

    Hello bistander,

    Yeah I did not find any info on the metal but I will try it out in the next few days and see how it works.



    • Originally posted by wayne.ct View Post
      I would guess you will have some success with that, but like bistander said, you won't know till you try it. If it is constructed in such a way that you can take it apart and do some experiments you will learn a lot by trying some changes. The principle behind this is the characteristics of the material in the magnetic circuit. Different metals and the perfection of the junction where the keeper contacts the electromagnet are the independent variables. The wire and number of turns in the coils affect the size of the magnetic charge you can put into the magnetic circuit as does the voltage you apply to the coils. Even without making changes to the hardware you can compare what happens when you give in 12 volts instead of 6.
      Hello wayne.ct,

      I like the idea of trying different voltages. I am not sure if it can be taken apart but i will find out soon.



      • Two primarys
        Two secondarys in series
        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


        • How do you create a sink, a low pressure zone
          Study of creation- physics
          Watch the weather channel

          Why did the tpu stop producing when turned over

          Food for thought
          You dont vibrate it you spin it
          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


          • [VIDEO]]
            At 6:58 the compass rotates
            A compass does not rotate using ac
            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


            • Seems to me Tesla figured out how to get useful energy out of a PMH


              Although, it took me a year to figure out what the simulation, in the post - above, was implying ...

              That two PMHs are involved ...
              1. One has an extremely large mass to its core plus moderately large coils, while ...
              2. The other one has smaller coils and no extension of its core outside of its coils like the first one has.

              This is the foundation of William Lyne's story of Tesla's contribution to some of the German Elektro-U-Boats in WWII, that: "for every two hundred pounds of iron added to his Special Generator, one horsepower was added to its output".

              This is essentially a PMH enhancement to whatever electric generator, or motor, can utilize the benefit of this enhancement.


              • Gravity and How to Extract Energy from out of a PMH

                Edward Leedskalnin (Coral Castle) describes a perpetual motion holder in his writings. I've built one and pretty much know how it works (I think). It is NOT a perpetual motion device by any means, but more like a magnetic version of a capacitor. That, I think, is the best way to describe it. (I never saw this effect demonstrated in grade school or college, which sort of surprises me.) It can be seen demonstrated here:


                and here:

       -- dead link

                (NOT an unknown phenomena....)

                The closest conventional use I could find of an internal, stable magnetic field is the field creation in magnetic core memory toroids.

                My question is: How stable is this field? Would it really last forever, or at least many, many years?

                It seems that it would have less leakage than a capacitor (holding an electric field), so I'm guessing it's holding capacity would be many years. I'm also assuming that nothing is "moving" but a stable configuration of magnetic domains is created by the brief electric field (which can then be removed) which maintains the (internal) magnetic field due to their alignment. Is this correct?

                (NOTE: electric energy can be retrieved from the field by wrapping a coil of wire around the material and breaking the connection. The collapse of the magnetic field induces an electric current which can light a lamp or LED with a brief pulse of current.)
                Since the radius of an eddy current, not the mass holding the magnetic eddy, determines its intensity, time is of no consequence.

                Despite the use of energy to induce a magnetic eddy (and electromagnetic energy is time-dependent), and despite the reverse polarity of an eddy, the eddy itself is not energetic since the duration of electromagnetic inducement is not a factor which alters the storage capacity of a magnetic eddy within Perpetual Motion Holder material. Thus, a magnetic eddy is a force devoid of the component of time rather than an expression of energy (which must include time to have any meaning).

                Thus, to answer your question using mere logical deduction (devoid of experimentation) predicated on what is already known about magnetic eddy currents, the charge in a PMH will last forever.

                The magnetic permeability of the material, and its mass, will merely determine how much force gets transferred to the material from the exterior magnetic field used to induce the magnetic eddy and, thus, also determine how much loss occurs in a transformer core (for instance) whenever electrical energy is attempting to transfer from the primary coil of a transformer to its secondary.

                Magnetic permeability will also determine how much loss occurs when the PMH is broken to release its stored potential.

                Maybe, it would be more common sensical to replace my use of the term: “force” with the more pragmatic term of: “potential energy”?

                Thus, it will be possible to hypothesize that a PMH is converting kinetic into potential energy during its charging and is conversely converting potential into kinetic energy during its release?

                As an aside... A PMH is the simplest confirmation of -- what we've mistaken to be a separate force known as -- gravity generated by the magnetic lock of a hollow planet.

                The radius of a planet (and its magnetic permeability), not its mass, is directly proportional to its gravitational field since the intensity of an eddy current is likewise directly proportional to the radius of a magnetic eddy. This magnetic lock (popularly referred to as gravity) may be jeopardized if the thickness of a planetary, hollow sphere is minimized since capacitance would be enhanced and also if the planet's radius is increased. This increase in capacitance would also raise electrical resistance and, thus, also diminish how much magnetic charge could be transferred to a hollow, spheroidal planetary body upon its magnetization by some external (or internal?) force (at its center of hollowness?).

                The toroidal shape of a core is preferred since the magnetic path is closed, there are no magnetic poles and thus very little external flux. This allows the cores to be packed closely together without allowing their magnetic fields to interact. -- Magnetic-core memory
                So, a Perpetual Motion Holder capable of holding a larger charge would be a magnetizable ring which is very stout and very broad. All that is required is to induce a magnetic field in a PMH at right angles to the direction across the segments of magnetizable mass that we wish to hold together.

                Now, anybody want to guess how any of this could be applicable to resolving the mystery of how did Edward Leedskalnin build his coral castle?

                Or, how about the magnetic force binding an atom's constituent ingredients (of protons, etc) to generate its own pseudo-gravitational force holding itself together in the form of an atomic-sized PMH?

                Wow! My head is swirling.....

                I'll go one step further and stick my neck out even more than I have already...

                If a condition, within a circuit powered by alternating current, could be arranged in which one side of a transformer is composed of high voltage and low current while the other side of this transformer is composed of high current, but no voltage, then we will have constructed a PMH in the area of high current without voltage. This latter area will produce all the current we need, endlessly, provided we maintain one salient feature: that both areas must possess a 180 degree phase shift between the voltage and the current portions of their sine waves at all times.

                Voltage and resistance always coexist. Both may be overcome when current, alone, dominates one section of a circuit. Then, whatever resistance exists within this area becomes, as it were, invisible to current traversing through this area. And without resistance having any impact, a PMH can release its potential energy without ever losing it since there won't be any resistance to convert it into voltage.

                And without any voltage to drop, there isn't any back EMF, either.

                Obviously, then, resistance only applies to positive current. While negative current (aka, negative resistance) is accelerated by resistance rather than impeded by it.

                Or put more succinctly...

                Time is a measure of entropy. It serves no other purpose other than its consequential inverse, namely: backwards time is a measure of negentropy. Without time, eternity replaces change making entropy and its opposing negentropy meaningless.

                EMF is not a dipolar force. It is a monopolar force pre-existing outside of relativity. Only upon its inclusion inside of relativity does it gain a polarity of charges. This is due to its interaction with the two monopolar forces of north pole magneto and south pole magneto. The magnetomotive is a subatomic force while the electromotive is a proto-, or pre-, atomic force. The magneto forces are circular and orbital while the electro forces are linear within the field of the magneto. Outside of the magneto's influence, the electro's linearity has no meaning, nor does it serve any purpose since eternity never goes anywhere it hasn't arrived at already.

                These two monopolar magnets were first brought to the attention of our collective unconscious by Edward Leedskalnin. He said that they travel in opposing directions in a circuit. This would make one of these two forces known to us as “conventional current” flowing in the same direction as the markings on a diode while its opposing force flows in the opposite direction we have designated as the flow of electrons through a circuit. But this condition only exists whenever current and voltage are in phase by zero degrees of separation – particularly affecting A/C circuits.

                But when current and voltage are out-of-phase by 180° of separation, then these two monopolar forces flow in the same direction resulting in negentropy.

                If they were to flow in the conventional manner opposing one another, then entropy is the natural result.

                But if they flow in the same direction, then there is no reason for any resistance to register a drop in voltage. Instead, resistance accelerates their speed.

                This is how to liberate force from out of a PMH without cost since no voltage will ever drop so long as current and voltage are a full 180° out-of-sync.

                Last edited by Vinyasi; 04-27-2019, 12:27 AM.


                • just to add to what you just said,
                  remember that core memory is basically the same thing.
                  they worked out very well how to write and read the magnetic field.
                  read about that version here


                  • Perfect! Thanks...

                    Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
                    just to add to what you just said,
                    remember that core memory is basically the same thing.
                    they worked out very well how to write and read the magnetic field.
                    read about that version here
                    This did it for me. A toroidal shape is a must.


                    • Gravity and How to Extract Energy from out of a PMH

                      Originally posted by Vinyasi View Post
                      Edward Leedskalnin (Coral Castle) describes a perpetual motion holder in his writings. I've built one and pretty much know how it works (I think). It is NOT a perpetual motion device by any means, but more like a magnetic version of a capacitor. That, I think, is the best way to describe it. (I never saw this effect demonstrated in grade school or college, which sort of surprises me.) It can be seen demonstrated here:


                      and here:

             -- dead link

                      (NOT an unknown phenomena....)

                      The closest conventional use I could find of an internal, stable magnetic field is the field creation in magnetic core memory toroids.

                      My question is: How stable is this field? Would it really last forever, or at least many, many years?

                      It seems that it would have less leakage than a capacitor (holding an electric field), so I'm guessing it's holding capacity would be many years. I'm also assuming that nothing is "moving" but a stable configuration of magnetic domains is created by the brief electric field (which can then be removed) which maintains the (internal) magnetic field due to their alignment. Is this correct?

                      (NOTE: electric energy can be retrieved from the field by wrapping a coil of wire around the material and breaking the connection. The collapse of the magnetic field induces an electric current which can light a lamp or LED with a brief pulse of current.)
                      Since the radius of an eddy current, not the mass holding the magnetic eddy, determines its intensity, time is of no consequence.

                      Despite the use of energy to induce a magnetic eddy (and electromagnetic energy is time-dependent), and despite the reverse polarity of an eddy, the eddy itself is not energetic since the duration of electromagnetic inducement is not a factor which alters the storage capacity of a magnetic eddy within Perpetual Motion Holder material. Thus, a magnetic eddy is a force devoid of the component of time rather than an expression of energy (which must include time to have any meaning).

                      Thus, to answer your question using mere logical deduction (devoid of experimentation) predicated on what is already known about magnetic eddy currents, the charge in a PMH will last forever.

                      The magnetic permeability of the material, and its mass, will merely determine how much force gets transferred to the material from the exterior magnetic field used to induce the magnetic eddy and, thus, also determine how much loss occurs in a transformer core (for instance) whenever electrical energy is attempting to transfer from the primary coil of a transformer to its secondary.

                      Magnetic permeability will also determine how much loss occurs when the PMH is broken to release its stored potential.

                      Maybe, it would be more common sensical to replace my use of the term: “force” with the more pragmatic term of: “potential energy”?

                      Thus, it will be possible to hypothesize that a PMH is converting kinetic into potential energy during its charging and is conversely converting potential into kinetic energy during its release?

                      As an aside... A PMH is the simplest confirmation of -- what we've mistaken to be a separate force known as -- gravity generated by the magnetic lock of a hollow planet.

                      The radius of a planet (and its magnetic permeability), not its mass, is directly proportional to its gravitational field since the intensity of an eddy current is likewise directly proportional to the radius of a magnetic eddy. This magnetic lock (popularly referred to as gravity) may be jeopardized if the thickness of a planetary, hollow sphere is minimized since capacitance would be enhanced and also if the planet's radius is increased. This increase in capacitance would also raise electrical resistance and, thus, also diminish how much magnetic charge could be transferred to a hollow, spheroidal planetary body upon its magnetization by some external (or internal?) force (at its center of hollowness?).

                      So, a Perpetual Motion Holder capable of holding a larger charge would be a magnetizable ring which is very stout and very broad. All that is required is to induce a magnetic field in a PMH at right angles to the direction across the segments of magnetizable mass that we wish to hold together.

                      Now, anybody want to guess how any of this could be applicable to resolving the mystery of how did Edward Leedskalnin build his coral castle?

                      Or, how about the magnetic force binding an atom's constituent ingredients (of protons, etc) to generate its own pseudo-gravitational force holding itself together in the form of an atomic-sized PMH?

                      Wow! My head is swirling.....

                      I'll go one step further and stick my neck out even more than I have already...

                      If a condition, within a circuit powered by alternating current, could be arranged in which one side of a transformer is composed of high voltage and low current while the other side of this transformer is composed of high current, but no voltage, then we will have constructed a PMH in the area of high current without voltage. This latter area will produce all the current we need, endlessly, provided we maintain one salient feature: that both areas must possess a 180 degree phase shift between the voltage and the current portions of their sine waves at all times.

                      Voltage and resistance always coexist. Both may be overcome when current, alone, dominates one section of a circuit. Then, whatever resistance exists within this area becomes, as it were, invisible to current traversing through this area. And without resistance having any impact, a PMH can release its potential energy without ever losing it since there won't be any resistance to convert it into voltage.

                      And without any voltage to drop, there isn't any back EMF, either.

                      Obviously, then, resistance only applies to positive current. While negative current (aka, negative resistance) is accelerated by resistance rather than impeded by it.

                      Or put more succinctly...

                      Time is a measure of entropy. It serves no other purpose other than its consequential inverse, namely: backwards time is a measure of negentropy. Without time, eternity replaces change making entropy and its opposing negentropy meaningless.

                      EMF is not a dipolar force. It is a monopolar force pre-existing outside of relativity. Only upon its inclusion inside of relativity does it gain a polarity of charges. This is due to its interaction with the two monopolar forces of north pole magneto and south pole magneto. The magnetomotive is a subatomic force while the electromotive is a proto-, or pre-, atomic force. The magneto forces are circular and orbital while the electro forces are linear within the field of the magneto. Outside of the magneto's influence, the electro's linearity has no meaning, nor does it serve any purpose since eternity never goes anywhere it hasn't arrived at already.

                      These two monopolar magnets were first brought to the attention of our collective unconscious by Edward Leedskalnin. He said that they travel in opposing directions in a circuit. This would make one of these two forces known to us as “conventional current” flowing in the same direction as the markings on a diode while its opposing force flows in the opposite direction we have designated as the flow of electrons through a circuit. But this condition only exists whenever current and voltage are in phase by zero degrees of separation – particularly affecting A/C circuits.

                      But when current and voltage are out-of-phase by 180° of separation, then these two monopolar forces flow in the same direction resulting in negentropy.

                      If they were to flow in the conventional manner opposing one another, then entropy is the natural result.

                      But if they flow in the same direction, then there is no reason for any resistance to register a drop in voltage. Instead, resistance accelerates their speed.

                      This is how to liberate force from out of a PMH without cost since no voltage will ever drop so long as current and voltage are a full 180° out-of-sync.

                      Hi Vinyasi,

                      I notice that your "answer" on the stackexchange has disappeared. It was there yesterday; gone today. What happened?



                      • 4 thumbs down votes sends it to the toilet!

                        Originally posted by bistander View Post
                        Hi Vinyasi,

                        I notice that your "answer" on the stackexchange has disappeared. It was there yesterday; gone today. What happened?

                        Last time I checked yesterday, it was at negative 3 with a warning that one more negative vote will trash it and someone had posted a complaint that it meandered. I agreed with him by claiming that one thing leads to another.

                        I just got off the phone with a friend who wanted to go there and vote for me if it will help. I thought of this yesterday. Maybe I should have posted a request, here, for people to go there and vote to preserve it?


                        • Thanks

                          Originally posted by Turion
                          This thread

                          Post # 18 lays out everything I shared with a process and what you will learn.
                          You've inspired me to improve my circuit simulation of a shorted motor which, due to its removal at Wikimedia Commons and my account at archive dot org, I've gone private with it. But I'm including it the next English edition and in a Spanish translation both of which will be posted, soon, at Amazon....


                          What you did was got me to thinking about the DC portion of my simulation which I didn't think there was any possibility for improvement. But I'm not trained, nor am I experienced, in this field. So, I run strictly on inspiration.

                          I also posted a simulation based on Paul Falstad's simulator which I had worked on a few months ago when I first read your post on this Basic Free Energy Device, but failed to post until now...

                          Nutty PMH ----

                          Thanks, again!


                          • I saw the video and wonder if the effect is used in the way John Bedini has found out that a triggering device will unlock the electromagnetic field by using the energy to charge a battery?
                            I use two stock coils from TeslaGenX in parallel to run a very large sg unit and that is just one circuit board. My machine did run itself and with overunity it charged my house battery bank for inverting.
                            Originally posted by cody View Post
                            I built a little demo to show how easy you can put one of these together. Its a very interesting device to match an interesting man.
                            YouTube - Ed Leedskalnin Magnet

